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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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in the volgograd region, 10 train cars that were not damaged as a result of the accident departed. destination along with passengers, this was reported at the regional operational headquarters. heavy equipment is working at the site where part of the train left the flights. according to russian railways, it is necessary to restore about 300 m of the track and the contact network. during the day, the kazan adler train collided with a kamaz at a crossing. more than 100 people sought medical help; three seriously injured people were flown to volgograd by helicopter. he will tell you what happened immediately after the accident. evgenia petrukhina. the driver applied
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the emergency brake, but the truck that had flown onto the rails was too close. here he got his face blown off. kotelnikov farm , volgograd region - these are the first comments from eyewitnesses, drivers who were letting the train pass at the railway crossing at the time of the accident. look what a nightmare it is. this is our move to the kotelnikovo village. look, the train, people's carriages. here are the passengers, who are trying to get out of the carriages. trains, those who managed to help the others climb out through the windows, got off the train, nine the first cars, here the kamaz just drove in, we were in this one, but it overturned, we were already knocking it out of the window from above, emergency medical teams are working quickly in the field, 813 people, many children, were traveling south on the kazan-adler train , some, judging by these cups , were returning from competitions, now we’ll gather the girls, so things. were able to get out
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on their own and even pulled out their suitcases, these are passengers who, by luck , were not traveling in the first nine cars of the kazan-adler train, the guys have arrived, we have a train overturned, we are alive and well, our lucky carriage remained unturned, several people are trying to overturn the cab of the truck, probably to help the driver get out, who, apparently miraculously , remained alive, in these frames the one who was apparently driving that same truck ... the man was hospitalized; russian railways stated that the train was moving at a speed of 65 km/h at the time of the accident. the kamaz driver grossly violated traffic rules and drove onto a railway crossing during a prohibited signal in front of a nearby train. investigators of the volgograd transport investigation department, the western interregional transport investigation department, and the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case based on the crime provided for in article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation .
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any medical assistance is provided to us. the governor of the region, andrei bachurov, spoke with the passengers of the train. at the scene of the accident, he held a meeting of the operational headquarters and set tasks for emergency services specialists. a today we walked around all the passengers, everyone expressed their desire to continue moving towards adler. we will begin to take things out of each carriage, put them in the established legal order, and directly hand them over to passengers under the guidance of russian railways specialists, we work together with them.
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the center group of troops liberated the village of volchiv dpr. the ministry of defense was informed about this. control over this and neighboring settlements allows you to develop an offensive against one of the major areas. egor grigoriev. calculation of a self-propelled artillery installation has already entered the coordinates into the automated fire guidance control system. therefore, there was almost no preparation of the weapon for battle. m100s shells will reach the enemy even from the most fortified positions. the militants are constantly digging real holes, combining them with the basements of buildings. high-precision ammunition krasnopol hits an american -made abrams tank, the ukrainian armed forces vehicle is destroyed, the artillery of the troop center group helps the infantry advance in the donetsk people's republic. our fighters liberated the village of volchie and this is already the fourth village in 3 days. before this, the center group
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took control of lazovacke, evgenovka and progress. the ukrainian armed forces are withdrawing from the first line of their fortifications in the area of ​​the slavyansk-kramatorsk agglomeration in the dpr. the. today our troops have the opportunity to maneuver in different directions, pulling apart the enemy and knocking him out of all positions where he has been sitting for a long time. almost 30 km to the enemy, a fiery hurricane is approaching his position. the uragan rszzo package consists of 16 shells; the crew of the launcher of the north group of troops sent them to temporary deployment points.
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anti-aircraft gunners from the west group of forces destroyed a portuguese-made reconnaissance drone of the armed forces of ukraine. he collected the coordinates of the location of our units. the enemy has been trying to be cunning lately, sending false targets, creating interference. interference like weather umbrellas in a swarm of 15-20 pieces. false interference, such as balloons, fly at an altitude of about 4 km. with the forces of the west group , the enemy lost up to 480 troops in just one day. the vostok group inflicted losses on the ukrainian armed forces of 130 people, and in the south up to 570 militants without return and medical losses.
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in dnepr, up to 85 military personnel in the ssu lost infantry fighting vehicles, gaubets, and self-propelled guns, including american and european production. on mission, our supersonic fighter-bombers send warm greetings to the kharkov airfield. reconnaissance discovered two radar stations at once. the ukrainian armed forces clearly tried to disguise them. guided missiles destroy radars. our fas are sent to the temporary deployment point in isa. aircraft bombs with a universal module for planning and correction within a day by aviation, uavs, artillery, and missiles. troops hit accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 127 regions. egor grigoriev, ivan kuznetsov, anastasia klimkova. news. receipts to the budget of the donetsk people's republic this year will increase by a third, the average salary has already increased by almost
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40%. the head of the dpr denis pushiliin told vladimir putin about how, under the conditions of a special operation, the region is actively integrating into the all-russian system of economics and industry. details from andrey grigoriev: for the donetsk people's republic, the most important thing now is to improve the well-being of the population by raising it at least to the national level. the president sets this task for the leadership of the region. nevertheless, there are always many questions. there are already certain achievements, and budget revenues can typically indicate this, if for the past year. 54 billion was received, today we can say that already in the first half of the year the budget received almost 33 billion, a good growth of 30%, accordingly, of course, we recorded an increase in the average salary of almost 40%, this amounts to 49,600 rubles. we plan by the end
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of the year, well, let’s just say that we see that the salary the average should rise to 54,100 rubles. the dpr is rapidly transforming. appeared in the key coal industry for the republic at the komsome mine from donbass.
