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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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russian military groups of troops in the center liberated the village of voluchiv dpr, the ministry of defense reported this. control over esemme and neighboring settlements makes it possible to develop an offensive against one of the major transport hubs in the city. the west and south divisions occupied more advantageous positions. in these directions, the enemy lost almost one and a half fighters. as a result of a strike on one of the airfields of the ukrainian armed forces , a su-25 attack aircraft and air traffic control radar stations were destroyed. well, also in the kherson direction, fighters of the group dnieper troops destroyed two american m777 howitzers in one day. rep station, two field warehouses. four
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ukrainian brigades came under attack; our military is monitoring the enemy’s movements on the right bank of the dnieper using drones. mikhail andronik saw how this happens. in a dense forest on the banks of the dnieper, artillerymen of the arctic brigade are working, hitting the fury, from which militants of the kiev regime are unloading weapons and ammunition. only long-range weapons, such as a towed geocide, can reach a dangerous distance here. one more shot and the trailer is on fire. we reach the shore and work further inland, there are certain places where they hide, are in shelters, we destroy these shelters. in this sector of the front, the enemy is afraid to bring his guns into the zone of destruction of our artillery, he knows that they will be destroyed, he works with kamikaze drones, well, ours are here. he is not left behind. operators
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fly out two drones simultaneously, one hits the target, the second finishes it off. transport of militants, radar stations and all kinds of antennas, everything that works discovered by our operators, it is immediately destroyed. in just one of the cases, scouts from a brigade operating as part of the dnepr group of troops noticed a suspicious car that drove up to the coastline at night. when two people emerged from it confidently through the mines...
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due to the long distances, commercial quadcopters are useless here, and kamikaze drone crews work in tandem with wing-type drones. training of a sniper pair of the arctic brigade, their tasks here are also very specific differ from the work of snipers in other areas. currently , the unit is performing missions to detect ethereal enemy aircraft. also, if possible, reconnaissance conducts their destruction. at the observation posts of the brigade unit, well , it directly strengthens the motorized rifle unit, including due to the fact that in the units of the arctic wolves, as they call themselves, they adapted to this method of conducting combat operations at long distances, the enemy was forced to withdraw begin to create a line of defense not on the banks of the dnieper, but in the steppes near nikolaev. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct the kherson region. average salary. in the dpr since the beginning of the year it has increased
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by almost 40%, now about 50,000 rubles. the head of the republic, denis pushilin, reported this to vladimir putin. the restoration and development of cities and small settlements of the dpr became the main topic of the meeting in the kremlin. revenues to the regional budget this year may be almost a third more than last year. the president instructed to pay special attention to solving problems with emergency housing and water supply. here.
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discussed at recent meetings, that is , in more detail, but what is most important, we still place emphasis on the construction of commercial housing, and let’s say so for extra-budgetary funds. there are some topics, some problems that require our special attention, this is emergency housing, you have already spoken about housing, over 27% of the housing stock in the republic is emergency housing, unfortunately, everything is connected with military operations, and simply with that , that
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for many years, decades, maybe in in previous times, they did not pay due attention to this, this is the first and second, this is something that... of course, you cannot solve on your own, this is water supply, these are the topics i ask you to pay attention to, i always draw the attention of the government of the russian federation, you are in contact, please, with federal authorities, please pay special attention to this. in the volgograd region, 10 train cars that were not damaged as a result of the accident went to their destination along with the passengers, the regional operational headquarters reported. on the spot where part of the train has left the flights, heavy equipment is working. according to russian railways, it is necessary to restore about 300 m of the track and the contact network. during the day, the kazan-adler train collided with a kamaz at a crossing. more than 100 people sought medical help. three seriously
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injured people were transported by helicopter to volgograd. today , russian schoolchildren, winners of the international physics olympiad, returned home to moscow. in iran, our guys won four golds at once; our correspondent, maria valieva, met them at the airport. four gold and one a silver medal following the results of the international physics olympiad, which took place in iran, none of the russian schoolchildren were left without an award. our team has once again confirmed its right to be considered one of the best in the world. russia. we were returning to moscow via istanbul, after a long flight, the guys admitted they were tired. but they still can’t contain their emotions, a wonderful olympics happened, we prepared for a very long time, we performed very well, we’re very happy, i ’m in a great mood, i definitely really enjoyed the olympics, i liked it carrying out, very happy to return home, because everywhere is good, but at home it’s better.
