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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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then the elections are over, the elections are over, you don't vote, it's not a real choice, of course you carry out actions as part of this fake open process that obavo talks about, but it's unrealistic, you are presented with a fait accompli, we are unlikely to see real civil wars, we will see events unfold in some aspects, but mostly online. jack, thanks, we'll fix it, we'll do it, thanks, buddy, thanks. slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and you had access to the money the scammer would have a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the counting went on for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they could transfer the money to a secure account, i called the bank and hung up on her, whoever they pretend to be. to get money out of you,
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hang up without talking. in the volgograd region, three seriously injured in a railway accident were transported by helicopter to volgograd, and another 30 people were treated in the republican hospital. the kazan-adler train has stopped running after a collision with a kamaz truck at a crossing. artyom yamshchikov reports from the scene. we are located. tselnikovsky district of the volgograd
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region, approximately 180 km from volgograd, it was here that on the stretch between the gremyachi and kotelnikov stations an accident occurred with train number 491 kazan-pand. at the moment, an operational headquarters has been deployed here, more than 300 specialists from various services work here, rescuers, emergency services, firefighters, officials, that is, all these people who are involved in the operational headquarters today help people. already away from the train at this moment. they grabbed those cars that remained standing on wheels, the passengers of these cars went to the kotelnikovo station, where they could decide whether to continue their journey further to the sea or return home. those cars that left the reals and overturned are now still there, as we see here at the scene of the accident, but a locomotive has already arrived there, which is now towing the damaged locomotive, and the lifting of the fallen cars will also begin. at the moment , there is no longer a single one at the scene of the emergency.
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water and food were delivered. by according to updated information, 30 people were hospitalized, including 12 children. also among the victims who were taken to the hospital were an assistant driver, two student conductors and a car driver. about 100 people with bruises and abrasions received medical treatment on the spot. in total , there were 803 passengers, 31 train crew members, and an assistant driver on the train at the time of the accident. all the victims are now located. in the kotelnikovskaya central
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district hospital, psychologists work with them, everyone is provided with communications so that they can contact home and reassure their loved ones. after passengers undergo the examination, they will also be able to decide whether they will continue moving towards the sea or return home. psychologists are now working with people on a regular basis, well, there are no complaints from passengers, we managed to talk to some, of course people are shocked, but strangely enough, everyone wants to continue. her long-awaited journey, work at this place will continue all night, now there is no publication on this stretch, it is double-track, but both tracks are damaged, the work will last all night; perhaps by the morning it will be possible to resume train traffic in this direction. artyom yamshchukov, vladislav kulakov, lead volgograd from the kotelnikovsky district. well, what happened at the scene of the accident literally in the first minutes after the collision of the train with the kamaz truck. evgenia
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petrukhina will tell you. the driver applied the emergency brake, but the truck that had flown onto the rails was too close. here it is, a smear, the face has been blown off. ambulance crews, on the train 813 people were traveling south from kazan-adler, many children were working quickly in the field. some, judging by these cups, were returning from competitions, now the girls will gather the children, so things are there, let
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a man help, they were able to get out on their own and even pulled out their suitcases, these are passengers who, by a lucky coincidence , were not traveling in the first nine carriages of the kazan-adler train , guys. we arrived, our train overturned, we are alive and well, our lucky carriage remained untouched, several people are trying to overturn the cabin truck, probably to help the driver get out, who, apparently, miraculously survived, in these frames the one who was apparently driving that same truck, the man was hospitalized, russian railways stated that the train was moving with speed 65 km/h. the kamaz driver grossly violated traffic rules and drove onto a road crossing during a prohibited signal in front of a nearby train. investigators of the volgograd investigation department for transport of the western interregional investigation department at transport, the investigative committee of the russian federation initiated a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation.
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passengers trapped in overturned carriages are evacuated by emergency situations ministry employees. emergency rescue footage inside the train. things and food are scattered. those who do not require hospitalization. and today we went around all the passengers, everyone expressed a desire to continue moving towards adler. we will begin to take things out of each carriage, put them in in accordance with the established legal procedure , directly transfer it to passengers under the guidance of russian railways specialists, we are working
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together with them to completely clear all the tracks from cars, and then to establish traffic along our double-track track. for prompt information. this is only for the first half of the year, which means that by the end of 2024 there is a chance to count on a significant increase in the revenue side of the regional
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treasury. the head of the donetsk people's republic reported this to the president, as denis pushilin emphasized, integration processes are underway are already producing tangible results, among other things. from the point of view of people's living standards, the average salary in the first months of this year alone increased by 40%. we are constantly in contact, but nevertheless there are always a lot of questions, please, i would like to dwell on the issues of socio-economic development, because the key task for you is to increase the standard of living of our citizens by 2030 to the russian average, today we can say that already for the first half of the year...
