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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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navy day, we will show how it is celebrated throughout the country and, of course, the main parade in st. petersburg. how did sergei lavrov’s negotiations in malaysia end, prospects for cooperation in general about the role of russia? once again , the situation in the middle east has worsened . israel blamed hezbollah for the deaths of children. find out the details. about the situation in the avdeevsky direction, how snipers work. and
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attack aircraft, so today is the day of the russian navy, the holiday is celebrated throughout the country, the main one in st. petersburg, warships will stand on roadstead of kranshtat on the neva. but in the near future we are waiting for a live broadcast from our correspondent, dmitry akimov, but for now we’ll tell you about where the parade has already taken place. first. navy day began to be celebrated in the far east; in kamchatka, the celebration started with a salvo from artillery guns at the signal cape in petropalovsk-kamchatsky. after this, a naval parade began in ovachenskaya bay, for the first time residents saw the newest icebreaker evpati kalovrat, which became part of the navy only on july 26. the ships and boats demonstrated the completion of training and combat missions, in including search and destruction of foreign submarines.
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seven ships headed into the golden rock bay in vladivostok, strictly in one line, headed by the new corvette sharp, it was launched last year and the crew has already proven itself well in the fleet. a spectacular naval show for spectators. the ships showed the combat capabilities of the fleet. more foreign guests, vietnamese frigates and two chinese ships are moored at the vladivostok pier. in russia
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, the main naval parade is about to take place and will begin in less than 2 hours, it will begin with a salvo of guns at the peter and paul fortress, after which the supreme, as expected, supreme commander-in-chief minister of defense and the commander-in-chief of the navy will leave by boat from the commandant pier of the peter and paul fortress and bypass the parade lines of warships on the niva. for display in the neva water area , five ships of modern designs and four sailing ships have already been placed, such as... for example, the battleship poltava, the small rocket ship serpukhov, odintsova, corvette boykiy and schooner balttiets, schooner olga, kutor lukul and many, many other. the supreme commander-in-chief will congratulate the personnel of their crews on the holiday, then the boat will arrive here at the pier on senate square and here 20 ships will parade in forvaty renev. on the occasion of the parade , the torches of the raster columns will be lit. the fire will burn from 11 to two from 21 to.
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23:30 the ground component of the parade will be represented by a ceremonial formation of military personnel, navy training institutions, as well as cabin boys, columns will march along the niva embankment. in total, 20 surface ships and boats, one submarine, four sailing ships and more than 2,500 military personnel. delegations from 35 countries, four, have already confirmed their participation in the parade events. and also here in the sea capital of russia in st. petersburg , ships of foreign countries arrived, in particular the training ship sumam of the algerian navy, a destroyer with guided missiles, with guided missiles of the naval forces of the people's liberation army of china, as well as the frigate tabar of the indian navy, besides, of course, behind my back... to see the ship
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the owner of the russian navy, naval parat corvette, quick-witted baltic fleet, all of them are located at the berths on the promenade des anglais, the embankment. lieutenant shmit in st. petersburg. well, of course, today’s holiday in the northern capital will not be limited to just the parade. immediately after its completion at 13:00 a concert will begin on palace square, a concert of military bands. at 13:00, military bands from china, north korea and vietnam will appear on stage. in addition, of course, our admiralty band of the leningrad naval base. this will be the first part concert. the second part of the concert starts there on the palace square at 19:30, modern artists will perform there, yulia checherina is announced as the headliner, so in st. petersburg navy day will take place all day today, excuse me, and st. petersburg is completely ready, it can not be in any other way. colleagues,
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we pass the floor. yes, dmitry, thank you, happy holiday, of course, we will try to show all the bright moments of this holiday. dmitry akimov told how navy day will be celebrated in st. petersburg. now about another topic: the countries of the southeast asia believes that russia plays a stabilizing role in the region against the backdrop of us actions. this statement was made by sergei lavrov at a press conference in malaysia. there, the russian foreign minister held meetings with the head of the foreign ministry and the prime minister of the country. the diplomat also said: the united states is trying to advance its military infrastructure deeper into southeast asia.
