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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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the focus is on water supply to emergency housing. what other topics were discussed? things are tense again in the middle east. airlines are canceling flights to bierut en masse. israel attacks lebanese cities in response to attacks on dutch highlands. what else could escalation lead to? in the chelyabinsk region there was a flood, a platinum was broken, a bridge was washed away, in kareli the floodgate on the belomor canal was washed away. authorities are asking people to avoid outdoor recreation. how long will the state of emergency last? vladimir putin congratulated nicolas madura on his victory in the elections. russia is ready to continue collaboration. congratulations also came from tehran and beijing. new term for madura, despite us pressure. how is washington reacting? so, in the volgograd region, where after a collision with a kamaz, they derailed ... of them were already transported with injuries to in
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total, more than 800 passengers were traveling on the train, in condition, the regional administration reported. hospitals, two victims of a difficult situation for them in the volgograd region have prepared temporary accommodation centers. now my colleague alexander kulishenko is joining the broadcast. so, alexander, good afternoon again, what is known at this time? yes, colleagues, hello, a collision between a passenger train and... a truck occurred in the kotelnikovsky district of the volgograd region, 200 km from the regional capital, it is known that the train followed the kazan-adler route, according to preliminary data from twenty cars, nine cars and electric trains derailed , now at the scene of an emergency involving a passenger train, teams of doctors are working on the stage of the rattling kotelnikov, passengers are being provided with all the necessary assistance, in total, according to
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updated data, there were more than 800 passengers on the train at the time of the accident, on behalf of the governor of the volgograd region andrei bacherov , additional tasks were formed to provide the necessary assistance to train passengers and eliminate the consequences of the emergency, it is reported that the head of the region is heading to the scene of the accident. according to the operational headquarters, 30 people were taken to the central district hospital, 15 of them were children, over 100 people were treated. bruises, two recovery trains were sent to the scene, emergency services employees, about 300 specialists and 100 pieces of equipment are working to eliminate the consequences of the emergency, helicopters of the russian ministry of emergency situations are ready to take off. rescue operations are being carried out at the site of a train derailment in the volgograd region. fire and rescue units are releasing the victims, providing first aid, and organizing the delivery of passengers and trains.
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temporary accommodation points, in readiness for deployment, eight temporary accommodation points in the city of kotelnikovo, to the site the accident is followed by an emergency recovery fire train from the maxim gorky station. air ambulance helicopters have been put on alert, passengers are now being transported to temporary accommodation centers, and water supply has been organized. returning to the reason for the derailment of the train, russian railways reports that the kamaz driver, who collided with the train on... traffic rules and drove to the railway crossing with a properly functioning alarm system. the investigative committee has opened a case. investigators of the volgograd investigation department for transport, western the interregional investigation department for transport, the investigative committee of the russian federation, initiated a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. currently, investigators have organized a set of investigative actions aimed at establishing all the causes and conditions of what happened. in connection with the accident in
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the kotelnikovsky district , train traffic has been changed, a hotline has been created for questions related to the incident, colleagues, yes, alexander, keep us informed, let me remind you at our correspondent alexander kulishenko was in direct contact with the studio. now to the situation at the front, in the northern military district zone, the russian military liberated another settlement, the village of volchi in the donetsk people's republic, this is according to the ministry of defense. as a result, their tactical position improved. division of the group of troops into the center. in its area of ​​responsibility, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 400 military personnel, a tank and three armored vehicles. almost 500 more people were the loss of the ukrainian side in the zone of action of the west group. four field ammunition depots destroyed, 14 vehicles and several artillery installations, including those made in the usa and great britain. a su-25 attack aircraft and two radar stations were destroyed at a ukrainian airfield. in total , 100 concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment were destroyed, reported the head of the republic,
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denis pushilin. revenues to the regional budget this year, according to him, could be almost a third more than last year. there is an obvious increase in living standards. in addition, the president instructed to pay special attention to solving problems with emergency housing and water supply. anastasia efimova will tell you more. budget revenue is 33 billion. this is only for the first half of the year. this means that by the end of 2024 there is a chance to count on a significant increase in revenue. regional treasury, the head of the donetsk people's republic reported to the president about this, as denis pushilin emphasized, integration processes are already underway and are already producing tangible results, including in terms of people's living standards, the average salary in the first months of this year alone has increased
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by 40%. denislavich, you and i are constantly in contact, but still have questions there is always a lot, please, i would like to dwell on issues of socio-economic development. because your key task is to increase the standard of living of our citizens by 2030 to the russian average. today we can say that already in the first half of the year the budget received almost 33 billion. accordingly, this gives reason to expect that by the end of the year we will reach figures of more than 70 billion in budget revenues, which is 30% more than last year, and which is decent, growth is good 30%. yes, accordingly, of course, we also record an increase in the average salary in our organizations. the standard of living is directly related to the growth of industry, the potential of which in the region, according to denis pushilin, has not yet been tapped. nevertheless, work is underway. since the beginning of the year , four enterprises have already been launched, by the end
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of december there should be 15 of them, those that until now were actually idle, and this means the same revenues to the budget and jobs . the valuable industry is coal, and here the head of the region also sees certain prospects. most recently at the mine komsomolets lifted the hundred millionth ton from donbass. however, the driver of the development of the local economy today is construction, with an emphasis on commercial housing, with preferential mortgages at 2%, its construction is in great demand. i will say that very quickly investors even came to mariupol, but they didn’t understand how, but the first result.
