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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there is. instructions.
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today there are two big holidays in russia, today is the day of the baptism of russia and today is the day of the navy. the main naval parade traditionally took place in the northern capital. more than 2,500 military personnel took part in the parade, 20 surface ships, boats, one submarine, and four sailing ships were involved. hosted the parade.
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american administration of the german government on plans to deploy on the territory of germany, american complexes from 2026 long -range precision missile weapons. important russian government and military installations will be within its reach.
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since we are at the final stage, we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and its satellites in europe in other regions of the world. our attention today is drawn to the growing tension on the part of washington in connection with the flights of russian strategic aviation. let me remind you in this regard that since the collapse of the soviet union.
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now i want you to look at the beauty of the parade itself. just look at how the sailors greet the supreme commander-in-chief. congratulations on navy day. hurray, hurray, the boat of the president of the russian federation is approaching the small missile ship of project 22800.
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caliber missiles capable of hitting targets at a range of more than 1.0 km. hello varyaks. congratulations on your participation in the celebration of the russian navy. chinese sailors chant
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"hello president", long live friendship between china and russia. there is another man here who is pretending to be the president of a once christian country called france. yeah, after what happened in paris, he made such an appeal. bravo to the artists, organizers, police, administrative staff, all ministries involved, volunteers , everyone from the ministry of internal affairs of all services, including artists, huge congratulations. we are proud of what you have done for france. bravo, bravo, and also supports him. some of our journalists, in including very famous ones, but apparently they are tired of pretending, that’s the nature of the day, they can now perform under blue flags, or now they have a rainbow one, what happened, this crazy contrast, why
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i first showed our parade, and for several days before this there was an opening, i cannot call them the olympic games. he would be spinning there in his grave right now, these were obviously satanic games, sport has nothing to do with this, that’s not enough, if we showed this live, then, probably, all those who showed it should be it was possible to be held accountable, because there is outright propaganda there, but explain to me how it was possible to mock a saint for any christian at the olympic games? the concept of the last suppers , that's how you can treat it, and take the disgusting fat one, she positions herself this way, i'm a disgusting, fat lesbian, so what does this have to do with sports, with
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the olympics, excuse me, with france, that is, the task was insult christianity, that is , it would what is this? is this a pale horse? that is, this is it what? well, that is, these are really apocalyptic
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pictures. you can’t even think about it any other way. what does a watt with a severed head have to do with the joyfully chanting of loth? this is all about what, that is , what kind of sport did she perform in, throwing her own head, that is, what was it all for , let’s just... show this general trash, which is now called the opening of the olympics, which our liberals and well, it’s even difficult to comment on them, this is this blue gay monster, this is joyful, this, by the way, no one said how much dzhagurda charged for this performance, not my joke, i’ll tell you straight, not my joke, borrowed.
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and for some reason he is associated with russia, he was selected here, he won some tournaments, that is, why is this, that’s why this public shame, that’s just why this is all, that some kind of sporting principle is observed, this is why to participate in this abomination, why is this, just compare the opening of the olympics in paris and sochi, here you go...
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the other claims that they are traditional european cultures, only we go back to two worlds, two cultures, by the way, and one of the best traditions of europe, this disgusting trash, this is what modern europe is, liars, perverts, scum, that’s who we are fighting with. here they are, by the way, who are holding this olympics, in particular the funds stolen from russia, thieves, scum and nonentities who betrayed traditional values ​​and culture, how can these countries be called christian after this, and note that they did not allow themselves to mock muslim traditions, france is afraid after charlie and bdo, france is disgusting, disgusting. about christianity, but not a word about islam, dead, can i tell
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the french, and macron, it’s no coincidence, your personal symbol, blue rooster, italian journalist, angelo giuliano, i ask russia to give me asylum, i don’t want to be part of this shit show , elon musk, about the opening of the olympics in paris, christianity. became toothless, they ask why they mocked christians, why islam was not feared, that is why today we honor a significant date: the russian orthodox church celebrates the day of the baptism of russia and memory prince vladimir the saint, this shows our difference, he was now at the front, i will show the plot, in particular, well, a little later.
