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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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musamati 1:1, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? come on, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years, only for a year the telephone car. deceived the residents of russia of almost 16 billion rubles. what tricks are used and most importantly, how to resist? the duty department will talk about this not only in the final release of the program. watch it immediately after a short commercial. what do you think? it’s great to save up a vtb savings account for a subscription. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 19% vtb.
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hello, the main topic of the outgoing week is big investigations. blowing up a general staff officer's car in a residential courtyard in moscow. it took the special services less than a day to establish and detain the perpetrator of this daring crime, and this despite the fact that he immediately left russia. during interrogations, the young man admitted that he received orders from ukrainian curators. i collected all the information therefore resonance.
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after this, serebryakov leads the investigative team to the playground, says that here he installed a hidden surveillance camera, it was aimed at the suv and was remotely controlled. the curator made sure that the person they needed got behind the wheel and detonated the bomb. i took out this device and climbed in. the blown up car is now in a special parking lot. this is all that remains of the suv, a pile of twisted metal. the car was thoroughly examined by intelligence officers and forensic experts, who carried out the necessary examination. all this data is included in the materials of the criminal case. the car is one of the main pieces of evidence. the car will remain in a special parking lot until the final decision of the court. the bomb was
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placed approximately between the driver's seat and the pedals. the epicenter of the explosion was precisely on the front part. the blast wave completely knocked out the front panel with the instrument panel and steering column, and the cross was deformed. the armrest was torn out. the suv was blown up on july 24 in the north of moscow. there were two people in the cabin, a serviceman and his wife. their hospitalized with serious injuries. this is where the car was blown up. the security forces immediately identified the alleged bomber. this is twenty-nine-year-old evgeny serebryakov. immediately after planting the explosive device, he left by taxi for vnukovo. from there i flew to bodrum. the ticket was purchased in advance. i arrived at the airport at the end of check-in and took only hand luggage with me. he traveled to turkey in a rented car, but didn’t have time to get there, he was detained. within a few hours chasryakov was extradited, this is the first such case when another the state gave up the probable criminal so quickly. serebryakov was taken to moscow on a regular flight and immediately taken away for interrogation. in
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february 2023, he proactively contacted the public administrator with the goal of collaborating with the ukrainian intelligence services. subsequently i started communicating. with a certain ilya ilya, who, as i assume, is an employee of the sbu. in the investigators' office, he looked quite confident, answered questions consistently, said that before the crime he met in istanbul with his curator ilya, received full instruction instructions. i picked up the components for assembling a homemade explosive device in the russian region, i assembled the explosive device under control and instructions from ilya. probably.
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after graduating from school, evgeny serebryakov entered the economics department of the capital’s university without competition, took part in unauthorized protests in 2014, worked in a bank for a short time, quit 2 years ago due to health problems, did not work anywhere, often flew to uzbekistan and georgia.
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fear. the apartment in which the last months lived evgeniy serebryakov, sealed. the security forces seized important documents. the door peephole is knocked out through a hole, you can see the situation inside. an open closet, crumpled things on the shelves. evgenia serebryakov’s mother rented a small two-room apartment in the presnensky district of the capital. previously, she often visited her son and helped with cleaning. according to neighbors, he led a closed life and hardly communicated with anyone. all this was done not independently, but through the prompt, high-quality supervision of outside professionals, i would like add, first of all, the american intelligence services, there are many of them, they recruited him for a long time. for blowing up the car, evgeny serebryakov was promised from 10 to 20 thousand dollars.
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in ukraine, of course, no one was waiting for serebryakov, he was simply used, the same thing happened with the terrorist dari trepova, who presented a figurine filled with explosives to the military correspondent vladlen tatarsky. the curators promised. for this, transport her to ukraine, but they threw her away like waste material; in general, terrorist attacks using explosive devices are a typical tactic ukrainian special services, just remember the murder of daria dugin and the assassination attempt on zakhar prilepin. in all cases , new technologies, video surveillance cameras, and a geolocation system helped quickly identify and detain the likely criminals. detention of evgeniy serebryakov, a joint special operation of the fsb, skr, ministry of internal affairs and turkish law enforcement officers. the work was coordinated by interpol, the progress of the investigation was monitored by the prosecutor's office. video surveillance systems helped to quickly identify the bomber and track his route minute by minute.
