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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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they went on a special military operation, one of the first, they couldn’t stay away, their homeland called, i went during partial mobilization, as volunteers or by order of the command, this is our job, someone else has a different job, we have this work, someone has a job to save people’s lives, we have a job to protect people, the interests of the country, they were entrusted with complex and dangerous combat missions, they carried them out every time, risking their lives, they were...
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the most valuable reward is for me, probably because i have parents brothers, sisters, friends who have always supported me and will continue to support me, they haven’t seen each other for several months, yes, great, bro, dear, how are you, everything is fine, their
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comrades timur and azamat, how’s my health, but nothing, little by little, thank you, yours, as they served together in the donbass, in the same company, they became friends there, but fate finally connected them on the battlefield, timur saved azamat’s life, while he himself was wounded, which almost became fatal for him, really, here he is my husband is alive, indeed, i simply have no more words, now after several operations, hospital treatment and recovery, friends remember their shared experiences. we were retreating from the position, i heard an explosion from behind, well, i heard the screams of the azomat, i didn’t even think that i needed to stop there, think about something, because i knew if he was wounded, then he would start screaming if god forbid his artery or some vital organs are damaged, then there is simply no time for delay, i immediately came running, like you, brother, well, how are you, i remember very well how you're so bro, i i say, well, just like that.
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well, a few steps away he was blown up by a mini and we were lying together like this, looking at the sky, well, we thought we were still hoping that someone would help us, then we were already in the medical, well, there we had a medical forest belt, we were sort of there we met him, the two of us lay under a drip in the forest, then months of struggle for health dragged on, we waited a long time for the wounds to heal, after which we actually had to learn to walk again using prosthetics. but
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now the lives of both are returning to their usual peaceful rut. wife, children, everything is fine, mom, everyone is healthy, everyone is happy that i survived, well, unfortunately, this happened, but it’s okay, i live a full life, i don’t deny myself anything, i drive a car, i go to the gym there, a cafe, nothing, nothing, well , it seems to me that life has even become much brighter, yes, it happened, but you can’t be discouraged. no way, this is our experience. unlike timur, azamat has not yet introduced himself to his family, this is only in plans for the future, so his family and friends were waiting for him at home, and they accompanied him to a special military operation. it was very difficult, of course, but he always said: “mom, don’t worry, mom, do n’t cry, i’m not going to die, i’ll be back, mom, i’ll be back, these are his words, i still remember, mom cried the most, she was worried.”
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i cried, well, yes, it must have been so scary, they understood where i was going, well, i said, mom, i will return home alive in any case, how could it have happened, i came before... and sending to the northern military district. now sport is temporarily paused, but not forgotten. the guys told me that in any case you will be with our team, you will be helping on the coaching staff there. and i'm straight to me it’s very nice that they don’t forget me and you know how much i love very strong football.
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he doesn’t regret what he says, i’m like this, well , i lost my leg, some say this, he says, i don’t regret it, i’m not disabled, i don’t consider myself that way. he says, i ’ll come back, i’ll get married, he says, i have a life, you know, as it turns up, he says, i’ll find a good girl, i say, god forbid, god forbid, son, after returning home, azamat went to work, in his free time he helps volunteers collect humanitarian aid for svo fighters and advises craftsmen who create various products for the front with their own hands, in the first place i would like to hear what comments there will be, right, no, his chest is now decorated with the order of courage, a high state award for services during a special military operation, it is recognized that this is a great honor, but still there is something that is more precious to him. the most valuable reward
