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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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this is rice paper, we use it as decoration for this cake. valeria is a pastry chef with five years of experience and a mother of many children. the muscovite also teaches russians how to make desserts. her sweet works can often be found at major events and even on television shows. raises three children. the eldest son already lives separately; she received maternity capital for her second child. when we bought an apartment, we invested part of the money in the purchase of the apartment and we used part of the money to educate the child in a private kindergarten. some remnant more than 10 thousand, approximately. the pension fund began issuing the first state certificates for maternity capital 17 years ago. then this benefit was given to families in which a second child was born, the payment amount was 250,000 rubles. this program dramatically increased the birth rate in the country. since 2020, maternity capital has been indexed annually. january 1 of each year at the rate of inflation. since 2020, maternity capital began to be paid for the first child.
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it can be used in several ways: spent on paying the mortgage, purchasing or building housing, educating children, forming a funded pension for mom or dad, purchasing goods and services for children with disabilities, as well as receiving a monthly payment until the child reaches 3 years of age if the family has low income. when the parents have spent most of the funds, the remainder of the amount remains in the account, it cannot be cashed out, there is criminal liability for this, that is, in fact , there is still money left, it will not be possible to use it, the president has set the task of finding a solution to this issue. it is known that after as people spend the bulk of their maternity capital, there remains some small amount with which it seems like nothing can be done, so people need to be allowed to use the remaining money. the state duma promptly worked on the issue, the law was adopted, and vyacheslav volodin was among the authors of the initiative for additional support. hundreds of thousands
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of families with children will be able to count; if maternity capital has not been used in full , there is an amount of up to 10 thousand rubles remaining in the account, the family will be able to receive these funds in the form of a lump sum payments. today we have 730,000 families, according to social fund estimates, with a sum of about 15 billion rubles, who have residual funds in their msc accounts of less than 10,000 rubles. by september 1, parents will be able to receive the appropriate ones. payments of residual maternity capital if the amount is less than 10 thousand rubles. during the discussion of the initiative, deputies raised the question of the threshold for the remaining amount that families will be able to return. these balances, we know very well, range from 2.0 rubles to 25,000 rubles. but they will only give out 10,000 rubles. and if 10,100 rubles have accumulated on balances. that's the holder this certificate is 10,100 rubles. he won't receive it anymore. why? i think it was necessary somehow. if it is more than 10,000, then
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you still have the opportunity to return the entire amount. the 10,000 bar is the first step. the head of state suggested that we start with this, and then consider other options for returning the funds remaining from the mat capital. it is important that the law on the use of the balance will come into force immediately upon publication, so that families can receive funds as quickly as possible. since the money is paid, well, roughly speaking, in cash, well there it is transferred to the card, it is impossible to control the intended use, therefore.
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indeed, unfortunately, the production of school writing supplies and school uniforms has decreased by about 10% compared to the twenty-second year. we propose to include in the list of possible areas for disposing of regional maternity capital, preparing a child for school, including the purchase of a school uniform, briefcase, and stationery when the child reaches the age of 6 years. state duma deputies. also supported the amendment, clarifying the rule for calculating monthly benefits in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child. we are talking about parents with one child who are already receiving benefits. at the birth of the second and subsequent children, a similar payment will be assigned automatically, without collecting additional certificates. parents will be notified about this on the state services portal. changes will be made to the system of calculating bonuses for caring for disabled people of the first group for pensioners over 80 years of age. every month they will...
