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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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maximum destructive, the secrets of the great ustyug: of course i can’t tell you specific numbers, but we will reach european cities, their capitals. it makes no sense to threaten a country with such potential. combat alert, missile attack, launch points. which capitals are under the control of our cruise missiles. navy day. our correspondents are in all russian fleets. let's take a closer look at the formidable debutants of the holiday. what time is it on the apocalypse clock? clinton, followed by bush, obama, trump and finally biden, all of them destroyed the nuclear control system weapons. how will the palace coup end in america? lying kamala haris. lying, lying. and what was the old man in disguise up to? demon, the kitty is gone, meet me! how
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have drones changed during the svo? why are there spears at the front of the network? teach them to destroy other enemy drones! a unique report by alexander rogatkin on the battle of drones. killing the name of the gender dysphoria virus. my son xavier is dead, killed by the awakening virus. who injured elon musk's son? this is vivian jena wilson. i want to say that i'm fine. and why do they sterilize children in the west? asa. my name is eisa, i'm 6 years old and i do fight shows. who are the drops? i arrived at the address and picked up the bag. how the writer radzinsky was robbed of 45 million. what the big officials of the yeltsin era bought into. what is
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a cooling-off period? will it save you from scammers? last supper in french? why did macron turn over the olympic banner and release a scene of bearded men in dresses? don't miss the big sunday news at 20:00! enjoy rolls from the delicious caesar roll with tender chicken in a crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try the caesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or go pick them up in your car. when you're an adult it's so easy.
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they went on a special military operation, they were one of the first, they couldn’t stay away, they called up their homeland, i went, during partial mobilization, as volunteers or by order of the command. this is our job, someone, someone has a different job, we have this job, someone has a job to save people’s lives, we have a job to protect people, the interests of the country, they were assigned complex and dangerous combat missions, they carried them out, every time, risking their lives, were seriously wounded in battles, some
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of them more than once, like you, bro, i say, well, just like that, i say, i have something with my leg, he’s here you say there is no leg, but none of them changed their convictions and... if necessary, they will go to donbass again, they will get into formation, if i had lost two legs, i would still have returned, that is, to the last drop, their tunics are decorated with orders courage and numerous medals for personal merit during the svo, but for them this is not the main thing. the most a valuable reward for me is probably that i have parents, brothers, sisters, friends who have always supported me and will continue to support me. they haven't seen each other for several months. hello bro. everything is fine. two comrades in arms - timur and azamat. how are you?
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they served together in the donbass, in the same company, and became friends there, but fate finally connected them on the battlefield. timur saved. if, god forbid, his artery or some vital organ is damaged, then there is simply no time for delay no, i immediately came running, like you brother, how are you, i remember very well, how are you like that bro, i say, well, just like that, i
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say, i have something wrong with my leg, he says to you there is no leg, the order began to give me first aid, quickly examined it, all the internal organs seemed to be intact, and began to pull it away in the face. the area where the soldiers were on the mission was literally filled with unexploded shells, the zaporozhye direction, there were fierce battles, timur, saving his friend, also like him, he lost his leg, but he dragged me there, and as if he did something there, a couple, well, a few steps, he was blown up by a mini, and we were lying together like that, looking at the sky, well, we thought we had our hopes up after all, that someone will help us, then we are already in the medical, well... then months of struggle for health dragged on, we waited a long time for the wounds to heal, after which we actually had to learn to walk again, already on prosthetics, but now life for both is returning
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to the usual peaceful rut, wife, children, everything is fine, mom, everyone is healthy, everyone is happy that i stayed alive, well, unfortunately it happened that way, but it’s okay, i... i don’t deny myself a full life, i drive a car, i go to the gym, there’s a cafe, nothing, it seems to me, life has even become much brighter . yes, this happened, but we must not be discouraged, under no circumstances, this is our experience. unlike timur, azamat has not yet introduced himself to his family, this is only in plans for the future, so his family and friends were waiting for him at home. they accompanied him to a special military operation. it was very difficult, of course, but he always said: mom, don’t worry, mom, don’t cry, i’m not going to die. yes. i'll be back, mom, i'll be back, here. i still remember his words, my mother cried the most, she was worried, my sister cried, well
