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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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it seems that we are at a moment where suddenly, very quickly, we have gone beyond words and rhetoric, beyond politics, even beyond the limits of the rules, and we are dealing with people who are willing to kill other people for power, this is real, and are willing to stage coups against the elected president. who supposedly got 15 million more votes than any other president, why aren't all the biden voters protesting no one cares about these things at all, it was never real, now they admit it's all just decided by people with guns, it seems like that's the case, it's it’s absolutely true when the oligarchs are pressed against the wall, by the way, that’s how it is now and there is, and it's a dangerous thing, but they wouldn't be doing it if they weren't forced to oppose trump. if the killer's bullet
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had gone half an inch, a quarter of an inch to the right, things would have been a little different on that stage in butler, pennsylvania, they wouldn't have had to take those steps because then they would have said, oh god, this is terrible, but we will continue the path, the election must go on, america must be safe, joe biden is a stable candidate, you should have heard the exact opposite from them, they would have said about how great biden is presiding over...
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2016 happens by chance, who would have thought trump would win, here you have a problem, you keep trying to take him out, knock him down, you know, throw him off the stage, but at the same time you infiltrate his administration so that your people at least screw up as much as possible, and so you get people like pompeo and bolton who try to do a couple of regime change operations, for example in venezuela, or do different ...
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and you can simply destroy someone's personality, it's much easier than killing a person, you can turn him into a martyr, but it's better to break his spirit, if you're lucky he'll commit suicide or at least stay out of public view forever, that's what dissidents and opposition have been dealt with for years in eastern germany, that's why they didn't have to do the big stalinist purges in the seventies, then the media comes along, television, all these tools, and you destroy someone's. but then social media comes along, with social media you no longer have these tools, suddenly you you lose control of the agenda, through social networks people can communicate, hey, you noticed this, i noticed, you noticed, i noticed, but the media doesn’t seem to talk about it, yet you can say, wait, i’m here,
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i see it, this is happening before my eyes, here's a video, oh by the way, i can show you what's happening in real time, and this is becoming a problem. and all you have left is oligarchies lose soft power, machines lose soft power, because what they have left is brute power, persuasion doesn’t work, you use force. so you can break into someone's house, and you can say that there are some documents in there that they shouldn't have, and then handcuffs, a sentence. but if that doesn't work, the nuclear option of november '63 is always in reserve.
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you wouldn't see any of these extreme measures if they could just push a button. so there's a problem, something 's broken, something's going wrong, because i think what they're really afraid of is an uprising of the people. so, a working guess for people like me who are watching but don't know well enough, what the democratic party actually is, they have to pick kamala because she's kind of black, indian, and a woman because of the concept.
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is in full swing, suddenly everything has changed, we need to choose someone who certainly meets the criteria, no news from biden , think about it, delegates who were legally sworn to biden, who were nominated based on the legal, legal process of theirs, their official process suddenly turns away from the person whom they must be related, it's obviously gross... leviothan sign: leviothan says: you don't work for joe biden, you work
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for me. and they are using obama to give this process visibility, legitimacy and credibility. and i think that essentially, you see that all the donors lined up for the kamali, the donors said: we know that we have about 100 days left, we have 4 weeks before the national meeting. i hate to get off topic, but does anyone now doubt that the 2020 election
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was rigged? i will say that from 2020 by 2024 something has changed. obviously there is no more covid. the states had passed laws, and he was just in such a broken state. to answer your question about the biden presidency, it doesn't make any sense. if you're not thinking clearly enough, which he hasn't stated, no one is. didn’t announce this because, because it’s all about the questions, that’s why he begins his address without explaining the reasons for refusing to participate in the elections, it will be better for the party of the country, remember, and he mentioned the party or someone for him , for the party of the country would be better off if i backed down, backed down, if you're fighting for, if you can deny him re-election, you can deny him the presidency now, why don't they just remove him or kill him, they're definitely on...
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about that on our site, i think everyone can see it now, conspiracy theory, right, but obviously
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they hate each other, so they gave her these clearly failed missions to pin them on her, but the problem is that it backfires because now they want her to be someone they can trust, someone who's going to sign the papers, but they know she's crazy and you put something like that in office, she's going to start a proxy war with russia. china, who knows what will happen next? she is completely unstable. this tells me that they don't have everything completely under control, but i hear from tucker that among democratic donors, there are people who think there's no point in saying she should be president when she can be straight up. now, a wonderful, wonderful president, why not run for action.