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sergei lavrov also said that malaysia has expressed interest in joining brix, russia, which this year's chairman of the organization promised to provide assistance. in there are presidential elections in venezuela today, 10 politicians are fighting, the ruling unified socialist party nominated the current president, nicolas madura. the main competitor is edmunda gonzalez, a candidate from the extreme right. he advocates the restoration of diplomatic relations. the usa, including, proposes to reconsider the decision to join brix. according to recent polls, about 20% of the population are ready to vote for gonzalez, while more than 50% are ready to vote for maduro . according to media reports, more than 600 international observers from 65 countries will come to the elections. well
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let me remind you that the day before washington announced that they were ready to reconsider their sanctions policy, depending on the outcome of the vote. the opening ceremony of the olympics in paris became a large-scale religious and civilizational provocation. this is how official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova commented on the show. she suggested that the organizers of the event remember the traditions of the olympic games, which were created to unite society. this is a deliberate provocation, and it is a very destructive blow to everything. by world sports, on the olympic movement, but this is probably less isolated, in fact, on such inter-civilizational dialogue, on relations between people, and of course, on christianity, christianity in general
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, as a world religion, is experiencing a colossal, colossal blow after the blow, and meanwhile in paris... a massive power outage. eyewitnesses share the footage on social networks, claiming that the cause was heavy rains and the energy system could not stand it. french authorities the situation so far did not comment. well, at the olympics in paris, the training swim of triathletes was canceled due to dirty water in the seine. this was reported by the press service of the organizing committee. they admitted that the water quality in the river does not meet standards. at the same time, the organizers promise that the competition. term. it was previously reported that cleaning the reservoir cost the french authorities one and a half billion dollars, and in order to prove that the water is normal, the mayor of paris in idalga herself decided to organize a swim. israeli fighter jets attacked hezbollah targets in lebanon. as reported
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local media, the attack is a response to shelling that previously killed 12 people. the sheist group fired missiles at israel, targeting druze. village on the israeli-controlled dutch heights, children were injured as a result, they were playing on the playground next to the football field where the shell fell. citizens of israel, i, like you, was shocked to see the terrible photographs taken after the bloody hezbollah attack in majal shams. among those killed are small children who were playing football and others. all our hearts overwhelmed by this spectacle. we embrace the families and the entire druze community in this difficult hour, which is also our difficult hour. as soon as i arrive, i will immediately assemble the security office. we will not ignore this. at the same time, the movement itself denies involvement in the shelling, citing footage
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allegedly filmed back in march, when several israeli iron dome air defense missiles malfunctioned and fell right in the druze region. the official government in beiruti condemned the attack on civilian targets in the dutch heights and called for a ceasefire on all sides. well, a meeting of the military cabinet is expected in israel today, where they can make a final decision on the start. in the united states this week , vice president kamala haris joined the election race to the advantage of the summer for the republicans and what is happening now in the democratic camp about this in the program america with valentin bogdanov immediately after a short advertisement will sparkle with new colors. buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions, only at a delicious point,
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two top cashback categories, 1% on everything , twice as many bonuses every month, and it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. syota, your money won’t fly away, you’re catching up, there are gigs and minutes left, we return rubles for them, you can iota, magnet - price, what you need, ice cream. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello, the past three weeks, which turned american politics upside down, will probably go down in the history of the united states as a separate chapter, the shots at donald trump in butler almost became the second shots in dallas, the sudden withdrawal of joe biden from
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the presidential race is an intrigue even worse than the irgate scandal. once this happened 56 years ago, when democrat lyndon johnson also suddenly withdrew from the elections, but at least he immediately explained everything. biden, mysteriously self-isolating, and perhaps isolated in his beach house vrihobot beach, delayed an explanation for four days, after a tweet with a letter in which many drew attention to his strange signature nothing. and then the flight to washington again without comment, only then... in the oval office the first appearance in public. nothing can stand in the way of saving our democracy, including personal ambitions. so i decided that the best way forward is to pass the baton to a new generation, this is the best way to unite our nation. please note that the lines of the teleprompter are reflected in the window of the oval office, but
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no one from the team is straining anymore. biden is a lame duck, they say. there was also a support group, almost 40 people, members of his family, all his problems began during a trip to las vegas, a pre-election event was supposed to take place there, but suddenly everything was canceled due to covid, biden was taken to the same town of rihobot bech, and after that biden completely disappears from the public field for several days, commenting on this only with the help various leaks, and the white house continues to provide information in doses. that biden is not withdrawing from any race, here is a sudden 180° turn absolutely on sunday, during which the same letter appears with lightning speed that biden decides to suspend his participation in the election campaign, then a tweet appears where he says that he sees
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kamala haris as his successor, and obviously. with a team of democrats, such insight is published by the newspaper politician. even on saturday morning, biden stated that the election campaign the campaign is in full swing, but by evening he changed his mind after a long discussion with two of his closest aides. this was not because the president was tired of defections within his own party, although that was true. the point is that biden finally realized he couldn't win. abandoning his re-election plans was his last opportunity to submit. it’s as if the decision was made on his terms. well, as i already said, this is an insider version, but clearly agreed with the dim party. there is another one, we can say that it is not censored, it is much rougher and the reality there is much more prosaic. this version was published in the pro-republican newspaper new york post, which plainly
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calls the incident a well-planned palace coup. according to the insider, it was a failure. the debate against donald trump was part of a strategy to convince democrats that biden was unfit to run for president. although publicly the majority of the left supported biden, behind the scenes party officials threatened to invoke the twenty-fifth amendment. which allows the president to be removed from office if he is incapacitated. the twenty-fifth amendment is a shame for life. this is a red button in the american political system, it must be said that it has never been used.
