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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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try ceesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or stop by your car for them. emvideo eldorado is giving out super discounts and 500 oogo bonuses to everyone. honor 90 lite smartphone for only 18,999. video eldorado, the main technology expert. discounts until august 14. build faster. tips for the home. anatoly sidorenko and his family moved to the smolensk region from moscow. in 2014,
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an attempt to radically change life, leave the capital, settle in the village and start my own business was a complete success, producing both meat and milk here. behind over the past 10 years, the family has become large, the created company has made its way from meat processing production to a strong, well-equipped farming enterprise, although there were difficult times and doubts about whether we had taken up our own business, especially when we were just starting, my wife and i were not involved. i had no experience with this before, so my wife went to study at the institute even because of this, that is, her care of cows, it’s all on a scientific basis, well, she graduated, yes, she graduated, to become a technical engineer, and now she’s getting second higher education veterinarian education, all livestock farming on her, that is, she is engaged, a farm grew up on the ruins of an abandoned farmstead, success was marked by many prizes from the regional government, but besides...
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they are subject to some kind of urban influence in small towns, they seem to me not to be temptations and less so of this consumption from life more more on the contrary for life and you will insist that they found a dynasty too? farmers, well, in general, of course, i would like to, but every child has his own path, he needs helpers, he needs helpers, we have high hopes for them, in the meantime we are moving to the village of verkhniy dneprovsky, where the dargobuzh katlamash plant is located, one of russia's largest manufacturers of hot water boilers of boiler equipment, the flagship of power engineering behind...
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in our home the heat generated by dorogobuzh every fourth resident of russia receives in boilers . investments in the amount of more than 2 billion rubles allowed the plant to significantly localize production. thanks to the fact that we have established partnerships with producers of domestic raw materials, be it electronic equipment or metal, rolled products, shut-off valves, all kinds of sensors. it's easy for us to produce our products because they are there. within walking distance, we have direct agreements with them, our products depend only on domestic manufacturers, we are not experiencing any difficulties in production at the moment, there are really good specialists working there, initially there was an enterprise in such a rather pre-bankruptcy state, i am grateful to the investor , i know him personally that he bought the company completely in fact, since... i restored it, expanded it,
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brought in new technologies, additionally brought in a team of specialists who also live there, but i also want to say, of course, due to this situation, many foreign manufacturers left our market, well, in vain, they have lost their niche in this regard, even despite the logistical problems that exist, enterprises are showing good growth, this is primarily due to the increase in production volume, what we previously purchased, we now produce. in 2023 , industry in the smolensk region grew by 10%, maintaining the dynamics this year. not only industrial giants, but also regional manufacturers, such as, for example, the promix company, a russian developer and manufacturer of electrically controlled locking mechanisms and electronic equipment, contribute to this. this is the largest engineering and production center of the country at the federal level, conducting design and invention activities, some?
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they don’t make locks here, you didn’t know for sure that the stop valve on the train, there is also an electrically controlled lock, you said now i know, i didn’t know either, yes, let’s say we produce locks that are installed on industrial washing machines, that is, everyone is used to the fact that on a regular washing machine, when there is water in there, you can’t open the door, but on industrial ones it’s the same the most, yes, this is also an electrically controlled lock, elevators, lifts, that is, the scope of their application is much wider than just placing it at the entrance to the door, being a western outpost of russia, smolinsk has provided technology transit for centuries, but at the same time also remained... with the country's account in both patriotic wars, which is not customary to forget here. the historical porubezhye theater was created in 1999 as an association of people passionate about the history of the region, the guardian of the border. the main genre is interactive theatrical programs, historical reconstructions, from the 19th
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century to the great patriotic war. armor, weapons and costumes made by theater masters also form thematic exhibition displays. somewhere in europe there are all sorts of historical city events, there are carnivals, processions, some events are happening, but we have nothing, but in fact, we essentially started from scratch there, with two such crooked swords , further, further, further for 25 years, but why this form? firstly to ourselves? very interesting, here i am, in fact, for 25 years, one might say, i have been suffering, but at the same time i get a certain pleasure that i do not live in vain, well, the rest of my guys, who are with me, some have stayed exactly from the first period, some - now in recent years the circulation has been growing in general, there are quite a lot of people, all this in the game, it seemed
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would be, the form allows unexpected facts to be communicated to the public: then the era of peter, because the city is also directly connected with him, if only because the mother... was born here, and during the northern war petrov made smolensk such a supply base, that is, they were recruited here troops, convoys were formed here, which went there to the active army, after all, few people know that in the smolensk region one of the battles of the northern war took place, in general this is an interesting place, this is the so-called swarm, there was a cavalry battle between advanced units of the swedes and the army of peter i in the fall of 1708, in fact, it was then that smolensk truly... turned out to be the score of russia, the score of moscow, that is, the swedes did not go further through the smolensk region, they turned there to poltava, where the following year they were defeated suffered. who knows, if the swedes had gone to smolensk, perhaps the decisive battle of the northern war would have taken place here.
