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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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latest data on the situation with the kazan-adver train: the train derailed after a collision with a kamaz. 140 people were injured. providing medical care under the control of murashka. how do they help people and what about the movement? the average salary in the dpr has increased by almost 40%, the head of the region, denis pushilin, told vladimir putin. in the center. attention to water supply and emergency housing, what other topics were discussed? also in the dpr, our military took control of another settlement - volchiye. they break up the attack on a major transport hub. how does our artillery, we'll tell you the details. in the chelyabinsk region there was a flood, a dam was broken, a bridge was washed away, in karelia the floodgate on the belomor canal was washed away. authorities are asking people to avoid outdoor recreation. how long will
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the state of emergency last? and in the moscow region, a gang of teenagers beat passers-by because of complaints about their appearance . the sadists filmed their actions and posted them online. what other details are known about this in vesti, the duty department. more than 50 people were hospitalized after a passenger train derailed near volgograd. at least 20 children are in hospital. in total, more than 140 people were injured, three in serious condition. the kazan-adler train derailed after a collision with a kamaz truck. emercom psychologists are now working on site with the victims; passengers have been placed in temporary centers; additional trains are already being prepared for those who can continue the trip. our correspondent artyom yamshchikov has details and the latest information; he is currently at the scene of the emergency. so, artyom, hello, what is happening now and how are they providing assistance to the victims? colleagues,
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hello, we are currently in kotelnikovsky district of the volgograd region, it is approximately 180 km from volgograd. it was here on the stretch between the gremyachi and kotelnikova stations that a disaster occurred with the search for number 491 kazan-adver. at the moment , an operational headquarters has been deployed here, more than 300 specialists from various services work here, rescuers, the ministry of emergency situations, firefighters, officials, that is, all these people who are involved in the operational headquarters today. helps people, at this moment those cars that remained standing on wheels have already been unhooked from the train, people, the passengers of these carriages went to the kotelnikovo station, where they will be able to decide whether to continue traveling further to the sea or return home. those cars that came off the reals and overturned now continue to be, as we see here at the scene of the accident, but a locomotive has already arrived there, which is now towing the damaged locomotive, as well as but... the rise of these fallen
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cars is currently in place there is no longer a single train passenger in the state of emergency, let me remind you that there were more than 800 of them in total people, more than 300 people are now placed in temporary accommodation centers, in the city of koternikov itself, these are precisely the passengers of technical cars who will not be able to continue further movement, the rest of the passengers, as i said earlier...
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this terrible incident was going on, all the victims are now in the kotelnikovskaya central district hospital, psychologists work with them, everyone is provided with communication so that they can contact home and reassure their relatives, after the passengers pass the examination, they will also be able to receive decision whether they will continue moving towards the sea or still return home, psychologists are now working with people on a permanent basis, well, there are no complaints from passengers, we managed to talk to some, of course, people are shocked, but everyone, oddly enough, wants continue your long-awaited journey. work on this site will continue all night, now trains do not run on this section, it is double-track, but both tracks are damaged, according to experts, work will last all night, perhaps by morning it will be possible to resume train traffic on this direction. well, we will continue our work and we will monitor. for the development of events, colleagues,
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yes, artyom, thank you, we are monitoring the situation, let me remind you that our correspondent, artyom yamshchikov, was in direct contact with the studio from the scene of the emergency, well, about what was happening. directly in the carriages immediately after the accident in the material of our correspondent evgeniy petrukhina. the driver applied the emergency brake, but the truck that had flown onto the rails was too close. volgograd region - these are the first comments from eyewitnesses, drivers who at the time of the accident, the train was passing at the railway crossing. look what a nightmare. this is our move khu. look at the train, love the carriages, here are the passengers, whoever it is, trying to get out of the train carriages, those who managed to help the others get out through the windows, got off the flight, nine carriages, the first one, here the kamaz just drove in, we were in this , but it overturned, we
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were already knocking it out of the window from above, emergency medical teams are working quickly in the field, 813 people, many children, were traveling south on the kazan-adler train, judging by these cups, they were returning from competitions, now the girls will gather the children, so there are things, let a man help, they were able to get out on their own and even pulled out their suitcases, these are passengers who, by luck, were not traveling in the first nine cars of the kazan-adler train, the guys arrived , our train overturned, we are alive and well, our lucky carriage remained unoverturned, passengers trapped in the overturned carriages are being evacuated by the ministry of emergency situations. here's the situation inside the squad. things and food are scattered. those who don't need hospitalization is invited to temporary accommodation centers. go to the buses. several people are trying to overturn the cab of the truck. probably to help the driver get out, who, apparently, miraculously
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survived. in these frames, the one who, apparently, was driving that same truck. the man was hospitalized; russian railways stated that the train was moving at a speed of 65 at the time of the accident. the kamaz driver grossly violated traffic rules and drove onto a railway crossing during a prohibited signal in front of a nearby vehicle. by train. investigators of the volgograd transport investigation department, the western interregional transport investigation department, and the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. to promptly inform the victims and their loved ones, the ministry of emergency situations and russian railways have opened help hotlines, and a reserve will transport passengers. compound. evgenia petrukhin, andrey sapegin. news. in the donetsk people's republic since the beginning of the year, the average salary has increased by almost 40% and has approached to 50.00 rub. and it continues to grow. the head of the region, denis pushilin, reported this to vladimir putin. revenues to the regional budget this
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year, according to him, could be almost a third more than last year. well, in turn, the president of russia instructed to pay special attention to solving problems with emergency housing and water supply. anastasia efimova. read more. budget revenue is 33 billion. this is only for the first half of the year. this means that by the end of 2024 there is a chance to count on a significant increase in the revenue side of the regional treasury. about it the head of the donetsk people's republic reported to the president. as denis pushilin emphasized, integration processes are already underway and are already producing tangible results, including in terms of people’s living standards. average salary only for the first months of the current year.
