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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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russia celebrates navy day today. in honor of the holiday, solemn naval parades were held in various cities, including syrian tartus. but the main one traditionally took place in st. petersburg. in addition to russian ones, ships from the algerian, chinese and indian navies took part in it. vladimir putin congratulated the sailors and especially noted the role of the fleet in protecting russia’s national interests. in addition, the president made important statements related to ensuring the country's security. dmitry akimov has details. main naval parade in st. petersburg began exactly at 11:00 , a salvo was heard from the peter and paul fortress, the rostral columns were lit, four bridges over the neva were raised, and after that boat number 001, the boat of the president of the russian federation , departed from the commandant pier of the peter and paul fortress in the neva water area and passed along the parade line of battle ships. there are five ships of modern designs and four sailing ships. besides. there are also
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ships of foreign countries from algeria, india and china. the supreme commander-in-chief congratulated the crew personnel on holiday, and then the boat arrived here at the pier on senate square, and here the president addressed all the country’s military sailors, separately talking about those who are right now doing difficult combat work in the northern military district zone. i especially want to note that many naval crews fight bravely. hot sections of the line of combat contact in the zone of special military operation. just like their great ancestors, they defend sevastopol and other black sea and azov ports. they deliver devastating blows to the enemy and destroy their military installations. more than 30,000 sailor officers have been awarded high state awards. the honorary title of the guards was awarded to the frigate admiral.
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makarov, one regiment to three brigades of marines. three combat formations of the marines and the frigate admiral esson were awarded orders. behind every medal, order, and title is a personal story of courage and devotion to the fatherland. the fates of daring, persistent sailors, their commanders, brilliant naval officers, for whom the main thing... has always been duty, honor, dignity, and the ability to lead. in his speech, the president noted: in the context of escalating tensions with the united states of america and its satellite countries, russia reserves the right to a mirror response. the statement of the american administration and the german government on deployment plans from 2026 is noteworthy. on the territory of the federal republic of germany, american
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complexes of long-range precision missile weapons, important russian government and military control facilities, our administrative and industrial centers, defense infrastructure, and flight time to targets will be within its reach on our territory there will be an order of magnitude of such missiles, which in the future could be equipped with nuclear warheads.
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our navy. today , the development of a number of such systems is at the final stage. we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and its satellites in europe in other regions of the world. concluding his speech, the president emphasized: our country now faces historical, fateful tasks. in total , 20 nadvos were involved in the parade. ships and boats, one a submarine, four sailing ships, more than 2,500 military personnel, in addition, for the first time this year, spectators had the opportunity to see the real power of all russian fleets. at the end of the parade, the festive program and the program of the country's president in st. petersburg did not end. vladimir putin took part in the opening ceremony of the monument to admiral fyodor ushakov. on russian navy day , we unveil a monument. to one of our
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outstanding naval commanders, a righteous warrior, a numbered clique of saints, admiral fedor fedorovich ushakov, his... after this, the president spoke with foreign guests in the admiralty building. the head of state emphasized that if military
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people, people with a special character, gather together, then this is a sign that they strive for peace, they strive for cooperation and interaction. if.
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to the leadership of your countries to the peoples of your states, and we consider you in this sense, as ambassadors of your peoples. accompanied by the patriarch, vladimir putin visited the alexander nevsky lavra, where the shrine and relics are located in the annunciation church holy prince here, patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia awarded the president of russia the order of the holy blessed prince alexander nevsky. thank you very much for the high church award, i want to say that the russian orthodox church is certainly one of the most important moral foundations of the very existence of the russian people. and together with traditional russian
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confessions, the russian orthodox church is also the basis of russian statehood. and of course, in st. petersburg the celebrations will continue until... late evening. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev. news from st. petersburg. today our country celebrates another important holiday: the day of the baptism of russia. the adoption of a new, unified faith at the end of the 20th century became a serious impetus for the unification of russian lands. subsequently , it was this that determined the entire civilizational path of russia. and today our country remains the largest influential orthodox state in the world. in honor of the holiday , a new, grandiose museum was illuminated in sevastopol. hersanez, by decree of the president, it was built in record time, on the same the place where prince vladimir was baptized. and the open-air temple will receive its first guests the day after tomorrow, from khersanes, report by yana charbata. a special holiday to the sacred land. hersanez is the place where our
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faith comes from. on this day, the religious procession starts from the first ever museum of christianity. an important day filled with grace. in 988 , right here, in ancient hersens. not only our faith was born, but culture and statehood, the road that connects our past and present, from the new khersanes, the clergy and parishioners go to st. vladimir's cathedral, the pearl of the entire complex and the spiritual center, the temple, which was erected in the place where prince vladimir, equal-to-the-apostles, accepted christianity, and behind him all of russia. our great poetess said, khersanez is the main place. in russia, she felt the sacred power of this place. the first service in the renovated cathedral is conducted by the crimean metropolitan of simferopol tikhan. the magnificent vaults are all in mosaic, more than 50 million details that together create the faces of the saints. prayers and sermons about the most important things -
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the unity of the people, and where faith has united, these words sound differently. i have never been to a more beautiful service than today. the choir sang so beautifully and there was such great grace during the service, it’s amazing, prince vladimir, the great enlightener of russia, uh, the cathedral is incredible, stunning in its beauty, now khersanez is not just an ancient city that flourished in the south of crimea in ancient times. for russia this is a sacred place. a spiritual and educational center, the largest in our country, which has no analogues. idea the creation of such a complex belongs to vladimir putin. khersones, which will open its doors to people on july 30, was illuminated today. today we are happy, surprised , happy, because our dream is the dream of many generations of christians who have lived. in sevastopol in russia, the dream of many generations of sevastopol residents, it came true here in
