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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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in the volgograd region, nine train cars that were not damaged as a result of the accident went to their destination along with the passengers. this was reported at the regional operational headquarters. heavy equipment is working at the place where the wagon gunners got off; according to russian railways, it is necessary to restore about 300 m of the track and the contact network. during the day, the kazan-adler train collided with a kamaz at a crossing. more than 100 people sought medical help, three seriously injured were transported by helicopter to volgograd. what happened literally in the first minutes after accident, evgenia petrukhina will tell you. the driver exchanged the extra.
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get out on their own and even pulled out their suitcases, these are passengers who, by a lucky coincidence, were not traveling in the first nine cars of the kazan-adler train, the guys arrived, our train overturned, we are alive and well, our lucky car remained unoverturned, several people are trying to overturn the cab of the truck, probably to help the driver get out, who, apparently, miraculously survived, in these frames the one who apparently was driving the same one truck, the man was hospitalized, they said that the train was moving at a speed of 65 km/h at the time of the accident. the kamaz driver grossly violated traffic rules and drove onto a railway crossing during a prohibited signal in front of a nearby train. investigators of the volgograd investigative case on transport of the western interregional investigation department on transport, investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under article 263 criminal code of the russian federation. passengers trapped in overturned carriages are evacuated by employees. emergency situation: footage of
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emergency rescue operations, here is the situation inside the train, things, food are scattered, those who do not require hospitalization are invited to temporary accommodation centers. counter-distribution, go to the buses, we were on our way to train 421, after the departure the ambulances came for us, the buses arrived, the administration placed us in a kindergarten, here everyone feeds us, takes care of everyone, in general, any medical care, everything is provided to us. with the governor of the region, andrei bachurov, spoke with train passengers. at the scene of the accident, he held a meeting of the operational headquarters and set tasks for emergency services specialists. and today we went around all the passengers, everyone expressed a desire to continue moving towards adler. we are starting to take things out of each carriage, put them in the established legal order, and directly hand them over to passengers under the guidance of russian railways specialists; we are working together with them to completely clear all the tracks.
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krasnopol supply hits an abrams tank american made. the ukrainian armed forces vehicle was destroyed. the artillery and troop groups at the center are helping the infantry advance in the donetsk people's republic with the help of our fighters. the village of volchye was liberated and this was the fourth village in 3 days; before that , the center group took control of lozovatskoye, evgenovka and progress. the ukrainian armed forces are withdrawing from the first line of their fortifications in the area of ​​the slavyansk-kramatorsk agglomeration in the dpr, according to special forces commander akhmat aptial. today our troops have the opportunity to maneuver in different directions, pulling the enemy apart and knocking him out of all positions where he has been sitting for a long time. almost 30 km to the enemy, a fiery hurricane is approaching his position. the uragan rszzo package consists of 16 shells; the crew of the launcher of the north group of forces sent them to the temporary deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine in
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the kharkov region. we hit hard, we hit specifically, it won’t be good for the enemy. during the day, in the zone of responsibility of the north group of forces, the enemy lost over 220 military personnel. two tanks, an armored vehicle, self-propelled guns, guns and howitzers, the sky above our positions under strong air defense protection. the tor m2 air defense system rolls out for a combat mission, after a few minutes it is already scanning the airspace, powerful anti-missiles will not let in either aviation, or bypyl, or the winged stormshadow, or fast-flying hymers shells. anti-aircraft gunners from the west group of troops destroyed a reconnaissance drone.
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in dnepr, up to 85 military personnel in the ssu lost infantry fighting vehicles, gunships, and self-propelled guns, including american and european production. on mission, our supersonic fighter-bombers send warm greetings to the kharkov airfield. reconnaissance discovered two radar stations at once, the ssu clearly tried to camouflage them near...