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however, the priority, of course, remains solving the security problem, as denis pushilin clarified; he is in constant contact with the president on these issues. anastasia efimova, to lead. residents affected by a dam break in the chelyabinsk region began to receive the first payments. so far,
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approximately 500 applications have been submitted. well, the evacuation from dangerous areas continues, one of them is the city of mias. there is a risk that water could reach residential buildings. my colleague, yana, is monitoring the development of the situation. the road leading through the worker’s village is more like a river, the water flows like a stormy stream over the asphalt, but here at least you can drive through the stream across the road in the neighboring pioneer village. “we will overcome, the water has already collapsed the side of the road and is gradually eating up the roadbed itself. you can approach, local residents are putting on fishing gear and trying to get to their sites. the water level, judging by the marks on the walls of the houses, has dropped by about half a meter. this is perulo gornyacki, employees are now on duty here ministry of emergency situations, they are helping local residents by boat to get to their homes to save at least some of their property. last night we were evacuated, at one o’clock in the morning, we only took the documents , everything was left, the cows were untied, it was already time to turn around. water, now the spouses are trying to find their
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two cats, so far unsuccessfully, tatiana’s husband takes the rescued tv out of the house, someone loads chairs, equipment into the boat, already on the shore they are wrung out the clothes pulled out of the closets, dry them at the bus stop, drink tea from a thermos several times local residents, someone brought them a snack, they remember the moment the disaster struck, how it started very quickly, we only managed to grab the bag with the documents and the cat. with a kitten, a dog, zhora i unhooked before, i couldn’t find the second cat, everything in i jumped out of the car, i swam out in the car, i had windows, there was water running down the window, in total more than 200 people were evacuated from three flooded villages in the region, the governor of the chelyabinsk region arrived at the site in the morning in rubber boots, walked along the flooded streets, talked to people , assured a one-time payment for urgent needs of 20,000 rubles, the victims will receive today, later a special commission will assess the damage, inflict... disasters on every household, losses will be compensated from the budget, there are houses for
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which there are generally doubts that they will survive this influx, which means that with experts in making decisions about the possibility of living in such houses, it will be necessary to make it quickly, well, in order for there to already be, well, in fact, compensation in the cost of a square metro, for the opportunity, well, to either build or purchase new housing . the reason for the flooding of villages is called. destruction of the bulk part of a nearby dam due to heavy rains , two months of precipitation fell on the region in recent days, water broke through the structure. yana skanechnaya, pavel golovin, lead chelyabinsk. well, breaking news from germany, an explosion occurred at the country's largest chemical plant, the basf company, a plant located in the city of ludvikshaen. here is footage from the scene of the emergency, you can see the clubs. smoke rises above industrial structures, it is also known that 14 people
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millions of people. opka, the world i watch. buy big combo, collect collections of glasses and summer experiences at a delicious point. well, now about the weather, cyclone kirsty brought heavy winds to the western part of russia. meteorologists previously warned that this whirlwind
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would radically change the weather in the middle zone. we’ll talk about all this in more detail with a leading specialist at obs centers. of the russian regions , the kaliningrad region was the first to be hit by kirsty; storm winds in the last 24 hours knocked down dozens of fallen trees. trunks blocked several roads, a storm arose at sea, work on the smooth crossing to baltiysk has been suspended, about 200 cars are stuck on the kurzh spit, red and black flags are raised on the beaches prohibiting swimming, despite this there are people who go into the water. all this cannot be compared with what kirsty did with latvia, real logging
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happened in jurmala, the city was simply strewn with fallen trees, wind gusts on the coast... reached 27 m/s, while more than 100 fell in the vicinity of riga , to the southwest of it there is about 200 mm of precipitation, which is almost a third of the annual norm. in the same time eliminate the consequences of the disaster in the north caucasus. numerous mudflows, landslides and rockfalls were recorded in eleven regions of dagestan after extreme rainfall over the weekend. at least 17 settlements were temporarily left without transport links. where it is. perhaps people are transported to the other side of the stormy stream in the bucket of an excavator. the cloudy comma of active cyclone kirsty looks ominous on interactive maps today. saturated white light indicates a large moisture reserve, but most moisture is a vortex will be spent by the end of the day. tomorrow, scattered masses of cumulonimbus clouds with the likelihood of mosaic thunderstorms will cover