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it establishes that the insurance period for pension registration will include periods of service in the lpr, dpr in ukraine. we are talking about military police and firefighters who worked in the new territories before reunification with russia. yana dobrovolskaya, maxim koul, duma tv, parliamentary hour. the state duma protected
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payments to participants in a special military operation from being written off for debts. the law was adopted, as vyacheslav volodin stated, it is unacceptable that the funds that a soldier or officer receives while defending our country and... are included in the bankruptcy estate and seized in case of bankruptcy. about other bills of the week later in our review. svo participants will receive monthly cash payments without application automatically, from the day they are recognized as a combat veteran. this law was adopted by the state duma. this will make life easier for those numerous defenders of the fatherland who are now on the front line and cannot apply for the social fund. the law also clarifies the list of persons classified as veterans. military service, we are talking about russian military personnel who served for at least 20 years in the armed forces of ukraine, the dpr, the people's militia, the lpr, military formations and bodies of ukraine dpr and lpr, and were awarded for success in service, provided that they did not take part in hostilities as part of ukrainian
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formations and did not commit illegal actions against russia and its population. responsibility for drug propaganda is increasing. three laws adopted this week in... people with medical education who have completed retraining courses will be able to sell drugs. bailiffs received the right
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to use physical force, special equipment and weapons in strictly defined cases, for example, when detaining criminals trying to escape or when neutralizing dangerous animals. the exception will be places. the deputies secured the participation of the russian academy of sciences in the examination of textbooks and teaching aids developed along with them from the federal list. now such an examination is being carried out by the ministry of education. we are talking about checking the content for scientific validity, in particular, the absence of unreliable facts, including about the events of participants in the second world war. what the dream is about. new settlers input social facilities in parallel with the commissioning of housing. the state duma adopted in the first reading amendments to the town planning code, which establish the obligation to build infrastructure facilities during the integrated development of territories. we are talking not only about hospitals or kindergartens, but about communal and transport infrastructure, as well as
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facilities for ensuring public order and security. the bill, which allows russian citizens to retain the opportunity to receive rewards without the consent of the author, passed the first reading. perform listen military songs on victory day and other memorable dates. we are talking about works published before 1991. the government will have the right to approve the list of other musical works. the bill, which enhances security during entertainment events, passed its first reading. it was prepared after the terrorist attack in kroku city hall in march this year. a prerequisite for holding, for example, a concert, will be the availability of infrastructure and technical equipment. number of participants. and here is a bill proposing to collect fees from objects hydropower for biological resources, the state duma withdrew
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from consideration. the government must justify who will bear the new costs. the current version of the bill poses risks of increasing tariffs for citizens. also, take initiatives. - said state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. and only after the government presents additional arguments. we will consider this issue, we are talking about biological resources, which we discussed in sufficient detail, we are talking about hydropower, we under no circumstances should make decisions that create a threat of increasing the cost of electricity for citizens and increasing tariffs. and about the decisions of the week, the state duma is carrying out a rotation of personnel, the vice was relieved of his posts.
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the work should be based on professionalism and self-discipline. we will continue to implement this procedure if we see that we need to strengthen the quality of work, increase the efficiency of committee heads, deputies, and chairmen of the state duma. in autumn. for vacant positions, we will consider proposal of the faction, it would be right for the factions to discuss candidates and propose the best, to bring the whole industry out of the gray zone. the state duma adopted a bill on the legalization of mining in the first reading. entrepreneurs and companies who want to engage in the production of cryptocurrency will have to enter a special register of the ruler.
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well, this creates problems, firstly, the miners themselves are afraid that inspection structures and security officials will come to them and begin to make claims that they are carrying out activities unregulated by law, and so on. accordingly, they must be held responsible for this, and secondly, mining is associated with the consumption of a very large amount of electricity, obviously this issue needs to be regulated, thanks to this law...
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this week , the deputy chairman of the iranian council of experts, alyariza arafi, visited the willing row. with the first vice speaker
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of the state duma, alexander zhukov, they discussed the development of a strategic partnership and strengthening inter-parliamentary interaction. alexander zhukov recalled that a lot has been done to develop bilateral relations heads of state, vladimir putin and obrahim raisi, who recently tragically passed away. the first vice speaker of the state duma also expressed confidence that cooperation between russia and iran will continue.
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collective west, we are deeply convinced that there should be several centers of power in the world, one of these centers is russia. let me remind you that on july 30, state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin , on behalf of president vladimir putin , will represent russia in iran at the inauguration ceremony of the new president of the islamic republic. which of us is in didn't you dream of becoming an astronaut as a child? for little svetlana sovetskaya, this was not just a dream, but a real goal. and in the end, she became the first woman on earth to go into outer space. july 25 marked exactly 40 years of the legendary flight. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin in his congratulations recalled: the world's first female cosmonaut
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to conduct research outside the orbital station, svetlana sovitskaya, absolutely confirmed. leadership of our country as a space power, we are of course very glad that we are like this, now no one will tell you told me how successful the flight was, that the tasks assigned to us were completed, even during training, svetlana sovitskaya became the absolute world champion in aerobatics on piston aircraft, an honored master of sports of the ussr, she has three world records in group parachute jumps from the stratosphere, but always modestly considers her achievements to be the general merits of the country.