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according to denis pushilin, it has not yet been disclosed. nevertheless, work is underway. since the beginning of the year , four enterprises have already been launched, by the end of december there should be 15 of them, the same ones as before. stood idle, and this means the same revenues to the budget and jobs. the traditional industry is coal, and here the head of the region also sees certain prospects. most recently, the one hundred millionth ton was lifted at the komsomolets donbass mine. however, the engine of development of the local economy today is construction, with an emphasis on commercial housing, preferential mortgages at 2%, its construction turns out to be in great demand. that very reluctantly investors even entered mariupol and didn’t understand how, but the first results, three houses have already been
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commissioned, put into operation, by the end of the year 15 houses are planned, but for sites on the territory of donetsk, makeyevka, and yanakieva, well, i i’ll tell you, there’s already some kind of excitement in the competition, we have to choose to look, compare projects, and this is exactly what intersects with your decision. regarding territory planning, that is, we already have masterplans are ready, three more masterplans are being prepared, the regions-chiefs help a lot, but they have experience, we are learning, i ’ll tell you honestly, and the regions-chiefs are involved here quite for obvious reasons, let’s say, because well, like many of their own relate to the populated area, well, these are some words of gratitude for this, issues of housing construction.
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with the fact that for many years, for decades, perhaps in previous times, they did not pay due attention to this, this is the first, second, this is something that you, of course, yourself too you can’t solve it, this is water supply, these are the topics i ask you to pay attention to, i always pay attention to the government of the russian federation, vkontakte, please, with the federal authorities, please pay special attention to this, and they also pay serious attention to...
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skotochny ammunition krasnopol hits an american-made abrams tank,
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the ukrainian armed forces vehicle is destroyed, the artillery of the troop center group helps the infantry advance in the donetsk people's republic. our fighters liberated the village of volchie and this is already the fourth village in 3 days. before this, the center group took control of lazovacke, evgenovka and progress. the ukrainian armed forces are withdrawing from the first line of their fortifications in the area of ​​the slavyansk-k kramatorsk agglomeration in the dpr. data. knocking him out of all positions where he has been sitting for a long time. almost 30 km to the enemy, a fiery hurricane is approaching his position. the uragan rszzo package consists of 16 shells; the crew of the launcher of the north group of troops sent them to temporary deployment points.
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the reconnaissance tower was destroyed by anti-aircraft gunners from the west group of troops. ukrainian armed forces drone portuguese-made, he collected the coordinates of the location of our units, the enemy has been trying to be cunning lately, launching false targets, creating interference, interference such as meteorological zants, in a swarm of 15-20 pieces, false interference, such as balls, flying at an altitude of about 4 km, by forces grouping west,
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the enemy lost up to 480 military personnel in just one day, grouping: east inflicted losses on the ukrainian armed forces of 130 people, south up to 570 militants without return and medical losses, dnepr up to 85 military personnel in the ukrainian armed forces lost their infantry fighting vehicles, gaub, self-propelled guns, including american and european production. on mission, our supersonic fighter-bombers send warm greetings to the kharkov airfield. intelligence immediately discovered two radar stations of their armed forces, and they were clearly trying to...
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set fire to cars, military registration and enlistment office employees destroyed about two dozen cars in 2 weeks. in response, ukrainian military commissars are acting increasingly harshly to make up for losses on the front line. margarita semenyuk with details. by the number of burned cars shopping center odessa is breaking records. news about blazing expensive foreign cars appears every day. over the course of two weeks, outraged residents destroyed about two dozen cars and minibuses. “the sbu officers didn’t think for a long time, they caught six delivery couriers and pinned everything on them, now the military commissars are trying to take away a fifty-nine-year-old man, he’s only a few months away from unfit age, and he wouldn’t have lived if passers-by hadn’t fought him off. yes, it’s normal that you’re with him why the hell should i do it? the answer is obvious to everyone, make up for losses on the front line, and no longer
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it doesn’t matter whether a person has combat experience, they drive him like cattle to the slaughter.” the next military man who has picked up his license shakes up his license, when he returns, he drinks constantly, in these footage , allegedly defending his wife’s honor, he shamefully dropped his own, attacking the girl with his fists. behave normally, don’t touch her, hey! "quiet, don't touch her, don't touch her, help, help, help, quickly, the widespread violent mobilization is not the only problem, ukraine is plunging into darkness in every sense of the word. in dnepropetrovsk, authorities said that electricity is a luxury and we need to prepare not for the schedule of outages, but for the schedule when
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this luxury will be available. the season is dying, growth during the heating period. " indifference, dirt all around, in the capital rot in kiev, not only in the authorities, supermarkets have already given up on the rats that have proliferated, there are plenty of them among the vsu fishmongers, here is an army stew, not at the front, on the counter, although on the can on ridney move it is written: another idea - raising funds for models of military equipment, in response to a request to show the result, they say the models are secret and the damned muscovites shouldn’t see it, which means we won’t show it to our own people either;
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millions and even billions of hryvnias are disappearing in this black hole. margarita semenyuk, irina zaborskaya, news. the russian foreign ministry expressed protest to the charge d'affaires of the czech republic in russia. the reason was an attempt to smuggle potent substances by one of the embassy employees. this is stated in the department's message. the czech side was offered to waive immunity in relation to the offender in order to bring him to criminal responsibility. otherwise he will have to leave russia. in venezuela , the central electoral committee officially declared the current head of state.
