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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
well, that is, it’s just yes, yes, because the fact that people died on the other side doesn’t bother anyone at all, the world doesn’t care, so i like how the price of life is first looked at, and what kind of passport do you have, then we look at whether it’s valuable or that not valuable, well, you imprisoned me in the fire, pen, self-written ink.
3:31 am
you’ll get it, the main thing is van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, here what is my name, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, he doesn’t need a pen, who has a hug in his pocket, what started? flint. i can't live without traveling. soon. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels all series. cinema and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. look,
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look in the app or on the website.
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what they told him there in america, this is already such a question, yes, not after, what happened, then there are dutch heights, these dutch the heights are considered the territory of syria, syria occupied by israel in 1967, in 1981 they were annexed, in the nineteenth year mr. trump recognized them as a constituent part. parts of israel, mostly druze live there , in this settlement, it’s probably a city of 12,000 people, yes, majdel, shams, mostly druze live, there are a few alawites and christians, they are not citizens of israel, the israeli government offers them citizenship , they are categorically against it, that is, they seem to consider themselves citizens of syria and in general, when even in the nineteenth year in april trump announced that the united states would recognize israeli territory, there were unrest there, that is, these are not the druze who live in israel, the druze live. directly
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in israel, they are the ones who fight for israel, they are in the kneste by israel, that is, they are israelis, israelis, israelis, so, these are not, although in a religious sense it is the same thing, so to speak, but in a political sense, no, that means after this something, let's not say that it fell on this sports field, yes, israel says that this is an iranian- made missile, which was launched by hezbollah and specifically names the commander who launched it; the opposite side says that this is an israeli anti-missile missile.
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and the united states will stop them or something else, that is, the situation is developing very negatively, and i would like to note several points, so to speak, very important, but first i would like to dwell on the recent events... in beijing, the chinese leadership gathered 14 all virtually all palestinian resistance movement factions, they signed a certain declaration that they do not conflict with each other and act in the same direction, this has never happened anywhere before, and what’s more, they put hamas and fatah at the same table, and they also signed for you that they will jointly rule in the gaza strip , if they just wanted to sign, they would have gathered in ramala, the center of the palestinian national autonomy and signed, but for some reason in beijing, that is, china is taking the levers of the palestinian problem for itself, but why is it taking it? yes, well, i’ll make my assumption, there are a number of factors here, including according to the principle: you, the united states , want to create a problem for us in taiwan, and we
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will create a problem for you in israel, because the general declaration says who will participate in the palestinian problem, that is , the creation of a palestinian state, only four countries, china, russia, egypt . and algeria, there is no turkey there, that means qatar is not there, iran is not there, the european union is not there, the united states is not there, so we will guide four countries, so, so to speak, yes, and we will act in this direction, then there are chinese taking these levers, algeria and egypt are calling on us to join us, this is, in general, quite a revolutionary event, which may be a distant moment, by the way, they are repeating what the soviet union did in certain years of the existence of the soviet union. when the soviet union patronized the organization for the unification of palestine, now the chinese will patronize this entire conglomerate, so to speak, yes, this is a serious lever, of course, of influence in the middle east, at the same time a proposal appears, which means a friend out of nowhere, a proposal, which not against israel and the united states,
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now there is a struggle, that is, it is clear that the armed forces of the israeli defense forces are not able to control the gas strip, they can strike, there is something else, there and so on, now the organization is responsible for ... on the palestinian issue, bapor aonovskaya reported that supposedly, i don’t even want to believe it, not 39,000 people died, but 92, 92,000 people, yes, that is , palestinians, palestinians, yes, but they are not able to control them, they must leave , someone has to fill this vacuum, here it is it turns out, why not introduce arab peacekeeping forces, this has already happened, no, while the west tells us about a cruel, unjustified war in ukraine and is silent about ninety2, well, this is submitted by this organization. but 39.00 are crazy numbers, that is, the official statistics of civilian deaths on the territory of ukraine do not come close to these numbers, not even close. no, no way, that means, that means, because, well , of course, already when the command of the israeli defense forces, the minister of defense, his pressector there
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and so on, say that we have done everything, we we can’t defeat them, let’s create some kind of civil administration, because it’s getting to the point of absurdity, the civil administration in the presence of israeli troops... is created by hamas, they have their own officials, they pay, lead and at the same time fight with the israeli army, in the israeli army there is an acute shortage of armored vehicles, recently they planned to call up the service of female tankers, they also have them, then they say, no, it’s not necessary, because there are not enough armored vehicles, a lot of them were burned, so to speak, in the conflict zone, so now they are proposing an innovation, what a dangerous innovation that could lead to a civil war in palestine, which would basically rid israel of at least one front, they are proposing to bring in 2,500 palestinian armed forces along with these arab forces.