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the dnepr group of troops destroyed two american m777 howitzers, a rap station, and two field ammunition depots in one day. four ukrainian brigades came under attack. our military is monitoring the movement of the enemy on the right bank of the dnieper using drones, as mikhail andronik saw as this happens. in a dense forest on the banks of the dnieper , the artillery of the arctic brigade is firing at the fury from which the militants of the kiev regime unloading weapons and... supplies, shot, the width of the dnieper in the delta is about 9 km, work effectively from a safe distance, only long-range guns, like a towed geocide, can work here. one more shot and the trailer is on fire. we reach the shore and
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work further inland, there are certain places where they hide, are in shelters, we destroy these shelters. there is an enemy on this sector of the front. he is afraid to bring his guns into the zone of destruction of our artillery, he knows that they will be destroyed, he works with kamikaze drones, but ours are not here from him behind. operators fly out two drones simultaneously, one hits the target, the second finishes it off. transport of militants, radar stations and all kinds of antennas, everything that our operators manage to detect is immediately destroyed. just one of the cases: reconnaissance brigade, which operates as part of the dnieper group of troops. or a suspicious car that drove up to the coastline at night, when two people confidently got out of it, proceeded through enemy minefields to the water, comikat drones for the northerners were already ready, the swimmers walked across the water towards the left bank at high speed, clearly using technical means, and accordingly
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, the decision was made to hit immediately, since it was unlikely that they swam to surrender there for 14 km, what purpose they were pursuing is not clear specifically, well, according to them one of their pivedrons was worked out. the target was hit, and as a result, both divers remained in the dnieper. another feature of the fighting in the dnieper delta is that due to the large distances, commercial quadcopters are useless here, as are kamika drone crews. work in tandem with wing-type drones. training of the sniper pair of the arctic brigade, their tasks here are also very specific, different from the work of snipers in other areas. at the moment , the unit is carrying out tasks to detect ethereal enemy vehicles, and , if possible, to destroy them, it conducts reconnaissance at the observation posts of the brigade unit, and that’s strengthening it. subsequently motorized rifle units, including due to the fact that in the units of arctic wolves, as they
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they call themselves, adapted to this method of conducting combat operations at long distances, the enemy was forced to withdraw his artillery and begin to create a line of defense not on the banks of the dnieper, in the steppes near nikolaev. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct the kherson region. humanity has lived on earth for 8 million years, all this time the world around us is constantly changing, regimes are born and die, states appear and disappear, currencies are introduced, currencies depreciate, but there is something that will never change, this is gold, about it they say it is highly liquid, which means that no matter what happens, gold will always be expensive. from the latin word liquid flowing, hundreds and thousands of years, it is
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gold, the most ductile metal, that flows through the arteries of our world, protecting us from a variety of troubles, from the consequences of financial crises, from radiation, even from dangerous diseases and extinction, and at all times there was and is nothing more reliable than good old gold. this is a gold room, 2 tons of gold, in monetary terms it is 13 billion rubles. 199 tons of gold passed through this room in a year, this is 60% of russian gold, gold in itself is worth so much unknown, if we especially hide it, look at its structure, the history of its life, the nature of the surface of each one is revealed.
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gold, yes, i think that there is nothing more liquid, the product is so super-liquid that with a minimal discount, your gold bar, even under sanctions, will end up somewhere in argentina in literally a week, this is, well, this is an absolute product, if absolutely everything is everyone will just go out into the street now with their gold and say buy it, it will be there too sold, it’s just that its price will be well...
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i can’t, my hands are all black from it, so now i’m calm about gold, wait, wait, vadima, now you’ll be there, down there, look, over there, uh-huh. the place where we are is called the autoclaun
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oxidation department. this is a horizontal vessel, very complex chemical processes take place in it. that is, the gold is directly opened in it, that is, the gold is freed from those impurities contained in the original cheese, which prevent it from being extracted. in general itself gold ends up in the autoclave in the form of a photoconcentrate; to put it roughly, it’s sand, very fine sand, for the common man this is just a convention.
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at first it seemed to me that this was some kind of social experiment based on how gullible people are, as one of my friends told me, they carry some kind of dirt to you and you get gold from it. all precious metals have a special value; supervision by the state, we have so many departments that monitor the metals industry, we have the assay office, the ministry of finance, there state security, that is, of course, this is one of... the most regulated, the state has done a super, you know, the final, probably, cleanup and promotion of transparency over the past 2 years with the set of this system of electronic accounting of the entire movement of fractal metals along the entire chain, this practically brought to the surface well, 99% of the entire industry, the state sees the entire movement
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of gold in its essence from mining in a quarry until the moment when it leaves the country at... absolutely, as it were, stages, gold is everywhere, in the chair on which i'm sitting in my body there is also a certain amount of gold atoms, in a dispersed form, that is, it is everywhere, in any object, in these meteorites and the photosphere, the gold content is two orders of magnitude higher than in the earth’s crust, where does it even come from on earth? gold came. there are many theories about this. one of the most popular is about the cosmic origin of gold. many scientists believe that it, like other heavy metals, was formed as a result of the destruction of neutron stars. and that is why it has spread so widely across the planet. tiny particles are present almost everywhere. man saw it as one of the first
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metals. he found it in streams. nuggets, it was processed quite well, that is, it could be unforged, it could even be melted on a fire over the coals, it does not oxidize, it shines, so at first it became simply a rare precious item, and then it became a monetary equivalent. amursk is a city in the khabarovsk territory, population less than 40 thousand people. in the nineties the city. like hundreds of others like him slowly died, but in the tenth years in the 20th century, gold appeared in amursk, with it hundreds of jobs, a hydrometallurgical plant was opened, and agmk is processing gold concentrate mined at the albazino deposit. here , for the first time in russia, they began to extract gold from
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concentrate in a special autoclave. it is environmentally friendly and efficient. when it all started, there were no enterprises in russia that used this technology, there were less environmentally friendly and cheaper technologies, they said that this technology would not take root in russia, that it would not specialists who can launch it, maintain it, design it, there is no equipment in russia that can handle this technology, we got that this technology works, we...
