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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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data from the situation with the kazan-adler train. the train derailed after a collision with a kamaz truck. 140 people were injured. providing medical care under the control of murashka. there are 35 ambulance teams on site, the disaster medicine service, we are waiting for direct access. the average salary in the dpr has increased by almost 40%, the head of the region, denis pushilin, told vladimir putin. the focus is on water supply and emergency housing. such topics were also discussed. our military also took us to the dpr. they take control of another settlement, volchie, and break up the attack on a major transport hub. how our artillery is operating, i’ll tell you the details. there is a flood in the chelyabinsk region, a platinum has broken, a bridge has been washed away, and in korel the floodgate on the belomor canal has been washed away. authorities are asking people to avoid outdoor recreation. how long will the state of emergency last? and debates about the weather in europe , forecasters talk about a new record, skeptics.
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they are important, we will find out the details in the section question of science. passengers of train number 491 kazan-adler, which derailed near volgograd, will be delivered to their destination by a reserve train. kotelnikov, when a kamaz pulled out on the way. the accident occurred in the area of ​​the gremyachaya section. the driver applied the emergency brake, but it was too late, the train rammed the truck. as a result, more than 140 people were injured, about thirty were transported.
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assistance, the condition of two adults, the driver, the truck and the passenger of the train is assessed as serious, information has appeared that aviation has been involved, 12 doctors, neurosurgeons, resuscitators, anesthesiologists and other specialists have been delivered to the scene of the emergency in three helicopters, the provision of medical care to the victims has been taken under personal control minister russian health ministry mikhail murashka, in total, according to updated data , there were more than 800 passengers on the train at the time of the accident, the collision of a passenger train with a truck occurred in the kotelnikovsky district of the volgograd region, this is 200 km from the regional capital, it is known that the train was traveling from kazan to adler, according to preliminary data, out of twenty cars, nine cars and an electric locomotive went off the rails. on behalf of the governor of the volgograd region andrey bocherov , an operational headquarters was formed and additional tasks to provide the necessary assistance to train passengers and liquidation. consequences
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of the emergency, now the head of the region is already at the scene of the accident, and just according to the operational headquarters, 30 people were taken to the central regional hospital, 15 of them children, over 100 people received abrasions and bruises. two recovery trains have been sent to the scene of the incident, emergency services personnel are working, about 300 specialists and more than 100 units of equipment are involved in eliminating the consequences of the emergency at the site of the railway derailment. composition of the volgograd region are carried out emergency rescue operations, fire and rescue units are releasing the victims, first aid is being provided, the delivery of train passengers to temporary accommodation points has been organized, eight temporary accommodation points are ready for deployment in the city of kotelnikovo, an emergency recovery fire train is heading to the accident site from maxima station gorky. look, passengers are now being delivered to temporary accommodation centers, transportation has been organized.
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water, returning to the reason for the derailment of the train, in russian railways reports that the driver of the kamaz truck that collided with the train violated traffic rules and drove onto the railroad crossing while the alarm system was working properly. the investigative committee opened a case. investigators of the volgograd transport investigation department, the western interregional transport investigation department, and the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. currently, investigators a set of investigative actions has been organized aimed at establishing all the causes and conditions of what happened. in connection with the accident in the kotelnikovsky district , train traffic has been changed, a hotline has been created for questions related to the incident, colleagues. yes, alexander, keep us informed, let me remind you that our correspondent alexander kulishenko was in direct communication. the center group of troops liberated the village of volchi. donetsk
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people's republic was told about this by the russian defense department. control over this and neighboring settlements allows the russian military to develop an offensive against one of the major transport hubs of the ukrainian armed forces. with the latter, yes. fire guidance, therefore almost without preparing the automated gun control system for battle. m100 shells will reach the enemy even from the most fortified positions; the militants dig real holes all the time, combining them with the basements of buildings. high-precision ammunition krasnopol hits an abram tank from an american one. production vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed, the artillery of the troop grouping center is helping the infantry advance in donetsk people's republic, the forces of our fighters liberated the village of volchye and this is the fourth village in 3 days, before that the group took control of the center lazovatskaya, evgenovka and progress of the armed forces of ukraine are withdrawing from the first
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line of their fortifications in the area of ​​the agglomeration of slavyansk, kramatorsk in the dpr, data from the special forces commander akhmat abtiala. today our troops have. the opportunity to maneuver in different directions, tugging at the enemy and knocking him out of all positions where he has been sitting for a long time. almost 30 km to the enemy, a fiery hurricane is approaching his position. rszzo package the hurricane is 16 shells, the crew of the launcher of the north group of forces sent them to temporary deployment points of the armed forces in the kharkov region. we hit hard, we hit specifically. the enemy will not be happy, in one day in the zone of responsibility of the north group of troops, the enemy lost over 220 military personnel, two tanks, an armored vehicle, self-propelled guns, guns and howitzers, the sky above our positions under strong air defense protection.
