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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

4:30 am
uh, military personnel, we have stations, mobile, portable, how effective, you know, here is the last rap station, it was transferred from moscow, by a comrade, cast on a 3d machine, i don’t know the inside, what works as a dome on the machine, quite, quite effectively, we installed it on sunday. on monday it was already useful, that is, i was riding on a loaf on this one, it worked in the driver’s eyes , the commander says, she was flying towards us, he says, she fell there, that means it’s working, that means it’s working, a comrade who sent again thank you, i sent it, i say, thank you, brother, i helped you out, on time, enemy drones, multi-rotor type, are presented.
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we’ve been watching them for a long time, studying them, this is from the army of drones project, they have a big project, made by many million companies, in general, completely different, that is, they are completely the same , now what does it beep from you, what do you read, and we completely, that is, we connected to it, we completely calculated the route, it was on starlink, which yes, that’s the point of them, we watched them for a very long time also from rabotin, here’s zaporozhye, like...
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no, no, i’ve seen them very rarely at all, well, you convert them to the orthodox faith, of course, well, it’s all no problem, now we’ll change the starlink and send it back, they’re enough now they are used in very large numbers and also destroyed in large numbers, because yes, it is a large drone, but in the thermal imager you can see it on them and yes, ambushes are made on them and various are covered, that is, with crossfire and so on, and with pivedrons we them with...
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the problem is being in a position under exposure to enemy artillery fire, that is, and so on and so forth, and successfully apply it, the choice of the point of work is competent, well, admit it, you want the same one home,
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lepota, good, great, i’m telling you, as versions, my thoughts why i also saved people. but he really took this matter away for a long time,
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for a long time, as long as you’ve been chasing, first, first. but the car never fails, not even once, this is the first one of its kind, so to speak, not just such a comrade, that is, this is our business, that’s for sure, well done, it has such cross-country ability, nothing, it will go everywhere perfectly, that is, you pass, the car is good, it’s not heavy, it doesn’t make you feel sick, no, it’s fine, that’s the kind of flight nest you have, that’s right, does it work and how long does it carry? full ammo, respectively rр30, i can easily have four ammunition kits without problems, class, and this is the chechen one, no, that’s right, gudurmisi, that’s right, russian university, because i see something like that, you know, and they’re more familiar and the name ,
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and i was there just with the guys, when it all started, you were already working on birds that, of course, it worked, and how great it is, it’s already flown away, well, i see you have a rap sticking out, and a rap, i found it. in case it specifically saves checked already so precisely the approbation was completely passed you yourself are from siberia so exactly well and how they don’t offend you well how or you’ll offend someone like that yes all your own people in nationality who lesgin lisgin well handsome look green eyes just all the girls are probably falling you’re the main one in belgorod not come out or you’ll have to get married 20 times. how long have you been fighting? year, and that is , just started, right? what did you do in civilian life? technical school finished the line. not do you regret that the national guard? no way, how much care do you have to do? always differently, depending on the requests, specifically, at the
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moment we always enter the status three or four times a day, sometimes more, but accordingly evacuation, that is, in the wound, that’s for sure. everyone knows what needs to be done, that is, therefore, as moses correctly said, because he saved people and led them out, so moses, who is the most posing, khakass, caucasus, khakass, and khakass, well, it’s clear, yes, instead of you you have kvass , kvass, exactly what you prefer
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the circle, i don’t have to ask when you place a bull, when you leave there, you’ll immediately report to me, it’s clear, that’s all exactly right. there are good boys, yes, he himself is an orphan, his mother and father are not here, he is at home himself, but here in the war he showed himself so well that he was presented with a state award, the order of courage, directly, but without him there is nowhere, that is, hakaus is constantly on duty, there is a medical evacuation vehicle nearby. for bugs on moses is a wonderful driver and a ready pilot of a racing car for six months now they have been performing tasks this is exactly what bugiva is for too we visited them the plant is the russian center, well, the chechen
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republic collects them, and it’s just the center of the russian guard, so everything is its own, everything is its own, and the car has proven itself well, yes. did you do weightlifting? yes, well , when i was young, how far did i reach? it’s as if he was an amateur, so he wasn’t particularly
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eager to go anywhere, didn’t participate, then family, children, home, work, what did they give the man for? well, for this operation? when he was wounded in raisins, it was in the veterans, when he was there, the task was completed, he was wounded. went to the hospital on board to moscow, came to moscow for the first time, in purdenko was treated, and how he was treated, they put me in the ophthalmology department, and the bullet was in his hand, well, after the wound, his eyes burned, his pupils burned, well, that is, they looked, yes, they treated me, they treated me, that’s all, they smeared my eyes, everything went as it were for me...