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we have been working on identifying a person’s face for a long time, and we have found several points, well , we roughly count about 48-50 points on the skull that do not change, these are the frontal parts, somewhere around the eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones, along them regardless, a person puts on a mask, grows a beard, regardless of this. what will be in our program. the sver wolves in
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sheep's clothing, the killers of the legendary chansanier mikhail krug, again appeared in court, for which they are accused this time, only we have the circumstances of new episodes of the atrocities of the cruel group. fraudsters with artificial intelligence, in one year alone , telephone scammers defrauded russians of almost 16 billion rubles. we learned all the tricks of virtual thieves and found out whether it is possible to counter them. stand. mysteries of the ural pogost. an unexpected turn in the scandalous case of a former district police officer in the svetlovsk region. he was put under investigation for informing his superiors about a strange burial. did you really reveal someone's secret? investigators near moscow continue to unravel the secrets of the serial poisoner from balashikha. according to one version, twenty-five years old. poured poison into food drinks to their relatives and acquaintances, at
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least six people could have suffered at the hands of the homemade chemist, one of them, a friend of missu's fsb lieutenant, died, the rest were the detainee's parents, his own uncle, the girl's former beloved brother, who miraculously survived. this week, investigators together with the main defendant came to his apartment so that misyura could clearly show where and how she stored the grass. and the salt that was taken away was also stored, they were. the box is slightly brown in color. investigators believe that mesyura used different types of grass, and added poison in powder form to his parents’ food. this is clearly visible in the filming with a hidden camera installed in the kitchen. another potent substance was stored in a canister. it was a special type of stain remover. according to investigators, misyura added a caustic liquid to morse to his friend, after which he died. and also her girlfriend’s cocktail landed her in intensive care. that the list of victims of the detainee will be replenished, now employees of the investigative committee are conducting the necessary examinations and finding out what could have happened
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the cause of this poisonous attack. artificial intelligence is in the service of scammers, they steal our voices, images and cheat us out of our last money. in just 3 months of this year, telephone scammers defrauded russians of more than 4 billion rubles. the schemes are very different. these include calls from law enforcement officers and a demand to transfer savings to a certain safe account, now a new thing, requests for help with money, the voice and face of a person you know. it sounds incredible, but scammers create virtual doubles, famous people and send them to work. one of the victims of such a trick was the popular film theater actress, star of the series patient zero, alexandra cherkasova, she is our guest, the real one. hello alexander, i thank you for agreeing to speak on this topic.
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how did all this even happen? initially he wrote to me in a telegram. but his account was falsified, there was also a photograph, his manner of speech, his voice, and he says that all the employees of the film participants in december are checked for connections with ukraine, is everything you're okay with this, i'm worried, san, write back how, i say, yes, everything is fine with me, he says, well, now fsb investigator vladimir makarov will contact you,
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a man who introduces himself immediately calls me back also in telegram via video fsb investigator, there were transfers to ukraine, like... scammers opened the database of a film company, so we seem to be blocking transfers, that's why we're calling you, why do they need your money? they explained that since this money would not go to ukraine and so further and so on, they call me a taxi, take me to a certain bank branch, how much money did you give in total? and i gave a million of my money, the next days, also under their pressure and...
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now, since i was recognized as a victim, i am officially waiting, my lawyer and i are waiting for an official document, from the police station, with which we will go to the bank . thank you, alexander, we wish you no more to lose, only to gain, thank you, thank you very much, yes, well, so that there are fewer such stories, this week a new the law obliges banks to return money to clients, even if they fell into the trap of scammers and transferred funds to dubious accounts themselves, we learned all the tricks of virtual ones. we found out how to resist them, a special report from our program, today the future has already arrived, in this capital it company the bold ideas of science fiction writers are being translated into reality, here artificial intelligence serves the natural, experts say that in order to understand how
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scammers operate, it is necessary to act proactively , like this with a slight movement of your fingers
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robots do all the work. you don’t need to be a specialist in artificial intelligence and machine learning to create a fake depository. celebrities have come under attack on the internet aplenty. photos and videos of celebrities, an extensive base of source material for scammers, but popular people have also learned to recognize fakes. a call from nikos safronov’s phone,
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look, you’re holding the phone and there at the bottom of the screen, there’s some kind of, i don’t know, there’s a figure of a man, you have to click, i found nikos’ assistant, and i say, like this and like that, she says how nikos couldn’t call you now, cyber swindlers stole her most valuable things from the singer lolita melyavskaya, her voice was faked. for sure, but we screwed up on little things, my friends received a request from me at night to borrow cryptocurrency, this caused homeric laughter, because everyone who has been friends with me for a long time knows that i am a cryptocurrency, this is oxymaron, how can we protect ourselves in everyday life, just turn it on brain, exchange information, tell that there are things that can cause harm. there are different deception schemes, the idea is the same: to lure money only for 3 months of the current year. fraudsters stole more than 4 billion rubles from russians. they tried to steal about 2 trillion more, but bank employees were able to block suspicious transfers. this week
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, new rules for protection against fraudsters came into force in russia. the key innovation is the obligation of banks to reimburse citizens for money stolen by fraudsters, even if they transferred this money to the fraudsters themselves. if the bank sees that the client is making a payment , the information about which is contained in... in the database information from the bank of russia about fraudulent accounts, it is obliged to suspend this payment for a two-day period and immediately notify the client about it. sber, on its own initiative, previously worked taking into account new requirements; we blocked the electronic means of payment of the masterminds of transactions using fraudulent details. according to the ministry of internal affairs, since the beginning of this year, almost 370,000 crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies have been registered, this is 16% more than in the first half of 2023. we are trying in detail clearly inform citizens about the most common methods of committing cyber crimes. now broadcast from st. petersburg.