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the tor m2 air defense system rolls out for a combat mission, after a few minutes it is already scanning the airspace , powerful anti-missiles are not neither aviation, nor bapyl, nor a winged storm will be allowed in. the coordinates of the location of our units, the portuguese-made armed forces, he was collecting , the enemy has recently been trying to trick the west, destroyed the reconnaissance drone, launching false targets, creating interference. interference like meteo zants, swarm of 15-20 pieces, false interference like balls. fly at an altitude of about 4 km. with the forces of the west group , the enemy lost up to 480 troops in just one day. the vostok group inflicted losses in the ssu of 130 people and in the south up to 570 militants without return and sanitary losses dnepr up to 85 military personnel in the ssu lost
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infantry fighting vehicles, gunships, self-propelled guns, including american and european production. our supersonic fighter-bombers are dispatched to the task. warm greetings to the kharkov airfield, reconnaissance discovered two radar stations at once, the ukrainian armed forces tried in vain to disguise them, guided missiles are destroying the radar. our fabs, aerial bombs with a universal planning module and corrections. within 24 hours, aviation and uav forces, artillery, and missile forces destroyed concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment. 27 districts. egor grigoriev, ivan kuznetsov, anastasia klemkova. news. the time has come for alfabank. it's time for everyone to benefit. from
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1% on everything, twice as many bonuses every month in sberbank, more profitable with prime! alfabank is the best bank for business. open free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback. business card. alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. in the dpr, since the beginning of the year, the average salary has increased by almost 40% and is close to 50,000 rubles. and it continues to grow. the head of the republic, denis pushilin, reported this to vladimir putin. revenues to the regional budget this year, according to him, could be almost a third more than last year. but in turn, the president instructed to pay special attention to solving problems with emergency housing and water supply. anastasia
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efimova will tell you more. budget revenue is 33 billion. this is only for the first half of the year. this means that by the end of 2024 there is a chance to count on a significant increase in the revenue side of the regional treasury. the head of the donetsk people's republic reported this to the president. as denis pushilin emphasized, integration processes are underway. are already producing tangible results, including in terms of people’s living standards; the average salary in the first months of this year alone increased by 40%. denislavich, you and i are constantly in contact, but still have questions there is always a lot, please, i would still like to dwell on issues of socio-economic development, because the key task from you is to increase the standard of living of our citizens by 2030 to the russian average. today we can say that already in the first half of the year the budget received almost 33 billion.
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accordingly, this gives reason to expect that by the end of the year we will reach figures of more than 70 billion in budget revenues, this is 30% more than last year, good growth 30 %. yes, accordingly, of course we also record an increase in the average salary in our organizations. the standard of living is directly related to... industry, the potential of which in the region, according to denis pushilin, has not yet been revealed. nevertheless, work is underway, since the beginning of the year four enterprises have already been launched, by the end of december there should be 15 of them, those that until now were actually idle, and this means the same revenues to the budget and jobs . the traditional industry is coal, and here the head of the region also sees certain prospects. most recently at the mine komsomolets of donbass was raised. at 2%,
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its construction turns out to be in great demand. i will say that very cautiously investors even entered mariupol, but did not understand how, but the first results, three houses have already been commissioned, put into operation, 15 houses are planned by the end of the year, but... for the sites - on the territory of donetsk, makeyevka, and yanakieva, but i ’ll tell you, there’s already a certain kind of excitement, a competition, we have to choose, look, compare projects and... this exactly intersects with your decision - about planning the territory, that is, we already have nine master plans ready, and three more master plans are being prepared, the regional chiefs help a lot, but they have experience, we are learning, i’ll tell you honestly, and the regional chiefs are involved here quite understandably reasons,
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let’s put it this way, because well, how many people treat their settlements, well, these are special words of gratitude for this. issues of housing construction for donbass today are critically significant, because almost a third of the fund in the region is in emergency condition, the president demanded that special attention be paid to this problem attention. denislavich, there are some topics, some problems that require our special attention, this is emergency housing, you have already spoken about housing, over 27% of the housing stock in the republic is emergency housing, unfortunately, everything is connected from...
