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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the kazan-adler train crash near volgograd could have injured up to 100 people; an operational headquarters has been created. ambulances are on the scene, and they know about the wounded. the president of russia spoke with the head of the dpr pushilin, the focus was on water supply and emergency housing. what other topics were discussed? things are tense again in the middle east. airlines are canceling flights to beirut en masse. israel attacks lebanese cities in response to an attack on the dutch heights. what could escalation lead to? in the chelyabinsk region there is a flood,
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a platinum is broken, a bridge is washed away, in kareli washed away the lock on the belomor canal. the authorities are asking people to give up outdoor recreation; how long will the state of emergency last? vladimir putin congratulated nicolas madura on his victory in the elections. russia is ready to continue working together. congratulations came from tehran and beijing, madura's new term despite us pressure. how is washington reacting? in the volgograd region, where the kazan-adler train derailed after a collision with a kamaz truck, more than 140 people were injured, more than fifteen of them, as reported by russian railways, have already been taken to the hospital with injuries. go on air my colleague, alexander kulishenko, joins in; he works near one of the clinics. so, alexander, hello, what is known at this time, what is most important, how are the wounded, how are the victims? yes. colleagues,
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hello, it is known that the train followed the kazan-adler route, the police received a report of a railway accident at about 1240, a collision between a passenger train and a truck occurred in the kotelnikovsky district of the volgograd region, this is 200 kilometers from the regional capital, at the site of the emergency , with passenger train on the section rattling kotelnikov, dozens of medical teams are now working, passengers are being provided with all the necessary assistance on the spot. 16 people, including three children, were hospitalized, russian railways reported. according to the company, about 140 people suffered abrasions and bruises. according to updated data , there were a total of 803 passengers on the train at the time of the accident. emergency services employees are working on site, about 300 specialists and more than 100 pieces of equipment are involved in eliminating the consequences of the emergency, governor of the volgograd region andrey bocherov organized an operational headquarters. according to
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preliminary data, out of twenty carriages, nine carriages and an electric locomotive derailed, 813 people were on the train, data on the victims is being clarified: all emergency services are working at the scene of the traffic accident, an operational headquarters has been created to the scene of the emergency. the supply of water has been organized, passengers are being delivered to temporary accommodation centers for departure, two helicopters of the russian ministry of emergency situations are ready, and air ambulance helicopters have also been put on standby. head of the region appointed additional tasks to provide the necessary assistance to train passengers and eliminate the consequences of an emergency. russian railways also stated that the driver of the kamaz truck that collided with the train violated traffic rules and drove onto the railroad crossing while the vehicle was in good working order. signaling, the investigative
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committee opened a case after a collision between a train and a kamaz truck in the volgograd region, colleagues, yes, alexander, thank you, our correspondent, alexander kulishenko, was in direct communication with the studio. according to the authorities of the volgograd region, kamaz drove onto the road prohibitory traffic light signal. the train driver applied emergency brakes, but the distance to the crossing was no longer sufficient. as a result, the train rammed the truck and part of the carriage. derailed from a strong blow, girls, look, what a nightmare, this is our crossing, kotelnikov's morning, look, the train, they lay down in the cars, people are crawling out of this, oh, what a horror, now about the situation at the front, fresh messages from the russian ministry of defense : a universal launcher of the ukrainian armed forces, american-made, was destroyed near novotroidsky, such used to launch rockets and tactical missiles. the target was struck by
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the russian iskander operational-tactical missile system. the enemy's vehicles and personnel were also hit. the russian military liberated the northern military district zone. another settlement is the village of volchi in the donetsk people's republic, this is also data from the ministry of defense. as a result , the units of the center group of troops improved their tactical position. in its area of ​​responsibility, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 400 military personnel, a tank and three armored vehicles. almost 500 more people amounted to losses of the ukrainian side in the zone of operation of the west group. four field ammunition depots, 14 vehicles and several artillery installations, including american-made british ones, were destroyed. at a ukrainian airfield. since the beginning of the year , the average salary has increased by almost 40%, and is now close to 5,000 rubles.