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the autoclave was made in belgium, we transported it here by sea, it passed suede strait, passed by somali pirates, it is 50 m long, its volume is a full 1100 cubic meters, the gold industry has never seen such a scale, in this autoclay there will be a recovery of 98 percent or more, this is... a unique result, this has not yet been achieved in the world, what metrics need to be kept in mind in order to make a decision whether to invest in gold mining or not, you can look - for example, the recovery percentage, that is, how many grams of gold per ton will i get when you arrive on real production, and you are
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an investor, you are trying to pay attention, frankly, to the quality of assets, if this is all a soviet legacy, then there will either be some kind of, unfortunately, man-made disaster, or simply, if you forecast well, it will be necessary to stop production, it will be necessary to restore all this, but you would n’t want to, i think anyone would. investor, i imagine an investment object, i imagine such a beautiful, well-kept plant. the most striking image is the kitchen, yes, where the entire plant is a procurement workshop. today we will prepare hodgepodge. let's start with vegetables, let's say, the way the flotation concentrate arrived, we begin to unpack it, before the technological process falls out. we throw all this into a barrel, where everything is. mix, add fire, so that our mixture is in the right condition, we add butter, respectively water, so that it all mixes, but
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it ends up in the autoclad, it is mixed with water, allspice for the taste of the smell, and laurel, this is pure autoclad, thick-walled, metal, high heater, closed, everything is seething there, boiling, now we will pour accordingly, gold is poured in the smelter, and we will pour it. bitch, when i saw this substance, i thought, where is the gold, what is dirt, do something with it, you need to throw it away, take this small box like this it weighs enough, you understand that it’s not dirt, it’s metal, and it’s gold, and it could provide you with this box for the rest of your life, and it would also be left for your grandchildren. unlike diamond mining, this is actually pulling out grams from hundreds of thousands of tons of ore, rock, this is a big deal, when you work with
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gold, there is a special regime for access to the smelter, you first need to go through, strip down to your panties, and the girls are in bathrobes . in the same way, a metal detector comes in and they inspect you to make sure you’re not bringing anything with you, all the jewelry is selgi gold they remain at the checkpoint, when you are already leaving, you need to rinse your mouth, because there is a story that, well, at other enterprises there are such craftsmen, they sometimes carry gold in their mouths, noses, shavings. gold smelting takes place here, on average three to four times a week,
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in our plant this is the most closed place, i’m wearing a mask, because according to the company’s rules, they shouldn’t know me by sight, we’re not allowed to talk about my work, and my name is also forbidden to say, all for the sake of safety. the danger can be different, all sorts of people look to security at any gold mining enterprise in the world is treated with special trepidation, because no other metal has pushed so many people to commit crimes, which is why in the main gold mine of the country, the tsnigri have been engaged in not only... work, but also investigations for many years. the central geological prospecting institute for non-ferrous and precious metals has created a unique database
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of gold samples. essentially, it's like a database of human fingerprints, and just like fingerprints, they can sometimes help find criminal or acquit the innocent. unique collected material that has been analyzed for more than a thousand. alluvial objects and 100 approximately thirty ore objects, and this resulted in a large database that no one else in the world has, well, to say that we are sherlock holmes, well, somewhere, probably, it is possible, yes, to dig up, but what what is important to us in this situation and what do we even see in this gold? our work is probably in some ways similar to the work of a criminologist, to be honest, they often catch crooks who are somewhere.
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the fate of a person may depend on our results, it is correct to call the study of gold typomorphism, part of the methodology is used directly by the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb. the story was so loud that they decided to accuse the owner of artel of embezzlement and concealment of a large amount of gold. our experts. we carried out
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all the research so accurately, checking it with our database, that it gave the result literally to the area where this gold was located, this is where it was mined, it saved a person’s life, simply because, well, not only that he wasn’t imprisoned, his business hasn’t gone bankrupt yet, i think it’s big. happiness for everyone melts at a temperature of 1050 plus or minus 50-100° and turns into metal; in addition to gold, there are impurities, silver, copper, and iron . i have been smelting gold
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for more than 12 years, i have probably melted 70 tons, maybe even more, well, gold for me is my job, my life already.
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write, and if there is an error somewhere, somewhere in the calculations, you need to re-weigh it all, so gold is such, you know, a specific substance that is not always brings joy to the sight of him. here is this ingot, they are packaged and then sent to the finishing factory, where the gold is separated from the accompanying elements, in fact, it is a banking product, which is then... sold there in the bank, well , i won’t tell you exactly what its fate is, come here, dad, you dad, correct it like this and wait, here, look, here, people who are not associated with gold, for them it is something connected with jewelry, with luxury, with wealth, engagement , which i don't wear, here everything is gold, here is our gold, here it is, here it is,
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everything. imprint, when you tinker with gold so much, you understand that this is quite a labor-intensive process, so i treat gold absolutely coldly, for me it is not something, say, a sign of luxury, it is just metal, since we have instability ahead and since many still have not realized that the disintegration of the world into macro-regions, the disintegration of single global markets into pieces. this is not someone’s whim, this is not someone ’s evil intent, this is objective, objective inevitability, this is an objective process, the level of destabilization will increase sharply not only due to objective reasons, but due to subjective hysterics, accordingly gold will rise in price, but the desire to save their money will reliably remain among people, the government, and corporations, and accordingly the demand for gold will continue to increase .


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