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everything, i got it, i take it with me so that it was, yes, yes, i want to return it, tell me what the idea was, that is, you have a regular base, right? pickup, so we installed a reb system, installed anti-drone nets
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to destroy the accumulative jet and change the flight path of the drone, also changes were made to the chassis, the suspension system was strengthened, the engine pulls, pulls, pulls, of course, all this is done by ourselves, even. what is it holding? anti-fragmentation, anti-bullet, tested for 5.45 mm, alloy, asked to make such components, they are factory- made for trucks, yeah, we turned to people, our idea, their capabilities and through joint efforts it turned out, it turned out that.
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preparation, in principle, i immediately mastered the profession at school, mathematics was good, everything was good
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, yes my grandmother was a mathematics teacher well, in general, class, that is, then you were born an artilleryman, well, you can say so, it was even great, my father wanted to say hello to you , thank you very much to your father and hello , i’ll definitely say hello to your father.
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1 3 48 287 bring one fire.
4:46 am
this is what we are now what is today, this is thirty or minus, this is a defeat, what is this before 30, up to 30, here are the strongholds, they are trying to gain a foothold in front of us, that is, we don’t let them, we constantly destroy them either with artillery, tanks all. that is, that is, it is reasonable for them to be here, on december 30 last year, for the first time there was a city belgorod was attacked, it was attacked directly by these ammunition, that is, by these missiles, a 122-millimeter high-explosive fragmentation warhead, here is a piece of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead produced in bulgaria, serbia,
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the vampire is launched from the installation, like this, yes, like this. for 5 months, the city of belgorod, belgorod district, i saw what it was pouring on, this means a similar ammunition, only this is a warhead, it contains 40 military cassettes of the same size, about gho, that is, again the cassettes are also the same the same 122mm ammunition is being formed, it is also launched as if from a vampire, from various ones, this is the agm kharm, which means air, ground, aviation, anti-radar missile ammunition. that is , it is like ours, yes, yes, it is slow, but it follows the beam, yes, yes, that is, it was also september, october, november 22, tell me, we have learned to shoot down something, they shoot down a lot our guys, and my father died in the donbass, yes, yes, my father, in the twenty-third year
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on august 16, came to my parents and literally, well, i went to the center, i don’t care there... look, look, i still had to run errands, my mother called and said my father was killed, a shell landed in the yard, exploded, my father came out, well , there was a small shed there, he rested there all the time for 71 years, he worked in a mine all his life, now he earned money, he destroyed the house , mother locked up, sign.
