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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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there were prisoners and those killed by the ukrainians, many of them surrender on their own, just without a fight, they just come out, raise their hands completely without ammunition and go in our direction. the ukrainian positions in the harvest and the approaches to it have been prepared for many years, the enemy is firmly entrenched, but still the main headache for attack aircraft is the sky, for every fighter on the front line there are two enemy kamikaz drones, from which they need to... return, the drones fly out from other, well, settlements that are nearby, that’s the problem with them, that’s if if it weren’t for drones, guys, we would have been in kiev a long time ago, they don’t like arrows, close combat, that’s all for them, stretch out, rear, look, the offensive is supported by assault tanks, reliably protected from kamikaze drones, a simple welded structure , although the metal here is quite thick, about 1 cm, all this gives all-round protection.
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the division of the marines of the pacific fleet is well known on both front lines, fellow soldiers respect it, and the enemy fears it. last year , moriks with small forces thwarted a large-scale offensive in isu in novodonetsk, while as they say at the front, a lot of equipment was captured. everything will be used for spare parts, guys, yes, of course, we’ll get you out of here soon. this french tank is now on display at the nato equipment exhibition on poklonnaya gora. the commander of the assault squad with the call sign aggressor. already during the withdrawal he was seriously
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wounded and lost his leg, he was offered many positions in the rear, but he refused his former family, so i couldn’t leave them, even i didn’t even think about returning to the zone as a special military operation , and none of the fighters assault detachment did not leave the unit, although many had the opportunity to serve as commissioners, i could have stayed at home, of course, well, because i had a serious facial wound, i can’t do that. my parents brought me up in such a way that it is necessary, it is necessary, we are doing the right thing, victory will be ours, as a result of the offensive, in just the last 24 hours , units of the vostok group defeated three brigades in the isu, the enemy lost more than 100 people and dozens of pieces of equipment. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. fsb officers in zaporozhye detained a saboteur who worked for ukrainian intelligence. he transmitted data about the locations of our units. after which
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the ukrainian armed forces planned to strike at them, the detainee was charged under the article espionage; he could spend the next 20 years behind bars. and on other topics: the israeli army fired heavy artillery at 15 settlements in the east and south of lebanon, including the city of markaba. there were armed formations of the shiite organization there. according to local media, the premises burned down, but there were no casualties. this attack tzahal became israel's answer. the lebanese hezbollah movement responded to attacks on dutch heights earlier, teraviyev said that they had warned about the attacks. earlier, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu stressed that hezbollah, quote, will pay for its attacks, which killed 12 children , at the highest price. end of quote. europe and the united states are reacting to the israeli army's attacks on lebanon. many eu countries are calling on their citizens to urgently leave lebanon. and the leader of turkey. about the loud reaction of european
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politicians to the media on the middle east situation olga panomaryova will tell you. the russian ambassador to israel anatoly viktorov expressed condolences and words of support to the head of the druze community on the dutch heights in connection with the death of children and formulated the official position of our country on the shelling of the village. russia condemns any terrorist attacks against civilians and the unchangeable. advocates a political and diplomatic settlement of conflicts in the middle east. general antonio gutierres also condemned the incident. egypt warned israel against opening a new war front in lebanon after attacks on the dutch heights. as stated in the statement of the egyptian foreign ministry, this could escalate into a full-scale regional war. this is exactly the kind of escalation the united states has been trying to prevent for 10 months. the question is, is this consistent with their support for israel?
