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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same work, the same tasks.
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top categories of cashback, 1% on everything , twice as many bonuses every month, in sber it is more profitable with prime. votter, it tastes better on fire, burger king, burger king, today russian schoolchildren, winners of the international physics olympiad, which was held in iran, returned home to moscow. our guys won four gold medals at once. our correspondent maria valieva meets the winners at the airport and is now on the line. connections, greetings, masha, well, as far as i understand, i have already managed to communicate with the schoolchildren, what do they say? yes, alexey, hello, we managed to meet our winners, our guys brought four gold and one silver
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medals from iran from the international physics olympiad, we have already congratulated them, yes, of course, the guys were very tired, because it was a very long flight, early they flew to turkey, from turkey and istanbul. already in moscow, but nevertheless they are overwhelmed with emotions. a wonderful olympics took place, we prepared for a very long time, we performed very well, we are very happy. i personally i met the chinese national team, which was very surprising for me, because the last two international olympiads, when i came, i saw 16 chinese in total and not one with me, in my opinion, no, one spoke to me, all the rest were even english we didn’t know, there were five people here all at once, and they waved and said hello. it is worth noting that the international physics olympiad has been taking place since 1967, these are very prestigious competitions, and of course, schoolchildren from all over the world strive to get to this olympiad and take part in it, here we are
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today the guys told us that the competition is held in two stages: first theoretically, and then practically, which was more difficult this year, they told us about this in an interview. the theoretical part was more difficult than the practical one, we had three tasks in theory and two in experiment, in the experiment, accordingly, we did quite well, in theory, we had to allocate time correctly and not make stupid mistakes anywhere, if we talk about the theoretical tour, it was quite difficult when compared with previous years, there were challenges quite interesting, for example, there was a problem about the green house effect - the greenhouse effect, yes, the greenhouse effect, well, they even gave a nobel prize for it in the twenty-first year, well, just recently, we looked at this same effect at the thematic tour, preparation was very serious, the guys prepared for the olympiad for 2 years,
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studied physics for an average of 4 hours, but before the start of the competition, they devoted 10 hours a day to this subject, this is a brilliant result, but also as they say... our schoolchildren, more one of the most important rewards for them is that they were allowed to participate in the olympics under their native russian flag. at first they wanted to let us in under the olympic flag, like last year in japan, but iran insisted that we perform under, here i have a basic, it says russia, that is, we performed as russia, at the closing ceremony we came out with russian flags, iran is like that wants. dmitry chernyshenko congratulated the winners and medalists of the fifty-fourth international physics olympiad with all his heart, he noted that the guys showed a high level of preparation,
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represented our country with dignity, sergei kravtsov also congratulated our schoolchildren, he noted that this is an incentive for other children, such victories. of course, they will inspire schoolchildren to strive to conquer scientific peaks; of course, they will strive to take part in such competitions. moment is what russian railways reports, schoolchildren, winners of the international physics olympiad. and now we return to the first topic of the issue of chps with the kazan-adler train in the volgograd region. on that about 140 people were injured as a result of the carriage derailment and received abrasions and bruises. a total of 16 people were hospitalized, including... 12 adults, one child and two conductors, russian railways reports about this in its telegram channel. 30
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people, including 15 children , were hospitalized in the kotelnikovskaya central district hospital after an emergency with a train, the authorities of the volgograd region report. it is known that two recovery trains from the maxim gorky station and the salsk station were also sent to the scene of the incident. passengers are assisted on site. head of kotelnikovsky the district notes that water supply has been organized for evacuated passengers, as well. delivering them to temporary accommodation points. the insurance company is also ready to pay compensation to passengers of a train that derailed in the volgograd region as a result of an accident with a kamaz truck. well, it is noted that four passenger trains were sent on a changed route after derailment in the volgograd region. let's follow the topic. the deputy prime minister of slovakia refused to go to the closing ceremony of the olympics in paris because of the opening ceremony. the politician called her, quote, disgusting symbol of perversion. nogoupadka expressed regret that all that was left of sports was political theater.
