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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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thousand shells for anti-aircraft guns cheetah and 10 surface drones. let me remind you that russia has repeatedly noted that the supply of western weapons to ukraine only prolongs the conflict. well, square also has no chance to realize the potential of the f-16 fighters. the new york times is already writing about this. according to experts, the publication of the armed forces of ukraine will be hampered by russian attacks on air bases and a shortage of military personnel. so the situation on the field is fundamental.
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with its own problems and without washington’s money , it will be difficult to build a defense. former republican senator richard black recalled that it was the americans who always ordered the music from nato. president trump made it clear early in his presidency that he did not think highly of nato and that the united states should simply withdraw from it. this caused a huge outcry because the alliance is the means by which the us controls all of europe. we thought that...
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to justify conscription, supposedly moscow is preparing for an attack, so the military needs more manpower, but these stories have nothing to do with reality. lodge number one: moscow is a threat to nato countries, it is not. no nato country is currently at war with russia. in addition, the alliance is lying about russia launching a full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022. this did not happen. moscow sent forces there at the request of the lugansk and donetsk regions.
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they overwhelmed the military registration and enlistment office employees, about two dozen vehicles were destroyed in 2 weeks, in response , the ukrainian military commissars are acting more and more harshly to make up for losses on the front line. margarita semenyuk with details. in terms of the number of burned cars, tck odessa beats records. news about blazing expensive foreign cars appears every day. over the course of two weeks, outraged residents destroyed about two dozen cars and minibuses. the officers didn’t think for a long time, they caught six delivery couriers and pinned everything on them, so the military commissars are trying to take away a fifty-nine-year-old man, he is only a few months away from unfit age, and would not have lived if passers-by had not fought him off. the answer is obvious to everyone, to make up for losses on the front line, and it no longer matters whether a person has combat experience, driven like cattle to the slaughter.
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and ukraine is plunging into darkness in every sense of the word. in dnepropetrovsk , the authorities said that electricity is a luxury and it is necessary to prepare not for the schedule of outages, but for the schedule when this luxury will be available. during the heating season , energy consumption will increase, and this is a very big
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problem. that is, i understand correctly that people should prepare that they will see notifications that you will have no light from one to three, but you will have light from one there. equipment in response to a request to show the result, they say: the secret models and the damned muscals should not be seen, which means we won’t show them to our own people either, millions and even billions of hryvnias disappear in this black hole. margarita semenyuk, irina zaborskaya, news! slovakia
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will be forced to stop supplies of diesel fuel to ukraine if kiev does not unblock the transit of russian oil for bratislava through its territory. this was stated by slovak prime minister robert fica. according to him , this position has already been transferred to the ukrainian authorities through diplomatic channels. fitz also called brussels abandons the policy of a new iron curtain between the european union and russia. ak sa transit of russian oil through ukraine, if the transit of russian oil through ukraine does not resume in the near future, slovnaft will not continue to supply diesel fuel to ukraine, which covers a tenth of ukrainian consumption. unlike politicians of opposition parties. foreign interests, for us slovakia and the interests of its people come first, even the problem with the transit of russian oil through ukraine cannot change our position who always give preference to the conflict in ukraine, it needs to be completed with an early truce, and not artificially extended with the unrealistic goal of bringing
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russia to its knees, in fact, with the goal of lining the pockets of the gunsmiths even more, the number of victims as a result of the explosion at the largest chemical plant in germany. .. called the leak extinguished, however, the cause is pre- organic solvent. local authorities in several cities quickly reported that there was no danger to the population, air pollution, or soil water. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but
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the world i watch is from one of my friends the fastest mobile internet, cool video, how high the speed is, you haven’t connected it yet with 5g, although you better not need it, megaphone number one in terms of coverage speed. vladimir putin awarded natalya solzhenitsina the order for services to the fatherland, third degree, as noted in the presidential decree, natalya solzhenitsina, the widow of the writer alexander solzhenitsyn and the head of the foundation named after him, was awarded for her great contribution to the development of russian culture, active charitable and social activities. and a new one will be built in moscow building for... the tchaikovsky conservatory, this is the third building of a modern multifunctional complex, the first
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was erected in 2018, the second last year, the new building is designed for 300 seats. for many years , the guys, of course, lived with the situation rather in spite of the rather difficult conditions, everyday life, that interfered with their educational process, creativity, and it is very important that now... a whole block of the moscow conservatory is already working, but they study in absolutely amazing conditions, with thirty rehearsal, separate spaces, in addition to the rooms, there is a little we are talking about a different type of dormitory in general, if we are talking about the moscow conservatory, this is a dormitory where there are swimming pools, where there is a dormitory, where there is a gym, a dormitory where there are 30 rehearsal spaces, which of course are needed...
