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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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how are you, i’m driving in your direction, i wanted to come for a visit, listen, well, in belogorsk, what are you doing there? well , i came on business, i’ll say, well, come on, come on, look, i ’ll be driving up in about 30 minutes, well, come on over, i’m lucky to have a blast, because i’ve changed several regions in my life, when he’s like that, i say, what are you in you’re going to murmonsk, it’s like that, but where are you passing now, well, this one, what’s his name, this one, it’s not far away, i say belogorsk or what? and belogorsk is a city in the amur region, where i’m from, but naturally murmansko and belogorsk - the distance there is incompatible, it’s 1.9 km, it’s like that, belogorsk, the so-called old friend called again, when igor had already arrived home , he made an unexpected request: hello, hello, hello, listen, why am i calling, to find out, you have acquaintances in the city, but what’s wrong, the criminals stopped the deprivation of rights at the door, they say.
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no fake, i’m going to visit, well, i say, don’t believe me, i’m calling there, they’ll confirm for you, i ’m going to visit, not a fake, let’s somehow decide on the spot, naturally, man begins to pass the phone to this uh, hello, man, well, a good friend, he’s trying to get rid of his fictitious earring, a traffic police officer like i don’t really take money, but you can send a card to a card, but senior lieutenant alexey nikolaevich, savinov, my last name. hello, good evening, what happened there ? so, this citizen is your relative? no, not a relative, just a close friend. you, explain to your friend that under no circumstances should you ever behave like that, sit down
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into my car, he began to steal money, i have a camera on my chest, a camera in the car, think about it at my head, although the person at the other end of the line spoke very convincingly, a journalist... i realized that there was a fraudster on the phone, a counterfeit of an imaginary friend. igor ogeenko decided to find out how it would all end and continued to play the role. maybe there is a chance to somehow agree? well, excuse me, idiot, but what, what a moron, such a person is addressing you here. can you come to me? aleksandr vladimirovich. alexander vladimirovich, then the situation is as follows: i can’t take money like that for two reasons: firstly, i have everything recorded on camera, like... i didn’t shove it, this is the case, it will have to be deleted, secondly, according to the new legislation of the russian federation, i have the right to protect cash while on duty , it’s clear, yes, we are fighting corruption, there is a person responsible, an inspector, all this is controlled, so what
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are you doing? so, that means i’ll give the card number, this is my partner’s card only, i can’t take cash here, for what reasons, i’ll explain to you. well, give it to him, why should i, let him transfer from the card, i mean, what's the point of all this information? sorry, the connection has been lost. i’m listening to you, you are greeted by the financial monitoring department of sberbank of russia, my employee id number is 75075. please tell me how much money was on your card? your sberbank online personal account has been damaged, have you lost your card documents recently? an internal bank information leak has occurred, you must go through verification, otherwise the bank will block the card, you will need to give the card details, now name the sixteen-digit characters on your
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credit card, until what month and year is it valid, you urgently need to cash out money from your card so that it doesn’t get stolen, what kind of sucker did you decide to call? what or what? and this is what happens when you eat? but i didn’t understand you, once again. let's return to the searches in season number one, also known as sailor's silence. let us remind you that operatives raided the capital’s detention center in june 2020, after they received information that employees at... the institution were turning a blind eye to calls from cells and even themselves supply the prisoners with mobile phones, sim cards, chargers and routers for distributing the internet. prison scammers work day and night, this was confirmed by notes found indicating telephone numbers,
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numbers, bank cards and passwords for social networks. here's the cartridge for now, yeah, it's clear. the operatives entered the cells on each floor, started from the top, carried out searches and obtained evidence that the prisoners were actively using means of communication prohibited in the pre-trial detention center, but the phones themselves were not immediately found, the mystery was soon resolved, it turned out that that while the guards were trying to open the barricaded doors. the businessmen moved the tubes to other chambers; how they did this is easiest to explain in this diagram. there is a ventilation system in the isolation ward; the prisoners do not have access to the air ducts, but with the help of sharpening spoons they make blue holes in the walls and thus create
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an extensive network of passages. interconnected burrows are an excellent opportunity to exchange any small items. to do this, the inmates sew covers and tie ropes to them. sometimes on such a cord there is several trippy containers. a kind of train of cases stuffed with phones and chargers can move from cell to cell, vertically and horizontally. to camouflage the secret labyrinth within the walls of sailor silence, the prisoners block the entrances and exits from it with bricks, here they are in the video, or they seal the holes with temporary wallpaper, a net of tricks and the operatives discovered, everything goes from there, i throw everything here. holy shit,
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what do you see, yes, yes, someone’s wallpaper was torn, with a flower, so that all this wouldn’t happen and avoided, it must be eliminated today. that is, plaster these here, plaster them, and very quickly, very directly, with high quality , pour three hundred concrete directly, you know, m300, m300, then you will need to bring the mixer here, only now it became clear to the operatives why they could not find the charging phones at first. the prisoners were always one
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step ahead, while the search was going on on one floor, cases with mobile phones were lowered on ropes down the shafts. realizing this, the security forces rushed down to the first floor and blocked the outer cameras on the left and right along the corridor began a search, which finally brought results. yes, the road is a pawn. now we’ll find some cameras, phones, chargers, wireless headphones, wireless headphones, holy crap, here’s another headphone, phone, cell phone, samsung, cell phone, and they’re the same, obviously someone from the same batch is bringing in what we haven’t found in the cells on the first floor. phones of all kinds of brands,
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chargers for them, wired and wireless headphones, routers for the internet, smart watches, or a stationery knife, by the way, even during the search, the prisoners managed to destroy mobile phones. denis, i’ll call you in a minute, okay, look. after the phones were confiscated , a riot almost broke out in the sailor's silence; prisoners on all floors began banging on doors, knocking on metal beds and shouting threats. it started there, they called in a reinforced squad there, because they beat on the doors,
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the locks, everything there, that is, such quite unpleasant things happened, they showed in every possible way that they were against what was happening in their cells, and now that found in the officers' offices; searches began at the same time as investigations. actions in the prison cells, this completely eliminated the possibility of hiding anything and getting rid of the evidence. the staff of the pre-trial detention center were very surprised when they saw people in civilian clothes on the doorstep. the security forces were interested in the contents of drawers, desks and safes. from them they took out departmental documentation, official notepads and notebooks.