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varvara nevskaya will tell you how she had to apologize for the scandalous parody of the last supper. black screen and indifferent social media message, video unavailable. just yesterday, this link showed footage of dancing bearded transvestites, painfully gaining weight of lizbians, ugly parodies of ancient and christian subjects, in general, everything that is international olympic. of course there was no intention to demonstrate disrespect for any religious group, on the contrary, i think that the director of the tamazhali ceremony wanted to glorify the tolerance of society, these were his words, and judging by the audience figures, this goal was achieved, if anyone was offended by this, we are, of course, very it's a pity. such apologies are being made for the first time in the entire 128-year history of the olympic games, although he could deny his involvement. but
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it turned out that it was not the official website of the games that was shocked by what they saw, but it was not only the religious part of society that hushed up the scandal, but ordinary citizens of the fifth republic, this video is about watching the ceremony by a french family is gaining more and more popularity on the internet. i wonder how foreigners will perceive this, oh no, not that. following the indignant one. the public voice was also raised by business, which ranks sixth in the world among the largest internet providers in the united states, sea spa, which stopped sponsoring the olympic games in paris. we were shocked by the mockery of the last supper during the opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris. sispaya will refuse advertising during the olympic games. expectedly, a special protest against obscene a parody of the last supper was evoked among the church community. the number of the holiday, inspired by the motives of the last meal of jesus with his apostles,
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was called by the conference of catholic bishops of france a scene of ridicule and mockery of christianity. the conference of catholic bishops of germany expressed a similar opinion. an impressive discovery of hopefully peaceful games, but the queer communion was a failure and completely unnecessary in its production. the main character of the queer communion was lgbt activist and dj barbara butch. name. she is wearing a crown that resembles a nymp, sits in the place of jesus, and 2 months before that she played a dj set in the center of paris under the name very lesbian, and here it is difficult to believe the organizers’ assurance that they do not want to offend anyone, because the biography of the person chosen for the role of the main christian symbol categorically argues with everyone christian values, yes, i'm actually a fat lesbian, very proud of this interview.
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the rain, no matter what, affected the quality of the water. our water quality has deteriorated slightly, so we are not risking anything. and in order for the athletes to be at their best in their competitions on tuesday wednesday, the federation has decided. not to conduct this training, questions about what is wrong with this olympics are multiplying exponentially, dutchman steven van develde, convicted 10 years ago of pedophilia, who seduced a twelve-year-old girl, but despite this was allowed to participate in the games, on sunday as part of the national beach team volleyball entered the field, and although he was booed, he played
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the entire match. varvara nevskaya, evgenia zemtsova, news. meteorologists recorded one of hottest days in the history of the earth. according to european experts from the copernicus service, on july 21, the average global temperature on the planet was +17.9°. this has never happened before. true, such records raise questions among climate skeptics. what is the reason, dmitry naido will tell you in the “question of science” section. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with an izberp subscription, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything, twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. emvideo eldorado is giving out super discounts and 500 bonuses to everyone huawei makebook v15 laptop for only 49,999. video eldorado, the main
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which i'm watching. the earth continues to overheat, with average global temperatures about to exceed critical levels. it has already been 12 months from july 23 to june 2024. it exceeds the pre-industrial level by one and a half degrees, and last year was generally the hottest in history, of course we are seeing this, but we must remember to talk about something like this. it is not enough for a signal to take one year to talk about a stable signal; we need to observe several more years. first, let me explain what is hidden behind the terms. the global temperature of our planet is
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the arithmetic mean between the indicators of carefully selected weather stations from among the oldest with the longest series of weather observations. the scientific consensus is that the main cause of the climate change we now face is the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. primarily carbon dioxide, so the current global temperature is compared with the indicators of the pre-industrial era, the period from 1850 to 1900, when the weather had already begun to be professionally monitored, but so many factories, factories, there were no airplanes yet. so, according to estimates by the world meteorological organization in 2023, the difference between the climate of the two eras has reached 1.45 plus or minus a few tenths, and this is a record. we are rushing at all speeds towards the 1.5° mark, one of the red lines established by the paris climate agreement. the paris
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agreement stated that the planet should not warm more than 2° warmer before the industrial age. this is, so to speak, the maximum program. and the minimum program is just these one and a half. where did you come from such figures of 1.5° are a kind of warning for humanity, now it’s definitely time to do something, and the really big problem will be overcoming the 2° mark above the pre-industrial level, why is this goal set at 2°, because according to scientists estimate that this will be followed by irreversible changes in natural climate systems that will be impossible to reverse for centuries, thus, this will mean the failure of the paris agreement. it would seem that everything is extreme it’s clear that humanity needs to act. global warming is changing our planet, and this is undeniable. waves of abnormal heat began to sweep across regions of the world much more frequently.