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the largest in the region. first, new equipment appeared, and then a record hundred millionth ton of coal was mined. since the beginning of the year , four industrial enterprises have been launched, and 15 more are planned in the region, which for many years practically no one has been involved in. a real economic take-off, they are going to work on a tourist destination. the azov shores have a good climate for recreation. a strategy for the development of the water area until 2040 is already being developed, there are some topics, some problems that require our special attention, over 27% of the housing stock in the republic are emergency housing, unfortunately, everything is connected with military operations, and simply with the fact that that for many years, for decades, maybe in previous times they did not pay due attention to this, this is the first, second,
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viktor orban represented hungary, not the european union. szijjarta called it not very reasonable to talk about isolating a country that is the only one in europe capable of maintaining connection from east to west. let me remind you that relations between budapest and warsaw deteriorated after orban visited russia and china. hungarian on saturday. the prime minister also accused the poles of hypocrisy. according to orban , while criticizing budapest, warsaw continues to do
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business with moscow. the polish foreign ministry was once again offended and advised hungary to leave the european union and nato to create an alliance with russia. the us president has promised to push through congress his initiatives to reform the supreme court. “i will find a way,” biden said upon arriving in texas. so the head of white at home responded to criticism from outside. johnson wrote on his social networks that the proposed changes will give the american people faith in the justice system. the speaker promised that such constitutional amendments would not pass through the lower house of congress. let me remind you that biden proposed stripping former heads of state of immunity from prosecution. previously, the supreme court, where the majority of republican representatives provided trump with such partial protection. members. courts serve for life, biden calls for limiting the term to 18 years, as well as
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introduce a code of ethics and early dismissal for violations. the new democratic presidential candidate kamala haris supported the initiatives of her boss. the chief of the new york news bureau, valentin bogdanov, is monitoring the election struggle in the united states. freed from the burden of the election campaign, the bidens stopped being shy altogether. unlucky. moreover, 66% of translations were made by those who do it for the first time. vice president kamala haris
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raised $200 million in her first week as a 2024 presidential candidate, which highlights the surge in enthusiasm among democrats for their new presumptive nominee. after biden stepped aside, his ratings also increased. here, of course, you need to be careful; the ratings themselves in america have also long ago turned into a propaganda tool. an abc news poll, for example, notes that harris's approval increased from 35 to 42%, while the number of people dissatisfied with her activities, on the contrary, fell by 4%. vanga.
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come back from summer vacation, and then they start to really think about what this race really means, and what it means for america is much more than just a battle of political platforms or characters, in a divided country, every election is now an existential choice. under president trump, we had stable prices for all 4 years. the economy was growing, peace and stability reigned in the world, under biden and harris everything went wrong, with harris everything will be even worse, kamela harris is a dangerous liberal, against her background biden looks competent and reserved, so dangerous that according to elon musk, harris represents a threat not only to americans, for the whole world. shamla advocates extinction; a natural continuation of her
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philosophy would be a virtual holocaust for all humanity. musk recalled the words of kharis.
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harris got it naturally; trump called her a marxist prosecutor and made a prediction in case she wins. the presidency of kamela haris means 4 more years of extremism, chaos, failures of a possible third world war, i really think so. in order to go to the people, trump now has jady
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vance, along with his family, a candidate for vice-presidents in the town looked in. to a local diner, how are you guys, what a wonderful team you have, how are you, things are not very good, they are tormented by inflation and rising prices, said the owners of a family diner, who hope that biden will be replaced in the white house by trump, and then to them will look in, which means that when you win, you will return as trump, yes, that’s right, we will return, jady vensa is doing everything to appear as trump’s most loyal ally, but the liberal press is always looking for new ones.