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takes into account that by the end of the year, we will reach figures of more than 70 billion in budget revenues, this is 30% more than last year, and what is decent, a good growth of 30%, and, accordingly, of course, we are also recording an increase in the average salaries in our organizations. standard of living is directly related to growth industry, the potential of which in the region, according to denis pushilin, has not yet been revealed. however, work has been going on since the beginning of the year. four enterprises have already been launched, by the end of december there should be 15 of them, those that until now were actually idle, and this means the same revenues to the budget and jobs . the traditional industry is coal, and here the head of the region also sees certain prospects. quite recently
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, the one hundred millionth ton was lifted from the donbass at the komsomolets mine. however, the engine of development of the local economy today is construction, with an emphasis on...
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issues of housing construction for donbass today are critically important, because almost a third of the fund in the region is in emergency condition and... paid due attention to this, this is the first and second, this is something that you, of course,
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yourself too you decided you can’t, this is water supply, these are the topics i ask you to pay attention to and i always pay attention to the government of the russian federation, vkontakte, please, with the federal authorities, please pay special attention to this, and they also pay serious attention in the azov water area, they plan to develop both tourism and fisheries . however, the priority, of course, remains solving the security problem, as denis kushilin clarified; he is in constant contact with the president on these issues. anastasia efimova, lead. the time has come for alfabank. it's time for everyone to benefit. from beijing. baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities, the time
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high-precision ammunition krasnopol hits an american-made abrams tank, the ukrainian armed forces vehicle is destroyed, artillerymen and troop groups from the center help the infantry advance in the donetsk people's republic. our fighters liberated the village of volchie, and this is the fourth village in 3 days. before this, the center group took control of lazovatskoye, evgenovka and progress. the ukrainian armed forces are withdrawing from the first line of their fortifications in the area of ​​the slavyansk-kramatorsk agglomeration in the dpr. data from special forces commander akhmat abti alaudinov. today our troops have the opportunity to maneuver in different directions, pulling apart the enemy and knocking him out of all positions where he has been sitting for a long time. almost 30 km to the enemy, a fiery hurricane is approaching his position. the
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uragan rszzo package consists of 16 shells; the crew of the launcher of the north group of troops sent them point by point. temporary deployment of the armed forces in the kharkov region, we hit hard, we hit specifically, it won’t be good for the enemy. during the day in the zone of responsibility of the north group of forces, the enemy lost over 220 military personnel, two tanks, an armored vehicle, self-propelled guns, guns and howitzers, the sky above our positions was under strong air defense protection. the tor m2 air defense system is deployed for a combat mission. a few minutes later he is already scanning the airspace . anti-aircraft gunners from the west grouping of forces destroyed a portuguese-made reconnaissance drone of the armed forces of ukraine, it was collecting the coordinates of the location of our units, the enemy has been trying to be cunning lately, launching false targets, creating interference,
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interference such as meteorological bombs, swarming 15. 20 pieces, false interference, such as balloons, fly at an altitude of about 4 km. with the forces of the west group, the enemy lost up to 480 troops in just one day. the vostok group inflicted losses in the ssu of 130 people, in eyug up to 570 militants without return and medical losses. in dnepr, up to 85 ukrainian armed forces personnel lost their bmps, gunships, and self-propelled guns, including those made in america and europe. on mission, our supersonic fighter-bombers send warm greetings to the kharkov airfield. reconnaissance discovered two radar stations at once, their apu clearly tried to disguise it. guided missiles destroy radars. our factories are sent to the temporary deployment point in isa. aviation
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bombs with a universal planning and correction module. during the day, by aviation, uavs, artillery. missile forces hit concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 127 regions. egor grigoriev, ivan kuznetsov, anastasia klemkova. news. more than a thousand people were evacuated from flood zones in the chelyabinsk region. it has been raining heavily there since last week. a state of emergency has been declared in several areas. in the very in chelyabinsk, the myaas river flooded the city embankment and, due to heavy rains, broke the dam on the kiolim reservoir. the water overflowed its banks. follow the development of the situation on the spot. village, the village of imanzhelinka, the village of pionersky, workers, the day before , a total of more than 200 people were evacuated from here, all of them were placed in a temporary accommodation center in a neighboring city, but
