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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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according to his energetic mood, to restore order, including among sin’s employees, by the way, we recently passed a law according to which sin’s employees now have more rights, but more responsibility when selecting personnel, this is not accidental either, because it is their own safety that is important in places of serving sentences. the new leadership of the russian vsin is establishing order in pre-trial detention centers and colonies, combating the smuggling of phones and other means.
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communication on the territory of our institutions, i think that in the near future these measures will will show their effectiveness, that is, jammers will appear someday, well, it’s not just jammers, it’s also working with telecom operators, there is a significant reduction in the number of calls, that is, these are not even dozens anymore, these are already just a few, and what are drones used for? , in order to transmit some parcels, well, in general, if we are talking about mobile communications, then yes it is possible.
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transmit, well, you can say in dozens, that ’s why one such flight, the institution will be provided with a means of mobile communication, so it is important for us to prevent this, we have greatly increased the level of preventive work and awareness among our employees that all these actions do not go unpunished, and later, so to speak, everyone will get what they deserve. well, while the russian federation council is flogging criminal scammers in special institutions, ordinary citizens need to keep an ear to the ground and strictly observe basic security measures. never , under any circumstances , does a bank employee, nor employees of other banks or other credit institutions ask for a card number, asks for the cvb code on the back of the card or other data. according to cards, this
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never happens, and as soon as some telephone subscriber starts asking you these kinds of questions, you know that this is definitely a criminal, this is definitely a fraudster, hello, hello, good afternoon, is it from the bank that is bothering you? security services, what is it? your account became the winner of the skin lottery, go out and get the prize? of course, how many are there? 10 minutes ago someone tried to pay with your card in a store? i'm ill now i’m on the street, i don’t go out for several days, 80 thousand, the money is immediately transferred to your card. great, but what needs to be done? your account had to be blocked, do you want to continue using your bank card? yes, of course, you will now receive an sms message, there will be a password, dictate it to us, please, dictate the code on the other side of the card. there are three numbers, these are 7 4 1, everything
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is correct, thank you, all the best, this is how we saw the problem of telephone fraud in colonies and pre-trial detention centers, only you can draw conclusions, until meetings on the russia 24 tv channel . today is navy day in russia in st. petersburg, the main parade, the formation of warships passed along the neva forever, bridges were raised for this. but
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the celebration of lighting the torch-string columns began with a salvo from a cannon at the peter and paul fortress. vladimir putin, together with the minister of defense and the commander-in-chief of the navy, walked through the parade formation of ships in the roadstead. then, the supreme commander-in-chief congratulated the sailors on the holiday. the president said that the authorities will continue to increase the provision of surface and submarine forces and naval aviation, equip ships with high-tech new generation equipment and hypersonic missile systems. in his speech, he also drew attention to the us plans, warning that if they are implemented, moscow will refuse to comply with the moratorium on the deployment of strike weapons and... germany about plans to deploy
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long-range precision missile weapons on american territory from 2026. important russian state and military facilities will be within its reach. management. our administrative and industrial centers have a defense infrastructure, and the flight time to targets on our territory for such missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes. this situation is reminiscent of the events of the cold war associated with the deployment of american pershings and medium-range missiles in europe in the event that the united states of america implements such plans. we will consider ourselves free from the previously adopted unilateral moratorium on deployment of medium- and shorter-range strike weapons, including increasing the capabilities of the coastal forces of our navy. today, the development of
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a number of such systems is at the final stage. we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and their satellites. in europe in other regions of the world. well, then our channel’s broadcast will continue with the “parliamentary hour” program. the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello, we will tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. state duma tightens control in the field of migration. deport those who have violated our laws.