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, yes, it must have been so scary, they understood where i was going, well, i said, mom, in any case, i will return home alive, like if it had happened, i came home and lived, azamat left for the donbass in the fall of twenty-two during partial mobilization, in a couple of hours i packed my things and the military registration and enlistment office showed up, my homeland called me up, i went, it’s like, well... the fact that i’m a citizen russian federation, i am obliged to fulfill my, as it were, my duty. there are no military men in their family, alu once dreamed that her son would follow this path, but azamat chose a working profession, and he also played football professionally, until he was sent to the northern military district. now sport is temporarily paused, but not forgotten. the guys told me that in any case you will be with our team, you ’ll be helping on the coaching staff there, and i’m really pleased. that they don’t forget me and know how much i love football, he doesn’t regret what he says, i
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’ve lost myself with this, well, i’ve lost so much, they say that some are this, he says, i don’t regret it, i’m not disabled, i don’t consider myself like that, he says, i’ll come again , i’ll get married, he says, i have a life, you know, when it turns up, he says, i’ll find a good girl, i say, god willing, god willing, son, after i return. home azamat went to work, in his free time he helps volunteers collect humanitarian aid for the northern military district soldiers and advises craftsmen who create various products with their own hands for front. firstly, i would like to hear what comments there will be, right, no, it seems that everything is done according to technology in general, well, and preferably a little more tightly, yes, but otherwise everything is fine, generally super. his chest is now decorated with the order of courage, a high state award for services during a special military operation. he admits that this is a great honor, but there is still something that is more precious to him. the most valuable reward
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for me is probably that i have parents, brothers, sisters, friends who have always supported me and will continue to do so. support, there is my friend, comrade timur, who saved my life, this is generally the greatest reward, roman’s daughter recently turned one year old, the baby is embarrassed by strangers. not into the army, just as not into a military school, that is , i somehow didn’t perceive myself in another field,
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didn’t see it, that is, i always wanted to go into the army, that is, become an officer, after school i applied to the legendary rezansky military school named after margelov, he managed to get in, but not the first time, in 2013 i was selected, well, i didn’t pass some criteria, stayed at another faculty and a year later, instead of... starting, i also stayed to take the exams again and entered the place where i had planned them. after college, he was made a group commander in a special forces brigade and sent on a business trip to the north caucasus. captain zhuraev was there when it began. that is, we, a month later, yes, it was unpleasant for us, the fact that our people there are already engaged in activities, that is, they are all carrying out tasks, and here we feel like tourists. they were transferred to donbass in the spring, from the very first days he and his soldiers... carried out complex and dangerous tasks on the front line, if we had not gone there, they would have come to us, everything is simple, here you
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just need to, i say again, read history to understand everything why, we are not the aggressors, but they made aggressors out of us, there is a saying in their ranks, the worse the conditions, the better, roman jokes, difficulties only stab you, so neither he nor his comrades spared themselves, i received the first wound.. . in the twenty-second year in july in june, well, also on the left foot of the group’s movement he stepped on an enemy mine. pfm one petal. so let's say, well , i was wounded, fortunately everything turned out well, so to speak, with minor bruises, fear there, nothing critical, that day they set out on the next mission, the path ran through a mined field, the soldiers followed the trail one after the other, but the novel did not i was lucky to hit an anti-personnel mine, he says that after such a thing, rarely does anyone survive, he believes
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that only a miracle saved him, his joints quickly recovered, i stood up in formation and began to carry out the task literally. well , a month was enough for me to strengthen my system, well, yes, the leg, the leg reminded me of itself, there was more, no, no, they were in the ankle, when for a long time in the marches it reminded itself, well, over time, everything seemed to pass, it did not interfere with my task, i received a second wound in january of the twenty-third year , also on a mission, this time the captain was hit hard, but while he was conscious, he continued to direct the combat processes, a mine landed one and a half meters from me, that is, all the fragments practically hit my left leg, that’s where i tried help yourself, since the blood suddenly gushed out, i couldn’t even apply a tourniquet to myself, well, luckily i shouted to my friend, he ran up, provided first aid, he was quickly evacuated, taken to
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the hospital and the surgeons managed to operate on time, but they still couldn’t save his leg. already on the fifth day there were, so to speak, bad results, and the leg had to be amputated, after which it so happened that the leg was amputated, they brought me to moscow, rehabilitation and abortion began in moscow, but they did everything quite competently and quickly, they put me on his feet, after the first wound, roman had the opportunity to resign, but he says this was not in his thoughts, he does not plan to end his service now.