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a common final project, and there will be two more concert halls for students, for their skills, which they will hone, gaining experience of communication from the audience, who themselves will attract their subscription cycles. the fourth stage of the project took place at the russian embassy in the netherlands. outstanding russian performers in embassies and cultural missions of russia abroad. young pianist eva gevargian performed works by chapin,
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brahms and other composers. the project is dedicated to the upcoming eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. concerts from this series have already taken place in madrid, vienna and rome. the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway project will be included in the list of self-sustaining ones. this will allow us to attract funds from the national welfare fund. it will be even more convenient with the development of transport infrastructure. the capacity of railways was discussed mikhail mishustin at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. one of such projects is the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. the implementation of the investment project involves the construction of a line with a length of almost 680 km and the launch of traffic along it at a speed of 200 to 400
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km/h. this is the travel time between moscow and st. petersburg. this is the creation of infrastructure, the supply of high-speed trains, the creation of rolling stock control systems. the construction agreement was signed in july. the decision has now been made to inclusion of this project in the list of self-sustaining ones, which will make it possible to attract up to 300 billion from the national improvement fund on a repayable basis. we expect that government support and the construction of the first high-speed railway will speed up the implementation of the project, which will open up additional opportunities for a number of sectors of the economy and will contribute to including the dynamic development of industrial, engineering, processing and other enterprises, will give such an innovative impetus in this area, naturally, it will help increase cargo flow,
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orders will increase, new jobs will appear , and the areas along the high-speed line will be landscaped... which will improve the quality of life of people. among the strategically important projects is reducing dependence on imported minerals. the government extended the planning period in this area by 15 years until 2050, and also approved an updated strategy for the development of the entire mineral resource base. mikhail mishustin noted that in one of the development scenarios it is necessary to ensure the growing demand for useful fossils. for this purpose they plan to open new large places. minerals, while significantly reducing dependence on foreign supplies, primarily manganese, chromium and titanium. the president, in his message to the federal assembly, spoke about the need
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to focus our geological exploration on the search for rare earth materials and other raw materials for the development of priority domestic production. we expect that the demand for them will increase significantly, precisely against the backdrop of the accelerated growth rates of the military-industrial complex, metallurgy, chemical industry, construction sector and other key industries that in the field of subsoil exploration, mining, processing of minerals need to rely on their own solutions, for this the government will offer business more attractive conditions, advanced technologies are now being actively created and implemented.
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to the domestic market, but to the countries of the commonwealth of independent states and neighboring countries . the enterprise has a very large role in purchasing russia’s independence from foreign decisions. we are also in novosibirsk visited the industrial technology park of academ town, its participants are engaged in the production of science-intensive products and equipment, including for the it sector in the field of medicine, bio -nano-technologies, new materials, and civil engineering. all this contributes not only to the promotion of russian goods, but... a speedy transition to domestic solutions, including in the field of software, noted mikhail mishustin. by 2030 , there will be at least 100 such industrial business and technology parks, so that quote: enterprises can sooner implement your innovations, ideas and developments. venezuela's national electoral council
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has officially declared incumbent head of state nicolás maduro the winner of sunday's presidential election. the chairman of the electoral commission presented the politician with the corresponding act, and maduro brought a pocket edition of the constitution to the meeting. holding the book, he warned that those who enter into political collusion are deprived of the right to rely on the fundamental law of the state. at the same time, he promised to lead the country to peace, prosperity, national unity through dialogue. a historic day, we defeated fascism and demons, with the power of christ, bolivar and chavez, this is a historic achievement, our people have done it again.