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an interesting, unique, universal hand tool, an electron gun in their hands, they took turns working, and this is a unique tool that no one had and does not have until now, slan evgen, but i know that you independently carried out this flight with a spacewalk, for the first time
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they started talking about it not even before your flight, but before the flight of your colleague, irina pronina, here. i understand correctly that the fact that you would fly was not important to you, what was important was the fact that it was a woman from russia who would fly, of course, of course, i believed that this should be assigned to our country, but i have always had this approach , when i worked as a test pilot, aviation everywhere, if i i made records, i did it not because it would be my personal record, but because it was a record for our technology, our country, these records still exist, this is also the approach here, yes, but unfortunately, then... mine iri pronina’s proposal to plan this work, well, probably, maybe it’s reasonable, then the general designer valentin petrovich glushkov said: “listen, let ’s not talk about it for now, let it just fly away, well, then, when it has already become known that the americans gather on their shuttles it’s a woman’s choice to do such a thing, well then
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, of course, our people were alarmed and let’s hurry up, and dzhenibekov and i went through this in about 9 months...” we made preparations, although it usually takes more than a year, such, at a minimum. you mentioned several times that at that time there was still a woman in space, in astronautics, it was a rather difficult breakthrough, and they were skeptical, let’s say, about women, yes, for 20 years there was generally a lot of skepticism, supported, let’s say, by the then center training astronauts, and it was under the control of the air force forces, ah... and they all said that there was one first and that’s enough, we don’t need any more, but they pushed through, here is valentin petrovichko, the general designer, the developer of ours...
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uses something else, so any direction of cosmonautics that will be to develop now, today is satellites, today is , in general, strengthening our nuclear
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component, that’s all for me, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week. let's open the missile silos! the lid opens and the start command is given. the rocket is invulnerable and maximally destructive. secrets of veliky ustyug. of course, i can’t give you specific numbers, but we will reach european cities, their capitals. it makes no sense to threaten a country that has such potential. combat alert, missile attack. launch points. which capitals are under the control of our cruise missiles. navy day. our correspondents are in all russian fleets.
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let's take a look at the formidable debutants of the holiday. what time is it on the apocalypse clock? obama, trump and finally biden. all of them destroyed the nuclear arms control system. how will the palace coup end in america? and what was the old man in makeup up to, he left, meet, how the drones have changed over time, why there are spear networks at the front, teach them to destroy other enemy drones, a unique report by alexander rogatkin about the battle of drones. murder named gender dysphoria virus, my son xavier died, killed by awakening virus, who crippled elon musk's son?
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this is vivian jena wilson. i want to say that i'm fine. and why do children sterilize in the west? my name is eisa, i'm 6 years old and i do fight shows. who are the drops? i arrived at the address and took it from my bag. how the writer radzinsky was robbed of 45 million, which the big officials of the yeltsin era bought into. what is a cooling-off period? will it save you from scammers? last supper in french. why macron turned over the olympic banner and released a scene of bearded men in dresses. don't miss the big sunday news at 20:00. we spent so much effort trying
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to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped. they didn't care about the people anyway. americans only. what crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. hersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants. who saved the city from scythian raids and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir, precisely for what he brought to the future.
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the history of our predecessors, kersonez, the cradle of russian orthodoxy, this alone gives the right we should consider crimea russian. khersonian, it should become a russian meca, which should attract people from different parts of the world. how chersonese became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity.
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they’re still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we’ve come here forever.
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the second one performs combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction, we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, get traction, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit down because i was in normal form, well, salamati, one alone, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i
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didn’t want to leave soon. 2 years, today is the day of the russian navy in st. petersburg, the main parade. the formation of warships passed along the niva's forward; for this purpose , bridges were raised, the celebration began with the lighting of torches, the rasstral columns with a salvo from a gun at the peter and paul fortress. vladimir putin, together with the minister of defense and the commander-in-chief of the navy, walked through the parade formation of ships at raid. then the supreme commander-in-chief congratulated the sailors on the holiday. the president stated that.


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