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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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with their own, cradle, one word, our archaeologists could not bring crimea to us - this is again the sunrise of gersanes, and it was as if even the second baptism of russia, hersanez again, returning to us, again baptized russia with his grace. today the city is experiencing a renaissance. in 3 years, on the site of the southern suburb, a new khersanez grew up. a large-scale unique historical and archaeological park. the strategic goal of this project, it seems to me, is to revive the historical, cultural, spiritual heritage of hersanes, to recreate in crimea is the center of power. who we are, where we came from, how our statehood developed, because gaining a stronger identity is the basis of the future of the country. we will see a lot in
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ourselves by studying the history of our predecessors, our historical genetics. for 9 long months, prince vladimir kept korsun under siege, as khersanes was called in ancient russian chronicles; the inhabitants, taken from the pestilence, were eventually forced to surrender. what horror and trembling was in the hearts of the citizens, they knew that for 9 long months they had been attacked by a man, a nickname, to which the beast, which has one law: the longer the fortress resists, the faster. all the inhabitants had to die,
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this was a kind of revenge for making the grand duke wait so long. vladimir literally translates as the owner of the world, he captures our impenetrable fortress with only one purpose: to deliver an ultimatum to vasily ii, so that the rightful princess, the most inaccessible girl in the world, the princess, will come here. anna, legal sister of vasily ii, emperor of byzantium. but neither the beauty of anna, nor the streets of the wondrous city, located on the shore of the azure bay, vladimir will not see. triumph from victory a.
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heals a terrible illness that destroys the prince. prince vladimir walks around our city, he does not let anyone near him, and he cannot understand what kind of spirit lives here in this city, what kind of ancient stones are these, what kind of god is this who has deprived him of the most important thing? confession. temporary years, by divine providence, at that time vladimir’s eyes were sick, and he could not see anything, he grieved greatly, and did not know what to do. the queen sent him say: “if you want to get rid of this illness, then be baptized as soon as possible, but if you do not get baptized, then you will not be able to get rid of your illness.” vladimir replied: “if this really comes true, then the christian god is truly great.” let's go back to 2015, then you...
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believe that this is the year 988, this is a conditional year, because the baptism itself, the conversion of various slavic tribes to eastern christianity. it lasted not only, maybe not even a decade, but a century, it is a large, complex process, but something else is important for us, what is important is that as a result of this event , the russian nation began to take shape, as such, by this time, various slavic tribes, and not only slavic ones, living in this territory, throughout the entire territory of former russia, they were already...
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here is the source of our statehood and the russian people . if we return to the khersonese project, what are your expectations, what problems should it solve so that a large number of people from all over the country, yes, and if someone wants from abroad, we are open to our guests and friends visiting this place to immerse themselves v history of this part of europe. into the history of russia and when faced with the events that are set out there, we realized, i now mean first of all our citizens, they realized who we are, where we came from, how
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our statehood took shape. the new park turned out to be large-scale, grandiose, and iconic. a museum of antiquity and byzantium, a museum of christianity, a museum of crimea and new russia, a pilgrimage center, a youth and craft quarter of the 20th century will open here, where you can see what the city looked like in the era of prince vladimir. now the task is all this. the complex, of course, is to immerse a person in the flow of his own history, so that a person begins to understand that his personal history, by invisible, stunning, mysterious threads, is connected
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with the history of his homeland. books are books, but there is this energetic feeling that you are standing where your faith was born, and it should influence completely different, so to speak, centers. human thinking and feeling, here, where you stand, something was born that later lived for centuries, preserving wisdom, faith, history, culture, language, art, these
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are just some of the impressive figures of the project: the park area is 24 hectares. 2.0 military builders worked around the clock for 3 years. 6 million archaeological finds that were made during the preparatory phase. 300 thousand of these artifacts are of museum value and will be added to new exhibitions. our president has repeatedly emphasized. that khersenez tauride should become, well, some kind of russian russian meca, which should attract people, well, from different parts of the world, and of course, in accordance with this task, the project was conceived, implemented, in fact, it became
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exactly the place that vladimir vladimirovich spoke about, that is, in fact , the task was to build a new city, when we were approached with... with a proposal to support the implementation this project, our many years of experience in implementing such cultural and historical projects were taken into account. for 7 years we... have been actively supporting the reconstruction of the main orthodox church in russia, the assumption cathedral in the kremlin, so he attracted this experience attention, we were asked to get involved, we immersed ourselves in the project, in all its details, our specialists regularly visited the construction site in khersonez, participated in working meetings, our volunteers also took part in the improvement of the territory, so this is of course a big event for us , very important. elena alexandrovna, are you like a person who remembers how it all
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began? what are your impressions of the new hersanes? in general, the territory itself is admirable, a new, urban territory, this is a territory for sevastopol residents, this is a territory for guests of sevastopol and the crimean peninsula, look at how magnificent the architecture is, we willy-nilly find ourselves in constantinople, it’s so short, so large. strokes of the history of the crimean peninsula, well, firstly, of course, we see with you the empress, catherine, we see suvorov, we see potemkin, the great statesmen who developed crimea who annexed crimea to russia, we see the imperial families who often came here to hersanez and personally supervised questions of archaeological research, it is not in vain that archaeological excavations begin in... 827, because the goal was what: to find