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in full swing, among those who offer themselves and secretary of transportation pete buttigieg. butedzic is openly gay, he motivates the liberal electorate, but he can scare away those who are undecided. in the most favorable way, voters perceive mark kelly, a former astronaut and current senator from arizona, as harris' companion. according to rumors , obama saw mark kelly as a replacement for biden, but it did not happen. the main advantage of the candidacy of a military pilot who participated in operation storm... is that he can counterbalance the too liberal kharis by collecting votes from moderate voters, that is, the most valuable, and this is not vence, who is simply called more... venezuela is recalling its diplomats from argentina, the dominican republic,
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costa rica, panama, peru, chile and uruguay, these countries refuse to recognize the results of the presidential elections. the national electoral council of venezuela on monday presented the current head of state, nicolás madura, with a document confirming his election for the next term. opposition. demands a recount of votes. at her call , protesters blocked several streets in the center of caracos. the police used tear gas, arrests reported. oppositionists are also tearing down posters depicting maduro. he announced that american imperialism, with the help of far-right fascist groups, is trying to organize a coup in venezuela. uralkali's net profit in the first half of the year increased tenfold, first of all. due to the growth in the export of fertilizers, where russia supplies them, dmitry morocco knows. russian fertilizer producers are increasing production volumes and revenues due to growing
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demand in the global market. about it this is evidenced, in particular, by the financial indicators of ural-kaliy. in the first half of the year , the company’s net profit jumped tens of times, amounting to 40.5 billion rubles. total revenue is more than 122 billion. this is 15% higher than a year earlier. the total volume of fertilizer output from russian producers in the first half of the year increased by more than 14 percent and amounted to 14 million tons. in june, growth was almost 5.5%. the fact that uralsaali is now announcing a sharp increase, a multiple increase in profits, is the result of both the company’s successful activities and the result of some kind of low base effect twenty-second year. in particular, many companies are currently returning. profitability and market share to normal levels, including rut fertilizers, including producers of rut fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizers and phosphate fertilizers , also due to production reaching
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the design level. russia is the world's largest exporter of fertilizers, with india, brazil and the usa among the main buyers. the latter are actively increasing purchases this year, since sanctions do not apply to fertilizers. china in the first half of the year increased imports of fertilizers from russia by 20%, in terms of value, the volume of supplies reached a record. amount of 764 million dollars. european countries are also increasing imports. from january to may, russia sent almost 2 million tons of fertilizers to the eu. in monetary terms, turnover increased by a third and amounted to more than 649 million euros. almost a quarter of the total volume was purchased by poland, other major importers, france, germany and italy. as for nitrogen and rut fertilizers, china is one of the largest importers. moreover, quite major importers are the maghreb countries. north africa and the middle east, if we are talking about russian export routes, and here most likely the situation will not change much, i think that income from exports
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of russian manufacturers in these areas should increase by about 15-20% by the end of this year. despite calls to reduce dependence on russian supplies, which are constantly heard in the media, eu countries continue to increase imports of fertilizers, for them it is more profitable than purchasing products own producers. the european chemical industry was forced to reduce production volumes and raise prices due to the high cost of gas, which jumped due to a sharp reduction in pipeline supplies from russia. today it is at the level of $370 per thousand cubic meters. indeed, the production of fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones, where gas is directly involved in the technology, at the current price level in the european union.
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they are trying to create a god, as mark zuckerberg described the strategies of the company's competitors, who develop artificial intelligence tools. the head of meta, banned in russia, is actively promoting his new product of a similar nature, but with open source code. what does this mean, zenaida kurbatova found out. mark zuckerberg said he could help hundreds of millions of small businesses around the world. the help lies in the fact that it offers to unload them, with one click an
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artificial intelligence agent is created. you can create an agent who can engage in sales, communicate with all clients, this will be included in abihod, just like email, website and social media presence. i believe every business will have such an agent. we want to make this accessible to everyone. there will be millions, billions of such agents etc. and all this after bloomberg announced that the artificial intelligence hype had failed. investments in this technology do not pay off. investors are losing interest, too. the s&p-500 is sure to burst last year. indeed, the reporting of metto, a company banned in russia, suggests that the costs of developing these technologies are high, the situation is frozen and investors are optimistic.
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has decreased, but experts believe this is a temporary phenomenon. the same story happened with the use of internet technologies in the early 2000s, it is very premature to say that aihype is over, yes, that is , the technology itself, it certainly has its uses, it’s just possible that it will take a little more time, more expenses, but in the long term it seems that ai can really change the economy a lot, i understand, change the company's business. and bring great, bring additional greater efficiency. in fact, we are already dealing with artificial intelligence agents. these are not exactly the technologies that zuckerberg is talking about, but they are already familiar: chatbots, robots that call us supposedly from companies and banks, they not only leave people of certain professions unemployed, but with their help crimes are committed, and more. neurocity already draws and takes photographs and writes stories, all in a fraction of a second.
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a possible appearance is now being discussed in russia. the emergence of artificial world order agents everywhere will not even happen in the long term, the most powerful change in intelligence that mark zuckerberg extols, but when virtual reality helmets become cheap, then experts believe that real live communication will be available only to the rich. zenaida kurubatova. news.
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in intelligence, people serve not even physically, but simply stronger in spirit, the speckled beret is a symbol, but i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should follow it. it can’t be worse, it can be better, that’s the motto we had always in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law:
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shoot first. competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation: tension was raised within america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. bring out russian digital solutions. to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials, exports, what is our product?


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