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a new special deportation regime is being introduced in russia. improving migration legislation is a priority in the work of the state duma. parliament initiates the issue of attribution. especially serious serious crimes of all that is associated with organized illegal migration. the state duma is waiting for proposals from relevant ministries and departments. working trip of the chairman of the state duma to liberty island. i want to hug my brother tightly i'm very glad to see you. russia and cuba will continue to fight the restrictions together. dialogue on key areas of work is ongoing, despite the distance. bilateral meeting in algeria and a new round of interparliamentary cooperation. relations must move to a new, qualitative level, new formats must be used. matkapital - intended use only. we invested part of the money in buying an apartment and part of the money we spent on
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the child’s education. the state duma introduces new rules: all money goes to the family. parents will be able receive appropriate residual maternity payments. the state duma is tightening control in the field of migration. a new special regime for the expulsion of illegal foreigners from the country is being introduced in russia. they will be entered into a special register and will not be able, for example, to change their place of residence without police permission, drive transport,
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marry or transfer money. deputies passed the law unanimously. they also reduced the period of temporary stay of foreigners in the country without a visa. alexander shavirin has all the details. crowd of migrants in naberezhnye chelny started a massive fight with local residents in the courtyard of an apartment building. in the moscow region , migrants beat a woman because she stood up for her daughter on the playground. in yekaterinburg , law enforcement officers arrived on time and detained a fifty- three-year-old foreign citizen who was trying to rape a schoolgirl. yekaterinburg again. a migrant attacked journalists who were preparing a story about illegal immigrants. federal television, what? and this is only in recent months, the internet is full of such messages. the state duma approved three laws that will help change the situation. a new special legal regime, the expulsion regime, is being introduced. we need to expel those who have violated our laws, we shouldn’t let in those who
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don’t know the language, don’t respect our traditions, don’t respect our culture, based on this we need to restore order and make decisions, then everything will be fine, people are waiting for the result, in the law now the rules that foreigners are required to comply with are clearly spelled out, the so -called loyalty agreement. but no one has to sign anything, it works by default, exactly from the moment the foreigner crossed the state border. this is the assumption by this person of obligations to comply with the law of the russian federation, cultural traditions, to comply within the framework of his lifestyle, to the cultural code of the russian federation, not to violate legal norms, not to violate ethical norms. the expulsion regime is a whole system of restrictions that will apply to a foreigner or stateless person who has committed a crime or is in the territory. russia illegal, specifically, we are talking about the creation
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of a register of controlled persons, we are talking about the fact that the conditions of stay, the presence of foreign citizens in russia, are now stipulated by a number of circumstances, they are set out, entry into the register of controlled persons is informality, a ban on changing the place of residence or stay without police permission, to open bank accounts , cash withdrawal... more than 30,000 rubles. per month for marriage, all this is only part of the restrictions that the deportation regime implies. questions related to use electronic payment systems, the issue of the possibility of transferring money, driving vehicles, employment, marriage, movement beyond a limited territory, and so on, that is , a number of restrictions will already be introduced, as soon as such a violator is included in the appropriate register, a person will be prohibited. buy apartments, property, accordingly, he is prohibited from buying cars and registering there, for example,
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obtaining russian licenses or other documents, until he solves that problem or the conflict that arose for him, on the basis of which he received this regime, but in order to generally act and live on the territory of the russian federation. a person who twice violates the deportation restriction will be placed in a special facility and deported from the country. in addition, the permissible period of stay in russia without a visa has been halved. the decision on deportation can now be made not only by the court, but by the police. deputies also have over twenty bills in their work today aimed at improving migration legislation. we will now follow up with my law, which i introduced, yes, there, for example, doctelloscopy is being introduced for the first time at all airports. at our committees, by the way, ministers, deputy ministers and vice-premiers always come to us quite often, and we ask, be healthy.
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the question of classifying as special this is why today the parliament considers as serious serious crimes everything that is associated with organized illegal migration, with the assistance of this criminal activity. we categorize. very important and the improvement of migration legislation is a priority in the work of the state duma, he noted that it is necessary for all relevant departments in charge of these issues to send their proposals and specific legislative initiatives. alexander shavirin, anna melyakyan, maxim koul, sergey vergunov, alexey chaburkov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. chairman.