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fersanes. the only, unique temple park in russia, a place of new attraction for believers from all over the country, who heard the first prayers the day before. under the color of the stars in the open air in novy khersanese is hosting a very special service, the first service in an open temple park, and of course, on the eve of the day of the baptism of russia. prayers for which there are no here. principles, what our state stands on, how our people live, that’s probably why, and we are
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a company flesh of the flesh of the people, flesh of the flesh of the state, we could not stay away. and khersenez is not only a spiritual, but an educational center. the history of the peninsula from ancient times to the present, the museum of crimea and new russia. there are no more like them in the south. antique time is here intertwined with modern technology, a fascinating journey through the centuries. today. in addition to the historical fact, in principle the museum, which was an archaeological monument, was added to a modern historical and archaeological park. but before constructing such a grandiose complex, archaeologists examined 24 hectares of land, and the result was 6.5 million finds. this has never happened in the history of our country. archaeologists, it would seem, did the impossible; they not only discovered it, they were able to bring it to the surface. constructions source we saved perhaps this source in late
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christian times was used as a baptismal font. almost half a million finds will become exhibits at the museum of antiquity and byzantium, which also became part of the largest complex in russia. there are also youth and tourist centers, art schools and a branch of artek. performances are already taking place in the amphitheater, which is called the korsun arena. the architecture of new hersanes is a work of art, after all. the smallest details are carefully thought out here. the majestic editions are impressive at any time of the day. at night illuminated by more than 10 thousand lights. the spiritual educational center is the sacred land of hersanes - a place that through the centuries preserves the thousand-year history of the culture of our country. yana cherbata and andrey terentsev, host. sevastopol. european countries are calling on their citizens to leave lebanon as soon as possible, and the world press is wondering whether it will start next door.
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russia condemns any terrorist attacks against civilians and invariably advocates a political and diplomatic settlement of conflicts in the middle east. gense con antonio also condemned gutierres: egypt warned israel against opening a new war front in lebanon after the attack on the dutch heights. as stated in a statement by the egyptian foreign ministry, this could escalate into a full-scale regional war. the united states has been trying to prevent escalation for 10 months. the question is, is this consistent
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with their support for israel? dutch heights, firstly, let me say that we are deeply saddened by the loss of life that we have seen, there is no justification for terrorism, period, all indications are that the missiles are indeed were fired or that the rocket was fired by hezbollah. we are negotiating with the israeli government, again i emphasize its right to protect its citizens and ours. to avoid escalating the conflict, iran called on the united states to influence its ally and warned israel.
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the foreign ministry of the fifth republic: france, sweden, saudi arabia and norway. have already recommended that their citizens leave lebanon immediately, fearing a worsening of the situation after the tragic incident in galana. i condemn today's rocket attack on the playground in majdal shams on the dutch heights. attacks against civilians are unacceptable and prohibited by international humanitarian law. i call on all parties to de-escalate the situation, which could lead to full-scale war on
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israel's northern front. turkish president recep tayyip erdogan called on israel to stop bloodshed on... many things can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. this is what asian tastes like.
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mikhail mishustin visited the regions of the far east and siberia on a working trip. he inspected socially significant facilities important for improving the quality of life of people, developing education and healthcare, as well as industrial enterprises in the regions. in magadan , the chairman of the government got acquainted with the progress of construction of the new passenger terminal of the vysotsky international airport, visited the enterprise processing of omega-sea fish oil, and also toured the park. the lighthouse spoke with residents, the prime minister got acquainted with plans for the reconstruction of the fishing port and the results of the federal project general cleanup to clear coastal waters of
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sunken ships. in the magadan region , 20 of them have already been raised. three more are planned to be liquidated by the end of december. the next region visited by mikhail mishustin was the khabarovsk territory. in the capital of the region, mikhail mishustin visited the only one in the far east. from energy mechanical engineering, where they are created, including gas turbines, centrifugal compressor machines, turbine blades, they are supplied not only to the domestic market, but to the countries of the commonwealth of independent states of the near abroad. the head of government visited the regional children's clinical hospital, one of its new buildings was built using federal funding. conditions have been created there to provide timely assistance to young patients. chairman.
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for the improvement of social facilities in khabarovsk. in the far eastern state university of railway transport, one of the largest transport universities in russia, mikhail mishustin got acquainted with the results of the priority 2030 program. it allows us to develop promising areas of specialist training and improve the quality of their training. the prime minister got acquainted with the work of the university’s admissions committee, toured the laboratory for organizing train traffic, and talked with representatives of student groups. the topic of education was discussed in detail in novosibirsk, during a visit to a specialized educational and scientific
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center of novosibirsk state university. it helps support children who are capable in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. from september the institution begins to operate in new buildings. the prime minister inspected the new educational and leisure buildings and met with young scientists and specialty teachers. visited the industrial technology park akadem gorodok. its members are engaged in the production of science-intensive products and equipment, including for the it sector in the field of medicine, bio-
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nanotechnologies, new materials, and aircraft construction. they also contribute promotion of domestic goods. in gornoaltaisk, mikhail neshustin got acquainted with initiatives to improve airport infrastructure. as part of the working trip, mikhail mishustin held bilateral meetings with the head. regions, during which issues of socio-economic and infrastructural development of the subjects were discussed.
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