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the place of baptism of prince vladimir, this is where it all began, as a result, in the course of these archaeological research a great city is revealed with its history, for for us, for archaeologists, this was certainly a challenge; when we started work, it was... in terms of the number of specialists involved,
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in terms of their level, indeed, i repeat once again that only thanks to the idea of ​​such a project it was possible through joint efforts to carry out these works, we are the institute of the history of material culture of the russian academy of sciences, we invited for cooperation, of course, the chersonesos museum, rmitashazh, the institute of archeology of crimea, that is, the leading specialists of the country organized a large... history, it gives something new all the time, this
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some kind of factory at the same time for the extraction of some unique information, unique finds, suddenly some discoveries, difficulties, because we are digging a crypt, it is flooded with water, in another crypt there are some exploding shells of the great patriotic war, construction is already underway somewhere, cranes are moving, there were periods when... khersanez third century bc, the main
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square of the city is especially lively, among those gathered there are only men, they are determined. the day before , a coup d'état was prevented in the city. the oligarchs' attempt to abolish democracy was unsuccessful. how did the khersynites manage to prevent the seizure of power and what did this story teach them? more on this a little later, but for now let’s move 2 centuries ago. when are the first the greek ships of trier moored to this shore. hersanes was founded by people from heraclea pantina, according to one version, in the 5th century bc, when there was a great war between sparta and... athens, the city arose as a colony on foreign overseas territory, surrounded by hostile tribes and at first was small, on the sea side protected by a rocky coast, and on the landward side a fortified stone wall, which was erected by the first colonists, but they felt uncomfortable at home, this is
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a classic, the expansion of the people increased economically... the resources of thailand are already they mastered the mediterranean sea, almost everything, most of the pontaxian sea was already mastered by the black sea, and khersenez was one of the last colonies founded by the greeks. translated from greek, hersenez means peninsula. in the vast greek-speaking world at that time, stretching along the black mediterranean sea, there were several cities. with the name khersanez, speaking precisely about this, they added tauride after the name of the tribe that lived in this territory. chersonese has always been surrounded by walls in order to protect itself from tank attacks, nomads. geography attracts history; this is
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a territory that, one way or another, has always interested everyone, well, probably. in the history of chersonese there is not a century when chersonese and later, yes, korsun, cherson from sevastopol, when its inhabitants did not fight with someone. khersanez is a typical hellenic polis, that is, a city state. to conduct all affairs, from minting local coins, collecting taxes, trade, to defense. in order to defeat the external enemy , the residents used the state organization, which here in fersoness was democratic in nature. everyone people who are indigenous have rights . it is clear that there are different social strata, mainly traders, farmers,
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artisans and the ruling elite. here is a classic version for the ancient city of polis. great attention was paid to the upbringing, education and physical endurance of the younger generation; art played a rather large role, because in hersanes there is an ancient theater. the khersanese ancient theater is a unique monument of the hellenic period, the only one in the entire territory of the former soviet union. the theater was built in the 4th-3rd century bc. here and today texts written by aristophanes, sophocles are heard and
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the imperial closes with us, this is a unique reunion of peoples from times of cultures and civilizations. in ancient times, it was here, not far from the very place where st. vladimir’s cathedral would appear many centuries later, that ogora was located, that is, the main
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square, the center of religious and commercial political life. people's meetings were held here, and oaths were taken here. to allegiance to chersonesos. we read about that strong love, like only the young men swore when they reached adulthood to give everything, including their own lives, so that they would never give up their hometown to anyone. the oath, composed by the ancient khersenites, is a manifesto of loyalty to the city, which appeared after they had to confront the conspirators, the oligarchs. political drama.
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the art that glorified the ancient gods begins a completely different story. the first feat that the first christian performed here was a feat apostle andrew the first-called, here the apostle was long enough, and here a miracle was performed for the apostles, when he prayed on a high stone on the seashore, prayed for the people, for the enlightenment of the people living on this earth, the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted. on this stone, subsequently many chersenesites came to this place, drew water from his feet, prayed and received healing, the third bishop of rome, a disciple of the apostles, was exiled here in the ninety-eighth year, his name was clement, pope clement, here he met many christians, whom he baptized in rome, he worked in the quarries in
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the current city, which... is called inkerman, there the holy martyr clement of rome with his own hands carved the first temple in our understanding, a cave temple, named this temple in honor of a man whom he knew well, in honor apostle andrew the first-called, such an absolutely amazing connection, an apostolic connection, and of course, how can this place be called non-sacred after this story, here clement of rome continued to rule the roman church, he remained the bishop of rome, despite the fact that was in exile for three... years in 101, by order of emperor troyan, in december he was martyred by drowning and, of course, a very important event, when in 861 cyril came here, sailed, then constantine, a philosopher, man, scientist , a man who was sent on a diplomatic mission to the khazars, he saw a man who was reading the gospel,


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