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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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this is provocative and unprecedented, the first time a chinese bomber has been intercepted off the coast of alaska. officials said there was no threat, but with joe biden now officially labeled a lame duck, opponents are sure to try to take advantage of the situation. pentagon chief lloyd osten had to reassure the americans. this was not a surprise to us; we were tracking these planes. which demonstrates that our forces are ready all the time. i won't discuss any intelligence issues, but this is the first time we've seen these two countries flew together in this way. they did not enter our airspace . i think the closest point of approach was about 200 miles off our coast. so we're monitoring this very closely and we're in a position to intercept them if it happens again. we are concerned that china is supporting russia in the conflict in ukraine;
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on june 12, the american b-52 strategic bomber practiced launching missiles at kaliningrad. the chinese are constantly expelling them from their waters in south china sea ​​american warships. in may , a dangerous incident occurred with the us navy destroyer halsey. and this is not to mention the fact that in the situation with taiwan, washington does not see the shores at all. behaves arrogantly. at the same time
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, the reaction to the joint flight between moscow and beijing is on the verge of hysteria. it looks pretty crazy. this is the first time the united states has actually intercepted chinese military aircraft off the coast of alaska. this involved two bombers from russia and two from china. and although the military space defense command claims that they might not pose a threat. aircraft that were used. in this case, they can carry nuclear missiles or heavy defensive weapons. the planes remained in neutral airspace and did not cross the us or canadian border. china says the planes were participating in joint patrols designed to deepen coordination between the armed forces of the two countries, and i quote: this has nothing to do with the current international situation. north american aerospace defense command says she didn't view planes as a threat, but the atalaska senator said. that she
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was informed by the us military that two air force units were involved in the interception. house republicans said on social media that this cooperation between china and russia poses a threat. such actions inevitably increase geopolitical tensions. ultimately, this serves as a stark reminder that vigilance and robust defense are critical to protecting northern airspace. america. the joint flight demonstrates the increasingly... the adversarial nature of china and its expanding military relationship with russia. the flight took place just hours before president joe biden was scheduled to give a speech from the oval office explaining why he was withdrawing from the presidential race. there is nothing surprising about joint patrols. standard procedure corresponding to calls. the more threatening actions on the part of the united states, the stronger the defense cooperation between russia and china. strategic bombers are not
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simulated missile launches or bombing on american territory, although this would be directly proportional to what washington allows itself. and the distance to the coast is 300 kilometers, this is a convention for strategists. the tu-95ms carries kh-55 cruise missiles, with a flight range of up to 2,500 km. you can hang modern kha-101. what else can we only guess?
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caspian sea. our report. veliky ustyuk, a small rocket ship, equipped with calibers and formidable missiles, is setting off on a voyage. now we are leaving the bay shooting and training were carried out, yes, this time, but nevertheless, this ship has been fighting for a very long time, it is 10 years old, and in fact all this time it has been taking part in combat operations.
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able youth is already a legend of the fleet in the spring of twenty-two kiev reported that he had destroyed our ship, i recommend keeping it at 325°, but in the summer in july he, as if nothing had happened, took part in the main naval parade. pay attention to the virtually silent movement of veliky ustyug, which is why it is called a ship invisible, inaudible, the engine is running, moving. completely silent, like an electric car, and here next to the machine gun, new targets for learning drones, please, different forms so that the shooter can quickly identify the enemy and
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fight back, the most formidable weapon of the caspian flotilla. these are the same calibers, the lid opens, the launch command is given, and the missile flies off towards the target, its range is not known for certain, this is a secret that virtually all nato countries, our opponents, are hunting for right now, because the caliber hits any targets, according to open data, at a distance of up to 2000 or even more. this is a fragment of a destructible cover, which occurs after launch and a small piece of memory for each completed combat mission. how destructive is this weapon,
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what can you tell us about the caliber? capable of attacking both naval and land targets, so that there is a concept for ordinary people - these are command posts, weapons depots. almost everything achieves its goal, destroys and leaves the enemy in shock. a whole family of winged aircraft is called calibers. missiles, underwater, ground, ship- based airborne. what exactly are the military secrets in the mines? it is known from open sources that the weight of the rocket is from one and a half to 2 tons, while plus or minus 500 kg is an explosive. caliber is a deeply secret missile and its tactical and technical characteristics are unknown to us or the enemy, but nevertheless, what can we tell you, here it is, yes, it is a split lid,
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during launch it releases the missile, which is located in the silo, the missile is absolutely invulnerable because it bends around the landscape terrain, it flies very low, they can’t see it... enemy radars, including those systems that are now trying to use against us, the ukrainian armed forces and nato, neither irist nor patri can get the caliber, now it has been modified, it has become even lower fly, that is, enemy detection means are almost unable to detect it, each red star on the lid of the caliber mine is a successful combat launch, like... veliky ustyuk works very very actively, hitting enemy targets at a considerable distance. on friday , the united states offered moscow negotiations regarding the installation of their shorter-range missiles in europe, in germany. of course, this looks like
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a diplomatic trap, comparable only to the double solution of the eighties. our arguments in the conversation about the deployment of missiles are clear. and are clearly shown, even here on a small rocket ship, and visible from a satellite. the heart of the ship veliky ustyuk, little lie. new ultra-modern, joysticks, monitors, and we are the ship, this is the wheelhouse, here we can see everything to what extent this ship meets modern requirements and threats, well now we move to the main command post, it is clear that not everything is far away here we can show you, nevertheless, it is here that the decision is made, it is here that the targets are designated, it is here that the launch command is given, according to which the mouth of another
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11 missile ships was built and clearly hit the new ones military trends. the days of billion- dollar aircraft carriers are running out, and they are vulnerable to precision-guided missiles and naval drones. the places of the giants are taken by small invisible ships with a large radius of destruction. how many calibers?
