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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, well, salamati, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, yes, i... arrived, stayed there for 5-6
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days, didn’t want to leave, soon it will be 2 years, andrey, but the outcome of the elections in the united states will be decided by one simple fact, which candidate will scare the americans more, that’s all, and let’s still listen to trump without...
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the law on august 2, 1717 on sanctions against us, but at the same time adhered to the concept of maintaining strategic stability, that is, she voted for start three, so that she would also be against exit from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, but she is, so to speak, such a patented russophobe, in principle, she even knows where russia is, and i think she shows it a couple of times.
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i’ll say something about the olympics, honestly speaking, i liked the introduction of this ceremony, it showed the whole level of what modern europe is at, starting with the upside-down flag, when the ship is sinking, but they turned it upside down, well, well, we’re sinking, so, they showed it to everyone to the world.
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maybe that before the start they were required to testify accordingly about how you feel about the northern military district, how you feel about the appropriation of the annexation of crimea, that during admission, most likely this was the case, this is absolutely certain, but what before start, i don’t know, at least with these questions.
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they have gone completely crazy, okay, the fact that the west is preparing for this fight, to counteract us, this is certainly true, you say ursula fonder, ursula now faces a gigantic task, she must turn the european union into a defensive union, despite the fact that in the tenth year, they from the western european union, which in general was a defense structure, did not know what to do with it, they did not know. how to include it in these european structures, they abandoned it, now there is a clear task, and i am sure that, so
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to speak, the main problem will be solved, that is, they will create some kind of military structure in 5 years one way or another, of course, on the basis of the european union , nato will remain the controlling point here, that is, the united states is withdrawing in the background, because they are the leader of nato, and the nuclear component. i don’t take into account, so to speak, well, of course we should take it into account, i mean the nuclear arsenal of britain, which is not a member of the european union, the member of the european union, they have 280, in my opinion, or 320, i will allow myself to make a prediction, this is how, before our eyes, they are already returning the austrian artist to politics, because when azov laughs with quotes from hitler in places where there were concentration camps, this is generally a shame.
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germany already has atomic bombs that can carry nuclear weapons, they will wait for the tragedy that will finally end, it will simply destroy europe, they are leading everything towards this, they are madmen, they started two world wars, they will plunge europe into a third war, which will become a world war , yes, only when they they say about three years, it’s very doubtful, that ’s when... the pentagon recently published data that 63% of arms purchases
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by european nato countries were made in the united states, that is, the americans provided them, the europeans themselves cannot yet deploy anything, although rain metal, as far as we know, it is currently building five factories in different parts of europe for the production of ammunition, but for now, let’s look at the map, we see the most powerful weapons factories, which are from the czech republic. in slovakia, in bulgaria, maybe all addresses puruleev throw, germany, well, what can’t be underestimated , i really think that in 3 years they will be able to do this, as they don’t produce, they produce with all their might, they produce sea products, how much military equipment is needed in full , they still have to finish building it, in addition, they still need to rebuild population, you believe that after looking...
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i just wrote about this, well, that’s where it all came from, well, no, sorry, it didn’t come from there, it came from something very specific, because after the first world war - freedom morals in europe were crazy. crazy then well, listen, well, the history of national socialism is gently trying to rewrite this page, but it won’t be possible, everything was very specific there, let’s remember then the beer flood, when 3,000 were the first, the first victims, these were in the pantheon of nazism, how many, who dispersed them, 100 policemen, 100 policemen dispersed everything, at
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what speed then did those who were dispersed by 100 policemen seduce the entire nation? well, there’s a little bit there, as we understand it, that ’s the speed at which they turned, they’re just bloodsuckers, let’s put it this way, it’s still an ascension hitlers began with the fact that they destroyed the entire gay component of their movement along with the militants, from that moment the ascent of sweetness began, this is the first thing they did, their root was just no, not the root, this is not the root, well, since they imitated the romans was.
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there will be an armed clash with russia, they prefer to go to australia or somewhere else, but can i finish, the fact is that i remember the macedonian phalanxes, real fighting fagots, no one knows all this for sure, no one knows what there it was, well how is such a question here, specifically the hundred, and in general alexander the great himself.