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the precipitation regime has changed, even central russia has already become accustomed to tropical downpours. in our country, tornadoes are increasingly being recorded, which 10 years ago were considered an anomalous phenomenon. but if everything is so obvious, why are the voices of climate skeptics still strong? yes, because there are counter examples too. enough. for example, the famous frames. tuvalu's foreign minister speaks via video link at the 2021 un climate summit. knee-deep in water. thus, simon cafe wanted to draw attention to the existential threat to his country. the archipelago is gradually sinking due to rising sea levels. the republic was even called the first state that will cease to exist due to climate change. however, experts studied the problem and came to the conclusion that... during the period of global warming, the territory of tuvalu did not decrease, on the contrary, it increased, and this is not the only discrepancy between the apocalyptic forecasts of climatologists and reality. for example, over the past half century
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, the area of ​​antarctic ice has become larger, although logically it should have been melting. the number of tropical hurricanes did not increase, although an increase in their frequency was predicted. these 1.5° have, just like 1.6, 1.7 and even 2° , a certain cumulative inert effect. in the climate system, which is something that can be measured, the consequences of this one and a half degrees are extreme precipitation, heat waves, some changes chemical and biogeochemical processes in the ocean, reduction in ice area, higher weather extremes, and so on. moreover, the question increasingly arises as to whether we are generally assessing the rate of global warming correctly. take the same weather stations a few years ago. an international group of scientists has drawn attention to a seemingly obvious problem. almost all of them are located in large cities. initially, of course, they were located on the outskirts, but the subsequent growth of agglomerations
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changed everything. now out of almost 1,100 key weather stations, about 80% ended up either directly in urban areas or on the territory of airports; according to researchers, almost half of the warming recorded in recent decades is due. which, let’s say, in 1948 was on the outskirts of the megalopolis, is now practically in its center, and
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naturally an outlier. urban heat, urban heat emissions have a direct impact on temperature dynamics, according to these measurements. only the scientists those who noticed this, no one even began to listen, supporters of the anthropogenic theory of climate change, who now for the most part have simply canceled their colleagues. in the western scientific world, scientific discussions about global warming are not welcome, it is clearly visible, let’s say. the party line allows only alarmism; even the respected journal nature was suspected of publishing only those studies in which climate change forecasts are as gloomy as possible. here’s another example: in france , the c-news tv channel was recently fined 2000 euros for broadcasting climate skepticism. for the west, the climate agenda has become a means of maintaining global leadership. using the guise of concern for nature, you can, for example, introduce a carbon tax on
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goods from africa. on the other hand, there is the economics of politics, this global warming, of course, can be used for the purposes of unfair competition, so to speak, by imposing additional restrictions on foreign economies in favor of their own economy, yes, which of course western economies are... actively doing, but deny physics, thereby trying, as some people think, to help our economy, but this, this is short-sighted, to put it mildly, the most alarming thing is that the western information field does not even discuss any ways to combat climate change, other than what is politically comfortable, refusal of cheap energy resources, but the earth’s atmosphere is a complex system that depends on many parameters
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in... at the peter shirshov institute of oceanology, a physical theory of the planet’s climate was developed, according to which the temperature the surface troposphere depends on at least seven factors, these are the luminosity of the sun, atmospheric pressure, the reflectivity of the earth, the angle of precession of the earth's axis, heat capacity, air humidity, and also, yes, the absorption of thermal radiation by greenhouse gases. this system can obviously be influenced in different ways, exactly how this question of the science of freedom. from the ideology of climate alarmism.
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the kazan-adler train crash near volgograd injured almost 140 people, and an operational headquarters was created. ambulances on site where are passengers hospitalized? the average salary in the dpr has increased by almost 40%, the head of the region, denis pushilin, told vladimir putin.
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the focus is on water supply and accidents. housing. what other topics were discussed? things are tense again in the middle east. airlines are canceling flights to bierut en masse. israel attacks lebanese cities in response to an attack on the dutch highlands. what else could escalation lead to? in the chelyabinsk region there was a flood, a platinum was broken, a bridge was washed away, in kareli the floodgate on the belomor canal was washed away. authorities are asking people to avoid outdoor recreation. how how long will the state of emergency last? vladimir putin congratulated nicolas madura on his victory in the elections. russia is ready to continue working together. congratulations also came from tehran and beijing. new term for madura, despite us pressure. how is washington reacting? so, in the volgograd region, where a train derailed after a collision with a kamaz truck.


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