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there are americans here. we applaud the venezuelan people for their participation in the presidential elections on july 28th. we praise venezuelans for their courage and fidelity to democracy in the face of repressive hostility. we have serious concerns that the announced result does not reflect the will and voice of the venezuelan people. at first glance, blinken is certainly playing along with the opposition. let it go international the video exchange left the words of the informal presidential candidate, though.
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they could not overcome us with sanctions, aggression, threats, neither today nor will this ever be enough against the dignity of the venezuelan people. so, firstly, at the beginning of the month, maduro indicated that he had restored a certain dialogue with the united states, they began to ease sanctions because they want oil from venezuela, but they themselves know that there is not enough oil, because in the pursuit of super-profits at the time it was the americans convinced venezuela to switch from conventional fields to heavy oil, and use it.
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in this case, more brutal. sergey brilev, alexey kolach and evgeny makarov. news from caracas, venezuela. biden's proposed reform of the us supreme court will upset the balance
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of power in the country and undermine the american people's faith in the justice system. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson wrote about this on social networks. let me remind you that biden, after announcing his refusal to participate in the election race, proposed changing the constitution, in particular, depriving the former. according to the us department of defense, kiev will receive missiles for air defense systems, jet installations and artillery, as well as anti-tank weapons totaling up to $200 million. also washington. about one and a half
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billion dollars in contracts with their own defense enterprises, they will produce various modifications of missiles, projectiles, firearms and explosives for ukraine. kiev will not be able to obtain these arsenals immediately. well , germany also updated the official list of its weapons transferred to the zelensky regime. over the past 3 weeks , eight leopard tanks, more than 20 thousands of shells for gepard anti-aircraft guns. and 10 surface drones, but russia, let me remind you, has repeatedly noted the supply of western weapons to ukraine only prolongs the conflict. well, square also has no chance to realize the potential of the f-16 fighters. the new york times writes about this. according to experts, publications in the ssu will be hampered by russian attacks on air bases and a shortage of military personnel. so , fundamentally, the situation on the battlefield will not change in favor of kiev. entry at all. more often
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they talk about the possibility of negotiations with moscow. natalya goncharova will continue the topic. do europeans support nato? an article with this title was published in the american national interest. according to the authors of the material, the possible return of donald trump to the white house risks becoming a cataclysm for the european union. a republican can take the country out of the bloc and completely change course towards russia. but europe will be left alone with its problems and will have to build a defense without washington’s money. difficult , ex-republican senator richard black recalled that it is the americans who have always ordered music from nato. president trump made it clear early in his presidency that he did not think highly of nato and that the united states should simply withdraw from it. this caused a huge resonance, because the alliance is the means by which the united states controls all of europe. we thought that by advancing the war in ukraine, we
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would do a lot of harm to russia, but... in the meantime, european countries began to realize that it was a mistake to destroy all ties with moscow. the head of the austrian foreign ministry, alexander schallenberg, called on european countries use channels for negotiations with moscow. we cannot destroy all bridges, otherwise we would be wishful thinking; in foreign policy we cannot ignore blocking. i am a realist and must perceive reality as it is, and russia is part of it. vladimir zelensky suddenly opened up for dialogue with russia because he realized that if he did not negotiate, ukraine would face complete collapse and his own death, ex-cia analyst larry johnson expressed this opinion. what choice does zelensky have: either this or death? yes, he will try to come to a political settlement, but i don't think there is anything to discuss, the settlement is simple, capitulation, and the russians will
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deal with it. russians do not suffer, they do not have political upheavals within the country, they do not suffer such huge losses as ukraine, and russia is advancing, every day it liberates more and more territories. on the american project redakt, which is run by former journalists, large media outlets exposed why nato is trying to lie to russian viewers. according to reporters, the same cnn is trying to control the opinion of the audience in order to justify conscription into the army. allegedly, moscow is preparing for an attack. therefore, the military needs more manpower, but these stories have nothing to do with reality. lie number one: moscow is a threat to nato countries. this is wrong. no nato country is currently at war with russia. in addition, the alliance is lying about russia launching a full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022. this did not happen. moscow sent forces there at the request of lugansk and donetsk regions, which ukraine began
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to attack in 2014. the american national inter wondered who will pay for the restoration of ukraine when the war ends. the publication notes that washington has already spent $175 billion on military assistance to kiev. and taxpayers , at a time when prices and inflation are only rising, no longer want to lend money to ukrainians. natalya goncharova, lead.


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