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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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this is how an ideal music festival should be. tatiana komenskaya, igor orekhovsky, ilya rachkov. news karelia. international festival russian alosymphony. volgograd region. more than 400 people are in temporary accommodation centers after a railway accident. 30 people are being treated in the republican hospital. three seriously injured were transported by helicopter to volgograd. the kazan-adler train collided with a kamaz truck at a crossing. evgenia petrukhina will tell you what happened literally in the first minutes after the accident. the driver applied emergency braking, but the truck that flew onto the rails was too close. here he is. mordus is not my own. kotelnikov farm
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, volgograd region - these are the first comments from eyewitnesses, drivers who were letting the train pass at the railway crossing at the time of the accident. look what a nightmare! this is our crossing, kutor kotelnikovo, look, the train has been brought into the carriages. here are the passengers, who are trying to get out of the train cars. those who succeed help the others to climb out through the windows. we got off the flight, nine carriages, first. here is a kamaz just moved in.
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the first nine carriages of the kazan-adler train, the guys arrived, our train overturned, we are alive and well, our lucky carriage remained unoverturned. several people are trying to overturn the cab of the truck, probably to help get out the driver, who, apparently , miraculously survived. in these frames, the one who, apparently, was driving that same truck. the man was hospitalized; russian railways stated that the train was moving at a speed of 65 km/h at the time of the accident. kamaz driver. grossly violated the rules road traffic and drove onto a railway crossing during a prohibited signal in front of a nearby train. investigators of the volgograd transport investigation department, the western interregional transport investigation department, and the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for in article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. passengers trapped in overturned carriages are evacuated by emergency situations ministry employees. footage of emergency rescue operations, here is the situation inside the composition. scattered things.
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headquarters assigned tasks to emergency services specialists, and today they went around all the passengers, everyone expressed a desire to continue moving towards adler. we will begin to remove things from each carriage, put them in the established legal order and directly hand them over to passengers. under the leadership of russian railways specialists, we are working together with them to completely clear all the tracks from cars, and then to organize traffic along... our double-track
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track, for prompt information the victims, their loved ones, the ministry of emergency situations and russian railways have opened help hotlines; passengers will be taken out by reserve personnel. evgenia petrukhin, andrey sapegin, news. russia and belarus will sign agreements on the creation of a unified electricity market of the union state. the presidential order has already appeared on the country's official legal portal. let me remind you that the creation of a common market was discussed in may during vladimir’s visit.
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integration processes continue and there are already certain achievements, and budget revenues, such as tax and non-tax, as for construction, well, now let’s put it this way, the locomotive for the development of our economy is objective, because construction has been developed very seriously, we had the opportunity to discuss.
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put into operation, thank you very much for your support, we feel it, and of course, it helps in general with arassiya, well, what can i say, the danbass will not let you down, okay, denislavich, there are some topics, some problems that require our special attention, this emergency housing, you already mentioned housing, over 27% of the housing stock in the republic - this is emergency housing, unfortunately, everything is connected with military operations. and simply with the fact that for many years, decades, maybe in the old days, they did not pay due attention to this, this is the first and second, this is what you, of course, yourself also decided you can do, this is water supply, on these topics, i i ask you to pay attention and i
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always pay attention to the government of the russian federation, you are in contact with the federal authorities, please pay special attention to this. the grouping of troops center liberated the village of volchiev dpr, the ministry of defense was told about this. control over this and neighboring settlements allows us to develop an offensive against one of the major transport hubs of the ukrainian armed forces. with the latest data on the progress of the special military operation, egor grigoriev. the crew of the self-propelled artillery installation has already entered the coordinates into the automated fire guidance control system. therefore, there was almost no preparation of the weapon for battle. shells from will reach the enemy even from the most fortified positions. the ukrainian armed forces militants dig real holes and combine them with the basements of buildings. high-precision ammunition krasnopol hits an american-made abrams tank. the ukrainian armed forces vehicle was destroyed. artillery and
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troop groups at the center help advance infantry in the donetsk people's republic. our fighters liberated the village of volchye, and this is the fourth village in 3 days. before this, the center group took control of lazovacke, evgenovka and progress. the ukrainian armed forces are withdrawing from the first line of their fortifications in the area of ​​the slavyansk-kramatorsk agglomeration in the dpr, according to special forces commander akhmat, aptiala. today our troops have the opportunity to maneuver in different directions, pulling apart the enemy and knocking him out of all positions where he has been sitting for a long time. almost 30 km to the enemy position. a firestorm is approaching him. the uragan rszz package consists of 16 shells, the crew of the launcher of the northern group of troops sent them to temporary deployment points of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region. we hit hard, we hit specifically, it won’t be good for the enemy. during the day, in
