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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, israel will respond to a strike on the dutch heights, where, according to updated data, 12 children and teenagers were killed and... makes the hezbollah movement pay for this at an unprecedentedly high price. this statement was made by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is urgently returning from the united states. israeli television claims that netanyahu managed to receive the green light from the us administration for a major operation against the hezbollah movement and its allies in lebanon. the israeli ministry of defense has already notified that it was preparing to retaliate based on intelligence that the rocket was fired from the south of lebanon from a hezbollah position. and the israeli foreign ministry. stressed that
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israel is close to a full-scale war with hezbollah and lebanon, even though tehran has officially condemned the attack on the civilians and hezbollah has denied any involvement. according to the latest idf data , 40 rockets were fired at the dutch heights, one of them exploded on a football field where children and teenagers were playing. according to the idf, it was a falak-1 missile, iranian-made from the arsenal of the hezbollah movement. 12 people died, more. were wounded, according to media reports, a meeting of the israeli military cabinet will take place on sunday, at which a final decision may be made on the start of the idf ground military operation in lebanon. shocking footage of an israeli air raid on a girls' school came from the gaza strip. according to journalists, 36 people were killed and 100 people were injured. according to the palestinian authority, the attack on the khadija school in the central part of the strip was carried out four missiles. inside were residents
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of northern gaza who found temporary shelter in the school. a representative of the enclave's civil defense service also reported that israel carried out another airstrike on a hospital in the deir el-balah camp, killing three dozen people there. powerful streams of water destroyed houses, cars, livestock and crops after a dam broke in the chelyabinsk region. presidential plenipotentiary envoy to the ural federal district vladimir yakushev instructed to provide the necessary assistance as quickly as possible.
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structures are the basis of hydraulic engineering structures, a section of the dam with a length of 100 m was washed away literally to the base, the reservoir, which held up to 6 million cubic meters of water, was practically drained, all this water rushed into the village of kiolim, two more settlements were in the risk zone, but large water did not reach them. everyone worked promptly and the residents themselves showed, let’s say, efficiency in resolving all issues; they managed to evacuate everyone. there are several deployed in karabash. guards and united russia, specialists young volunteers responded to help they are inspecting the destruction, helping with the delivery of food and humanitarian aid, the most important thing is that we have no casualties. accordingly,
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all rescue efforts were organized in a timely manner. the operational headquarters is already calculating the damage. residents of flooded houses will receive compensation. it is being worked on in parallel. the issue of restoring the dam at the okeolim reservoir. however, emergency work will take place in other areas of the southern urals. due to heavy rainfall , a concrete bridge in the village of mikhiriya was demolished. a high alert regime is in effect in several areas region. kirill bortnikov, nikolay starostin, gennady lugnov, lengalyaeva, conduct the chelyabinsk region. russian troops of the center group took control of the village of lazovatskaya in the donetsk people's republic. this was reported. defense, also in this direction three enemy counterattacks were repelled. a subdivision of the group of troops-center with active actions liberated the village of lazovadskoye of the donetsk people's republic. in addition, formation 323, 151 mechanized,
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first air assault, 59 motorized infantry, sixty-eighth infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of toretsk, ivanovka, ukrainsk, novgorodskaya, shcherbinovka and... dynamo and lokomotiv are rolling into the new season with new hopes and noticeably younger squads. if the railway workers deliberately parted ways with the leaders, then the blue and white are waiting for the return of the legionnaires and... the derby of broken hearts, dynamo moscow missed out on gold in the last round of the championship, and the locomotive
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did not even reach the top three. loko starts the game quickly, but scores first dynamo. forgotten by everyone on the penalty line, luka gognidze beautifully spins the ball into the top corner after a free kick. even before the transfer , i decided that i would hit. i haven't trained shots like this, but it turned out well. i didn’t hear the ball fly into the goal, but i saw the reaction of people in the stands and i knew it was a goal. lokomotiv responds to the missed ball with a shot into the goal frame. and closer to the break, sergei penyaev, having run half the field, rolls towards dmitry vorobyov. the forward scores in the second game in a row to equalize the score. second half the meeting begins with furious attacks of the red-greens. the home team is helped out by lunev and shtanga. lokomotiv is a fast and active team, but it’s good that we scored more. dynamo , in a counterattack, earns
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a corner instead of a penalty, but even this much safer standard, marcel lička’s team ends up with a goal. milan majstorovic put the ball into the net . lokomotiv tries to save the game with substitutions, but dynamo sensed it.