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for me is probably that i have parents, brothers, sisters, friends who have always supported me and will continue to support me. there is my friend, comrade in arms timur, who saved my life, is generally the greatest reward, roman’s daughter recently turned one year old, the baby is embarrassed by strangers, but in the arms of her father, a holder of the order, she has courage, feels confident, she was born after the guard captain zhuraev went to fulfill his military duty in the donbass, my personal motivation, we all have children, we all want... children to grow up under a peaceful sky, so to speak, so that nothing would bother them, since childhood he dreamed of becoming an officer, well, he wanted my homeland to protect to love, so to speak, it’s prestigious, where else to go if not to the army, if not to a military school, that is, i somehow
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didn’t perceive myself in another field, i didn’t see it, that is, i always wanted to go to the army, that is to become an officer, after school he applied to the legendary. margelov military school, he managed to enroll, but not the first time. in 2013, i was selected, well, i didn’t pass according to some criteria, i stayed at another faculty, and a year later, instead of taking a vacation , i also had to take the exams again and entered the place where i had planned them. after school, he was made a group commander in a special-purpose brigade and sent on a business trip to the north caucasus, where captain zhuraev was also when the northern military district began. we are a month later and it was unpleasant for us that our people were already engaged in activities there, that is, they were carrying out all the tasks, but we here felt like we were exhausted, they were transferred to the donbass in the spring, from the very first days he and his soldiers carried out difficult tasks on the front line and dangerous tasks, if we had not gone there, they would have come to us,
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everything is simple, here you just need to, i say , read the story again and understand everything for what uh. we are not the aggressors, but they made us into aggressors. there is a saying in their ranks: the worse the conditions, the better, roman jokes, difficulties only strengthen them, so neither himself nor his comrades spared themselves. i received my first wound in the twenty-second year in july, in the month of june, well, also on my left leg, the coastal movement of the group stepped on an enemy pfm mine, one petal, so to speak, well, i was wounded, fortunately everything worked out - one might say light scary bruises there, nothing critical. that day they set out on their next mission, even if it ran through a mined field, the soldiers followed along the path, but the novel was unlucky to hit an anti-personnel mine, he says that after this, rarely does anyone survive,
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he believes that only a miracle saved him, his joints quickly recovered, that’s it, i got into formation and began to carry out the task further, literally, well , a month was enough for me to get stronger and get into formation, well, yes, the leg, the leg reminded me of itself there no, no, they were in the ankle for a long time over the course of time on the marches, she reminded of herself, well, over time, everything seemed to pass, it didn’t stop me from completing the task, i received a second wound... in january of the twenty-third year, also on a mission, this time the captain was seriously hurt, but while he was conscious, continued to direct the combat processes. the mine landed one and a half meters away from me, that is , all the fragments practically hit my leg, my left one, and that’s where i tried to help myself, as the blood was gushing out sharply, i couldn’t even apply a tourniquet to myself, well... fortunately i shouted to a friend, he ran up, provided
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first aid, he was quickly evacuated, taken to the hospital, and the surgeons managed to operate on time, but it was still not possible to save the leg, already on the fifth day, so to speak, bad results began, and the leg had to be amputated, after which it happened, the whole leg was amputated, they brought me to moscow, rehabilitation and abortion began in moscow. well, they did everything quite competently and quickly, they put me on my feet. after the first wound, roman had the opportunity to go to resignation, but he says this was not in his thoughts, he does not plan to end his service now, i am doing my job, that’s all, that is, who, if not me, that is, some young guy will go instead of me, when i am already trained, that is my homeland has invested some money in me, it has already trained me, that is, i took the oath, that is, i should have already lost...