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this is how madur's supporters greeted the news that the local central election commission announced that he had received more than half of the votes. and here is maduro himself. nicola moro, i am nicola maduro moro, re-elected president of the bolivarian republic of venezuela. but the opposition candidate, edmundo gonzalez, rises to his podium. true, it will not be he who speaks again, the engine is thundering, his company, woman taran. we want to tell all venezuelans and the whole world that venezuela has a new elected president and this is edmunda gonzalez. what does all of this mean?
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let's look around. among other epithets that are awarded to the capital of venezuela, caracas is also the capital of brutalism. this is an architectural style, from the french raw concrete, as on the facade of this church. 80% of the ballots were processed when the victory was already in place. i inform you that after we dealt with the aggression against our data transmission center, which affected to release the results of the presidential election, we can publish our first message, based on 80% of the votes, we are talking about a stunning and irreversible result. how is it here, americans? we applaud the venezuelan people for their participation in the presidential elections on july 28th.
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so, first of all, at the beginning of the month maduro hinted that he had restored some kind of dialogue with the united states. they began to ease sanctions because they want oil from venezuela, but they themselves know that there is not enough oil, because in the pursuit of
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super profits at one time it was the americans convinced venezuela to switch from conventional fields to heavy oil, which is used, sanctions only exacerbated the decline in production. what happened, what happened in the sixteenth year, when production fell significantly? this was a consequence of the pharaonic plans, which implied the abandonment of 35 thousand conventional wells. this, by the way, is before chavis. certainly. secondly, despite all the difficulties and even quarrels between maduro and the brazilian luly, he is the same authoritative leader in the region. and also a kind of ambassador of brix on the continent. and such brix countries as russia, india, china, with maduro gets along very well. it is characteristic that assessments of the venezuelan elections have taken a pause. and such a giant as mexico, and by the way, colombia, where the largest flow of venezuelan refugees goes, naturally, the opposition, and its admirers and its patrons,
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will not go anywhere, but it also has allies , the inauguration is only on january 10, well, who cares in a more brutal case, sergey brilev, alexey kalach and evgeny makarov, news from caracas, venezuela, at the olympics in paris , swimming training for triathletes was canceled. the reason is dirty water in the seine, that is, a structure costing almost one and a half billion euros cannot clean the wastewater. the organizers of the games assure that the open water competition will still take place tomorrow. about how france lives during the olympic days. elizaveta khramtsova. having barely recovered from the fact that the train schedule no longer reflected reality, the french were faced with a new problem. it's not a fact. you can notify your loved ones by phone about changes in your plans. three mobile operators at once, free, sfr and buik, reported that on the night of sunday monday,
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sabotage occurred in six departments of france. investigations to identify the individuals behind these coordinated actions, it is important to understand that the incidents occurred in departments located far from each other. it was only now, after 3 days, that the consequences of the first sabotage on the railway were corrected. the transport collapse, which greatly changed the plans of 800,000 passengers, began on friday. on the opening day of the olympic games , cables controlling communications, traffic lights and arrows. there were also arson attacks on relay cabinets near the tracks, which never
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retired. although they won a majority of votes, they never gained access to governing the country, because the loser was played off by macron.
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there are many such unscrupulous media outlets , and even respected ones. lately they have not been above blaming russia for literally everything that happens, but this does not add to the image of reliable sources of information for these media. the french interior ministry says that the identities of several left-wing activists involved in sabotage on railways have been identified and one of the suspects has been detained. in addition, on monday the republican authorities reported that
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they were able to prevent a new emergency. on the railways . zetta khramtsova olga alvukhina. news.
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russian military groups of troops in the center liberated the village of voluchiv dpr, the ministry of defense reported this. control over this and neighboring settlements allows us to develop an offensive against one of the major transport hubs in the ussr. division west and... as a result of a strike on one of the airfields of the ukrainian armed forces, it was destroyed su-25 attack aircraft and air traffic control radar station. well, also in the kherson direction, fighters of the dnepr group of troops destroyed two american m-777 howitzers within 24 hours. rep station, two field warehouses.


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