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the international physics olympiad has been held since 1967; these are prestigious competitions that schoolchildren from all over the world strive to attend. tests in two stages, first. time and nowhere to make stupid mistakes. in theory, it was necessary to correctly distribute the olympiad, the guys prepared for 2 years, studied physics every day for 4 hours, and before the competition for 10 hours. we are very happy, we are glad, we are proud of our guys, who have achieved such results.
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the united states did not allow american schoolchildren to attend the international physics olympiad. they said it was dangerous. well, the states are especially dangerous, they can be understood, they have the worst relations with iran, everyone should come, the more countries, the better. maybe the real reason is the low level of the americans, the rest of the teams were well prepared, it was very difficult to win, our main competitor china
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was present at the olympics, this year we have become one step closer to it, we even managed many get ahead of the guys, there are only two chinese ahead of me, the gap is less than a point... it’s a shame, but i’m pleased with myself, i gave it my best. now the guys can rest a little, they plan to spend august with their families, and then their studies at the institute will begin, all five of you... well, next on air is a documentary about the most precious metal, who works in the gold room of krasnoyarsk, how much ore needs to be processed for one ingot, why do the fishers hide their faces? all the answers in the film are gold, watch it right after short advertisement. enjoy rolls from
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regimes are born and die, states appear and disappear, currencies are introduced, currencies depreciate, but there is something that will never change, this is gold, they say it is highly liquid, which means no matter what happens, gold will always be expensive, liquid from the latin word flowing liquid, hundreds and thousands of years and... exactly gold, the most ductile metal, flows through the arteries of our world, protecting us from a variety of troubles, from the consequences of financial crises, from radiation, even from dangerous diseases. and extinction, and at all times there was and is nothing more reliable than good old gold, this is the golden room, 2 tons of gold, in monetary terms it’s 13 billion rubles. over the course of a year, 199 tons of gold passed through this room,
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which is 60% of russian gold. gold contains so many unknowns, if we especially hide it, look at its structure, the story of his life is revealed. the nature of the surface of each piece of gold is different, smooth, rough, with stripes, among millions of pieces of gold there are no two identical, they are all different, humanity urgently needs something to be reliable, that something is gold, gold will remain that metal , which... the country, the state, the people will always need, my name is nazar shitenin, i am a private investor, an employee of industry and finance, gold, yes, i think that there is nothing more liquid, the product is so super-liquid that - there with a minimum
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at a discount, your gold coin, even under sanctions, will end up somewhere in argentina in... literally a week there, this, well , this is an absolute product, if - absolutely everything, everyone, everyone just goes out into the street with their gold now and says, buy it, and it will also be sold, it’s just that its price will, well , tend downwards, because simply the volume of supply will be unexpectedly large, but the fact that it will be sold, there are no questions anymore , watermelon, uh, yes, who has a plane, here’s a plane, a plane for you, and for you, i want like... a pig and an umbrella who has oh mom damn umbrella and you are forbidden to talk about gold, you can’t talk about gold at all, you can’t do everything that is at work stays at work than people secret information security no no no they talk about gold you work with gold i say this gold i can’t look at it my
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hands are all black from it so now to i'm fine with gold. the place where we are is called the autoclave oxidation department, an autoclave is a horizontal vessel, very complex chemical processes take place in it, that is... the gold is directly opened, that is, gold is freed from those impurities that are contained in the original cheese, which prevent it from being extracted, but in general the gold itself ends up in the autoclave in the form of a photoconcentrate, to put it roughly, it is sand, very fine sand, for the common man it is just
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conditionally earth, that is, an ordinary person will not understand, this is a gray land. gold is extracted in the process of sortal leaching, all the chemistry, all the magic happens there, that is, gold, as if it were, and then it dissolves, as if it were not there, that is, most of the people working on it i just don’t see the plant, at first it seemed to me that this was some kind of social experiment on how gullible people are. as one of my friends told me, they carry some kind of dirt to you and you get gold from it. all precious metals have special value under state supervision. after all, we have so many departments monitoring the fractal metals industry, we have the assay office, the ministry of finance, there is
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state security, that is, of course, this is one of the most regulated, the state has done a super, you know, the final one. maybe cleaning and bringing to transparency over the past 2 years through this system of electronic accounting of the entire movement of fractals along the entire chain, this has practically brought 99% of the entire industry to the surface. the state sees the entire movement of gold in its essence from mining in a quarry to the moment when it leaves the country at absolutely all stages. gold is everywhere, in the chair on which i sit, in my body there is also a certain amount of gold atoms. in a scattered manner.