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with an impulse and with a purpose, despite the fact that he received such a serious wound, he copes with your task. evgeny chunosov is a legend himself, he served in the soviet intelligence service in afghanistan, he was awarded the order of the red star and for service to his homeland, as well as many medals. evgeniy semyonovich, due to his age in the reserve, heads the lipetsk regional union of fdv officers and combat veterans. with roman zhuraev. they have known each other for a long time and communicate regularly, the officers' union also conducts lessons in courage,
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organize meetings with their members, roman is also involved while he is in lipetsk taking care of his health, he recently received a new prosthesis, an electronic, expensive gift from a caring person who supports russian fighters, somehow he came to me, like i was doing a protest, we were doing a protest in the line of rock, you know, i was familiar with them, of course, i was like, yeah, right? i know, i know, come on, we’re ready, damn it, to supply you with a good partez, high-quality, you agree, he’s like that, well, of course, who will refuse this, so he paid for the prosthesis, and a modular electronic one with a microprocessor, good protess, thanks why am i walking well and no matter how limited i am in anything, now he is finishing his leave back to work, his comrades are waiting for him, for whom their commander has become the standard of courage and honor of a russian officer. this is our job, someone, someone has another job, we have this job, someone has a job to save people’s lives, we have
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a job to protect people, the interests of the country. vladislav burovlev from st. petersburg. now he is on vacation, vacationing in moscow with his wife anastasia. they had been friends since childhood and dated for a long time, and got married after vladislav, a member of the northern military district, was hospitalized with a serious wound. it was a very complicated operation and after that well, he was already on the mend, that is , the time for rehabilitation had come, that is, i was constantly with my husband and we were always in touch every hour, and naturally support, everything i could, i gave everything, everything, because well, this the most dear person in my life, this is the most precious thing i have, how could it be otherwise, he left for donbass in the fall of twenty-two, after partial mobilization was announced in the country, he did not wait for the summons. i came to the military registration and enlistment office voluntarily, i couldn’t stay away at the moment when i went
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for a special military operation, and 17 of my comrades had already died by that time, and i was haunted by the thought that i seemed to be sitting behind their backs. vladislav worked, studied, received a higher legal education, and although students were given... time off, he took an academic leave from the university, said goodbye to his work colleagues and went to the front to help his own. two months after i went to mobilize and... it was to carry the wounded from the battlefield, to provide reconnaissance as a medic, so the main task give them first aid and prepare to be sent to
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the hospital. during the year that he served in the donbass, he saved the lives of several hundred soldiers. the reward is probably not...
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me completely, that is, saving me from the amputation of my leg or not saving me at all. vladislav was fitted with a prosthesis, to which, as he says, he has already become accustomed, and so much so that when walking, this new feature manifests itself only as a slight awkwardness, this happens when a person rubs his foot a little with his shoes, well , probably, if the loss of a leg were here, in peaceful times conditions, it would be worse, but i i understand for... that i gave it up and for the lives of other guys, and this gives me strength, plus the feeling of life after the war is much brighter, and i want to enjoy every day i live, comrade
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of the guard, captain, special reconnaissance group that has arrived. the order is being prepared for lights out. in the moscow theater, vse volodoshelovsky's studios are finishing the season. they are performing the play don't leave me, based on the play by playwright alexei dudarev. it is based on the event of 1944, a year before the end of the great patriotic war. a documentary military ballad about sacrifice, love and victory. the director clarified that he dedicated his production to the hero of today. the word hero, these are people who know how to fight and can, it’s scary to say, give their lives for russia, for our homeland, this should be a holy commandment for all young people,
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when i meet them, they come to the play, when they laugh, there is a stone in the air... then, in principle, everything will be fine for everyone, the guys protect us well, thank them very much, and we are obliged to amuse them, well, so that they can rest their souls, this is our job, in this situation, it is even our duty. the initiative took root, and the organizing moments were taken over by volunteers, they refine the repertoires and invite soldiers of the north military district, those who are undergoing treatment,