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iran called on the united states to influence its ally and warned israel against adventures, given the lack of clarity about what kind of missile exploded on the football field. threatens to wipe lebanon off the face of the earth in order to protect its citizens, but it is worth remembering that arabs live on the golan, not the israelis. the dutch heights are under occupation; the un does not recognize them as israeli. i don't know who attacked. hezbollah denies this. this may have been done by mistake by israel or hezbollah. hezbollah does not intentionally attack
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israeli civilians. so why is israel attacking? and why is there no investigation? it’s just that from the first minute israel declared that it was hezbollah. it is quite possible that he is fabricating. this incident to justify an attack on lebanon, as was the case in 1982. investigate the unacceptable incident on galanach, with the involvement of the international community, also called on the european union. the ministry of the fifth republic made an appeal to do everything possible to avoid further military escalation. france, sweden, saudi arabia and norway have already advised their citizens to leave lebanon immediately, fearing the situation will worsen after the tragic incident in galana. "i condemn today's rocket attack on the playground in majdal shams on the dutch heights. attacks on civilians are unacceptable and prohibited by international humanitarian law. i call on all parties to de-escalate the situation, which could lead to a full-scale war on israel's northern front. turkish president recep tayyip erdogan
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called on israel to stop the bloodshed in the middle east and recalled that this could lead to a harsh response. if the success of our industry had been even greater, israel would not have done what it did to palestine. we must be strong, just like we entered karabakh, entered libya, we will do the same with them, nothing is impossible. evgenia zemtsova, to lead. the israeli foreign ministry did not ignore the statements of the turkish leader. the head of the foreign policy department has already stated, i will quote. erdogan is following the path of saddam hussein and threatening to attack. end of quote. the reference is clear to the invasion of iraq by american troops, which ended with numerous civilian casualties and eventually the execution of the iraqi leader. in other international topics, chile and argentina
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do not recognize maduro's victory in the presidential election. after counting 80%, it became known that the leader of venezuela was gaining more than 50% of the votes. how will he end? presidential race, maria skorodilka found out. there are a lot of emotions on the streets of caracos at these moments. the current head of state, nicolas maduro, wins the presidential election in venezuela. these are the data of the local election commission. according to them, maduro scored just over 50%. his opponent is edmunda gonzalez, over forty. and this is very different from the polls of recent weeks, which gave success to the opposition opponent. and maduro are now dissatisfied, gathering people in the squares of venezuelan cities. opposition supporters chant "freedom". freedom, freedom! venezuelan society is split, there is literally a tear underneath. red flags, association with the ruling party
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at the exit from the polling stations. in hand-to-hand hand -to-hand combat, they fight off their own from the police. society is exhausted, we are tired and we finally want to live in peace, without economic shocks, before i didn’t go to vote at all, now i believe in changes, others just want stability, living under american sanctions is better than living under the heel of the united states, voters say. socialists give us the opportunity to grow and live honestly in the country social elevators work. they give us free treatment, education, but what about the democrats? we remember their rule, just give them power, everything will go to dust. and this confrontation of the people is a real latin american series, from storming, polling stations and violent fights. women voting for different men in power, to
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real shootings on the streets of venice cities. these images from the polling station are published on social networks, it is still unknown who shot, but there are wounded, the presidential elections literally exposed the problems inside countries, according to imf data, against the backdrop of american ones. the overwhelming number of venezuelans live below the poverty line, journalists state. venezuela is mired in chaos. some products used to be in short supply, now there is everything, but there is no money to buy it all. the situation in the country is complicated, i am a salesman, people come to me as a psychologist, talk about life, i know the reality. these elections in venezuela are already being called a large-scale challenge to the ruling socialist party; the current leader
