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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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come on, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years. today is the day of the russian navy in st. petersburg, the main parade, the formation of warships passed along the niva forward, bridges were raised for this, the celebration began with the lighting of torches, raster columns with a salvo from a gun at the peter and paul fortress. vladimir putin, together with the minister of defense and the commander-in-chief of the navy, walked through the parade formation of ships in the roadstead. then the supreme commander-in-chief congratulated the sailors on the holiday. the president stated that. the authorities will continue
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to increase the provision of surface and submarine forces and naval aviation, equip ships with high-tech new generation equipment and hypersonic missile systems. in his speech, he also drew attention to the us plans, warning that if they are implemented, moscow will refuse to observe the moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range strike weapons. the statement is noteworthy. american administration and the german government on plans to locate in the territory from 2026 germany's american complexes of long-range, high-precision missile weapons will put important russian government and military control facilities within its reach. our administrative and industrial centers are defense infrastructure, and the flight time to targets in our... territory of such
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missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes. this situation is reminiscent of the events of the cold war associated with the deployment of american pershing ships in europe, medium range missiles. if the united states of america implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previously adopted unilateral moratorium on deployment. medium- and shorter-range strike weapons, including increasing the capabilities of the coastal forces of our navy. today, the development of a number of such systems is at the final stage. we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and its satellites in europe in other regions of the world. russian troops took over control. two more settlements in the dpr,
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progress and evgenovka, this was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, a unit of the center group defeated four enemy formations and repelled three counterattacks. a unit of the group of forces center, during active operations , liberated the settlements of progress and evgenovka of the donetsk people's republic. the formation of the 28th, thirty- first and thirty-second mechanized brigades and the 142nd infantry brigades was defeated.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, now there are new shots from st. petersburg for a meeting on the right on...
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dear friends, today is here in st. petersburg on military day. russian navy, we are opening a monument to one of our outstanding naval commanders, the righteous warrior, canonized, admiral fedor fedorovich ushakov. his fate is closely connected with the city of naneve. he began serving on the ships of the baltic fleet, absorbed its glorious traditions laid down by peter i. and multiplied them in battles on the black. in the mediterranean seas, these valiant feats of accomplishment, the military art and innovations
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of ushakov in many ways determined the entire further development of the domestic fleet. admiral ushakov won a whole constellation of outstanding victories, including such major naval battles like keshchenskaya, at cape tendra and cape kaliokria, made a huge contribution. in the development of the port and city of the fortress of sevastopol, our southern hernias, lands and harbors throughout new russia. a determined, talented naval commander, a true patriot of the fatherland, ushakov did not lose a single battle throughout his brilliant career. he placed his flagship at the forefront, inspiring the sailors with courage and courage. commanders, quickly accurately assessed the combat situation and carried out decisive attacks,
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the admiral emerged from battles with a more numerous enemy, he did everything to protect his homeland from external threats. thanks to his efforts, russia increased its international influence and strengthened its power as a maritime power. much attention fedor fedorovich. devoted to the education and training of personnel. modern russian military sailors live by his covenants and ideals. they also faithfully and selflessly serve their homeland. and the famous admiral is for them a symbol of military goodness. i would like to thank the public for the initiative to install this monument. organizations, naval veterans, the authorities of st. petersburg. and, of course, big.
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just go forward, overcome any difficulties and challenges, win in the name of russia, so it will be, thank you for your attention, these were shots from st. petersburg.
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they promised to sew four costumes for our group in a few hours, we can get a lot done, it’s time to put things in order with this and that. one of the oldest and best hairdressing salons in the city is run by a family, a father and four sons. men in afghanistan love to take care of themselves, they go to the stylist a little. maybe every 3 days, unlike women who cannot afford this, all hairdressers have been closed to them for some time now. when the master asked how we would cut,
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i answered him at your discretion, let’s wait. tourists, to things that the chinese really like to buy that are directly related to afghanistan, postcards with views, antique or semi-antique
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converted pistols and knives, a classic afghan knife with reverse sharpening. with such knives, according to sellers, executors of sharia court decisions cut off limbs thieves, caught once, deprived of a hand, in the second foot, things usually don’t go further, the desire to take someone else’s property disappears completely, cruelly, of course, but here it works, afghan mujahideen attack a soviet column in a mountain gorge, our helicopters cover our guys, history in things and... the germans had gray ones with a swastika, the afghans had green ones, they came here in the thirties of the last century, when the abwehr tried to restore order here, and they
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were prevented by soviet intelligence officers, a forgotten page of history, almost 100 years back the germans really... worked closely in afghanistan, strengthened the army, supplied weapons and uniforms, hence the fascist helmets in the country. germany made plans for an afghan invasion of the ussr. if successful , they promised to give up several territories of central asia and the volga region. declassified documents indicate that the afghans were even ready to go to war with the soviet union, but anti-fascist sentiment in society was fueled by soviet intelligence.