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the preserved surroundings of ancient eras, including the 6.5 km long city wall, built in the 15th century, also allows smolensk to be part of the country’s history, its continuation. a significant part of the fortress was destroyed in 1812 by retreating french troops, but the building of the holy dormition cathedral, known to many for its five-tiered iconostasis, was not damaged. napoleon was so amazed by the grandeur of the temple that he did not dare to touch it. this is how the connection between times appears. serves together with his father and grandfather, masters the art of bell ringing, conducts excursions on the upper tier of the bell tower and prepares to enter the smolensk orthodox theological seminary, in which today dozens of students study not only from all over russia, but also from estonia,
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turkmenistan and iceland. the seminary choir actively participates in the creative life of smolensk, which this year celebrates the 22nd anniversary of mikhail glinka. celebrations took place throughout the country, but their center was the smolensk region, where the festival lasted 10 days. it was held for the sixty-sixth time, since glinka comes from the village of novospasskoye, elnensky district, smolensk province. the mariinsky theater under the direction of valery gergiev presented the opera a life for the tsar, which the author himself called a stage opera an oratorio or even a painting. the anniversary was decorated with the opening of an innovative one. in the city garden of blonier, a gift from sberbank turned out to be a multimedia device, a projector and a water screen for showing high-quality educational programs, including musical and historical ones, which is in tune with the region, the keeper of traditions. however,
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traditional values ​​are not only history, etiquette and cooking. take, for example , flax, a traditional agricultural crop of the smolensk region. at the end of the eighties , 44 enterprises operated in the region its processing. they inherited the powerful industries of the early 20th century. when russia accounted for 2/3 of the world's flax production, despite the fact that over the past 10 years the area under its cultivation in the country has increased 20 times, it is still far from reaching the previous figures. however, the russian flax company declared its mission to revive flax growing nationwide, including in the smolensk region. in 2020 , the newest flax plant was launched in the safonovo industrial park, the first in 30 years in the country, and as a result, this awakened lives of dozens of farmers. there are suppliers of raw materials, in general, in terms of numbers, if we talk about it,
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compared to this year, we have increased production fiber by about 15%, this is a very good export product, it has good margins from the point of view of the manufacturer, but accordingly these are taxes in our region , we are now actively engaged in stimulating and providing various benefits to our farmers, small peasant farms, and even large agricultural producers to increase their acreage. and rapeseed, these are two such important export crops, in my opinion, which are currently being actively consumed by the asian market. we provide farmers with seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products, provide equipment, provide technological support, and the number of farmers interested in working with flax is growing, these are, first of all, those people who have never dealt with flax before, but those who have tried this work, they nowadays the flax growing sector is being actively developed. and here is the next link in the chain of
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light industry enterprises: the clothing industry the factory in the city of pochinok is part of the production and implementation enterprise technoavia, russia's largest manufacturer of personal protective clothing for the companies narilsky nickel, slavneft, rosneft, gazprom. designing, modeling clothes, technology, i think this will always be in demand,
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forests occupy about 40% of the territory. in 2014, he became involved in the restoration of the bison population in the central part of a project to study russia, and the general atmosphere of these places contributes to this. 35 lakes, about a thousand species plants, many of which are listed in the red book, but for the purposes of the park’s objectives it is written that it was also created for educational, scientific and... end of quote. the historical and cultural heritage of aziri