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and also serious attention are paying attention to the azov water area; they plan to develop both tourism and fisheries . however, the priority, of course, remains solving the security problem, as denis pushilin clarified; he is in constant contact with the president on these issues contact. anastasia efimova, lead. the ldpr summed up the results of the faction’s work during the spring session of the state duma. the party's main bills were aimed at combating illegal migration.
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thus, we were ahead of all duma factions, but we are not chasing quantity here, but quality and ensuring that these documents really work for the people for whom the ldpr party exists, these are demography and support for families with children, and of course, the fight with poverty, as for migration policy, the ldpr stands for fair, a balanced migration policy, which is aimed primarily at protecting the interests of the indigenous population, and also takes into account... the strategic interests of russia at the present stage. emergency in germany. explosion at the country's largest chemical plant. 14 people were injured, writes bilt. according to him , there is a strong fire at the site, a huge cloud of black acrid smoke is rising, local residents report. firefighters are currently working on the scene, and the police are trying to find out the causes of the emergency. high speed
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​​rail project moscow-st. petersburg will be included in the list of self-sustaining ones. attract additional funds from the national welfare fund. this was discussed at a meeting of the head of the cabinet of ministers, mikhail mishustin, with secular prime ministers. vera moroz has details. traveling within the country and making business trips will be even more convenient with the development of transport infrastructure. mikhail mishustin discussed the railway capacity at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. one of such projects is the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. implementation the investment project involves the construction of a line with a length of almost 680 km and the launch of traffic along it at a speed of 200 to 400 km/h. thus, the travel time between moscow and st. petersburg will be reduced to 2:15. the total volume of investments is estimated at more than 2 trillion rubles. this is the creation
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of infrastructure, the supply of high-speed trains, the creation of control systems. fossils. the planning period in this area will reduce dependence on imports of useful goods, which will improve the quality of life
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of people. among the strategically important projects the government extended it by 15 years until 2050, and also approved an updated strategy for the development of the entire mineral resource base. mikhail mishustin noted that in one of the development scenarios it is necessary to ensure the growing demand for minerals. for this. plans to open new large deposits, including in the arctic and the far east. it is important to fully meet the current long-term needs of the economy for strategic types of solid minerals, while significantly reducing dependence on foreign supplies primarily of manganese, chromium and titanium. the president, in his address to the federal assembly, spoke about the need to focus our geological exploration on the search for rare earth materials of another. raw materials for the development of priority domestic industries, we expect that the demand for them will increase significantly, just against the backdrop of accelerated growth rates in the military-industrial
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complex, metallurgy, chemical industry, construction sector and other key industries. mikhail mishustin emphasized that in the field of subsoil study, mining, mineral processing, you need to rely on your own decisions. to achieve this, the government will offer businesses more attractive conditions. hi -tech. “now they are actively creating and implementing them in industry,” the prime minister emphasized. assistance to russian companies is provided , among other things, through federal and regional industry support funds. in khabarovsk we visited a high-tech production facility that uses their loans for development. this is the only power engineering plant in the far east, where gas turbines, centrifugal compressor machines, turbine blades, some of the most high-tech ones, are being created. complex products are supplied not only to the domestic market, but to the countries of the commonwealth of independent states and neighboring countries. the enterprise has a very large role in purchasing
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russia’s independence from foreign decisions. in novosibirsk we also visited the industrial technology park academ town. its members are engaged in the production of science-intensive products and equipment, including for it sector in the field of medicine, bio -nanotechnologies, new materials, aircraft construction. all this. - noted mikhail mishustin. by 2030 , there will be at least 100 such industrial business and technology parks so that, quote: enterprises can more quickly implement their innovative ideas and developments. the sberspasibo loyalty card has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sberm subscription plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything, twice as many bonuses every
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me the red sun has risen, time alpha bank, alpha benefit time, called a dream, okko online cinema, the world i watch. figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same work, the same tasks. steel deadlift, my record is 285. i couldn't sit still because i was in normal shape. well, salamati, one by one, it happened that they recognized you, what was
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the reaction? come on, i say, well, yes. the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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more than a thousand people have been evacuated from flood zones in the chelyabinsk region, there have been heavy rains there since last week, a state of emergency has been declared in several areas, in chelyabinsk itself, the miaz river flooded the city embankment, and the dam on kiolimsky burst due to heavy rains.


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