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soviet diplomats are buried here, this is a russian cemetery. the dalibs know this place and despite the orthodox cross, they are treated with respect. it is still impossible to find out the names of those who lie in unmarked graves; they are classified as secret, and the secret will only be revealed in 2044. a small open sky perimeter, on one of the walls of which are carved the names of other defenders of the interests of our country, soviet soldiers.
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russian production, uniforms, boots, ammunition, which previously simply flooded the market, are now practically gone, but
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nevertheless, there are unique pieces that will never be sold, in particular this ladder for evacuation from an american helicopter. the afghans won because they are strong and patient, now they have sighed, they still do not know how they will continue to live, but they have a shameful past of occupation. well, this amazing thing can only be seen in afghanistan: a camouflage baby stroller for a real majahideen, for a real warrior. it’s a pity that i ’m already old, i’m 80 years old, i can only trade at the market, but i used to be a driver, life has become better now, there’s no war, the main thing is that there’s work, there’s work, there’s a private boom entrepreneurship, dozens of companies and...
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people regularly meet at least a few words, but who know our language, having heard russian speech, they themselves come up, shake hands warmly, but in general, what is the situation now in kabul in afghanistan, normal, good, what’s your name , asan, thank you, dinner time, the art of cooking does not look very aesthetically pleasing and frighteningly unusual, and what the french call lamb confit is just
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lamb in hot fat, but there is no doubt about the freshness and highest quality of the products, wildly delicious if you are an afghan promised he will definitely do it, we arrived at the studio at closing time, as agreed, they did not let us down. the suit is ready, ironed, packed, all that remains is to try it on, it feels unusual, firstly, and secondly, it’s very comfortable, high-quality fabric, all this costs 3.00 rubles. now we can travel around the country, but first we’ll stay in the capital for a while. the right bank of the kabul river, clean pavement, neat shopping arcades, but prices are steep, so rich and educated people come here, such
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as david, a businessman who speaks fluent three foreign languages, studied in kazakhstan and pakistan, in 3 years in terms of security it became good, but since it was there, so... people are also without work, people also i can’t say for sure that when it was good , but in essence, look at the people, as they say, but the war has been here for 40-50 years, it has never been good, the other bank of the kabul river looks very contrasting with this embankment, the size of a whole microdistrict, but essentially a gloomy world, living by his own rules. until the eighties of the last century, the border between
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the rich people of kabul and the poor. look on the left, what a beauty, those who had good incomes dressed and bought food here, on the right, those who had practically no money, since then the right side has become worse and worse, and now it is called the dirty market. at the entrance there is a man in rags, the feeling that he has been under this fence all his life, begging for alms, trying to sell some old stuff, what did i think? you would think the same thing, a man sells electric razors, nothing like that, guys, this cape, i sit here, and they will do it for me luxurious hairstyle, this is a hairdresser, stylist, abdullah says that there is little work now, for his open-air barbershop the weather is crucial, he used to be a master in a women's barbershop, but all the salons for
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kabul's beauties... were closed and abdullah found himself on the street , there are many such destinies here, i was born here, 50 years old, now some are in power, now others, constantly beating each other, there is always a civil war, but now there is no war, but there is no work, and there is no bread, we start our trip to the market from a restaurant , this is the best way establish contact with the locals, i’m working, will they give me a supplement, will they? also, it’s quite cold outside now, it’s snowing, and i’ve already asked for more, a very tasty dish, i can’t deny myself this pleasure, oh, that shakur, the smell is amazing, they prepare a very tasty afghan dish here, it’s called chuinaki, it’s fat tail, lamb, tomatoes. onions and
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garlic, everything boils on a huge stove, right in mugs, and is also served on the table, piping hot, to an inexperienced tourist it may seem that it’s somehow dirty here, in fact, food absolutely safe, but tourists will never come here in the next few years, because this is not only the oldest market in kabulul, it is also the most dangerous, the restaurant where we were sitting. a family from the province of panshe, a region that has always been at war with the taliban and has not yet finally sworn allegiance to the new government, the guests of the establishment are also from those places, they don’t say anything openly, but from their words it is clear that they feel disadvantaged, we have everything in panshe, gold there is, there are stones, there is copper, there is uranium, but from all this i get nothing, i don’t have a car, i don’t have a house no and no money, so i wander around the country, i’m
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a tailor, i make suits, but who... orders them, everyone around is beggars, on weekdays, not on friday, today is a day off, there are so many people here that it’s simply impossible to walk through the market , today it is half empty, now it will be completely empty, you hear, the call to friday prayer sounds, this is sacred, trade stops, you need to... and this is a mandatory condition, try, don’t close, the talip convoy will come, next time it will close the store, you in prison. akhmat was born in these slums and lives, about the best sometimes he didn't hear. he doesn’t have a store, it’s not immediately clear what this man, warming himself by the fire, does for a living. from time to time, merchants approach him
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and stand for a minute. and leaves, and he still sits and waits for the next ones to come, pay tribute, of course, i don’t really care who is in power, the main thing for me is that there is work in the market, in general, when you walk through this market you will be offered not only to warm your hands , that is, not only warmth, they will offer you free bread, free tea, when they see a foreigner, they smile and behave very friendly, literally everyone.


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