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while still in soviet intelligence in afghanistan, he was awarded the order of the red star and for service to the homeland, as well as many medals. evgeniy semyonovich, due to his age in the reserve, heads the lipetsk regional union of fdv officers and combat veterans. they have known roman zhuraev for a long time and communicate regularly. the officers' union also conducts lessons in courage and
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organizes meetings with svo participants. romana are also attracted while he is in lipetsk taking care of his health. recently. electronic with a microprocessor, a good protest, thanks to which i walk well and seem to be not limited in anything, now he is finishing his leave back in the service, his comrades in arms are waiting for him, for whom their commander has become the standard of courage and honor of a russian officer, this our job, someone else has a different job, we have this job, someone has a job to save people’s lives, we have a job
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to protect people, the interests of the country. vladislav buravlev from st. petersburg, now he is in vacation, he and his wife anastasia are relaxing in moscow. they had been friends since childhood and dated for a long time, and got married after vladislav, a member of the northern military district, was hospitalized with a serious wound. he had a very difficult operation, and after that, when he was already on the mend, that is , the time for rehabilitation came, that is, i was constantly with my husband and we were always in touch every hour. and naturally, support, everything i could, i gave everything, everything, because well, this is the most dear person in my life, this is the most precious thing i have it, how could it be otherwise. he left for donbass in the fall of twenty-two. after partial mobilization was announced in the country, i did not wait for the summons, i came to the military registration and enlistment office voluntarily. i couldn’t stay away, at the time when i went
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on a special military operation, 17 of my comrades had already died by that time, and i couldn’t leave alone the thought that i seemed to be sitting out behind their backs. vlad's military specialty is a reconnaissance corpsman, so the main task was to carry the wounded from the battlefield, provide give them first aid and prepare to be sent to the hospital. during the year that he served in the donbass,
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he saved the lives of several hundred soldiers. the reward is probably not only mine, but also my auction team’s, eh, because alone, i would be able to provide medical assistance, but i wouldn’t be able to carry the guys out under fire, eh. in general, that the medal for saving the dead, that the order of courage is for carrying out multiple evacuation and - the command noted, in fact, at the end of november last year he commanded the next evacuation, in the process he blew himself up and he already needed help, the force of the explosion and... the amount of explosives, they did not allow the doctors, that is, they did not leave any chance for the doctors, surgeons to leave the leg, that is, the foot
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was completely crushed and there was already a question of whether to save me completely, well that is, save me with a leg amputation or not save me at all. vladislav was fitted with a prosthesis, which, as he says, he has already become accustomed to, so much so that when walking this new feature manifests itself...
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- admits victoria parkhomenko. everyone should do their job well with soul, then, in principle, everything will be fine for everyone. the guys protect us well, thank them very much, and we are obliged to amuse them, well, so that they can rest their souls, this is our job, this. in this situation, it is even our duty. the initiative took root, and volunteers took over the organizing moments. they clarify the repertoire and invite svo bots, those who are undergoing treatment,
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undergoing rehabilitation, or... just on vacation, as the guys themselves said, i heard this from someone, from one of the guys, the best rehabilitation is socialization, here we are we try guys this way - to believe again into themselves, to make them not be afraid of society, to make them believe in themselves, that they are the same as they were, many come with their relatives, put on their tunics, everyone is wearing medals and orders, someday in many years their grandchildren will also come go to the theater to watch documentary stories. already about them, the heroes of a special military operation.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we are doing one thing. the same work, the same tasks, i will become traction, my record 285, i couldn’t sit because i was in normal shape, well, salamati, one alone, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there 5 -6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we are wondering, what is a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception? without a flint, i was imprisoned in flints , a pen, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live. without travel, flint,
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he does not need a pen, whoever has flint in his pocket, soon, israel will respond to the attack on the dutch heights, where , according to updated data, 12 children and teenagers were killed, they will make the hezbollah movement pay for it. unprecedentedly high price. this statement was made by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is urgently returning from the united states. israeli television claims that netanyahu managed to receive the green light from the us administration for a major operation against the hezbollah movement and its allies in lebanon. the israeli ministry of defense has already notified that it is preparing to respond based on intelligence that the missile was fired from the south of lebanon from a hezbollah position. and the israeli foreign ministry.


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