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there's a lot of talk about placement these days. american missiles in germany, that they will be aimed at moscow, but the range of these missiles, what can be said about it, of course i can’t tell you specific numbers, but we will reach european cities, their capitals. on the one hand , troops are landing, on the other hand, the ship's cannon is attacking the enemy, a naval battle is taking place on our screens, right now the caspian flotilla is attacking a conditional enemy, our enemy has no chance, it is very strange, it is pointless to threaten the country, having such potential. evgeny serevryakov, accused of blowing up a serviceman’s car in the north of moscow, partially
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admitted guilt and showed how he planted an explosive device under the car. the suspect told investigators about the preparation and commission of the crime. a voluntary assistant of the kiev regime, who tried to kill a russian military man for a ukrainian passport for a couple of tens of thousands of dollars, did not manage to escape. a day after the explosion, he was detained in turkey and taken to russia, after which he himself was reduced to death. told in detail about how the ukrainian special services organize terrorist attacks, and the facts of his biography helped specialists complete the psychological portrait of the type of people kiev is counting on, about who serebryakov is, why he carried out a terrorist attack, olga zhurenkova. an exploded suv, one of the main pieces of evidence in the high-profile case of blowing up the car of a general staff officer. now the car is in a special parking lot, it was carefully examined by security officers and... forensic experts carried out the necessary examinations. the bomb was planted approximately here, between the driver's seat and the pedals.
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the blast wave hit exactly this part. the body was severely damaged, the hood was twisted, the bumper and headlights were torn out, and the windows were broken. the blast wave completely knocked out the front panel, instrument panel and steering column, the seats were deformed, and the armrest was torn out. the power of the explosive device was approximately 500 g in tnt equivalent. the epicenter of the explosion was under the steering column, the engine did not fly out. as it appears. the blast wave was so strong that the damage was noticeable from behind, the bumper was twisted, the lights were torn out, on the asphalt were pieces of burnt plastic that covered the bottom of the body. the suv was blown up on july 24 in the north of moscow, there was a serviceman and his wife inside, random eyewitnesses provided first aid to them, the woman was helped to get out of the car, the serviceman showed composure, he took off his shirt and bandaged his legs. this is where the car was blown up. the probable bomber evgeniy serebryakov was identified as... in a matter of minutes, despite the fact that he tried to hide in the turkish bodrum, the alleged criminal detained, and a few hours later
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he was taken to moscow by plane, immediately for interrogation, serebryakov admitted that he himself contacted the administrator of the ukrainian group on the internet, communicated with a certain curator named ilya. he assembled the bomb himself under the supervision of a curator, took the components for the explosives, and also took the security camera from this forest in the moscow region. we arrived at the place where it was buried. on camera for open surveillance. this footage of the investigative experiment was filmed in the courtyard of a residential building in moscow, where the explosion occurred. i left this device there. and then on in the playground, on this sports ladder, he attached a security camera, i took out this device, climbed in, the camera was aimed at the suv and was controlled remotely, the curator made sure that the right person got behind the wheel and detonated the bomb, a possible saboteur originally from uryupinsk volgograd region from a family of teachers, parents taught history and
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social studies, serebryakov was the pride of the school, winner of regional olympiads in economics and local history, owner... flew on an exchange program while studying at the capital's university, serebryakov students in the czech republic in 2014 took part in unauthorized protests against. reunification of crimea with russia, it was captured by photographers. some time ago i changed my name on social networks from russian evgeniy to ukrainian evgeniy. serebryakov’s relatives, in a conversation with journalists, said that he was interested in the history of ukraine, knew ukrainian and polish languages, was subscribed to ukrainian communities, was a member of numerous groups, and sympathized with russophobe nationalists. was
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spotted in several ukrainian chats, friends i didn’t have one, i barely communicated with my relatives, i didn’t even say hello to my neighbors. for undermining. secured in the driver's seat area, as soon as prozorov got behind the wheel, an explosion occurred. the life of former rada deputy oleg tsarev was also repeatedly attempted on instructions from ukrainian terrorists. tsarev survived for the last time last fall in yalta. according to him, the ukrainian special services purposefully seek out and recruit traitors in russia through social networks. at some point in time they realized that it was much cheaper and more efficient