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the title of the heroine’s mother, 14 children, five of them are fighting, she lives in terrible conditions in voronezh, but i’ll show you, tell you about it, if nothing changes after our program, then it means i don’t understand well what country i live in, if such families we don’t support if we don’t put such women on a pedestal, oh, it’s surprising of course. amazing, and the world is preparing for war, the british are screaming with all their might, we are in 3 years
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i plan to oppose russia, iran, china, north korea, scholz looks to the future, wants to become chancellor, anna elena berbock lies that it turns out that we are above all treaties, that is, she lies like that, and there is no one in the government, but there is journalism, to whom they would say what you are talking about, you vile, lying, nazi creature, mind you.
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over the past 2 and a half years, we europeans have had to experience together how russian president putin on february 24, more than 2 years ago, not only attacked ukraine, but carried out a targeted, long-prepared attack on the european world order. it is obvious that years earlier he, not accidentally, but calculatedly, terminated disarmament treaties by deploying missiles and thereby violated the basic rules of peace.
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he let it slip, they clearly, regardless of who is at the helm of the united states of america, will purposefully strive to achieve the goals of the tasks of overthrowing our homeland and disintegration, another question is who will do it where and how, we must remember that trump clearly insists that the outpost, including
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western europe, pay money for turnover. is gradually increasing its armed forces in the arctic zone, let me remind you that we are performing three tasks, we are protecting our arctic borders. secondly, we provide protection for the northern route, and i want to remind you that this is the only route that
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is not controlled by the united states of america, which greatly irritates the states and its satellites, and it is very promising. and thirdly, we are protecting our shelves, with unlimited reserves of hydrocarbons, which are at least 100, or even 200 years into the future. sweden is precisely a consequence of this arctic directive, this is the desire to block our northern fleet, this is the desire to deploy those forces that will be directly. influence the northern sea route on everything connected with it, and here there is no need to say that if trump comes,
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everything will be with rose-colored glasses, it won’t be, the same applies to ukraine, the plan that they have there trump has matured in his head, like guys, just stay there, we’ll take ukraine to nato, we’ll pump it up, we’ll admit it to the european union, but here it should be noted that this is written by two people who don’t have relationship to the operating company tram. yes, that is, these are their wishes, moreover, we understand that pompeo is now quite severely corrupted by kiev, he is there from kievstar and the board of directors, but the point is that when we talk about corruption, who in the states around was not corrupt, indeed, whoever doesn’t drink, well, that’s how you figure it out, everyone crushes their own skin, i apologize in a simple way, if they talk about this issue like that, they will crush it, that is, they will not refuse it.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall twenty-second, performs combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here. we do the same work, the same tasks, get deadlifts, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit down because i was in normal shape, well, the balance was 1:1, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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now, as for ukraine, they say, guys, you will stand there, trump will be there, yes, we will end the war now, you will stand there according to line of contact, you will disperse the troops there, fifth, tenth. i want to remind you of one thing: we don’t have a problem there with the territory and all the others, which is russian territory, it will be russian in any case, we need to fulfill the goals of the task that the president set, denazification, that is, we must go through all this nazi critter clean up, no matter what version it will be, the second demilitarization of the ukrainian army for the future will be that there should not be demilitarization, that’s all. only on these
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conditions can you talk about something with someone talking, that’s the key point, well , today i didn’t want to talk about it, maybe, but you know, for me, for a military man, capable and thinking, when i look at the olympics there, at everything else, we say that they are there , they didn’t just kill christianity, they simply harass and mock, but when we talk about the fact that these comrades.
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in britain, in germany, how is it? and here, probably, the challenge is quite serious, due to the complete inadequacy of the leadership that is at the helm. now the next one moment. i’ll go in particular: why is the deployment of medium-range missiles in germany? to destroy our carriers of tactical nuclear weapons? they didn’t mess anything up there, why should we wait for medium- range missiles to fly in to destroy our carriers of tactical nuclear weapons, i don’t understand this at all.


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