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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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die, die, absolutely no one cares about you, but if not, you have to fight, assholes, you cannot constantly be in conditions where they push you around, they put everything into your head, you think that someone will save you, this will not happen, finally, the last thing, to be fair, i don’t want to engage in hypocrisy here too, about us, it’s very good that we don’t participate there, that we celebrate the baptism of russia, that we have a navy parade, can i honestly ask three question, if we were invited to the olympic games, we... we didn’t go there for a jump, we would have gone for a jump, we would have sailed on the same ship there, there would have been commentators who would have pretended that either nothing had happened, or that it was very good that it was so, it was a beautiful ceremony , everything is wonderful, how original, modern, if we had not been kicked out of eurovision, we would have gone there with great joy, we would have proved to everyone that it was generally excellent, if we had not been kicked out of the bologna educational system, we would still be in it were to prove to everyone that the other there is no alternative, and that’s why i want it.
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so that we understand, at one time a long time ago, that is , now any person can say: listen, we have a special military operation going on there, or we have so many economic tasks in the country or something else, you’re still talking about some such topics, at one time , the leaders of italy, say, thought about the same thing, who knew that the christian democratic party, they were busy with serious matters, and what was there, what films were made, what exhibitions were held, what books were written, doesn’t matter at all, until they realized that liberals are well aware... that as long as the majority of the population is catholic, they will not vote for anyone other than the christian democratic party, so it doesn’t matter what you say on elections, what kind of leaders you will have, everything, they will still vote for the christian democrats, for 30 years they did everything to make the population simply less catholic, and as soon as the christian democratic party found out about this, it lost elections, that's all ended for her, her party collapsed, and we must understand this here, in our country, if we really think that this is all we did before...
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markets are simply out of principle in order to destroy these scum, i i think we can, we will cover much more possibilities , we have come to such a state that one of the greatest nations in the world, it cannot organize a song competition and advertise it. at the global level, so that the whole world would follow it, so that there would be such a show, so that everyone would forget the superball, we cannot do this do, we can’t come up with our own educational system for 3 years, what happened to us ourselves, if there is someone who can’t, honestly can’t, please give the opportunity to those people who can, if there is someone who doesn’t want to , in these conditions, we are already talking about national betrayal, there is no other way left in this country, they want to destroy us, they want to destroy us as if...
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there is a lot of contradictory information, they told me that otherwise he could commit suicide if this is not the case will do, lies from the very beginning, evil in in its purest form, i am in favor of putting people who do this in prison, no one explained to me that puberty blockers are just sterilization, in other words, in short, i lost my son.
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wok is the same ideology dominant in america, a prominent representative of which, by the way, is karin zhanpir. dmitry, has it been your time, comrade mauser? well, yes, yes, before i turn to america, i would still like to touch on two issues, but firstly, indeed, today is not only the day of the russian navy, but also the day
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baptism of rus'. and in general, i remember, there was such a tv presenter who at one time said that... they say russia made a very big mistake by adopting orthodoxy, there was a lot of talk then around this tv presenter, who is american-french, this one, yes, yes , yes, yes, well, well, how about someone else who has more tefi than leonid lich had hero stars, handed himself just like that, yes, yes, yes, well, he is as always, he made such a very smart face, as if he was saying, you know, here it is, but in reality quite a bit passed time and it becomes very... clear that for the survival of historical russia from the point of view of what is happening right now, in retrospect, what christianity did was the exact opposite answer to this question, it was a very correct decision, from the point of view of history, if we now look at because of course, well, let's start with the fact
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that they usually say that this is the baptism of russia, that the adoption of orthodoxy, eastern christianity and so on, but indeed christianity was brought to us from the eastern churches, christianity, but... 988 from the birth of christ, it, the church was still united, there was no schism yet, so in general we preserved exactly the church that was originally, you can argue for a long time about who is what, but it’s obvious , that this, no matter how it was not called a heresy later, but initially, when racopism occurred , they called it, of course they called it a heresy, and the fact that the country existed for such a long period of time, this is, in fact, exactly...