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the head of the republic denis pushilin reported this to vladimir putin, the restoration and development of cities and small settlements of the dpr became the main topic of their meeting in the kremlin. revenues to the regional budget this year, by the way, may already be almost... more than in the past, the president instructed to pay special attention to solving problems with emergency housing and water supply, we are in constant contact with you, but no less , there are always a lot of questions, please, integration processes continue, and there are already certain achievements, and budget revenues, both tax and non-tax, can typically indicate this, which concerns... construction, well, now it is, let’s say, the locomotive of development of our economy, objective, because construction has been developed very seriously, we had the opportunity to discuss it at recent meetings, that is , in more detail, but what is most important, we are still doing the emphasis on the construction of commercial housing, and well, let’s just say, for
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extra-budgetary funds, accordingly, your decision on a 2% preferential mortgage gives results, and if we tell you that investors were very reluctant to even come to mariupol but did not understand like, but first results, three houses have already been commissioned, put into operation, thank you very much for your support, we feel it and of course, it helps in general with sarasia, well , what can we say, he won’t let you down, khorojevich, there are some topics, some problems , which require our special attention, this is emergency housing, they have already said that over 27% of the housing stock in the republic is emergency housing, unfortunately, everything is connected with military operations, and simply with the fact that for many years, decades, perhaps, in earlier times they did not pay due attention to this,
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this is the first and second, this is something that you, of course, also cannot decide on your own, this is water supply, these are the topics i ask you to pay attention to, and i always ask the attention of the government of the russian federation, vkontakte, please, with the federal authorities, please pay special attention to this. airlines are canceling flights to beirut en masse in the latest escalation in the middle east. last night, the israeli air force launched strikes on lebanese cities in response to an attack on the dutch heights. from more even the united states warns israel of a further escalation of the fire conflict in beirut. the leader of turkey also entered into the debate again. in tel aviv with a military intervention, will the parties be able to maintain composure, our correspondent in the region, alexander belibov, will tell you. the day before, until late in the evening, israeli prime minister netanyahu conferred with members of his military cabinet, as reported by the country's defense minister, the chief of the army general staff and other members
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of the security bloc, presented to the head of state a plan for responding to the saturday attack on the dutch heights. the expectations of many that a retaliatory strike would be struck last night were not justified, and although some of the eyewitnesses for...
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perhaps after this an agreement will be reached in the north, and if not, then we will need to expand the campaign, which will involve a fierce a blow to hezbollah a blow to lebanon.
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what happens to those who threaten his country. erdogan is following in the footsteps of saddam hussein and is threatening to attack israel. just remind him what happened there and how it ended. in the meantime, the entire middle east is frozen in anticipation of what will happen next, but it is already clear that another round of escalation in the region seems inevitable. the whole question is whether the parties to the conflict will be able to maintain coolness and control over the situation? as the israeli media write today, tel aviv is still not planning a full-scale war with lebanon, and the intensity of hostilities may increase only for a few days, but as practice shows, israel never does exactly what is expected of it, and therefore a retaliatory strike may be inflicted exactly where the enemy would least expect it. alexander bilivov, dmitry sherbakov and maria bolotvina, lead the middle east. the parties to the middle east conflict must show restraint and break the vicious circle
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of escalation, otherwise a full-scale war in the region is possible. russian ambassador to israel anatoly viktorov stated this in an interview with our channel. who attacked whom is really only possible as a result of a serious investigation, but it can hardly be carried out in conditions of essentially mutual shelling, but sooner or later, of course, extremely.
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enter into a large-scale war with israel. sabotage on long-distance fiber optic networks was carried out in six departments of france at once. this was reported by agence france-presse, citing police sources. some mobile operators have already warned about a slowdown. now the signal is traveling through backup lines. recently , unknown people set fire to telephone lines near toulouse in protest against the olympic games. in addition, more than 2.0 households were left without internet. well, on the opening day of the olympics, arson was committed on... roads, almost a million passengers then faced difficulties on their way to the french capital.
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ultra-left activists are most likely behind this act of sabotage, at least according to french interior minister gerald darmanin. according to him, security forces have already identified some of the defendants. but at the same time, accusations are made against moscow. press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov called them, quote, without evidence. another duck, another. evidence-based accusations, the fact is that there are a lot of such and low-quality media and even respected ones, they have recently not shunned the wrong thing, literally blaming russia for everything that happens, well, this does not add to the image of reliable sources of information for these people. vladimir putin sent congratulations to nicolas madura on his victory in the presidential elections in venezuela. the telegram published on the kremlin website states moscow's relations. are in the nature of a strategic partnership, the russian leader expressed confidence that maduro’s activities as head
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state will help their further development. it was noted that this meets the interests of the peoples of the two countries and goes in line with building a more just world order. the message also says nicolas maduro is always a welcome guest on russian soil. nicolas maduro will lead venezuela until 2030. as a result of the elections, according to preliminary data, the politician was supported by 51% of voters. russian observers noted that the voting was organized at a high level. china, iran, bolivia, cuba and a number of other countries have already congratulated madura on his victory. concerns were expectedly expressed by the us state department. well, let’s return to the first topic of the issue of the emergency in the volgograd region, the head of the region andrei bacharov went to the site of the collision from the passenger train with kamas. this
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was reported by the press service and the press service of the regional administration. more than a thousand people have been evacuated from flood zones in the chelyabinsk region; heavy rains have been falling there since last week; a state of emergency has been declared in several areas. in chelyabinsk itself , the meas river flooded the city embankment due to heavy rains the dam on the kiolim reservoir burst. the water overflowed its banks. my colleague jana skonecznaya is monitoring the development of the situation on the ground.