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find performers on the spot and pay them money. with working on social networks. they specifically go into chats where those dissatisfied with russia communicate, and there they recruit their supporters, they have absolutely no pity for the perpetrators, and after the terrorist attack is carried out , they don’t care what happens to the perpetrator. it is already known that recordings from surveillance cameras and facial recognition systems helped to establish the identity of evgeny serebryakov. modern technologies scan characteristic points on the face, there are about 50 of them, in the area of ​​the forehead, eyes, cheekbones, and they do not change throughout life. even if a person, for example, puts on a mask or grows a beard, he will still be identified by artificial intelligence. facial recognition systems analyze rectangles and triangles on our face, they can be figuratively distinguished into such rhombuses that go across our face and they go along certain points, which are
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very carefully connected to each other by an algorithm, the algorithm analyzes how these points are... match the parameters. investigative actions continue with possible saboteur evgeny serebryakov, the special services will have to find out who left the components for the tracking bomb in the forest and how they got into the country, so most likely new defendants will appear in the criminal case. olga zhurenkova, valeria popova, dmitry stepanov, news. today it became known that russian troops took control of the settlements of progress and evgenovka in the dpr. defense in the armed forces of ukraine bends to everything. rozovka, peschanaya, nizhnyaya, ivanova, daryevka, on friday evening a message was received about control over lazovatsky. a new one has emerged technological structure of combat operations. the assault troops are supported by aviation, dropping hundreds of glide bombs on the enemy, and thousands of fpv drones are hunting for equipment
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and personnel. reconnaissance drones operate deep behind the lines. the situation in the kharkov direction remains difficult. the ukrainian armed forces daily attack civilians and civilian infrastructure in our border regions. about what is now in the zone of a special military operation, our military correspondent evgeniy podubny.
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questions to improve your level of preparation personnel, so as not to learn from mistakes, from war, from training grounds. this training ground is located in the zone of a special military operation, very close to the line of combat contact, so during the day during training there is practically no one here, there are personnel who can train in dugouts, train in shelters, fighters appear on the ground only when necessary work.
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this element in combat training did not exist six months ago, clay pigeon shooting, now in the army, who would have thought, the destruction of drones from smooth-bore weapons shot, is now one of the most effective types of protection against airborne kamikazes. each squadron, each group will be assigned a gun. so that a specially trained person goes, which we are now training people to do, so that this person goes to ensure the safety of personnel who are moving to a certain area. we tried, practiced with machine guns, five machine guns cannot knock down
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a given plate, no matter how much we try, they cannot shoot down this plate, then the gun hits 80% on the second shot. above this part of the training ground in the sky, right above the fighters, constantly an fpv drone is hanging so that personnel get used to judging the direction by the sound of the engine. propellers, fortunately, the fpv crews themselves train nearby, improve their piloting skills, and learn to interact with motorized riflemen. without these classes it is impossible to gain all the experience in combat, preparation is necessary, and this is a large number of hours for a person to do this a lot and then develop these skills. why do operators from the apron need to be able to fly? well, in order to hit the enemy in cover, you also need to be able to hover, this is difficult to do on a drone without stabilization, hover to select a target
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to hit without error. the command of the russian army constantly adapts the combat training program to current conditions; it disappears unnecessarily; what is relevant is introduced into the warring army, because the warring army is constantly learning. and on the level and relevance. the last supper in french, why macron once again cut off the head of marie antoinette and turned over the olympic flag. who killed
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elon musk's son and what is the virus? awakening why the fighters at the front need a network of spears, unique report by alexander rogatkin. how did the writer radinsky get scammed out of 45 million and what did gazmanov answer to the telephone scammers? hello, this is l1.
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