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includes more than 250 monuments, preserved sites of the nealite era, ancient settlements, burial mounds, and the remains of the ancient city of sverzhavsk. also on the territory there are about 90 memorial objects of the military history of the region, but there are special signs about the atmosphere of these places, which are much more personal. svetlana bogdanova - head of the environmental education department smolenskaya national park along ozerye, which also implies the ecology of human relationships and mental balance in general. this includes singing in the choir of the church in the village of prozhivalskoye, participation in the sapsho folk ensemble, vocal lessons for local schoolchildren, and dozens of holidays, excursions and lectures organized by svetlana for guests around the lake. her classical leningrad education in violin had an impact... having arrived in paazere with her family on vacation and having discovered the local smolensk shambula here, svetlana
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decided to connect her whole life with the village of boroviki, where she has only one neighbor in the endless space of silence and peace. all my life my soul felt good in st. petersburg, indeed this is my favorite city, but time passed and i realized that i am better here, there are quiet places here that no one will find, where there is no connection. nothing like that, yes, the funny thing is, i have a neighbor, he’s not a neighbor, he comes from time to time, he’s such an artist, he has a creative dacha, in the village where i live, he called me agafilykova. so in a sense i am yes agalykova smolenskaya poazerie is part of the european federation of national and natural parks, 74% of its territory is covered with forest, which creates
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unlimited opportunities for creativity, which were appreciated by viktor meleev, a singer... of his native art, in the recent past a designer of the space industry, an inventor-innovator, whose credits include dozens patents and work at the baikanur cosmodrome, without interruption from production, he at one time discovered his talent as a writer and a very delicate cabinetmaker, finding ready-made images in the forest or in firewood racks, because there is no and will not be a better artist than nature, what nature created in a single copy is unique, it is important to convey this to...
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mass production of premium or triple excellent class diamonds, which implies ideal product quality and an impeccable business reputation. in 2007 , the most expensive diamond in the history of the russian cutting industry was cut at the plant. all this beauty, traditional round, as well as fancy and exclusive cut shapes, is created by amazing people, many of whom
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they didn’t even imagine that they would one day acquire such an unusual profession. imagine, when you take a stone in your hands, this is how... they say in yakutia, we take a stone in our hands and make a diamond out of it, when you lead it through the technological process, you work with a whole bunch of workers in different operations, you think about this stone , it even happens that you wake up at night and realize, i’ll make this stone now like this, and now you’re already waiting with such trepidation for the morning, so you can run to work, take a pen, write it down all this, call a worker to you, explain to him: listen, do it... like this, this and that, this will be, of course, creative work, we draw stones, we sculpt and draw them at the same time, and even here i can to give an example, the person who accepts our finished products in terms of quality is called a controller of art products, so this is art. art in smolensk is combined with
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the localization of production, even if the production is in the distant pacific ocean. mikhail mamonov opened the oyster bar in 2018 , having followed the thorny path of a restaurateur and having earned a reputation for 15 years as one of the best professionals in the city, there were potato pancakes, there were pancakes, kebabs, oysters - this is a separate direction, this is a separate sea world, these are not fish, these are shellfish, especially not potato pancakes, not potato pancakes, yes, although potato pancakes it’s also delicious with oysters, honestly. in france , having received ece certification as a professional oyster opener and having established supplies from distant countries, mikhail eventually became the ambassador of the russian far east, where oysters do not grow on farms, in natural conditions, at great depths, from where they extracted by divers, which ensures ideal purity and uniqueness of the product.