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the black earth region, the middle volga region and between the volga and don rivers, as well as the komi republic. however , the intensity of rain will be low, only from 0 to 5 mm, in yamal - 5-10, and in the south and northern caucasus, an anticyclone will provide good weather. in makhachkala it is now sunny and warm +26, the nature of the weather conditions will not change for the next three days, it will warm up to 27-29, and only by the end of the week a quick rain may sprinkle. daytime in moscow the temperature dropped to +20 for the first time this season. this will be the lowest. value for the current summer. all next 24 hours weather conditions are expected to be the same. in the rear of the cyclone, moscow will plunge into a bag of cool polar air with a background temperature one degree below the climate norm. at night the air will cool down to + 9:14, but in the daytime due to rainy weather and the north wind it will only be +18 +23. these are
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the forecasts for this minute. well, back to the main topic: the situation with the kazan adler train is reported to be
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the minister of health goosebumps took personal control of medical care for emergency victims, the assistant minister reports. according to the rsd, passengers of 491 kazan-adler trains will be delivered to their destination with the help of a reserve train. it is now departing from volgograd and will be ready for boarding. at the station rattling. the train will follow a changed route. russian railways also added that passengers evacuated from the train were sent by road to kotelnikovo station for accommodation at the station. also additional aeromedical teams sent to the place of derailment of passenger train cars in the volgograd region. there are currently 35 emergency medical services teams working there. this is also data from the ministry of health. net profit of uralk. dmitry
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morogo will tell you where russia supplies them. so, dmitry, as i understand it, this includes europe, is that so? greetings, yes, europe is actively purchasing russian fertilizers; producing them ourselves is unprofitable due to high gas prices. russian fertilizer producers increase production volumes and revenues, thanks to growing demand in the global market. this indicates this. ural potassium. in the first half of the year, the company's net profit jumped tens of times, amounting to 40.5 billion rubles. total revenue is more than 122 billion. this is 15% higher than a year earlier. the total volume of fertilizer output from russian producers in the first half of the year increased by more than 14 percent and amounted to 14 million tons. in june, growth was almost 5.5%. the fact that uralkali is now announcing... a sharp increase, a multiple increase in profits, is the result of both the successful activities of the company, and the result of some effect of the low base of the twenty-second year, in particular, many
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companies are currently returning their orientation and market share to normal levels, including manufacturers of rut fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizers and phosphate fertilizers, also including due to production reaching the design level of cereals. a global exporter of fertilizers, its main buyers include india, brazil and the usa. the latter are actively increasing purchases this year, since sanctions on fertilizers do not are spreading. in the first half of the year, china increased imports of fertilizers from russia by 20%; the volume of supplies reached a record amount of $764 million. european countries are also increasing imports; from january to may, russia sent almost 2 million tons of fertilizers to the eu. in terms of money, turnover increased by a third, amounting to more than 649 million euros. almost a quarter of the total volume was purchased by poland, other major importers are france, germany and italy. when it comes to nitrogen and rut fertilizers,
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china is one of the largest importers. in addition, the countries of the maghreb, north africa, and the countries of the middle east are quite large importers. if we are talking about russian export routes. and here , most likely, the situation will not change much. i think that the income from russian exports. producers in these areas should increase by about 15-20% by the end of this year, despite calls to reduce dependence on russian supplies, which are constantly heard in the media, eu countries continue to increase imports of fertilizers, for them it is more profitable than purchase products from our own manufacturers. the european chemical industry was forced to reduce production volumes and raise prices due to the high cost of gas, which jumped due to a sharp reduction in pipeline supplies from russia.
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