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campaigned with the support of systemic media, they argued that the majority of venezuelans are ready to vote for maduro, but not everyone shares this opinion. there is a fear that the government ended up greatly inflating the results in its favor, and this despite observers witnessing the polls, especially since they vary so much. it does not seem inevitable, the victory of the current president does not suit the opposition, which relies on the support of the united states in the country , protests and possibly sabotage will be incited, political scientists predict. the pro-western leader of argentina, who drowned his country in poverty and chaos, javier miley, even before the announcement of the first voting results, said that he did not recognize madura’s victory. maria skorodilka, news. in the chelyabinsk region, people are being evacuated from flooded settlements. heavy rainfall is occurring in the region. for several days now , the river level has risen significantly, in one of the villages a bridge was washed away,
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a state of emergency was declared in several areas, in the village of kiolim, where a dam broke, the water receded, restoration work began, children were taken to a health camp, chelyabinsk itself is being drowned, there the mias river has overflowed its banks, the city embankment is in the water, according to the authorities, almost all the reservoirs are full, the weather can’t be expected to improve yet, here’s the news. tolmachevo airport has begun to operate as normal, this is fresh news from the federal air transport agency. earlier, let me remind you, the arrival of 18 morning flights was delayed. according to the latest online scoreboard data, planes from moscow, sochi, samara, orenburg and other cities were sent to alternate airfields in omsk, novokuznetsk and tomsk due to weather conditions. several flights that were due were also late. were to arrive in the afternoon, including from antalya, turkey. on the fact of the delays , the west siberian transport prosecutor's office. i started checking, now we’ll start with a short advertisement, then economic news,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. we continue broadcasting. switzerland will not transfer income from russian frozen assets to kiev. the country is afraid of losing its reputation by violating its own laws. experts talk about this. main trends in financing of ukraine and also about'. european countries are increasingly talking about their intention to reduce financial assistance to ukraine and some are acting contrary to the trends of the general anti-russian policy of the west. so
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switzerland, which is not a member of the european union and the group of seven, stated that it would not transfer income from ours to kiev. the state explains this by the fact that according to its own and the secretariat for economic affairs international standards, switzerland, quote, does not have the right to receive any special income related to the assets of the bank of russia. simply put, the country is not going to help kiev by circumventing the law. in switzerland there are almost 8 billion dollars of frozen assets of our central bank, and more than 6 billion from other russian sources. according to analysts, the country does not want to touch them in order to preserve them.
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meanwhile, the european union transferred the first tranche of income from frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine, but not the country directly, to a special fund of the european commission, only one and a half billion euros seized illegally, while 90% of the amount will go to compensate eu countries for arms supplies to kiev, in fact, europe sends money for yourself. it intends to reduce spending on ukraine, for example, germany in berlin sees kiev’s inability win the conflict with ukraine is not capable, analysts emphasize, the ukrainian budget for the current year is drawn up with a deficit of $43.5 billion, expenses are almost twice as high as revenues. it is impossible to pay off loans in this situation; the national debt has exceeded 150 billion. the fitch agency downgraded
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ukraine’s credit rating to level c, an inevitable default due to the restructuring of international ones. these investments are a classic exchange of debts, as perkins once wrote about in his book the test of an economic killer, when creditors american ones, they demand... from the debtor control over debts, over the economy, over socio-political life, for some time this is possible, this is how we see it now. not only is there not enough money, but
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also electricity. the crisis is intensifying every day, already exhausting the shutdown schedules. the lack of power forces us to ask for support from neighbors who supply resources to tridrogs. in addition to regular supplies , emergency assistance must be involved. according to the financial times, since the beginning of the twenty- second year. not enough to decide problem, despite the fact that over the year it has grown almost 20 times. kiev wants to further increase supplies, but it is becoming unprofitable for the european union to spend its power on this; it itself suffers from a lack of energy for trying to abandon russian sources. europe can't even. technically cover the needs of ukraine, well, it can cover about 10% of what is currently needed, for now, there is not such a disaster as
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it could be, because nuclear power plants operate from 2 to 3 gw, each produces there 2, 2.8, 3 k, but the problem is how to transport this electricity. the energy crisis is shaking an industry that is unable to cope. to work without the proper amount of capacity, what is left costs fabulously, this year alone electricity has risen in price by 60%, the result is the maximum level of production inflation in 30 years, it, as reported in the verkhovna rada, has reached 14%. the cost of food is also actively growing; ukrainian farmers predict that by autumn prices for some goods may increase by thirty%. this is due to the use of generators, which has increased the cost of rent. in addition, they have a negative impact. dry weather and shortage of personnel against the backdrop of mobilization and flight of ukrainians abroad. sasha, in some regions of ukraine the harvest may be