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over the hay, which social network users recognized as the horseman of the apocalypse, a disgusting parody of the last supper, a monumental a mural by leonard dovinci that depicts the scene of christ's last meal with the apostles, only here, a flabby naked man and a transvestite in the leading roles. in turn, the russian orthodox church expressed solidarity with those millions who felt insulted yesterday. this was stated by the deputy chairman of the synodal department for relations between the church and society. the olympics, which, unlike this one, included sports and culture. many in europe are already seriously thinking about political asylum in russia. world reaction to the opening of the games in paris was collected by
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alexey konopko. they decided to make everything unusual in this ceremony. a river instead of a stadium, boats for parade athletes, the culmination is not at all in the lighting of the torch. islam? there is no image of people in islam, otherwise nothing would have stopped the like-minded people of charlie hebdo. holy, nothing, and regardless of faith. furious at this outrageous insult to jesus and christianity, what do you think about this as christians?
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paris received angry comments even with the birthplace of the lgbt agenda, senator marco rubio quotes message of jude. in the last times there are scoffers who walk according to their own ungodly lusts. elon musk, who lost his son due to aggressive trans propaganda, could not stay away. this was extremely disrespectful to christians. but even those accustomed to such propaganda did not appreciate the curtseys in paris by their senior overseas comrade. european journalists, i ask russia to give me asylum, i don’t want to be part of this shit show, why russia, it’s clear from the video next door, sochi and paris, just something 10 years have passed, with a beard with a woman’s breasts and protruding genitals, this was also on the air, the action was just beginning, a child was seated at the same table, which fits well into the context, they are hosting a convicted pedophile, the dutchman vandeveld, at these games? will play beach volleyball and shake hands. we will remember these transgressions, in 10
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years either they will become commonplace and will not shock anyone, or, on the contrary, they will be perceived as an indicator of decline in 2024, and that it was necessary to turn back the clock. on against this general background, the french’s ridicule of their own history even somehow faded. the severed head of marie antoinette spoke from the windows of the conservatory, where the queen once awaited her execution. and the guard had to dance to techno, above all this, reminiscent of the revelation of john the theologian, a pale horse flew, directed by tama zhali, his life partner is also called tama, the corresponding trend artist has many strange decisions. also, however, it was not a grand piano, but a piano, that the british air force pilots lived during the second world war, in memory of their fallen comrades, the british lenon would hardly have understood the find; the pilot was modern.
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complete admiration, the orthodox greeks just let us down. the olympics were used for political messages because 8 billion people could watch it, as the father of propaganda joseph goebbels said, repeat, repeat, eventually something will remain.
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and only 32 russian and belarusian athletes, who not only had a flag, but even their presence
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was banned, missed the ceremony, of which snoopdog seemed to be perhaps the most adequate participant. alexey kanopko, anastasia serikova and andrey netreba, lead. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. let's look, look. this year marks the 80th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between russia and syria; they were established on
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july 26, 1944. our countries have a lot in common and the syrians can fully... the history of relations between russia and syria has a long, generally very positive history: in 1980 , an agreement on friendship and cooperation was signed between our countries; during
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the cold war, the syrian regime and the then-current president hafez al-assad, the father of the current president bashar, always supported the soviet union. we developed not only military-technical, economic, industrial, but cultural ties, in particular, we made films together, and a film, for example, about shaherizade, was also made in cooperation with the syrian republic, regarding this intriguing story with the establishment of diplomatic relations between the soviet union and syria.
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information in moscow, in cairo, too, there was no information at the embassy, ​​he instructed him to receive the embassy adviser solada , named sovat, our soviet diplomat, but ataki categorically refused to talk with the adviser, saying that he only needed a meeting in person with the ambassador, he had a highly important assignment of a confidential nature, he was received by nikolai vasilyevich noyuk, so give him the best of luck. stated that he was authorized by the syrian government to inform a high-level representative of the soviet union that syria would like to establish diplomatic relations with the soviet union, this was accepted, therefore, with gratitude, but this presupposed a meeting at a higher level, not just at the level of a member of parliament, at
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the level of the minister of foreign affairs of the then syria, or one of the members of the government. it was agreed that nikolai vasilyevich would make a trip to syria, the then people's commissar molotov gave a positive answer, and upon receipt of this answer on july 26 , diplomatic relations between syria and the soviet union are considered established. it must be said that the middle east region during the cold years wars now, and in general, from a historical perspective, have always played a very important strategic significance, therefore the middle east during the cold war was a place of rivalry between various forces, and the united states of america, as part of its leadership policy, sought to project power into
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this region very harshly opposed those states that were not ready to let in militarily. contingents or support israel, which is friendly to the united states, for example, the syrians were not ready to do this. syria at one time refused join the baghdad pact, which was proposed by the united states of america. after the yom kippur war, syria broke off relations with france and great britain, syria supported egypt, and this, of course, could not but irritate the united states of america. syria has always maintained a strict anti-israeli policy. moreover, hafez assad saw himself as the leader of the arab front of resistance against the united states of america. israel, and this naturally pushed towards rapprochement with the soviet union, which in turn laid down a negative foundation in relations with the united states
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of america. after the end of the cold war, for some time relations in the region were left to their own devices, which led to... to a surge in terrorism, including after the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, and then the eleventh year is the arab spring, within the framework of the old logic, the united states of america wanted to support all anti-government protests, and there were a whole series of these protests, tunisia, then egypt, bahrain, they affected libya and syria, and the syrians opposed the american support. government uprisings, they were supported by the russian federation. it must be said that the very stake of the united states of america on supporting anti-government
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movements did not work, neither in egypt, where the muslim thieves subsequently won as a result of parliamentary elections, nor in tunisia, this did not lead to the stabilization of political regimes, it did not lead to economic prosperity , nor to political stability, this generally led.