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"they want us to forget about it, because what can take an assassination off the news, from the discussion, the collapse of an american president, you're right, so... let's just videotape it, if you don't mind, i hope we find out much more, but tell us what we know now, so senator johnson's office, ron johnson from wisconsin, kindly sent us an advance copy of the situation report, this is
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primarily an investigative effort that was conducted by local johnson talking to local police, isn't it. a united states senator shouldn't have direct access to the secret service, the fbi and so on, they talked to several fbi agents, but you know, even, and then the local police say, "hey, wait a minute, we'll tell you everything you want." know, so why are the local police more outspoken than ours.” that's why they disbanded the police in the first place, not because they are against the police, they want a police state, they are against any person with a gun outside of their control, that's why they are trying to be, of course, guys with guns, whom they control sharpton said this, this is the obvious truth, but i keep interrupting you. so number one, the secret
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service wasn't present at the security briefing, wait, the secret service didn't even show up. the secret service was not present at the security briefing for local swat sniper teams on the morning of july 13. when you run an event like this, going back to security, you usually need to staff. you'll need more people, more teams. countering snipers, you will need everything, because a large-scale outdoor event since november of sixty-three has always been and will be potential. fatal event for a politician, so during such an event, the first thing to worry about is all the tall buildings and structures, which is why it, by the way, is mostly held in the fields and not in the city center, because cities have more vantage points , there are windows and a lot of other things, the plaza, you know, we can do a simple calculation, they get reinforcements from the police,
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state, from the local butler county sheriff, from the butler city police and they say: you will work with us. every presidential event is monitored by the secret service, this woman, cambrilee cheetal, talking about women's leadership, tells us that these points were assigned to the local police, but this is simply not true. they may have been outside the perimeter, but the secret service controls every level of the hierarchy during a presidential visit, period, so anyone involved has their work cut out for them. operational plan. the concept of the operation is being developed.
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they had no communications, they had to communicate through an intermediary, you create a tactical operations center, i think in this case it was called the butler communications center. so through this center you contact the secret service, and then the secret service responds through their communications, and then the response goes back to the police. instead of just transmitting portions on a common frequency, hey, there's some guy crawling behind. so, who is this guy, and how did he get there, what do we do we know about him? this person, some places in the report, because there is a lot of stuff here. the local police were informed 8 days before the rally, 5 days before the rally they met with the secret service and were informed that the rally would be held in butler's farm fields. 3 days before the rally, the secret service visits the site just 3 days before the rally. at this point, no anti-sniper teams. on the day of the rally
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, they hold a briefing at 9am, a forty-six page presentation just from the local first responders. surveillance footage shows the shooter walking out alone, a couple minutes later he buys a five foot aluminum ladder, that's the only time we see a ladder in this description, after that...
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you're trying to take control of the us government and you think... trump wins, it will be too difficult to shoot him again, you will try to undermine the movement from within. let's go back one step. if trump were successfully assassinated, it would make a lot of people happy. i don't want to say it, but it's true. what do you think would happen then? civil war? yeah, i guess, unfortunately, i mean. i think, you know, there was something at the convention that i did not want, and was not yet ready to say publicly. it's so terrible, i know, i talked about it on the show, and it was
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a highlight, you were there, it was fun, optimistic, but at the same time, deep down i thought, this shouldn't have happened, everything could have been -otherwise, if the bullet had passed two inches to the right, we would have witnessed massacres. "you know, that was my first reaction, but then i thought to rebel against something, you have to be organized to succeed." absolutely, and if you think about it, yes, trump voters have a lot of guns, but they don't have the ability to communicate with each other, that's what would happen, you would see pockets of uprisings.
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then the election is over, the election is over, you don't vote, it's not a real choice, of course you carry out actions as part of this fake open process that obama talks about, but it's unrealistic, you are presented with a fait accompli, we are unlikely to see real civil wars, we we'll see how things play out in some aspects, but mostly online. jack, thanks, we'll fix it, we'll do it, thanks, buddy.
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clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit down because
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i was. in normal form, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? okay, i i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, soon it will be 2 years, well, then a little advertising, and then watch the international review program. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with an elect subscription. plus two top cashback categories. 1% on everything twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy of 20 million is right in front of you, every 15 minutes. for only 100 rubles. hunting.
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