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civil war, not all maronites are , that is, this call essentially also supports the civil war, many, by the way, are part of the march 8 bloc of hezbollah, but these are prerequisites for a possible
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civil war, maybe this is where these current events are coming from, that is, they want pushing a significant part means the maronites and... to these events, i recently spoke here once, i was in washington at the invitation, that means the pentagon, there was a minister, commander of the armed forces - that means lebanese, he too... maronite christian yes josephaun also told him: let's take your army to where hezbollah is and push it out of there. listen, is this a civil war? lebanon last experienced a civil war, a fifteen-year civil war, the horror of what was happening there, i was there for the first time in the early nineties, there until now there have been breakthroughs, cities have been killed there, and so on. if this happens, another front will fall off, a third front, a third front hansar allah, where the civil war also has not ended, it only has a temporary truce, if god forbid. there will arise, here are three fronts, they all collapsed, by the way, now the leadership of antsaraly, as we call them the houthis, means that
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they have declared that we are starting a new phase of the war against israel, no, not the one that was blocked there by ilad, now the irish port is facing the question of bankruptcy, general the director says, 90% of the power is not working, 50% of the people have been fired, 3 months ago the damage was 25 billion dollars, no, this is no longer interesting, so to speak, yes, but what is interesting is that we will strike critically. facilities in israel, that is, we will strike not just at some military there, but at what we have said many times at, i don’t know, the petrochemical industry there, yes, which could cause a major environmental disaster, that is war in the middle east, it is not temporary, it is possible there the truce is temporary, i do not rule out such a thing, but it is not of a compromise nature, it is a war of destruction, or these what iran and its allies call forces of resistance must be destroyed. according to the us version, israel is an axis of evil, or israel must be destroyed, which means that
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anti-israeli forces, all these fronts, they do not hide their strategy, the strategy is simple, it means bringing israel to a very difficult economic situation, it means creating unacceptable living conditions, including as a result of these attacks, but even if the american press writes that it turns out that a war with hezbollah could lead to large casualties among civilians, a significant part of a million.
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maybe he’s also a militant, the minister of national security, which means bengvir, he’s generally a warrior, a warrior, well, like a warrior, he doesn’t sit down behind the arms of the merkov, he doesn’t go to the gas sector, no matter what, he puts up disgusting things, he means he climbed the temple, the temple mountain , ordered the closure of muslim mosques, not to let muslims in, i told the government, well, really, he is the minister of national security, i give you permission, so, well , religious jews come to... why, if
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we have problems here in the gas sector, but we entered and cannot seem to win here, why not hit khazbalah, then i will explain that make the calculation, they don’t need everything, 15 km from the adveno swamps to the litany river, then quickly introduce the lebanese army there, say, there is a decision of the council of the council of nations, but it really is, and that means everything is fine and we did it do your own thing and quickly leave, and then what happens next, this is theirs, well, it will begin, a civil war, it will begin with a civil war, therefore, it means that they proceed from all this, for a long time the israeli army, even if it occupies this territory, it will not hold out, hezbollah will push it out, yes, because then i will not go into detail stop, they had to go through it many times, so they are counting on this, especially since there is one plus in purely military terms, 2 minutes, a minute, which means that if there is dense, dense development in the gas sector, yes, that prevents development. tank units, they suffer losses and so on, then in the south of lebanon too
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a lot, but not as much as in the gas sector, yes, there are such large cities in the south as tirsus, sidon, sayida, the beka valley, balbek, there are other cities there, zahle, adjar - these are christian cities, no matter how it was, but there it is possible to somehow deploy armored forces after a massive air strike and somehow advance, promote what they want, this is what they have, i think, in their plan they actually have it. exists and it is they who need to warm it up and start it up, otherwise they will find themselves in a trap, so they will be beaten from all sides, and as for the lebanese border, excuse me, there were 80, from 1000. on october 7, it means one of these homemade bricks means hamas hit
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the irikhon storage facility, where irikhon 3 is located, which is just under nuclear weapons, but the israelis said. we have nuclear weapons in another place, after which there was a statement from nector and khazbala and that they know where it all is located, they will strike there, so these nuclear weapons in such a dense building, so to speak, are so cleanly located, a dangerous thing, bo how to use it, theoretically they can even without an air tanker americans are finished using them, they have submarines, they are dolphins with cruise missiles, so to speak, which can be carried. iran has already stated that it will not allow israel to wipe out the face of the earth, listen, i’m just interesting, just a second, no one noticed how synchronously,
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which means the controllability of a single center , strikes ansar allah are being carried out simultaneously, god knows, a kilometer away. and hamas and others, this is the level of communication, i don’t know how they use it, how synchronized, how controllable, then no further, that is, united the center cannot be like this, at the same time these drones are flying, from here the missiles and at the same time hitting the same targets with great efficiency, this is a very controlled, well-created system that has been created for decades, of course, poor world, stop the world, i will come out.