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today there are authorized executive authorities, today there are regional authorities, which, in accordance with current legislation are required to resolve these issues. vyacheslav viktorovich also said during the plenary session that the state duma is requesting initiatives from relevant departments, please tell us how the dialogue with them is going today , how ready are they for a substantive discussion of these initiatives? the duma always
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works in an open format, this is generally a style that has already become a tradition, thanks to vyacheslav viktorovich. the laws that we have already developed, projects within the working group, these are issues related to the ban on the participation of intermediaries and third parties persons in an examination for knowledge of the russian language, these are questions related to ensuring that virtually the entire system of migration policy gives
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the main answer to the question of who commits certain crimes and offenses and why?
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flights to cuba with the minister of transport. during the plenary session, the chairman of the deputies will discuss the issue of increasing the number of the state duma, noted that with approximately equal distance from moscow, there are two flights to cuba per week, and for comparison, they fly to thailand every day. this topic was also discussed during the official visit of the chairman of the state duma to liberty island. about work in havana in the republic of algeria, special report by alexander laktionov. after a working trip to nicaragua, the state duma delegation arrives in cuba. colleagues from the local parliament. work begins immediately after arrival. from the air harbor, the chairman of the state duma and deputies go to a meeting with the president of the republic miguel bermudez. vyacheslav volodin conveyed
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greetings from vladimir putin to the leadership of the republic. relations between our country and cuba are dynamic are developing and... your visit is very important for us . the republic of cuba is a symbol of the people's long, difficult struggle for their independence. one of its founders is hase marti. on liberty island, streets and museums, parks and public gardens bear his name. and this is the largest monument in honor of the revolutionary, at the highest point of havana. the memorial was built in the late fifties of the last century. the revolutionary, leader of
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the cuban liberation movement from spain, xase marti, is called the apostle of independence. a national hero, no less famous. just as revered as fidel castra and chegi vara. at the foot of the monument, the cuban military band plays the russian anthem, the guard of honor lays wine at the monument from the chairman of the state duma in memory of the hero of the revolution. the visit program is already rich, and the state duma delegation led by vyacheslav volodin is warmly greeted by the chairman of the cuban parliament, esteban lasa. i want to hug my brother tightly, i am very glad for your visit. russia and cuba are long-time friends and partners, the support that moscow
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continues to provide to havana on the island freedom is especially valued. just recently , the us state department came up with a new act of pressure and added the republic to the list of countries that sponsor terrorism. deputies condemned this policy and called on all parliaments around the world to do the same in a corresponding statement. we have an unprecedented level of relationship. friendship tested by challenges, sanctions against russia, cuba, brought us together. cuba in this matter is a symbol of the struggle for independence, for freedom, a country that has been subject to sanctions for more than 60 years. russia and cuba will continue to struggle with restrictions together. vyacheslav volodin called for systematizing the work within the framework of the bilateral interparliamentary commission on cooperation. our responsible policy in developing relations should be based on one thing: resolving issues of people
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and the development of our economy, this is exactly how our president sets the task. last year , the first meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation was held here in govan. then six specialized working groups were formed and priorities were set: dialogue in key areas. despite distance. parliamentarians of the two countries pay special attention to trade and economic cooperation. in the context of the blockade of liberty island by the united states, russia, as a faithful ally, extended a helping hand. this is energy, these are development issues, joint development and supplies of agricultural products to cuba, and issues related to fertilizers. the cube really needs fertilizer. they have quite serious problems in agriculture, so we are constantly working on these three topics, not all of them can be solved easily, because cuba
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has been under sanctions for many decades, we are also under serious sanctions, this of course makes it difficult to resolve some issues, but the main thing is that we understand all this and are moving forward, the parliamentarians of the two countries will expand the areas of cooperation, during the meeting we agreed... on the creation of another working group within the current commission on health and biotechnology. the parties see great prospects in the field of personnel training. more than 300 cuban students are studying in russia today, but there is a request to increase quotas. in addition, in the near future they plan to open a branch of our southern federal university in havana, where they will provide pre-university training for cuban applicants before studying in russia, teach the russian language and basic knowledge of the profile of their future profession. such students are important to us. students are important to us, because when they come here they will, without hiding it, speak positively about our country, and since we are now on the trend