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undergoing rehabilitation or are simply on vacation, as the guys themselves said, i’m from one of the guys... i heard, the best rehabilitation is socialization, so we try to guys in this way, to believe in themselves again, to make them not be afraid of society, to make them believe in themselves, that they are the same as they were, many come with their families, put on breastplates, all wearing medals and orders; someday, many years later, their grandchildren will also come to the theater to watch documentary stories about them, the heroes of a special military operation.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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this is my favorite, we are the same, you and i are brother. arkop and kasatka. our guys, by the way, these stars, were the first to destroy tanks under watch. growth has been achieved, the goal has been achieved. us at home, seil until the next flight, the second tank we hit, in principle, it detonated from the first, from the first shot, i trained as a systems engineer, worked for 3 years in my profession and then i went into business, my mother told me that my grandfather had died, of course, he conveyed his last words that he was proud of me, so that i never wash myself of anything, everything will always work out for me, the most difficult thing in our work is probably the responsibility, which is probably more oppressive. rather than something else, in my mind there is no small victory, there is a common big victory, i am a globalist, you are already finished with the flag russia to kiev, well, then this
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will be the goal, we’ll all cross ourselves and go home, because good and evil always cannot get along together, no, no. in this chapel, built in honor of the holy prince alexander nevsky at the foot of the kurgan, saura mogila, people offer prayers for the lives of those who serve the fatherland. the small temple is a symbol of hope and faith that the war will end, the tears of loss will stop, and peace will come. military units in the special operation zone are named after saints as designations. are you familiar with military personnel of the volunteer brigade named after the blessed prince. for example, a punk rocker and
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a fashion model, who exchanged a carefree metropolitan life for the trenches of dugouts, became a seasoned warrior and a platoon commander and in piwi drones, among his hit targets were two destroyed tanks. we talked with the soldiers, found out what their mood was, how the enemy behaved near a strategically important city , and what new technologies the local kulibins were coming up with. ideally, four is not three, the more, the more interesting, keep it, turn it on. select, that's it, there is sound, accepted, accepted, by the usual route, ready, shelter, these are my current drop points, under my command, this is a uav combat company,
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which is engaged as a wing, reconnaissance, and, therefore, kamikada drones, also drones that conduct reconnaissance and make drops, in over the course of two years, all this has been modernized, and as it is now called the service, this includes the rep department, the rr department, we are now trying to move in the direction of kamikaze aircraft, which have an increased range, now increased. we are this we are engaged in work, it is going quite successfully for us, so soon all this will be used right here literally soon, and we are independently developing a reb, we can say that we have our own rr, that is , we have specialists of this level, they serve in the alexander nevsky brigade fighters who have
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this contract are not the first in the northern military district zone. in a small workshop, craftsmen set up the production of new equipment for the advanced ones. engineers manage to assemble several fpv drones per day, if all the components are available to manufacture a new model it takes a month and a half. we have a race going on, one might say, because the enemy is also not standing still, everyone is trying to develop something in their own, as even in the rebbe, for example, because every day new frequencies appear, yes, on which you need to fly, the enemies fly at new frequencies, we have to invent a new rap for this, in very short terms. terms, for example, the enemy flies, they have some other rap, we have to create our own frequencies for this, for this reason there is an arms race, roughly speaking, we we’re just trying not to stand on par with them, but to somehow surpass them, the front is big, everyone has come up with something new somewhere, for this we have to learn a lot, we’ll also master 3d modeling now, because it’s an integral part of our given work, because it allows us to create some spare parts, something new,
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so... here yes, here it comes more to work mentally, like this, to amplify the receivers with repeaters, well, try to somehow deceive a lot of things the enemy, in this case, it seems to me, the uav is one of the most important structures in the current war, because we cannot do it with just one assault, these are big losses, the same machine gunner who is sitting there can take a lot, and if he finds him in the piyodro, we will take him without losses , that’s why there’s more of a technology war happening now. in general, i’m a lover of everything new, that is, i’m constantly learning, that is, i don’t have such a thing that i stop there for at least a day, all the time i read something, i was just engaged in modeling, i was interested, i also in the sixteenth year i bought my first printer, in fact, when i was in a famous musical group, the man who invited me here was our commander, so he found out about it, i showed him the group and what we were doing, so he
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invited to work, well, that is... not everything i love, but for now this is what i do together, in general i am a very good it specialist, basically now i have started to model a lot, we are developing new types of beupal ourselves, that is, we are implementing , that is, then we look, we have a person here there is one who was engaged in aircraft modeling, we kind of consult with him, i’ll say i printed it out, he then assembles it, we stitch it, then they go to test it all, there are ideas, but i won’t voice some of them yet, well... well, i think , that this will help, these are ideal motors, if the motors work very quickly, that means they have already worn out, they must be replaced, because this drone will easily fail in flight, since our pilots often fly over long distances with cargo , the motor is an integral part, so you need to pay attention to this first, the most important thing is not to let you down.


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