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peacenik, well, especially be motivated, what should you be motivated to just take even the same howitzer like that, yes, well, be that as it may, you are an artilleryman, yes, you have beads, you have maps, you have coordinates , you see where you are hitting, i don’t understand this, children, old people, woman, was here... guys, i dropped in here just as i had a feeling that i would see you here, but the place is tragic, trouble, volodya, well, here, here everything is clear, instead of detonating ammunition, if a person imagines how a copter operator works, who carries out the reset, that is, he saw everything, of course, the children were returning from training, sitting at the table, and the parents started calling,
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it was 8 pm, let's go home, well , accordingly, they got up and went home, still... here's the youngest eight, oldest 16, all athletes, all involved, cameraman cynical, cynical, mean, disgusting, he drops fragmentation ammunition here, accordingly, all five children are wounded, three slightly, two in serious condition, and we know, cameras now allow adults to see this , everything is visible, there are no military men in the yard, no objects, the guys were very lucky that a pediatrician, just a passer-by, was nearby, he immediately provided first aid, an employee of the national guard was nearby, so they immediately provided first aid with four hands, the ambulance arrived. 7 minutes, and the police are even faster than one the child was immediately sent to the hospital in a police car, the second child was taken away by ambulance, well , three children, the injuries there were not so severe,
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everyone had first aid kits in their homes, tourniquets immediately appeared, pints immediately appeared, that is, people are ready for anything, that is dressed, they were just sitting here, yes, yes, it’s as usual, as it was in our childhood, a bench, here... you can see everything from the traces of blood, here’s a guy, they started taking them there, there are traces of blood up to the entrance, shubekina is now in this the same position as the throat, that is, in terms of distance from the line of combat contact, approximately the same distance, vladimir, vyacheslav, were transferred to the ward, now they have been transferred from intensive care to the ward. he calls and says, bring me some water, some fruit, he says, everything came here, everything is fine, well , god forbid, say hello more, and nature
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is good, yes, well, at least you perked up when you walked forward, it made you happier, i’ll tell you honestly, these guys are no longer the same guys when you arrived, only their faces remain, but... inside the people have grown up a lot, they’ve matured, yes, i’ll tell you honestly how nice it is to work now, they’ve become professionals, here you are you look at him, he is a senior lieutenant, a graduate there from the twenty-second year, the twenty- first year, and already has such combat experience, his face is young, already a real man inside, level 30:00, load one shell, load one shell, colo, reduced charge,
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loaded years, gun, shot, load one shell, less charge. ready, so guys, let's start with the fact that after my submission and command, i did not hear that anyone duplicated it. this concerns you, secondly, we moved very slowly in position, we need to go faster, faster, more clearly, here,
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accordingly, during the work, well done, the corrections were minimal, that is , they were aimed clearly, well done, cover step march, tell me how long have they been fighting with you, already? i went for a month, that is, in one composition, of course, there were artillerymen before, they were literally a couple of people, the rest all came from civilian life and were fully trained from scratch, i think that now they are professionals in their field, it turns out that the combined arms commander was sent for retraining, not do you regret mikhailovsky, no, i don’t regret it one bit, mikhailovsky academy very good, so st. petersburg also looked at it, so much so that i walked in st. petersburg for 4 months and learned new things. tell me that you found a wife there, to be honest, yes, so st. petersburg is your hometown, well, in principle, yes, yes,
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i myself am from the urals, my wife, what does she do, my wife, she graduated from college, now he works in the profession of an insurance company, well, it’s in st. petersburg or wherever, no, he brought it to his place, dialed it so that he knew that everything was fine, they weren’t complaining, no, he said that the weight was changing. well, there are a lot of beauties in the urals, so it’s a sin to complain, i agree, that’s all, thank you, thank you very much, take care of yourself, thank you in return.
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4:57 am
let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it's not so scary. if there are instructions.
4:58 am
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4:59 am
5:00 am
powerful streams of water demolished houses, cars, livestock and crops after a dam broke in the chelyabinsk region, presidential plenipotentiary envoy to the ural federal district vladimir yakushev instructed as much as possible. quickly provide the necessary assistance to residents whose homes were damaged due to dam destruction. the authorities of the chelyabinsk region promised financial assistance in the amount of 20,000 rubles. for each person. about the consequences of a dam break, report by kiril bortnikov. this is what the village looks like, which was flooded just a few hours ago. the level exceeded 100 cm. swift flows washed away crops, fences, farm buildings and even cars. this car is from long-distance voyages.


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