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further than the dam upstream, the dam itself, of course, an entire reinforced concrete structure, washed away only its coupling part. in the chelyabinsk region over the past few days, two months of precipitation has fallen, and this has led to the flooding of a number of areas. the number of victims of the dam break in kareili has grown to ten, three more are being sought, this is the latest information from the ministry of emergency situations. at this point, seven people have been rescued, including two children, one person died. flooding threatens ten settlements in the belomorsk region of the republic. the erosion of the lintel in the village of nadvoitsa occurred at 7 am. after which the authorities introduced a state of emergency in the sigezh district. settlements near the eleventh sluice and snt baltic fell into the flooding zone. 13 houses were destroyed. doctors, epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists, as well as psychologists have left for karelia, said the head of the republic’s ministry of health. it is known that the protective structure
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was temporary; it was supposed to provide security for the period of repairs that were going on on dambiya since 2022. the last time the structure was checked for strength was six months ago, this is what caused the emergency, a pre-investigation check will show. investigators have already started work, opened a criminal case on violation of safety rules during construction and other work, the main water hammer took place here, now in a point outside the temporary accommodation there is one family from this village, these are residents of murmansk, they have rent here, well now. the most important thing, of course, is to monitor the passage of the entire mass of water downstream , the hydroelectric stations are all ready, right now they report, they will monitor, regulate the passage of the entire mass of water, and of course , here we are now moving to the higher gates.
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participants in the international pedagogical forum eurasian change announced plans to open new lyceums in the countries of the post-soviet space, in the image of soviet schools. it took place in moscow over several days and ended the day before. more than a hundred teachers from the countries of the former ussr took part in it. one of them was a moldovan opposition politician and businessman, head of the pobeda bloc ilan shor. and these are the goals he considers to be the most important in the field of education today. today we can state that 30 years of destruction were given to the west very well, because the west’s task was to destroy the education of post-soviet countries so that there would be no competition. in human resources and brains. today our common task is to combine and integrate processes in order to recreate what was previously good. the idea of ​​the eurasian lyceum was, let’s say, started from this very point. that is, today is our the task is to take the lyceum and make a model out of it. i am sure that we will be able to launch the first lyceum this year. our task is to open such a lyceum in the next few
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years in all post-soviet countries. and we hope that then it will become an idea that, let’s say, is of some kind. interstate platforms will take this idea, and we will implement it together so that it is a state program. the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway project will be included in the list of self-sustaining ones, this will allow attracting additional funds from the national welfare fund. mikhail mishustin discussed key economic topics at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. vera moroz understood the topic. traveling within the country and making business trips will become even more convenient with development. transport infrastructure and railway capacity were discussed by mikhail mishustin at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. one such project is the moscow st. high-speed railway. st. petersburg, the implementation of the investment project provides construction of a line with a length of almost 680 km, launching traffic along it at a speed of 200
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to 400 km/h. thus, the travel time between moscow and st. petersburg will be reduced to 2:15. the total volume of investments is estimated at more than 2 trillion rubles. this is the creation of infrastructure, the supply of high-speed trains, the creation of a system. and other enterprises will give such an innovative impetus in this area, will help to naturally increase cargo flow, orders will increase,
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new jobs will appear, and the territories along the high-speed line will landscaped, which will improve the quality of life of people. among the strategically important projects is reducing dependence on imported minerals. the government extended the planning period in this area by 15 years until 2050 . and also approved an updated strategy for the development of the entire mineral resource base. mikhail mishustin noted that in one of the development scenarios it is necessary to ensure the growing demand for minerals. to achieve this , they plan to open new large deposits, including in the arctic and the far east. fully important to meet the current long-term needs of the economy for strategic types of solid minerals. at the same time, significantly reducing dependence. from foreign supplies primarily of margen, chromium and titanium. the president, in his message to the federal assembly , spoke about the need to focus our geological exploration on the search for rare earth