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today in the village of pionersky, where we are now, at the moment, the situation is really critical, houses are almost half flooded, according to people, water came from a collapsed dam upstream of the river, the dam itself, of course, the entire reinforced concrete structure was washed away, only its bulk part in the chelyabinsk region over the past few days, two months of precipitation fell, and this led to the flooding of a number of territories. well, i’ll add that residents affected by a dam break in the chelyabinsk region have already received the first payments. the governor of the region, alexey teksler, announced this on our channel. the first is financial assistance of 2.0 rubles. simply by application in those territories where emergency declared. who were directly affected by flooding, and these payments have already begun, they have been ongoing since this morning, and accordingly the total
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number of applications, which at the moment have already been written, is already more than 500, respectively , payments are being made, the second - this will be payment for - damage to property, and these payments - the possibility will be determined by a special commission, in the case of partial loss of property - this is 75,000 per person who lived in this house, and 150,000 in the case of a complete loss property, well, the furniture has deteriorated, the household appliances have deteriorated, and this is the first, the second is the residential premises itself, and... a special commission consisting of specialists will determine the need and need for repairs and, accordingly, a separate payment will be made for the repair
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of the residential premises itself premises of the house. in koreli, after the erosion of a temporary dam on the white sea-baltic canal , water was released to prevent flooding of populated areas. the head of the republic, artur parfenshchikov, announced this. accident happened early in the morning between ten o'clock.
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in many decisions, in the future he will also be worthily included in the ranks of the navy and will ensure the security of our shores, and the country as a whole. organizers of the summer olympics in paris have canceled swimming training for triathletes due to too dirty water in the hay. the authorities spent on wastewater treatment plants. almost one and a half billion euros, but they do not help cope with the runoff that enters the river after rains. the organizers of the games assure that tomorrow's competition will be open water will take place, however, just
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in case, reserve days for the swim are already planned in the tournament schedule. elizaveta khramtsova will talk about other problems of the french olympics. having barely recovered from the fact that the train schedule no longer reflected reality, the french were faced with a new problem. it’s not a fact that you will be able to warn your loved ones by phone about the change in plans. three mobile operators at once, fri, sfr and buik, reported that on the night from sunday to monday in six departments of france sabotage occurred. the head of the relevant department states that optical fiber, fixed and mobile telephony lines were damaged, and the center of electronic communications of the french ministry of defense was involved in eliminating the consequences. the number of subscribers affected by the attack is still unknown. the cabinets containing the cables were damaged. in particular fiber optics, and these cables were cut, landline telephone lines were affected, but emergency numbers were not
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affected, an investigation began with... coordinated actions, important identifying the people behind these understands that the incidents happened in departments located far from each other. the consequences of the first sabotage on the railway were corrected only now, after 3 days, the transport collapse, which greatly changed the plans of 800,000 passengers, began on friday. on the opening day of the olympic games , the cables that control communications between traffic lights and switches were damaged. there were also arson attacks on relay cabinets near the tracks, the government never resigning. we've seen this before, i wouldn't want to the traditional modus operandi of the far left, we are getting too far ahead of ourselves, because the question arises: were these people manipulated by other people, or did they do it on their own initiative. the recent elections to the national assembly only exacerbated the contradictions that had been accumulating for years in french society; the left and right, although they gained a majority of votes, did not gain access to governing the country, because the loser
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macron played off the opposition by... managed to retain power in his hands, in this situation and the left, by the way, is the same as on the right, there is a feeling of a missed victory, and this, on the one hand, on the other hand, of course, they consider the olympics, on which huge amounts of money were spent, as completely unnecessary expenses given the huge number of problems that exist in france. those who wanted to earn political points took advantage of the fact that mass sabotage occurred during major international competitions. thus, the israeli foreign minister said that the saboteurs were allegedly influenced by iranian forces; on the eve of the start of the games in paris , a russian chef was detained, who allegedly was preparing some destabilizing measures, and the biased foreign press once again tried to blame everything on moscow. another canard, another unsubstantiated accusation, the fact is that
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there are a lot of such unscrupulous media outlets, and even respected ones, they have recently not been above blaming russia for literally everything that happens, well, this does not add to the image reliable sources of information for these media. the french interior ministry says that the identities of several left-wing activists involved in sabotage on railways have been identified and one of the suspects has been detained. in addition, on monday the republican authorities reported that they were able to prevent a new emergency on the railway .
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it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? oh well, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.


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