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last year we were let down, there were four typhoons one after another, this year... we have small restrictions on catching, we can’t bring in such large volumes, but that’s nature, that’s the element, that’s the element, that’s nature and we are not immune from this, we take it into account. industrial vibration is an inevitable companion of the 21st century. hundreds of scientific papers have been written about its destructive effect on the human body. but a person can consciously avoid troubles. but with the protection of mechanisms the situation is somewhat different. more complicated, preliminary tests are required, but one of the most high-tech enterprises in the smolinsk region is creating devices for these tests. instrument-making enterprises are
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the heritage of not only the smolensk region, but also the country as a whole. there are literally only a few production facilities of this kind throughout the world. the equipment created here is used in aerospace, energy, machine tool, automotive, radio electronics and other industries. among rosatom's clients. roscosmos, roskeh, diamond antey, russian helicopters, russian railways, avtovas and more than 700 companies in russia and the countries of the eurasian economic union. it is impossible to send a satellite into orbit or launch a new model of mobile phone for sale without preliminary vibration tests using these finest, most accurate systems. a full-cycle enterprise, from development to manufacturing, its philosophy has been fundamentally based since its founding, that is, for more than 15 years on import substitution. and the personnel here prefer to forge their own ahead of time, collaborating with leading technical universities in russia. based on the cooperation agreement
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that we have concluded with universities, we actively select personnel starting from the second or third year of study. we attract students to practical training, teach development, teach how to write software products and the specifics of our activities, at the same time we look closely at the capabilities that these students subsequently demonstrate from... ages 14 to 35 years, showed the city philosophy of street culture, proving that graffiti, murals and all kinds of mass artistic events can become public property,
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some kind of inscription can be placed here, the creative laboratory create is a large-scale online offline platform for the development of youth subculture in smolensk, it arose as an urgent need, because that there really are a lot of them, fourteen-year- old teenagers who vandalize and i want to somehow bring them into the legal field. a graffiti school appeared, and it all outgrew gradually into a whole ecosystem, into some kind of infrastructure project, gradually we became more and more immersed in it, we understood what problems people have, why they generally engage in vandalism, it’s not because they want to ruin something, but people just need a place of self-reflection, and we are trying to make these places for them in order to develop the culture of street art as a whole, to change the trend from the fact that it is something forbidden, bad and unkind, to something that really changes cities for the better. in our region
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2040 young families live, practically 1/3 of the regions, our task, the regional authorities, the municipal authorities, is to do everything so that the children who were born here graduate from school and enter our schools, technical schools, our secondary vocational schools and ours. and most importantly, then there should be a close connection between vocational education institutions, our universities and enterprises. here there is a special approach to the flax farmers, everyone is interested in the result, in a positive result, everyone also helps each other, so it is very easy to work and develop in the smolensk region. today the smolensk region is already a leader in the production of house fibers, the undisputed leader, as far as i remember, 70% of russian volumes of house fibers are produced in the smolinsk region, and i think that this advantage will remain for many years. i really do what i want in life, that is, it is simply impossible for me to wish for more, i have loved military history since childhood, i work in this field, that is, well
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, the head of the military history department, plus i have, as a favorite hobby, this is a historical theater where i can realize all my skills, opportunities and get positive emotions, and i’m also lucky that i live in a place like the smolensk region, because here you can... almost 3 years, buying diamonds for our world, i, for example, only in africa worked at the plant, it would seem, got acquainted with the whole world, met people, you know, when you come home, especially after several months of being away from home, soul.
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i was born, studied, got married, i work there, i don’t want to leave anywhere, i want to develop here and bring only light and light to my city. good. in general, what an idea is it to create a closed-cycle enterprise, from the field to the counter, exactly those natural products that we have been eating there since time immemorial, when we came to our grandmother in the village, all of us in our childhood, when we came to our grandmother in the village, drank fresh milk, and milk from under the cows, there is some moment of creation, that is, what... we create, we ultimately see what we get, if we put our soul into it, apply knowledge, we end up with a good harvest, good livestock, good milk yield, it's not only for yourself, yes, this is for the country, and for the children, for ours.
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will be 2 years old. hello.
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in response to the self-imposed unilateral moratorium , we open the missile silos, the lid opens and the launch command is given. the missile is invulnerable and maximally destructive. secrets of the great ustyug. of course, i can’t give you specific numbers, but we will reach european cities, their capitals. it makes no sense to threaten a country with such potential with escalation. which capitals are under the control of our cruise missiles? what time is it on the apocalypse clock? clinton, for bush, obama, trump and finally biden, they all destroyed the nuclear arms control system. how will the palace coup end in america? lying komala haris. lying, lying. and what is
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the old man in makeup up to, where am i?


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