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materials and other raw materials for the development of priority domestic industries. we expect that the demand for them will increase significantly, just against the backdrop of accelerated growth rates in the defense industry. complex, metallurgy, chemical industry, construction sector and other key industries. mikhail mishustin emphasized that in the field of subsoil study, mining, and processing of minerals, it is necessary to rely on one’s own decisions. to achieve this, the government will offer businesses more attractive conditions. advanced technologies are now being actively created and implemented in industry,” the prime minister emphasized. assistance to russian companies is provided , among other things, through federal and regional industry support funds. visited in khabarovsk high-tech production that uses their loans for... development, this is the only power engineering plant in the far east, where they create, among other things, gas turbines, centrifugal compressor machines, turbine
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blades, one of the most high-tech complex products, and supply not only to the domestic market, but to the countries of the commonwealth of independent states, neighboring countries, the enterprise has a very large role in redeeming russia’s independence from foreign decisions, in novosibirsk we also visited industrial technology park akadem city. its members are engaged in the production of science-intensive products and equipment, including for the it sector in the field of medicine, bio -nanotechnologies, new materials, and agricultural construction. all this contributes not only to the promotion of russian goods, but also to the speedy transition to domestic solutions, including in the field of software, noted mikhail mishusin. by 2030, there will be at least 100 such industrial business and technology parks, to quote. enterprises could sooner implement your innovations, ideas and developments. at the tavrido art festival, which brought together tens of thousands of guests from around
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the world in crimea, the works of russian designers were shown. well, another event within the festival is an art parade of family teams, a forum of creative ideas and projects. valeria sugak. oh , why, why, why is it so bright for me? open microphone at tavrida art for all talents without exception. the festival participants show the features of their native land on stage at the art-molodist fair. here everyone has region has its own dress code. the fair presents brands of young and talented designers from all over russia. the images are completely different, from simple, pastel, everyday, to the most unusual. for example, in this collection, designers paint all the clothes by hand. this jacket took about 15 hours to complete. and a few jars of paint, i somehow like that people express themselves, that they have everything beautiful, that people pay attention to them, national costumes of creativity and traditions were shown by 3800.
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participants in the colorful art event russia family families, these are representatives of 89 families from all regions of our country, as well as from abkhazia, belarus and kazakhstan. in total , more than 60 thousand people came to the festival of young multinational art, including guests from other countries. it’s huge, everything is beautiful, the building is very beautiful and... tavrida art is a real city, only the art cluster occupied 250 hectares, and now a film studio with special pavilions has appeared here, there are no analogues of such a center on the black sea coast, the film 2022 was born here on tavrida last year, when for the first time, there was a shift in which guys, heroes from a special military operation took part, who talked about their history, about their
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lives, with them. together directors, producers, screenwriters, both young and experienced, as a result of this, about eight scripts were born last year, we thought that was a lot, this year there were 85 scripts. for many participants , a ticket to tavrida becomes a ticket to the future, and for guests it is an opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere, without exaggeration , of the brightest event of the summer and get an incredible charge of emotions. i'm from lugansk. this i really like this opportunity for creative young talents, i really like the fire festival, we come to the best festival every year. valeria sugak, yuri daneko, denis kharlamov and vladimir danenko. news crimea. now it's time for economic news. gazprom set a new historical record for daily pipeline gas supplies to china. the company reported this. the manufacturer did not disclose specific volumes,
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but it is known. that they significantly exceed the contractual ones. supplies are carried out in siberia within the framework of a long-term agreement between gazprom and chinese cnpc. the expected volume for this year is 30 billion cubic meters, next - 38 billion. in russia, according to the results of the quarter, the volume of loans issued doubled. in total, russians took out more than 18 million loans worth 7.5 trillion rubles. this is data from the united credit bureau. ros records for all lending segments. the largest share in june was occupied by mortgages - 42%. cash loans come in second place - 33%. in third place are credit cards - 15%. sales of the astro group in the first half of the year immediately increased by 64% to 5.5 billion rub. this was stated in the company's message. there, such dynamics are explained by the expansion of the customer base, the development of products and services. in the second quarter, the group entered into more than thirty cooperation agreements with
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large companies. among them are novaek, rushydro, alrosa and aeroflot. the astro group is one of the leaders in the russian it industry, its main product is the secure astro linux operating system. and britain dropped out of the top ten industrial countries. according to the times newspaper, the kingdom dropped from eighth to twelfth place in the ranking. her russia and mexico overtook. they finished eighth and seventh, respectively. this dynamic is associated with the boom in defense production in russia and mexico. from increased investment from china, the leaders in steel production are china and the usa. it was economic news. short.
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