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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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for flowers or to cool off at the dacha, oh, or to sleep, yandex maps will tell you places and build routes so that you don’t have anything in mind. mikhail mishustin visited the regions of the far east and siberia on a working trip. he inspected socially significant facilities important for improving the quality of life of people, developing education and healthcare, as well as industrial enterprises in the regions. in magadan , the prime minister got acquainted with the code for the construction of a new passenger terminal at the international airport. named after
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vysotsky visited the enterprise processing of omega sea fish oil, and also toured mayak park and talked with residents. the prime minister got acquainted with plans for the reconstruction of the fishing port and the results of the federal project general cleanup to clear coastal waters of sunken ships. in the magadan region , 20 of them have already been raised. three more are planned to be liquidated by the end of december. the next region visited by mikhail mishus. became the khabarovsk territory, in the capital of the region, mikhail mishustin visited the only power engineering plant in the far east, where, among other things, gas turbines, centrifugal compressor machines, and turbine blades are created. they are supplied not only to the domestic market, but to the countries of the commonwealth of independent states and neighboring countries. the head of government visited the regional children's clinical hospital. one of its new buildings was built using.
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federal funding, conditions have been created there to provide timely assistance to young patients. the prime minister spoke with hospital employees and promised to provide assistance with the purchase. medical equipment. i want to thank you for your work. the most important thing is that young patients feel and care about the possibility of professional help. i am sure that their parents appreciated the way work was organized in particular at this hospital. the head of government also supported the request of the regional governor to allocate additional funding for the improvement of social facilities in khabarovsk. at the far eastern state university of transport, one of the largest transport universities in russia, mikhail mishustin got acquainted with the results of the work priority 2030 program. it allows us to develop promising areas of specialist training and improve the quality of their training. i got acquainted with the work
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of the university admissions committee, toured the laboratory for organizing train traffic, and talked with representatives of student groups. the topic of education was discussed in detail in novosibirsk during a visit to the specialized educational and scientific center of novosibirsk state university. it helps support children who are capable in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. from september the institution begins to operate in new buildings. chairman of the government. looked at the new educational and leisure buildings and met with young scientists and teachers of the specialized educational and scientific center. today, when there are tasks to strengthen technological sovereignty, it is the novosibirsk academic campus, the university, which 100% cannot remain on the sidelines, must be the same driver as sund in the school education system. i sincerely wish that you will find it interesting to study, work, make scientific discoveries with... everything
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already leaders in their fields, in novosibirsk the chairman of the government also visited the industrial technology park of akadem gorodok, its participants are engaged in the production of science-intensive products and equipment, including for the it sector in the field of medicine, bio nanotechnology, new materials, and aircraft construction. they also help promote domestic goods. in gornoaltaisk, mikhail neshustin got acquainted with initiatives to improve... airport infrastructure. as part of his working trip, mikhail mishustin held bilateral meetings with regional heads, during which issues of socio-economic and infrastructural development of the regions were discussed. figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all
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the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit down because i was. normal form, well, salomati, one one, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first once i arrived, i stayed there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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so, guys, today we will draw such a wonderful cat with kittens, but not necessarily exactly the same, complete freedom of creativity on the canvases of young painters, the red cat turns blue, red, black, instead of two kittens , three appear and even. the process is fascinating and obviously important, it’s much more important than itself result. these small children's groups meet here all summer, three times a week , as part of a fine arts intensive. children engage in drawing, learn different techniques, and this develops fine motor skills of their hands, and they learn to think like artists, distinguish colors, distinguish shadows, and build objects. we also instill in them self-confidence and give them creative
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potential, which the children will use somewhere in the future. this time we decided to paint the cat family using the stamping technique. a sponge moistened with paint creates on paper unique patterns, allowing little artists to play with the depth, richness and color of their work. literally an experience. we take paint and a sponge and dip the sponge in the paint, uh-huh, then we hold it for later and bring it to the painting and let it go, and so we have to continue. the classes are free and very popular with locals. every lesson is sold out, and it seems like there’s just one more easel in the office. won’t fit, but drawing is not the only thing prepared for muscovites in this
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cultural center, within the city summer cult program, and we had yard games, we introduced yard games last year, and children are very much involved in it, they become interested in the games of our youth, and these are elastic bands, jump ropes, cossacks, robbers, we have a territory , where we can afford to play with the children together. we play with children too. the cult of summer is 125 libraries of cultural centers of the capital's department of culture. for the fifth year in a row we are ready to provide residents of the capital with high-quality entertainment and educational programs in during three summer months. the intensive courses are designed for both children and adults , and the number of current directions will surprise even the most experienced connoisseur. this is a city program that is a set.' in order to have such a creative space, the development of muscovites in
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the summer, intensive courses are classes from 3 days to the entire summer, and are such programs for creative development in the main areas: choreography, fine arts, photography, languages, 3d modeling, robot technology. in the klyuchevsky central library, under the strict supervision of an experienced teacher, children master. the basics of robotics, these guys are called pins, repeat, pins, pins, in these pins we can connect with you different elements, full diligence and new information from the lesson, as a result, each participant in the three-day intensive will be able to make a robotic boat with a flashing or on the contrary, a continuously shining led. the intensive lasts 3 days, we work with the guys in the first lesson. an adhesive small wooden model, we had a boat that works without batteries,