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the investigators paid special attention to a statement written by a certain defendant navruzov addressed to the head of the detention center. the prisoner reports that his relatives met with employees for six months. and gave them money so that they could be imprisoned in good conditions; they also found cell-by-cell lists of inmates. who is in which block, when arrested, under what article, and so on, a kind of prison house book, in fact, handwritten under pre-trial detention, and then, in my opinion, yashchenko and well, there, accordingly, on our side, yes, i think that this and yashchenko,
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of course, were looking for phones first, but at first the officers refused. they say no we don’t have cell phones, we have a phone, what, no , there’s no phone, oh well, no, maybe, where’s he going, phone, where’s he going, i didn’t take it, what do you want to say, you don’t have tea, let’s go, let’s go, let’s get there, but soon phones were found, cheap push-button mobile phones and expensive smartphones with large screens, and also sim cards? electronic watches, packs of cigarettes, in short, everything that can be sold to the prisoners, in general, the officer’s stall was closed, in the cells we found more than twenty, 225 phones, while in the offices of sin operational officers we found more than 300 phones that had already been seized, that
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is, employees at sin came to the cell and carried out so-called searches.
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those arrested for ensuring the illegal movement of sim cards, phones, alcoholic beverages and other prohibited items into the territory of the pre-trial detention center. in total, from january to june 2019, officials illegally transported from 80 to 100 smartphones into the pre-trial detention center. the presence of other prohibited items in pre-trial detention centers constitutes
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a gross violation of the regime and may facilitate the commission of those held in the pre-trial detention center,
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in addition to the administrative one, there was also criminal liability, probably, only in this way we will get rid of these measures, you can justify the supply of telephones, absolutely right, it would seem, putting an end to the telephone with fraud and behind bars is simple, you just need to follow the law and not moralize honor of the uniform, do not collude with prisoners and do not trade in communications equipment, but... vsin employees do not want to work honestly, she was detained on the restricted territory of institutions of the criminal executive system for transferring or an attempt to transfer mobile communications equipment for the first half of this year. 1,719 people, in the nineteenth year there were 5,212 people, in the eighteenth year there were 564 people,
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that is, work is being done, but in my opinion this is not enough to completely block the turnover of mobile communications in institutions in the ssin. state duma deputies propose to solve the problem radically, to pass a law that will oblige cellular operators to block mobile phone numbers, like... which work in pre-trial detention centers, because according to according to the law, not only prisoners, but also department employees have no right to use the devices in restricted areas. today , the system makes it possible to identify that an unauthorized telephone is operating on the territory of the institution, then the process is as follows: the head of the territorial division of the vsin addresses the cellular pirate with a proposal, as they say, to block, well, on the basis of this document, the daily pirate. blocks communication, interrupts the provision of communication services, the need to carry it there is lost altogether, that is, carry it, don’t carry it, they would still blocked, that is, if there is no, yeah,
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there is no effect from the passage, then there will be no passage itself, the management is fully aware of the situation, we, in fact, have been recording for more than 4 years a large number of operations that take place precisely from the colony, we regularly inform law enforcement agencies about this, including
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with the help of modern technologies, modern means to identify how many telephones actually work in the territory, we work with
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telecom operators, and we are also taking measures to amend the legislation on so that it is possible, so to speak, according to our information, to stop operational communications on the territory of our institutions, i think that in the near future these measures... they will show their effectiveness, that is, jammers will appear someday, well, this is not only jammers, this is also work with telecom operators, there is a significant decrease in the number of calls, that is, these are not even dozens, this is already a single unit, and drones are used for what, in order to transmit some packages, well , in general, if we speak about mobile devices communications, then yes, it can be transmitted, well, you can say in dozens, that’s why one such flight and...
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hello, good afternoon, this is from the bank bothering you, security service, what is it, your account has become the winner of the drawing, the ultimate lottery, you want to get a prize, of course, but how much is there? 10 minutes ago, they tried to pay with your card in the store, i ’m going outside now, i don’t go out for several days, 80 thousand, the money is immediately transferred to your card, great. what should be done? your account had to be blocked, do you want to continue use a bank card? yes, of course, you will now receive an sms message, there will be a password, dictate it to us, please, dictate, please, the code on the other side of the card, there are three numbers, these 7 4 1, that ’s right, thank you, all the best, that’s it we
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saw the problem. it’s up to you to draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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figure skater vladislav torosenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same work, the same tasks. deadlift, my record is 285. i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape. well salamati. one by one, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
8:00 am
navy day is celebrated throughout russia, the first to begin in the far east, with the main parade in st. petersburg. stabilizing factor: what asian countries see the role of russia, sergei lavrov said following the negotiations in malaysia. israel accused lebanese hezbal killed children from shelling. the group denies any involvement in the tragedy. snipers always go ahead, followed by assault units, we will show how the advance is going in the avdeevsky direction. the tourism market has reached pre-covid levels, how to maintain growth rates, why it is necessary to actively develop infrastructure.


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