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still to be expected from the moment when in the philosophy of an entire civilization god is replaced by man , it seems like this is done with good intentions, it is said that man is so important , so beautiful, he is so good that the subject should be man, and god, well, his no longer, neither in philosophy, nor in thoughts, nor in ideas, and it seems that after this a person should exalt himself, but it turns out that a person who before was someone who was created in the image of a likeness. from god, therefore he is free, therefore he has a will, therefore he stands out from all other creatures, now he becomes, therefore, the result of a random evolution from a monkey, which simply happened because it happened that way on its own, and he discovers , that if he is not created in the image of god, then he is, in principle, one of the most pitiful
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creatures on earth, because he has no claws, then he is an evil breed like a monkey, yes, he can’t do anything, poor thing there. well, he is absolutely not prepared for the conditions of wild life and is a rather pitiful creature. as soon as this idea was fixed, it was a matter of time when we come to the images that we see, all the further development of liberalism, i don’t want to be a hypocrite, look for some neutral formulations so that no one offend, don’t give a damn about their feelings, that’s why i say every time, nothing more... hateful to a person than liberalism of a more totalitarian, wretched ideology - this is not a scientific theory, there is no science there, it’s just a religious ideology, which.. is promoted by a group of sick people at absolutely everyone, transvestites are sick people, and a woman who does not understand that she cannot be with a man is absolutely the same, that they are still different, these are also
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sick people, this whole ideology is promoted. sick bastards who want to destroy a person, everything that defines a person, as these footage shows, i have already heard many times theses about how this offends, it means the feeling of those at the top, i will speak for myself, i am a christian, but this will be for me the same thing, to say that demons insult my feelings as a christian, they do not insult me, they, i understand that i need to fight them, i don’t need to complain, say, how can this be, what are you doing, that’s all, that demons, devils, they work for satan, just like we do, if only there were some here liberal or there, i don’t know, if someone is watching now, decides to film the review, what will they say, they will say sarcastically, well, yes, yes, yes, this is a global conspiracy, ha-ha-ha-ha- ha, this is all specially organized, why, because the main task. convince everyone that it does not exist, as soon as you think that it does not exist, this is the first part of its task, which means it is completed, the first thing they do is say, none of this exists, everything is fine, but
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there is already one thing here, but a whole series of scum and scoundrels to our country, who all this time have been saying, well, why are you clinging to this eurovision, you say this as if it characterizes the whole of europe, in europe it’s just that, we take it so seriously there, in europe everyone wanted to give a damn for this competition, therefore. not traditions, conservatism and other things, this is the agenda that we will promote, and despite the fact that it gives me
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a feeling that it is necessary to fight, but i cannot say that i am the fact that these mean children of women with low social responsibility will burn into the water, they can’t say that they insult me ​​much, but if one of them is left there without a jaw, if they at least have a couple of strong guys there in the city, i think it will be fair, because the level... european would try to speak at a university with such theses, which i did regularly, it ends either in a fight, screams, calls to end it all, and so on, this is the deliberate destruction
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of christianity, nothing more, they didn’t care about everything else , they are very good they know that the only thing that prevents the population from being debilitated, that does not allow it to turn into a cocoon, which simply ensures the development of a consumer society, is christianity, which forces people on this continent. to think that perhaps they have some other purpose, you clearly said, there is such a point of view that christianity has become weak, that christians have become weak, i think that christians simply relaxed and relaxed ahead of time, this is the feeling that we are the majority, well, there are some psychopaths abnormal, there are sodomites, feminists, someone else, why are we going to pay so much attention to them now, it has already led to the fact that christianity is on... they are destroyed, if anyone thinks that this can turn into well, some kind of transformed version that this civilization can exist in that form, and we are also part in
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the big sense of the word, in the big sense of the word, we are the most powerful orthodox country, we are eastern christianity, but in general we belong to the culture and we are alternative european culture that has recently been united, well, it came over time to the point that today, and this civilization. who already take this level of responsibility upon themselves, why is this happening, where did it all come from? firstly, people were convinced of the idiotic idea that there is some kind of
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objective progress, which... comes by itself, where, why exactly, well, there is only one direction of progress, there is only one direction of development, there is only one philosophy, and well, you can’t escape it, the world is not like that, firstly, this is the direction, artificially formulated within the framework of one civilization, by one group of scientists, by one scientific school, by no one else, you are convinced that there is no other way, this is a lie. secondly, this school, it does not cover the whole world at all, the whole world is developing differently in completely different directions, if you... continue to suffer from this idiocy, you will be finished.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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as for, again, returning specifically to this olympics in the cis countries, there are a number of leaders who and their minions, ngos, various non-governmental organizations, who tear their shirts, simply, their noses bleed, as they consider themselves europeans. and how they convince the population that russians are a backward nation, we have nothing to do with them, we definitely need to go to europe, so i know that a lot of people in these countries are watching us, look at these shots , say: do you want your your son or daughter was these, you want this to be the pressing cultural paradigm, which they will hammer into their heads every day, if you want, go, die, die, absolutely don’t care about you, but if not, you have to fight, idiots, you
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can’t be there all the time. in conditions that you are being pushed around, everything is driven into your head , you think that someone will save you, this will not happen, finally, the last thing, to be fair, i don’t want to engage in hypocrisy here too, about us, it’s very good that we are not participating there, that we are celebrating the baptism of russia, that we are having a navy parade, can i i’ll honestly ask three questions: if we were called to the olympic games, we wouldn’t go there, we’d go jumping, we’d go jumping , we’d sail on the same ship there, we’d be ...


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