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said to the potential successor, replacement, kamela haris. pilosi's chess skill never ceases to amaze, let's face it, she knows what she's doing, early debates, the only way to get donors to drop their support for biden and switch immediately na kamela harres. a bloody primary against trump would be a crushing blow for them. i knew it, it was. her behind-the-scenes games that have been taking place all this time are as ingenious as they are dangerous. mafia style, this is a mixture of the house of cards of the godfather bide, well, essentially. they made an offer that he could not refuse, but then he had to watch his hands, that is, the liberal american press, the mourners tried
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their best, tried to be convincing and very sincere. this is leadership, this is this true patriotism, this is what it means to put the interests of the state above your personal interests, when you no longer have the strength to continue, let someone else finish the game, the one who is tasked with finishing the game, that is... haris is already calling biden almost the greatest president of america, but that’s all it doesn’t matter now, we can praise it, because kharis has already collected the votes necessary for nomination. in general, about kamela haris, they always said that all her life she has been breaking through glass ceilings, always trying to be the first. was the first woman district attorney san francisco and the attorney general of california, the first indian-american in the senate, and finally the first woman vice president of the united states. however, the prosecutor's office in haris san francisco has different opinions, for example, it was calculated that while she worked there, the proportion of convictions increased from 52 to 67%, this was the most
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noticeable increase in 10 years, haris waved her saber harshly from right to left, spoke, for example, she is categorically against school truancy, many parents even went to jail because of this, she treated strictly those detained for...
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harris is called a clinton man, she is openly supported by the soros, and both generations, older and younger, are such a left-wing liberal bias that can damage harris, so a lot will depend on the figure of the vice president, who is... as possible candidates about a dozen people are being considered for the post of kamela haris' vice president, which suggests that the haris campaign is considering a variety of options, including several governors: josh shapire from pennsylvania, roy cooper from north carolina, andy beshear from kentucky, tim volz from minnesota, jay robert pritzker from illinois and gredhin whitmer from michigan, which he definitely cannot do. it was he who threw her into illegal migration, put her in charge of the border, so
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that the boss’s anti-rating would cover her too. if you're wondering how joe biden screwed up the border so badly, remember he had help? here biden appoints kamela haris as his border queen, who must solve the problem of illegal migration.
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in general, they were not afraid of kharis, we all remember his comments made even before she joined the company, as if filmed, when he sits on a golf cart and says that he is ready for kharis to join this company, and as it now turns out, insiders are also appearing from within the republican company, it turns out that most of all they were afraid of nick malykharis, they were most afraid that michelle obama might enter the ring instead of biden, that’s how... he’s acting against her, it’s unclear, sharris, how , again, now sharing with the press the details of the further campaign of representatives of the republican party is becoming easier, even. ..
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many points do not need to be rewritten in slogans, because harris is very closely united with biden. as you know, 3 days ago we officially defeated the worst president in the history of our nation, and now we have a new victory ahead of us against the lying camela harris. everything she touches turns into a disaster. look at san francisco, 20 years ago, it was the best city in the country, now it's impossible to live in. in liberal. it’s true that san francisco now has rampant crime, but charis must be criticized carefully, it’s like walking through a minefield, racial question, plus the female gender, the republicans have even sent out a manual to their congressmen so that these topics are not touched upon, but harris’s mental state is not a taboo, everyone is well acquainted with various blunders and strange behavior, harris. trump, of course,
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is already openly using this, it’s called: hold a virtual nomination on august 7, and if you think this is too fast, then in fact this brings us closer to other democracies, in britain, for example, the election campaign lasts 5-6 weeks , in france it's only about two weeks, so we are not in a hurry, we are just holding elections in euro style.
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presidential candidate. with biden out of the race, the focus on health has shifted back to trump, who is just 3 years younger. if elected to a second term, he will leave office at the age of 82 years and 7 months. makes trump the oldest president in us history. in general, trump would still be better off with biden, and poll results confirm this. in this new confrontation, kamala haris will retain 95% of biden voters, and trump will retain only 92% of voters are their own. however, there are still 100 days until the elections, and at the current time
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