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vladimir vladimirovich putin. comrades sailors and foremen, midshipmen officers. valiant participants of a special military operation. expensive. veterans, dear citizens of russia, i congratulate you on navy day. we always celebrate this holiday solemnly, with respect and love for the famous fleet, with pride in our country, a maritime power. russia acquired this most important status thanks to its geopolitical situation. a great geographical discovery and a colossal contribution to the study of the world's oceans, but most importantly
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- the victories, labor, will, courage and talent of our naval commanders and sailors. overshadowed by the glorious st. andrew's flag, they were and remain reliable guardians of the sea expanses of the fatherland. faith and truth serve him. on ships and submarines, in the marine corps, coastal troops and airborne units, they serve in the name of life, happiness, and well-being of the citizens of their country. military sailors have been celebrating their holiday for more than 300 years now. years, it was established in honor of the first major naval victory of russia at the gangut site. it was won by a very young fleet founded. gaining power, it was the fleet that became for the reformer tsar an important support in the creation of the russian empire, strong, independent,
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sovereign, forever retaining its importance for the country’s defense capability, in achieving its military, industrial, technological scientific triumphs, in developing and strengthening good partnerships with other states. i am sincerely pleased to welcome the combat crew at the main naval parade ships from algeria, india, china, representatives of dozens of foreign countries and delegations who are celebrating today’s holiday with us. congratulations to our sailors and commanders. the high mission of the navy determined their truly sacred attitude towards their homeland, their...
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line and training. nurturing these qualities is one of the most important tasks of purification naval education. starting from the petrovsky school of navigational and mathematical sciences, it is still among the best fundamental and progressive. multiplying rich traditions, prepare first-class specialists with extensive advanced knowledge, and most importantly, able to effectively apply it in... difficult, responsible maritime service. all this is extremely necessary for managing modern ships and weapons that are constantly replenishing our fleet. we will continue to increase the supply of surface and submarine forces, naval aviation, equip ships with high-tech new generation equipment and hypersonic missile systems, and improve
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strengthening. american administration and the german government about plans to deploy on the territory of germany from 2026, american complexes of long-range precision missile weapons, within its reach will be in... important russian government and military control facilities, our administrative and industrial centers, defense infrastructure, and flight time to targets on our territory such missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes. at the same time, earlier during the exercise the united states had already worked the transfer of dark tefon missile systems from
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its territory to denmark and... to the philippines, this situation is reminiscent of the events of the cold war associated with the deployment of american pershings and medium- range missiles in europe. if the united states of america implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previously adopted unilateral moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range strike weapons, including increasing the capabilities of coastal ones. troops of our navy. today the development of a number of such systems is at the final stage. we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and its satellites in europe in other regions of the world. our attention today is drawn to the growing tension on the part of washington in connection with the flights of russian strategic aviation.
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let me remind you in this regard that since the collapse of the soviet union, russian strategic missile carriers have not conducted air patrols far from our borders. russia believed that then there was no longer any need for this. the world has changed, the cold war is in the past. however, the united states did not respond to this unilateral gesture of goodwill and continued. patrols near our borders, so since 2007 we have resumed such flights, this was a response to the increased activity of us strategic and reconnaissance aircraft in regions of the world that are sensitive to russia. this measure is also aimed at ensuring security in the asia-pacific region. today.
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i especially want to note that many naval crews bravely fight the hottest sections of the line of combat contact in the zone of special military operation. just like their great ancestors, they defend sevastopol and other black sea and azov ports, deliver devastating blows to the enemy, and destroy their military facilities. more than 30,000 sailor officers have been awarded. high awards of the state, the honorary title of guards was awarded to the frigate admiral makarov, one regiment to three brigades of the marine corps. three combat formations of the marines and the frigate admiral esson were awarded orders. behind every medal, order, title, there is a personal story of courage and devotion.


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