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of developing relations between russia and cuba, of course, this is such a key thing for us anchor moment. regardless of the position of the collective west, russia and cuba will strengthen military cooperation. moscow is ready to produce even more qualified personnel for the armed forces of liberty island. there are now several dozen cubans among the cadets at russian military universities. receive a variety of specialties and i believe that it is necessary, firstly, to increase this number and secondly, but that during their training they certainly study the experience of a special military operation. for the vast majority of our citizens cuba is primarily a popular holiday destination. russia today ranks second. tourist flow to the republic, and this is only the beginning; parliamentarians are confident that cuba has enormous potential in the development of tourism. there are limiting factors, this is the number of rooms, well
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, first of all, the number of flights, this is exactly the problem we have to solve, find an opportunity to increase the number of flights, make them cheaper, as a result, and talk about those projects that can be useful in tourism each other. there are investors, they are interested, and we were just talking about how to make it easy for them here. there are five factions in the russian parliament with different political views, but on the issue of relations with cuba they are all united, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. the republic is russia's main overseas ally. your consolidation gives you strength. in the midst of sanctions blockades, russia is moving forward, and this is all thanks to your unity. from havana airport, the board of the russian delegation heads for north africa. in 11 hours chairman the state duma and deputies are met in algeria. historical relations between the countries arose immediately after the republic gained independence. algerians fought for their freedom from france for 8 years. to the monument to the heroes of that
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struggle. volodin and the deputies laid wine. the development of interparliamentary dialogue, issues of economic and humanitarian cooperation are in the spotlight at the bilateral meeting of vyacheslav volodin and the president of algeria, abdelmadjid tiboune. the history of relations between our countries is measured in decades. we occupy general position. all international organizations, this is the position of friends, and this is exactly how we perceive our colleagues and citizens of algeria, therefore relations must move to a new qualitative level, new formats must be used so that we work for the final result, and of course, the parliamentary dimension here should increase your efficiency. trade turnover between the countries has
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almost increased over the past year. today, relations are built thanks to our presidents; it is very important for us that we build our work on a systematic basis, using new formats that give positive results. we are interested in further bilateral strengthening of our cooperation in the economic, cultural and scientific spheres. we are engaged in a dialogue on various issues, and we are interested in exchanging experiences with russian colleagues. all this should strengthen the political dialogue
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between our countries at all levels. during the meeting, the speakers agreed to create an interparliamentary commission at the invitation of vyacheslav volodin in the near future , a delegation from algeria led by the chairman national assembly plans to visit russia on a working visit. alexander laktionov, maxim koul, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, alexey chubburkov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. watch the second part of our program. take the balance, new rules for using maternity capital. laws on support for svo participants, drug provision. an american technology company is withdrawing advertising from the paris olympics after a controversial opening ceremony. the corporation is in sixth place in the list of largest us internet providers. her representatives said they were shocked by the ridicule.
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the international olympic committee, which did not withstand criticism of the last supper , was forced to remove resonant footage from its official resources. in turn , the communications director of the games organizing committee apologized to those people whose feelings may have been hurt. well, next is the continuation of the parliamentary hour program. on the air of the parliamentary hour program, we continue: if the family did not use maternity capital in full, there is an amount left in the account of up to 10,000 rubles, she will be able to receive these funds in the form of a lump sum payment. such a law was adopted by the state duma in pursuance of the president’s instructions. yana dobrovolskaya will continue. in my small kitchen i make masterpieces like these. this is rice paper, we use it to decorate this cake. valeria is a pastry chef with
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five years of experience. and a mother of many children. the muscovite also teaches russians how to make desserts. her sweet works can often be found at major events and even on television shows. raises three children. the eldest son is already lives separately, received maternity capital for her second child. when we bought an apartment, we invested part of the money in the purchase of the apartment and we used part of the money to educate the child in a private kindergarten. there is some remainder, approximately more than 10,000. the pension fund began issuing the first state certificates for... maternity capital 17 years ago, then this benefit was given to families in which a second child was born, the payment amount was 250 thousand rubles. this program dramatically increased the birth rate in the country. with in 2020, maternity capital is indexed annually. january 1 of each year at the rate of inflation. since 2020, maternity capital began to be paid for the first child. and you can manage it in several directions: spend it on...


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