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without anything. in the second lesson, the guys and i are trying to simulate a small circuit, assemble it from wires from arduino, this is a microcontroller, a small brain, and program it on a computer. in the next third lesson, the works of the first two will be combined together, in addition to the memorable model, giving the children... basic knowledge in this extremely interesting topic at the intersection of sciences. well, it surprises me how the wires and led buttons work and how to use them correctly insert and... why, how everything works, because it is the teacher who explains everything well, but not with robots uniform for adults and children , the library organizes summer readings in the parks of the capital, and also conducts intensive sports activities and dedicated to the architecture of the city, in our country, for example. , the intensive architecture course is taught by a doctor of cultural sciences, who
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has been studying the architecture of the city of moscow for many years, especially in particular. the central district along the streets, there were very interesting presentations of the colored boulevard, well, sort of in addition to the nikulin circus, there are special buildings there that are associated with outstanding cultural figures of the city of moscow, where they lived, participated, and worked. the surikov library traces its history back to 1919, for more than a century of existence as a public library. turning into a large informational cultural and leisure center for children and adolescents of all ages. the status obliges, because the intensive courses here, on the one hand, have a serious educational base, on the other hand, they will be equally interesting for both pre-school children and to the older generation. so, guys, let's remember how anthropologists find some
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things, like this, how do we know that ancient people even existed? the topic is not easy, in just three lessons the children will have to cover the whole of anthropology, from homo habilis to modern homo sapiens. older children and, of course, their parents, who do not deprive themselves of the opportunity to listen to interesting lectures, are captivated by the story about evolution, and the kids enjoy participating in the workshop. classes, making analogues of primitive amulets. this time we we decided to try primitive society, how the first people appeared and so on, how they lived, how... they were built, how they dressed, in this way, we will talk with them about this topic for 3 days, on wednesday, here’s the next thing, the last lesson we will have is a quiz, this is what they listened to, what they did with their hands, we will have to listen to all this and see the result. one of the most popular
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intensive courses at the ostakov cultural center is dedicated to acting. this is already the sixth year in a row in our cultural center, these are summer intensive courses that take place from morning to lunch, in approximately different creative directions, children can try themselves in both theater, dance, vocal and many others. in 10 lessons, boys and girls, under the guidance of a theater master, must stage a real musical. fly, fly petal through the west to the east. through the north, through the south, come back, make a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, be, in my opinion, led, be, in my opinion, led, every 2 weeks a new production, this time in the author's reading with mention of modern trends, jokes and even music, on the stage of the cultural center,
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they will present tsvetik, seven-tsvetik, soviet classics by valentin kotaev, and the girls, marry... what do i want to continue to live in the theater, i liked the theater the most, the first thing i wanted to go to dancing, but then theater won my heart. as part of the classes, young actors learn to have a voice so that the lines reach even the very last row, and they also study stage speech, acting, singing and, of course, dancing.
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and then it develops small children very well motor skills and is useful for the students themselves, but the most important thing, of course, is the revival
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of traditions, that is, so that we do not forget that there were such paintings that supported all this and knew where it all came from. classes require extreme concentration, because with one color the painter has to create the entire composition, the central figure and many of its decorative elements, traditional for gzhil. not wanting to miss a minute, in perfect summer weather this entertaining intensive is held
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right outside in the city park. mom's crafts is an activity for making a movable puppet doll, this time the fairytale horse pegasus. the work is painstaking, but interesting, it teaches children concentration and perseverance, it gives adults the opportunity to plunge into the past and look again at... the world through the eyes of a child, and we make paper puppets, that is, i prepare a template in advance, cut it, and what remains for the children just decorate and cut it out, and then i’ll put it together, because it might be a little dangerous for their fingers, that’s what it’s intended for, firstly, well, mainly for the development of imagination, because well, someone can paint it like a classic, for example, the same pegasus horse. does anyone have all the colors of the rainbow? intensives are a great opportunity to find something you like for yourself and your child. if it so happened that during the long summer months,
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instead of going to grandma’s or relaxing at the seaside, the baby stayed in the city. in the summer, it’s generally a very good alternative, because there aren’t many clubs that work for children and such a variety of master classes - very, as it were, children like that the themes are different and different. the types of creativity are different, so i really, really like it, and i sincerely like it, it is reflected in the numbers, over the past year , 15 thousand people attended intensive cult of summer in all capital districts, the demand for them is growing, because in june of this year alone the number of program participants has already summer has passed 6.00, as you know, life is small, and moscow is doing everything possible to make this life as possible as possible.
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the official city tourist portal visit st. petersburg invites you to st. petersburg. city of history and romance. architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services, creative space and the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburger. it's all a unique journey of experiences with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparable. what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is it, our product, you have me in the fire, pyro, homemade magic ink, can you get it? the main thing is van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic.
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but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it needs to be, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, he doesn’t need a pen, who has rotten in pocket, uh, uh, what started, flint, i can’t live without traveling, soon, i got used to watching videos in... stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries movies, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
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today russia celebrates navy day; in honor of the holiday, solemn naval parades were held in different cities, including
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syrian tartus, but the main one... traditionally took place in st. petersburg, in which, in addition to russian naval ships from algeria, china and india took part. vladimir putin congratulated the sailors and especially noted the role of the fleet in protecting russia’s national interests. in addition, the president made important statements related to ensuring the country's security. dmitry akimov has details. the main naval parade in st. petersburg began exactly at 11:00, a salvo was heard from the petropallovskaya fortress, the raster columns were lit, four bridges on... the neva were raised and after that boat number 001, the boat of the president of the russian federation, departed from the commandant's pier of the peter and paul fortress, and walked along the parade line of warships in the neva waters. there are five ships of modern designs and four sailing ships. in addition, there are ships from foreign countries, algeria, india and china.


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