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the zone of responsibility of the north group of forces, the enemy lost over 220 military personnel, two tanks, an armored vehicle, self-propelled guns, guns and howitzers, the sky is above ours. positions under strong air defense protection. the tor m2 air defense system is deployed for a combat mission. a few minutes later he is already scanning the airspace . powerful anti-missiles will not let in either aviation, or bypyl, or winged stormshadows, or non-fast-flying hymers shells. anti-aircraft gunners from the west group of troops destroyed a portuguese-made reconnaissance drone of the armed forces of ukraine. he collected the coordinates of our location. the enemy has been trying to be cunning lately, sending false targets, creating interference. interference type meteorological objects, in a swarm of 15-20 pieces, false interference, such as balls, fly at an altitude of about 4
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km. with the forces of the west group, the enemy lost up to 480 troops in just one day. the vostok group inflicted 130 casualties in the ssu, and up to 570 militants in the south. irretrievable and sanitary losses dnepr, up to 85 military personnel in the ssu lost infantry fighting vehicles, howubs, self-propelled guns, including american and european production. our supersonic fighter-bombers send warm greetings to the kharkov airfield. intelligence discovered two radar stations and their ukrainian armed forces clearly tried to camouflage them. guided missiles destroy radars. our fas are sent to the temporary deployment point in the control center: aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module within a day by aviation, uavs, artillery, and missile forces. accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment were hit in 127 regions. egor grigoriev,
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ivan kuznetsov, anastasia klemkova. news. and also in the kherson direction, fighters of the dnepr group of troops destroyed two american m-777 howitzers, the rep station, two field ammunition depots. four ukrainian brigades came under attack. our military is monitoring the enemy’s movements on the right bank of the dnieper using drones. michael andronik saw how this happened: a shot! in a dense forest on the banks of the dnieper, artillerymen of the arctic brigade are working, hitting the furies, from which militants of the kiev regime are unloading weapons and ammunition. the width of the dnieper in the delta is about 9 km; only long-range weapons, like a towed geocide, can work effectively from a safe distance. more. we we reach the shore and work further inland,
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there are certain places where they hide, are in shelters, we destroy these shelters. in this sector of the front, the enemy is afraid to bring our artillery into the affected area, he knows that they will be destroyed, he works with kamikaze drones, well, ours here are not far behind him. operators fly out two drones simultaneously, one hits the target, the second finishes it off. everything that our operators manage to detect is immediately destroyed. just one of the cases: scouts of a brigade that operates in as part of a grouping of dnieper troops, they noticed a suspicious car that drove up to the coastline at night, when two people got out of it and confidently walked through enemy minefields to the water, comikat drones were already ready for the northerners. the swimmers walked through the water towards the left bank at high speed, obviously. using technical means, and accordingly , the decision was made to hit immediately, since
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it was unlikely that they were sailing to surrender there 14 km, what it was, what goal they were pursuing is not clear specifically, well, it was against them one of their pividons was worked out, the target was hit, and as a result, both divers remained in the dnieper. another feature of the fighting in the dnieper delta is that due to the large distances, commercial quadcopters are useless here and crews of kamikaze drones work in tandem with wing-type drones. training the sniper pair of the arctic brigade , their tasks here are also very specific, different from the work of snipers in other directions. currently , the unit is performing tasks to detect enemy unmanned vehicles, also, if possible, to destroy them - he conducts reconnaissance at observation posts of the brigade units, well, he directly strengthens the motorized rifle unit. including due to the fact that the units of the arctic wolves, as they call themselves, adapted to this
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method of conducting combat operations at long distances, the enemy was forced to withdraw his artillery and begin to create a line of defense not on the banks of the dnieper, in the steppes near nikolaev. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct the kherson region. israel will force the lebanese movement hezbollah. quote: to pay a high price for the alleged attack on the village of druzov in dutch. heights, the minister of defense announced. israeli aircraft hit hezbollah targets in lebanon. the tzahal press service says this is a response to an attempt to shell the border area of ​​the jewish state. the lebanese government blames israel for two drone attacks. with details, the head of the middle east news bureau sergei pashkov is our own correspondent in the region, alexander belibov. today in the foothills of hermon in the druz town of majal shams, the site of the tragedy that claimed life on saturday. two teenagers who had gathered to play football at the local stadium on the weekend, the escort
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of israeli prime minister benjamin netanya arrived, on sunday the children killed in the shelling were buried here, a crowd of local residents, many of whom had lost loved ones, demanded decisive action from the prime minister. the state of israel will continue to stand by your side, here and throughout the region, today, tomorrow, always. decision on responses there were actions of the tsakhal. adopted the day before at an evening meeting of the cabinet of ministers, columns of merkava tanks have been pulled up to the borders of lebanon, the military is waiting for the right moment to launch a powerful attack on hezbollah, the shiite lebanese.
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israel must respond to what happened, we must have a comprehensive action plan. israel has thousands of potential targets in lebanon. we must deal a strong blow to hazbalah and thereby divide lebanon into parts. all this time , the canadian music does not stop on the israeli-lebanese border. hezbollah militants israeli cities and towns are being shelled. in this new district of kiryat shmana, built just a year ago, life was in full swing a year ago, now all these resort pearls of the israeli north and kiryat shmana and metula are more like ghost towns, houses abandoned, closed, shops, non-working schools. alex korachun, vice-mayor of a city where
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there have been no residents for a long time, seems to be left alone guarding the abandoned city economy. people were here all the time, because here...
