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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

5:30 pm
elderly afghans seem to know nothing about the changes of the last 30-plus years; when they talk about russia, they still mean the soviet union. russia is a very good country, it is our border neighbor, our good neighbor. there is little time and i had to refuse numerous invitations to visit for tea. i would never have believed it if they had told me that i would be absolutely free to walk the streets of kandahar. kandahar has only recently become so friendly for foreigners. our guide to afghanistan, veteran of the afghan war, oleg ivanovich gontsov, remembers others. those who served here 35 years ago, 40 years ago, they don’t recognize anything at all, the city has completely changed, changed.
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here are the internal sensations, well, let's say, somewhere here in the chest, there is such a feeling, there is, there is, of course, there is, because those who surround us here now, i will say that, well, these are the youth, they i’ve never seen it, but those who are old, they are, they remember us and remember us well, and they weren’t very friends, well, let’s say, they respected us, but they weren’t going to be friends, but how... the islamic emirate of afghanistan won this freedom, in including so that our guests feel calm here. we are very glad to have guests, everyone who comes with good intentions, there is no need to come here with weapons, it is useless. during the presence of our troops in afghanistan, this place in kandahar was perhaps one of the most unsafe. it was called the black
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square, although there is literally nothing from the black color here, but frequent attacks on columns, on individual military personnel, with the use of firearms, mortars and even knives, everything has changed since then, and this one of the safest places in kandahari, where russian journalists feel absolutely calm, an echo of a distant war, in kabul with one of the taliban... we saw a working kalashnikov assault rifle from 1967. there is another rarity in kandahar. soviet russian kalashnikov continues to set records in afghanistan. 1953, in working order. well, the trunk, of course, suffered a little. ah, good, good. the good one speaks. says that even with such a barrel it
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works perfectly, that’s how, guys, people come up from the street after hearing an unfamiliar speech, having learned that many russians ask to be photographed together, on my camera, on my phone, i will never be able to send photographs, but nevertheless, the very fact that we were photographed together, this is the attitude towards us, it’s amazing, practically kandahar.
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well, who can wear such chic shoes, only oriental beauties, as for shoes, it’s already approximately clear, as for clothes, here they are, look how beautiful, of course, a european woman is unlikely to wear this, but afghan women, now we can roughly imagine what they look like at home.
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if it is not he himself who buys the next trousers for every day, but his wife, or two wives, as in this case, karima and dzhemila, the younger one, hid her face and was silent, goes to the market to buy a gift, karima turned out to be talkative. well, i don’t know whether we were lucky or not, because the men who are standing next to me react differently to the fact that i am talking to a woman, however, i managed to persuade her. she told me why she bought such a large amount of fabric, my second wife and i buy fabric for our husband and my six sons, twice i do this every year on holidays, it’s expensive, of course, everything costs about 300 dollars, but it’s necessary, in second place
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after religion, the pashtuns definitely have family, the house is haram, the place is also holy, traditions of blood feuds are strong here, no matter how paradoxical it is, but... perhaps that is why life in the city is so calm and safe. everyone knows that he will pay for his sins against his neighbors in this world in kandagai. we will definitely come back here next time, but for now there is one more long-planned story left. afghanistan was changing before my eyes. i have seen, how the war between the americans and the taliban began here. and how, after 20 years of this war , the taliban took power into their own hands, i can say one thing: the last 2 and a half years have been the calmest time, the fighting has stopped, the streets have become much safer. believe me, my word, this is not a staged story, patrols
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on the streets of kabulul, one of which we met now, is an absolutely normal thing, thanks to these guys who... partially inspire fear in the city quite calmly, under such protection people feel themselves more confident and they had hope that the taliban warriors would win from the worst, this is footage from october 21, then it seemed to me that nothing would change here under the bridge of drug addicts, this is the most dangerous place in kabul, the police visit here regularly. the first taliban raids gave only temporary results: they were caught, treated, released, but the drug addicts returned to their stinking holes again, now time has passed, well, as you can see, the garbage heaps, of course, have not gone away, and the terrible stench
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has not gone away either, but it has been resolved home the problem is, there is no longer a drug camp here, they were all taken out of here. the taliban have destroyed more than a thousand underground drug factories. thousands of hectares of afghan land were cleared of opium poppy plantations. when we met several years ago, you told me that we would achieve the complete eradication of drugs in afghanistan. to be honest, i didn’t believe it then. now i'm just amazed. how did you manage to achieve such amazing success? if we promise, we deliver, we explained to the people through the media information and through the clergy that we would punish for drugs, and after that we began destruction operations. according to the un, you have managed to cope with
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the drug problem in afghanistan by 995%. how accurate is this figure? we are in one of the most closed prison hospitals in kabulul. well, we are actually entering the territory where the wards are located, several thousand people, there are those who will not survive, there are those who
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are gradually emerging from this hell, there are people who are practically healthy, absolutely specialists in all areas, from... computer programming to airplane control in the past, the pilot's name is a name that translates as happiness, he is now forever. the sun is out, they are basking in the sun, each has their own destiny, and how he ended up in this hell, everyone can tell their own story. many people present here complain about doctors, about the administration, and this is understandable, because people are forced. becoming human again, for many it is not an easy task
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to realize oneself as a human again. another heroin addict zahid, now on his ninth for a month he asks to be released to a family that exists only in his fantasies. i have 40 sons and three daughters. for 2 years, this man also used heroin, resulting in homgren and amputation. look, my prosthesis is completely worn out, buy me a new prosthesis. want to try? it's just a mixture of tobacco and lime, instead of cigarettes. this is allowed, it calms me down, but i want to tell you, if you start using drugs, then you begin to destroy yourself very quickly and become part of another world parallel.