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and as it were well, there may be other more qualified specialists somewhere, but in reality it cannot be said that these specialists are not qualified, that is not the problem, the problem is that the dollar economy is ending, this risk is actually somehow not taken seriously, because even donald fredovich trump, the possible
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forty-seventh president of the united states, he takes this seriously, he, for example, so to speak, made very interesting statements there about bitcoin, it should not be taken as something that trump decided, so to speak... is trying to make the federal reserve monetize bitcoin or something else like that sense, he seemed to say that the fact that today digital currencies are controlled by the federal reserve, he rejects this, in this sense it is interesting, well , you know, a lot of things that are now happening in the usa show that this the system is coming to an end, so trump does something brilliant, trump says the dollar is dead, long live the cue ball, but my cue ball is american american.
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things are by no means so good, which means, of course, netanyahu came, read a speech before
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the congress, this is, of course, a separate the song, it’s pointless to even analyze it, it turns out that only one family died in rafah, and then accidentally from the civilian population, but it’s interesting that yes, he came out with proposals to build some kind of alliance like nato in the middle east, in fact an attempt, so to speak , to rekindle those relationships. his son-in-law jared kushner, an interesting man, a man with very serious connections in the conservative jewish community, but pay attention to the democratic party conference, vance was sitting at the right hand, as it were, here are all the other people, including jarod kushny, sat further. on the second podium, the republican one, and the republican one, yes, the republican one, yes, i'm sorry,
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the republican one, yes, thank you, so, he appeared only when the whole trump clan was leaving the stage, there, yes, again, when they came out, the whole clan , the whole family came out on stage with small children, by the way, ven and his wife appeared there, and jared kushner and ivanka stood behind, this, this, this is a very interesting pointer to what we will measure like kremlinologists, exactly. trump’s relationship with israel and netanyahu with his wishes, not in the sense that he would like,
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to help israel, of course, he would like to, his voters want to help israel, but any, so to speak, netanyakh’s wishes, no, this is like a slightly different republican party, so everything is a little more complicated there, well, what ’s going on - then at the other end, it ’s like here, every evening we discuss the coup in the united states, all this will continue to grow, it means it happened. the situation, in my opinion, seymour hirsh once again misunderstood the situation, but he is an honored man, he has the right, of course, obama's long silence, and how in the end obama seemed to support kamaluharis, speaks on the phone, it was staged, now pay attention, they show kamaluharis and barack obama's voice on the phone, while kamela haris has a lavalier microphone prepared in advance, here like in our studio, well, before that she talked to biden. yes, yes, yes, they, they actually have a voice from above, such a signature
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move of kamala karesh, the city looks like biden, that’s all there, i’m waiting for her someone from there kennedy will talk to her, he will say something to her, you know there, hello, there yes, yes, beybraham lincoln, well, that is, someone there from so to speak, well, yes, that means he’s hugging bayna, vote, and not to speak, obama, that is, the person, remained silent for the longest time. who most of all actually advocated that biden needs to be replaced, this is interesting, in fact, i think that something like the following happened, two parties were formed there, i also seemed to talk about this here on the program, two factions, one of these factions said let’s just replace biden with kharis now, if we change biden, then in order not to change anything as much as possible, we will have such a bureaucratic administration, it’s okay, we’ll throw in votes in november, well, we’ll throw in, i already called the post office, but postal
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states, let’s say, state laws, but no, it’s not violated, it’s here, these laws regulate the very method of conducting primaries, in those states where caucuses are held, strictly speaking, if a law has not been passed stating that primaries must take place, generally speaking, is not regulated by any law, it an internal party matter, and the conference
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is an internal party matter, but there are laws in the states, and there are states where prime ministers are registered, and , of course, there are. there, too, then it turns out, no, they regulate only the conduct of the primaries themselves, once again, just a minute, but if they regulate the conduct, they are not carried out, they are carried out, the delegates of the congress are carried out, the delegates of the party congress are elected to the primaries, and not the candidate, in the same way, just like in the election of the president of the united states, electors from the state are formally chosen, not the president himself, but can vote theoretically, theoretically, but if in relation to. i need to enlighten you with something, yes, but that means the situation, but even look, this situation is legal, but in fact i don’t like it so much, as if i would say, instead of myself i see vladimir solovyov, then everyone would say something different he dared
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to propose me, but the fact that i was not born in the states, so i cannot be, and that’s the problem.