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in size and territory there were no large cities with high population densities and civilians, including beirut, so as not to provoke a decisive response from hezbollah. but as practice shows, israel rarely does exactly what is most expected of it, and therefore any scenario cannot be ruled out . according to analysts, one of the likely targets of a retaliatory strike could be baalbek, a city in eastern lebanon 100 km from
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the israeli border. in the city itself there are architectural monuments of the ancient roman era. objects of the world unesco heritage site, in its vicinity there are the largest hazbalah training camps. idf aviation already tried to hit them in february of this year. another possible target for the attack is beirut international airport, to which some airlines have already canceled upcoming flights. recently, the lebanese government invited foreign diplomatic journalists there so that they could see for themselves that there are no warehouses with weapons for khazbalah on the territory of the air harbor, which are allegedly supplied from iran. meanwhile, in tehran itself. will take place tomorrow the inauguration of the elected president masoud pezechkin, the day before the supreme leader of the islamic republic ayatallah ali khamini approved pezeshkin as president once again attacked his main ideological opponent. the israeli regime is not a state, it is a criminal gang of murderers and a terrorist group. but this time the most serious threats against israel
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came not even from the leaders of the countries of the so- called axis of resistance, but from turkish president erdogan. turkey can enter israel in the same way as karabakh and libya. there's no reason why we shouldn't do this. we just have to be strong to be able to take these steps. following the head of state , the turkish mit also came out with harsh criticism of tel aviv, accusing palestinians of genocide in the gaza strip. just as hitler's genocide ended, netanyahu's genocide will end. just like the nazis were brought to justice. those who tried to destroy the palestinians will also be punished. what about the confrontation between israel and the hazbalos? what if tel aviv chooses, even if unlikely, but still possible option of a ground invasion of lebanon, then he will have to face a much more serious enemy than hamas in gaza, although over the palestinian group in 10 months. the war was never won. the lebanese sheid movement has its own army of 100,000 fighters, armed with cannon rocket artillery, cruise and ballistic missiles, the destruction radius
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of which covers the entire territory of israel. now the entire middle east is literally frozen in anticipation of how the crisis will be resolved. the lebanese-israeli border, because if it escalates, the region could plunge into a new conflict, unprecedented in scale to this day. alexander.
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covered with mosaics, the first service was held here the day before, and at the entrance parishioners are greeted by a sculpture of equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir, who was baptized here in 988. the idea was that he comes
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out of the temple, here he is, a former viking, now he is a christian, now he is bringing christianity to russia, here he is in such a solemn movement with his hand showing that that’s it, now this is... new khersanez will launch in test mode tomorrow, entry will be available after registration to the territory, and excursions throughout the entire
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territory will be held according to a certain schedule, as a result of which it will be possible to get acquainted with all the buildings, structures, sculpture parks, landscape parks that are presented here . and in the evenings there is a large-scale procession, the history of the ancient land from the scythians of the sarmatians, a grandiose theatrical performance. here is catherine the great and, of course, the modern history of crimea. yana shcherbat and andrey terentsev, lead sevastopol. swimming training for triathletes was canceled at the paris olympics. the reason is dirty water in the hay, that is, structures costing almost one and a half billion euros cannot clean the drains. but the organizers of the games assure that tomorrow the open water competition will still take place. gelzeta khramtsova learned about how france lives during the olympic days. having barely recovered from the fact that the train schedule no longer reflected
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reality, the french were faced with a new problem. it’s not a fact that about changing your plans, you can warn your loved ones by phone. three mobile operators at once , fri, sfr and buik, reported that on the night from sunday to monday , sabotage occurred in 6 departments of france. the head of the relevant department states that laziness suffered.
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won the majority of votes, but never gained access to governing the country, because the defeated macron played off the opposition until he managed to retain power in his hands. in this situation, the left, by the way, just like the right, has a feeling of a missed victory, this is on the one hand, on the other hand.
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they consider the olympics, on which huge amounts of money have been spent, as completely unnecessary expenses given the huge number of problems that exist in france. and the fact that mass sabotage occurred during major international competitions was taken advantage of by those wishing to earn political points. thus, the head of the israeli foreign ministry said that the saboteurs were allegedly influenced by iranian forces; on the eve of the start of the games in paris , a russian was detained. who was allegedly preparing some destabilizing measures, and the biased foreign press once again tried to blame everything on moscow. another canard, another unsubstantiated accusation. the fact is that a lot of such traditional media, and even respected ones, have recently not shunned anything from literally blaming russia for everything that happens, well, this does not add to the image of reliable
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sources of information for these media. the french interior ministry says that several left-wing activists involved in sabotage on the railways have been identified. one of suspects detained. in addition, on monday the republican authorities reported that they were able to prevent a new emergency on the railways . from this is olga alvukhina khramtsova, news. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries . let's see. let's see. in an app or on a website, you don’t decide exactly how you’ll meet your first love, you don’t decide where you’ll find friends for life, you don’t decide. which option you
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