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thank you, you too, thank you very much, you too, thank you, get well too, never go on drugs, it’s very bad, you see what they are doing here, now, no home, left my wife, no children, that’s it, nothing , for these people, the drug is very bad, for those who are on the verge of recovery... the administration allows them to work, improve the territory, prepare wards for new
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residents, furnish this entire camp, hard work is not paid for it, the most responsible and stubborn ones are rewarded they are allowed to go outside the gates to work, such happiness can smile no earlier than after a year of compulsory treatment, they are now escorting us to show... wards with seriously ill patients with open forms of various diseases, i don’t know which ones yet, but here is one of the wards, the red zone in our understanding is when you are dressed in a certain suit, which you then throw away, but you feel quite safe in it, there is a mask and gloves, everything, all forms of hepatitis, an open form of tuberculosis, sleeping, non-healing wounds, and with everyone is struggling with this doctors. people in white coats here
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just need to erect monuments. if these people had not been collected from the street and brought here, they would either have died or simply decomposed alive. in the red zone we were accompanied by oleg ivanovich gontsov, a veteran of combat operations in afghanistan. i won’t hide the fact that without his help we couldn’t have filmed it. he might not have gone to the most dangerous place in the camp for this report, but apparently the unshakable rule of the paratroopers worked here too: we don’t abandon our own. according to statistics, only 6% are completely cured of heroin use. drug addict, well, this is a big victory, at least several tens of thousands of afghans can be saved.
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we've been looking forward to this shoot for a very long time. it was difficult for the afghan ministry of internal affairs to organize it. everything that was stored in warehouses in kabul was destroyed long ago. the remains were collected by province. we can say that we will now see the last major drug fire in afghanistan.
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this, this is hashish, it smells like a coniferous plant. this is where it starts. in afghanistan, drug addicts begin their short journey to death, then everything moves on to pills, more severe drugs. yes, please tell me how important this issue is for afghanistan, for the current leadership of afghanistan, the destruction, the total destruction of alcohol and drugs on the territory of the country. bismillah. i will say that we will do everything to ensure that our people are free from absolutely everything that can kill them. as far as i understand, the new leadership of afghanistan is now trying to create a new generation of afghans, without drugs, without alcohol, with faith in god in their country, and if they succeed,
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the rest will only need to follow the example. the taliban destroy everything that can intoxicate a person, supplies from american bases are no exception. this vodka was made in ukraine, guys, you shouldn’t have supplied it to the americans, i’m pouring your vodka on the afghan hashish , british american whiskey, and it’s all on the fire. is subject to total destruction in afghanistan, like this, we try not to deviate from traditions, only our group and our colleagues from afghan television burn drugs, ready, set it on fire.
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it's not safe to stand downwind right now because of the drugs. very caustic, disgusting smoke, from which you can even enter a state of euphoria, oleg ivanovich, even if 10 years ago you were told: that you would stand next to the taliban to destroy drugs, what would you answer to this person? well, i would say that i have seen science fiction writers, but not to such an extent, now it’s all real, so all that remains is to throw up our hands, well, we are leaving afghanistan with the feeling of a job done,
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drugs have just been destroyed before our eyes, but i i think not by one hundred. thousands of dollars, yes, for a large fortune, what the taliban are talking about has real confirmation, behind several thousand kilometers of roads that led to dozens of villages , to unknown stories and acquaintances, ahead is only a new afghanistan, independent, open and free, we we don’t say goodbye, there will definitely be a continuation. hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, black out curtain nox for 659 rubles. we will open treasures at an excellent interest rate, in the branch and online. a reliable foundation.
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of our cruise missiles, a day in the mmf, our correspondents in all russian fleets, we will consider in detail the formidable debutants of the holiday, how much time for hours of the apocalypse,
5:55 pm
ace, my name is asa, i'm 6 years old and i do a fight show. who are the drops? i arrived at the address and picked up the bag. how the writer rodzinsky was robbed of 45 million. what the big officials of the yeltsin era bought into. what are you talking about? there was a transition period, making phone calls. what is a cooling-off period? will it save you from scammers? last supper. in french: why macron turned over the olympic banner released a scene of bearded men in dresses.
5:56 pm
don't miss the big sunday news at 20:00.
5:57 pm
let's translate from clerical to understandable. it's not so scary if you have instructions.
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5:59 pm
this is russia 24. and we continue to talk about the main thing for today: to provide the necessary assistance as quickly as possible to residents whose houses were damaged as a result of a dam break on the kialimskoye reservoir, half a strand has instructed president in the ural federal district vladimir yakushev. the authorities of the chelyabinsk region promised financial assistance in the amount of 2,000 rubles per person. after assessing the damage , there will be more payments for the loss of property, governor alexey teksler has already announced this. the day before, in the background for a long time.
6:00 pm
well, in terms of providing all the necessary assistance, we will continue this work. russian troops of the center group took control of the village of lzovadskoye in the donetsk people's republic. this was reported to the ministry of defense. also in this direction were three enemy counterattacks were repelled. a unit of the group of troops center took active actions to liberate the village of lazovat.


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