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man saw it as one of the first metals, he found it in streams, in a nugget, it was processed quite well, that is, it could be unforged, it could even be melted on a fire there on coals, it does not oxidize, it shines, so in the beginning it became simply a rare precious thing, and then it became a monetary equivalent. amursk is a city in the khabarovsk territory, population less than 40 thousand people. in the nineties, the city, like hundreds
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of others like it, slowly died, but in the tenth years of the 21st century gold appeared in amursk, and with it hundreds of jobs. opened hydrometallurgical plant. and the mmc is engaged in gold processing.
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to make this power, let’s say, even more useful for us, so we direct many universities in the far east to prioritize mining, the autoclave was made in belgium, it was transported here by sea, it passed through the suede strait, passed by somali pirates, in its length is 50 m. its volume is a full 1,100 cubic meters, the gold industry has never seen such a scale, in this autoclave there will be a recovery
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of 98 percent or more, it is unique the result, this has not yet been achieved in the world, what metrics need to be kept in mind in order to make a decision whether to invest in gold bullock or not, you can look, for example, at the extraction percentage, that is , how many... for one ton i will get grams gold, when you come to real production, and you are an investor, you try to pay attention, frankly, to the quality of assets, if this is all a soviet legacy, then there will either be some kind of, unfortunately, man-made disaster, or simply, if you are good you predict it will be necessary stop production, it will be necessary to restore all this, but you wouldn’t want to, i think that any private investor, imagining an investment object, imagines such a beautiful, well-groomed... this is the most vivid image - this is the kitchen, yes, where is everything the plant is a procurement workshop,
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today we will prepare hodgepodge, let's start with vegetables, let's say, since this hot concentrate has arrived, we begin to unpack it, before it falls into the technological process, we throw it all into a barrel, where we mix it all, add fire, so that our... mixture has the right conditions, add oil, respectively water, so that it all mixes, the gold goes into the autoclad, it is mixed with water, allspice for the taste of the smell, and laurel, thick water autoclad, thick-walled, metal, high, just closed, everything is seething, boiling, now we will pour accordingly, gold is poured in the melting pot, and we will pour the soup. when i saw this substance, i thought, where is the gold, what is the dirt, what should i do with it?
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throw it away? you take this small box, it ’s quite weighty, you understand that it’s not dirt, it’s metal, and it’s gold, and this box, it could provide for you for the rest of your life, and it would also be left for your grandchildren, unlike the diamond of the mine, it’s - for real, pulling out grams from hundreds of thousands of tons of ore, rock, is a big deal. when you work with gold, there is a special regime of access to the smelter, you first need to go through, strip down to your panties, and the girls in dressing gowns look at you in the same way, with a metal detector, that you have nothing with you you bring it, all the jewelry is gold, the earrings remain at the checkpoint, when you are already leaving, you need to rinse your mouth, because there is
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a story that, well... gold smelting takes place here, on average three to four times a week, at our factory this the most closed place, i’m wearing a mask, because... company rules, they shouldn’t know me by sight, about my work, we’re forbidden to talk, we’re also forbidden to say our name, it’s all for the sake of safety, well, the danger can be different, all sorts of people are watching, security at any gold mining enterprises of the world are treated with a special third.
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at the central geological prospecting institute of non-ferrous and precious metals they created a unique database of gold samples, in fact it is similar to a database of human fingerprints and also...
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we can say that this is alluvial gold, that is, extracted, most likely from a watercourse or, say so, the gold lived, most likely somewhere, this is siberia, most likely, or the magadan region, we must not be mistaken, our results depend on our results, this is where
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fate can depend. man, right call the study of gold typomorphism, part of the methodology is used directly by the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb. the story was so loud that they decided to accuse the owner of artel of embezzlement and concealment of a large amount of gold. our experts carried out all the research so accurately. having checked this with our database, it gave the result literally to the area where this gold was located, this is where it was mined, it saved a man’s life, simply because, well, not only was he not imprisoned, but he had not yet gone bankrupt i think this is a great happiness for
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