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halved. thank you, masha, it was maria filippova with a story about the economic situation in ukraine. and let's move on to other topics. three dozen modern domestic mi-8 helicopters will go to russian regions this year, thanks to preferential leasing program of state transport leasing company, its. volume 45 billion rubles. funds were raised, among other things, from the national welfare fund. emil mersaev will talk about the impetus this will give to the development of aviation in our country. from the factory directly to the airfield. the water arch is a good and long-standing tradition in the world of aviation. the regions welcome the modern domestic helicopter mi-8 mtv-1. in kazan, at the holding company, helicopters of the russian state corporation rostec are completely. recently, a ceremony was held to transfer equipment to several russian airlines. your applause, the acceptance certificates for the helicopters have been signed. according to a project
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using funds from the national welfare fund, which was launched by a state-owned transport and leasing company. the carriers were supplied with three cars, two went to siberia, and one to the far east, chukotka. the equipment has already been tested. the mi8 is already familiar to airlines and easy to operate. this helicopter is manufactured in 2023; instead of the usual doors, it has a ramp installed on it, which allows loading tracked vehicles. in in general, the vehicle is used universally in addition to passenger transportation for search and rescue operations, providing emergency medical care and extinguishing fires. for many remote regions, helicopters are indispensable and are practically the only connection with. one of the latest
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innovations is an improved weather radar, with its help it is easier for pilots to assess the weather on the route. from the point of view of piloting and operation , a modern navigation and weather reconnaissance system is very helpful. and also additional fuel tanks are a plus 500. of the route, you can fly, for example, from novosibirsk to gorno-altaisk and back, and without refueling. the acquisition of these mounted helicopters became possible for us thanks to preferential leasing of aviation equipment. thanks to this program, the operating organization is more confident, so to speak, in buying and purchasing helicopters, with confidence in the future. the amount of funding for the program is about 45 billion rubles. this year, 30 mi-8 helicopters will be delivered through it. tv. fleet renewal takes place on behalf of the president as part of a comprehensive program for the development of the air transport industry. preferential leasing programs mean that after the expiration of the term
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, the car remains with the operator. tanta, after all leasing payments have been paid, the leasing rate under this program is 2.5% per annum, but in the current conditions i don’t know what could be cheaper. today, the helicopter fleet of russian carriers includes 1,230 aircraft. the most popular model is the legendary mi-8, which has been produced since 1965. leaders in volume local air transportation, the arkhangelsk region of siberia and the far east, as well as the komi republic. we see that the development institute, the state transport leasing company of the russian federation , is actively using financial instruments to help the constituent entities of the russian federation and special services provide such an opportunity as the purchase of modern equipment on lease, and we know that since 2017, 139 mi-8 helicopters, 32 ansat helicopter were
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supplied by ours. airlines, and by 2026 another eight are expected to be delivered modern ansat helicopters: 60 mi-8 helicopters and 21 mi-171 aircraft. this is a good opportunity to renew the park. increasing transport accessibility is an integral condition for regional development, which is a national priority today. therefore, we are confident that the relevant ministry will continue to provide state support programs for the aviation sector. expand. emil mirsaev, ramil batyrov, alexey koshlakov, ksenia kliminay, stanislav nazarov and tatyana klepcha. news.
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tasks, become and perform combat missions here in zaporozhye direction, we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same deadlifts, my record is 285. i couldn’t sit up because i was in normal shape, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? oh well, well , yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i was eager to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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in moscow 9:30 and beyond, briefly about the main thing. marines of the pacific fleet are pushing the enemy north of urozhayny. the settlement came under the control of our military in july. there are new frontiers ahead. support provide drone-protected apu and assault tanks. the us, norway and ireland called on their citizens to leave. levan. this statement was made against the backdrop of an escalation of the conflict between.


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