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biden is an old man, he is a holy man, he was deceived, but there are people who are responsible for this, we are removing them from the party, we are now we are creating a government, we will even invite some republicans who, well, understand, who are not for trump. and we will save the republic, because it is in danger, strictly speaking, as i understand it, since trump has a second shot at it, or what? yes, yes, because they only know how to save the middle name, so to speak, james david vance, and have you heard the best version that is being described now, no, well , 2033, a terrible war, a devastated world,
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president of the united states trump, dictator america, started this war and so...
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to say, you really need to just in case in this case, i kind of think that this is how to check where obama is, because if you, because if you are barack hussein obama, if you are tortured and held hostage, wink, that’s it or wave your ear, in fact , there was only indirect news from obama all week. all week from obama there were only indirect tortures, i don’t know, maybe the person seemed to have closed himself off, was offended by the party, i don’t know, but really, of course, he was bypassed on a crooked goat very much, this is just like very tough it was, on a crooked goat they passed him, his crooked goat passed him, well, both, they sat on a crooked goat and passed him, yes, but but the situation in general then comes down to what the current democratic party means, those who won in this so to speak, the week of palace squabbles within the clan is actually nothing. in the politics of the liberal establishment they don’t want to change, of course, of course, no, well, there were people who wanted, no, those who won, don’t want, those who won, don’t want, now, this
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means even more, to say, in- first, inside the american, yes, well, it’s time, it’s time to save, now pay attention to what happens immediately after this, how it happened, this is a curious thing, immediately the powers that formally belonged to the person of the president, his apparatus, begin to be distributed departments, that is , for example, yes... and he has the right to do this, well, of course he has, why is he the president, he signed it, so to speak, given for execution executively, everything should be strictly short, this is a privilege, this executive privilege, there congress adopted, so to speak, a budget, a suitcase, now someone will also sign it off, and a suitcase of cockadrill skin is signed off to their favorite zhaniere, yes, well, i don’t rule it out now.
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that they will win the elections, they won’t even win purely electorally, and they are absolutely not sure that the elections will be completed, they will generally close the issue of power for at least 4 years, so, of course, everything that they will
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do now, they will act independently, here is what used to be a small interaction, a serious contradiction between the gas department, the pentagon, the cia and all the others, now we will see that each of these departments acts completely uncontrollably, because today there is no president of the united states, only the biden conspirators have turned loose. joe biden is losing badly, they are ready to knock him out. they say: "wait, let's stop the fight, let's put
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someone else in." it doesn't happen that way, and it shouldn't happen that way. it was truly a coup on the part of the democrats. just a revolution, nothing more. he received 14 million votes. i i hate to stand up for biden, but you know, he didn't mean to do what he did. he said, "i'll never go out, i'll never go out again." 2 days. if you want to save america, gather your family, everyone you know, and vote, vote early, vote absentee, or vote on
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election day, i don't care which, but you must. get out and vote, one more time christians, get out and vote, just this time, you won't have to do this anymore, another 4 years, you know everything will be fixed, everything will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my dear christians, i love you, christians, i’m not a christian, but i love you, come out and vote, in 4 years it will actually be in english for you, because i ’ve already heard a clogged translation. for some reason he says that he is not a christian? no, no, he says why this translation is wrong, that is, this is a provocation, in fact , that’s not even the point, the essence of this speech, he of course said it distractedly, distracted from the teleprompter and swallowing the words, but the essence was , what if you don't go now and if you vote, then you will never be able to vote at all, it’s just that a version is being spread here that completely distorts what i said, that i, that i, i, by the way, between, this is an obliquity of the global
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liberal, who is where?
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so if you criticize everything i said, you are sexist and racist, i don't know a damn how to run a party, but remember that's good, the main thing is that i'm a toy in the hands of the deep state, i had a wonderful teacher joe biden, who was also a toy in his hands, i am incompetent, not a damn thing i understand, but i say it as if it’s important.
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remember that your future is not covered by your past, even this past was like mine joe biden, and that is, this is an absolute deepfake that elon musk made and posted on his network x, although in our opinion it’s just ha, and this shows level of bitterness.
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