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the fact is that the united states, for not even a single decade, is quite jealous of the authority that the russian federation managed to maintain in the arab region against the background of the authority that existed earlier in the period. existence of the soviet union, for some period of time they had the illusion that they were able to independently, with the help, perhaps, of western junior partners, resolve all conflict issues in the region and, in particular , liquidate this islamic state of the levant, but the fact is that it turns out that they created a coalition of more than 50 states in formally participated in it. they carried out some kind of military operations, they even carried out missile and bomb strikes from time to time at the points of deployment of these gangs of egilovites, but
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there was no result, the islamic state, in fact, existed, was, especially this combat unit was formed not from the syrians, and not even from the arabs, there were arabs, indeed many from other countries, there were afghans, there were...
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islamism is pseudo-islam, which is used for political purposes. islamists say exactly that. profess the right islam, but their deeds, brutal murders, including people of the book, christians, jews, muslims, who, in their opinion, are not true believers, as well as the destruction of the shrines of islam, indicate the opposite, as a result, i have been to damascus, including literally on the eve of these events, there at the end of the 2000s, and when on television... they told me where the isis fighters were, it was obvious to me that the regime was on the eve of collapse, i know damascus quite well, in any case case, the central part of damascus,
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when they told me where the isis units were located and where the battles were taking place, i understand that there was really a threat hanging over the very existence of the syrian arab republic, they not only destroyed many - houses, temples, violated the most ancient monastery, the most ancient convent, the holy church or in russian thekla, who is she, and this is the first and only disciple of the apostle paul, she fled from damascus from her pursuers and there in a gorge she found a shelter in which she escaped from persecution and there she founded the very first it’s like a women’s monastery, these nuns were captured by these wonderful isis people in quotes, the story is so dark, but as far as i know, it was successful, because the isis people are for sale, they need to get money for everything, they received the money and gave these hostages. enormous
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destruction, for example, in the city of aleppo, which is considered the largest city in syria, the northern capital, it is called, as we call it peter, and even the most ancient islamic monuments, the amiyad era, mosques, and minorets were not spared. all this is broken, and the fact that the americans could not do anything, but can they didn’t want to be, because they don’t want to, to this day this olovite one continues to exist, it’s also a quasi-shiite regime, it’s a sect in islam quite close to the shiites, the regime of bashar assad, in many respects it categorically does not suit the americans, both americans under obama, and
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under trump, and under. in this sense , we can say that syria, having withstood this wave of discontent, acted strategically correctly; it must be said that in the early stages of the conflict , syria was even excluded from the arab league states, and then, when it became clear that the bashar al-assad regime would survive, it was accepted back into the league of arab states, and russia, traditionally supporting syria, spoke out. in support of political stability, opposed islamic radicalism , especially against isis, and here, of course, in a certain sense, our interests in stabilizing the region came into conflict with american interests, which, within the framework of the ideas of gene sharp , tried to create controlled chaos in the middle east in order to to
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gain control over... to be able project their military power by creating armed bases and controlling puppet governments. i would draw attention to the double game that the americans are playing in syria; in particular, they managed to attract people to their side. kurds, syrian kurds, this is also about 10% of the population, now, apparently, even more, these kurds, they are on the one hand, syrian kurds, this is the hasiki region, rayonazor, this, by the way, is the region, the oil-bearing regions of syria, they are on one side the parties fought with isis, fought very bravely and did not allow the spread of this islamist plague
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to... mechanical in those ancient times when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but they would...


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