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zelensky’s regime from complete defeat, because no one has it, kamyla definitely doesn’t have it, she will fight until the village until the last ukrainian, pole or then frenchman. as for trump, do you believe that he actually has some kind of plan other than that he will give the ukrainians as much as they want of whatever they want in order to scare putin, and he never voiced this, but at least for all my during the previous years of his reign, no plan was discovered. definitely not chuysky , not krasnodar, well, there was just a plan, he has plans now, now he doesn’t have that, the simple fact is that in the election rhetoric in this case he follows, well , let’s say, the example of senhauer, so i’ll end with the war in korea, i will go there and solve everything, i will also put an end to ukraine, moreover,
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for trump, he repeats all the time, and now he has started repeating, china, china is in charge. kitayvod, now they are deciding, in the fall they will create a japanese command, that is they will divide the pacific command, which existed before, existed before, but now it has been called the indo-pacific since 1918, they will divide it into two commands, and if in japan there are 55,000, in korea there are 28 thousand, this is no longer so, not so small, they want to strengthen these contingents, that is , obvious pressure on china, to fight with two nuclear powers, well... for trump, trump withdrew from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty with us or something , he was going to, well, if only there was this treaty, he actually i didn’t bother them now, china was increasing the categories of these two medium- and shorter-range missiles, and in order to place them there, trump naturally left, so now, in order to
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return, he must definitely include china there, moreover, as far as i understand, they are with taiwan it’s already all about... with vance, it’s not trump that needs to be killed, it’s trumpism that needs to be killed, killed, well, i’ll say this, if they kill trump, vance won’t win, no, you see, there’s already
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a discussion, here’s vance, vance is hardly european body was buried in the end, yes that’s why, that’s why i think it’s real we can talk about the fact that we may have kamalo as president. well, well, well, so what, some people argued with me, they said that she cannot be vice president, not theoretically she can be, firstly, she can also become president, excuse me, she can also become president , because grandfather is bad, so she can already become president, i think grandfather will be denounced, i’m not afraid that they may no longer be denounced, alexandrovich, well, after a heated discussion about combat fagots... germany, in general , i would still like to move on to another topic, although there really is such a golden grain in this issue, andrey remembered correctly,
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i just wanted to say about this, that indeed in germany everything is very similar to 24, 1924, 23 beer day on november 9, and this is really a feeling, i would say, not even pre-war, but such a condensed time, well, such a loss from the image, it is very difficult now to imagine german political life, naming the names of berbock, naming the names of other politicians, in order to
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correctly analyze today's the situation in germany, so i won’t remember berbuk, i will remember a new young man, who, in my opinion, someone already called, klaus fabre, is the current chairman. defense committee of the bundestag, who came instead of strack zimmerman, who headed this defense committee, he had such an interesting statement, just the other day, he was in an interview, he was asked whether it was necessary to talk with putin, and he said a phrase that sounded approximately like this: i don’t remember exactly, i won’t quote it, but it sounds something like this, well, yes, it’s necessary we need to talk about it, but only after the international court has taken place, and beyond. said: i was recently at a celebration of the assassination attempt on the famous assassination attempt on hitler, and this is really an example that needs
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to be followed, this is how power needs to be changed, this is what you all say in russia, this is all of you, this is what needs to be done in russia to change power in this way, it is marcus who calls for this, i am , firstly, firstly, a young man who was born in 1984 and who, when i arrived in germany and... has no idea about history, moreover, his knowledge of history is purely british training, he graduated from a german german institute, he studied at the university of sydney and received an absolutely classical british education with a british understanding of what the second world war was like, who klaus schentenberg was and what's that there anyway? everything like this, how it all happened, so for him shtofenberg is a hero, i want to remind you, i’ve already talked about this, i want to remind you again, stauffenberg, of course, is a hero in that
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plan that he brought his briefcase with a bomb to hitler’s headquarters, but staufenberg is a convinced nazi, a man who is completely convinced of the theory of the superiority of the aryan nation, who back in 1939 wrote and spoke and spoke about that, in particular, and this is, i think, important for the german representatives to understand, he said that ukrainians in general can only be slaves, but then he also spoke about the slavs, and about all these other things. stauffenberg, who is now lauded in germany as one of the main heroes of the uprising, on the day when assassination attempt, the german bundeswehr pronounces something like an oath, that is, this is generally such an action, it’s beautiful,
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but beat yourself on the head, you’re in charge, hurry up, that sparks interest, uh, uh, what started, and makes life brighter, maybe you don’t go after me... “of course, flint, jean, ivan, well, so we’re going out, soon, in the fire you imprisoned me, the self-written pen , magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a
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mechanical horse." not long ago, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, he doesn’t need a pen, who has rot in his pocket, uh, what it has begun, flint. i can’t live without traveling, soon, i got used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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and here, so beloved by everyone in russia, the minister german defense, he suddenly, pistorius. he, meeting with his british colleague, they discussed various topics, including the idea of ​​​​creating a new rocket, a new device that could cover long distances. i would like to remind the british. actually, you already know the german rockets, fao-1 and fao-2. these were very good missiles, which the british knew very well. these were really missiles that could fly.


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