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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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in the volgograd region, nine train cars, which were not damaged as a result of the accident, went to their destination along with...
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emergency braking, but the truck that flew onto the rails was too close, so it hit the face with the many huter of the kotelniks of the volgograd region - these are the first comments of eyewitnesses , drivers who were allowing the train to pass at the railway crossing at the time of the accident. look, what a nightmare, this is our crossing, putar kotelnikovo, look, the train is loaded with cars. here are the passengers, who are trying to get out of the carriages trains, those who managed to help. the rest got out through the windows, got off the train, the first nine cars were here, the kamaz just drove in, we were in it, but it turned over, we were already knocking out the window from above, emergency medical teams are working quickly in the field, on the kazan train adler, 813 people were traveling south, many children, some, judging by these cups, were returning to the competition, now the girls will gather the children, so there are things, let’s have a man help. were able to get out
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on their own and even pulled out their suitcases, this passengers who, by luck , were not traveling in the first nine carriages of the kazan-adler train, the guys arrived, our train overturned, we are alive and well, our lucky carriage remained unoverturned. several people are trying to overturn the cab of the truck, probably to help get out the driver, who, apparently, miraculously survived. in these frames, the one who, apparently, was driving that same truck. the man was hospitalized. russian railways stated that the train was moving at a speed of 65 km/h at the time of the accident. kamaz driver is rude violated traffic rules and drove onto a railway crossing during a prohibited signal in front of a nearby train. investigators of the volgograd investigative case on transport of the western interregional investigation department on transport of the investigative committee of the russian federation opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for in article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. passengers trapped in overturned carriages are evacuated. employees
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of the ministry of emergency situations, personnel of emergency rescue operations, here the situation inside the train, things and food are scattered, those who do not require hospitalization are invited to temporary accommodation centers. go to the buses. we were on our way to train 491, after getting off , ambulances came for us, buses arrived, the administration put us in a kindergarten, here everyone feeds us, gives us beds, everyone, in general, any medical care, everything is okay for us. governor of the region andrei bachurov spoke with the passengers of the train, at the scene of the accident he held a meeting of the operational headquarters, set tasks for emergency services specialists, and today we walked around all the passengers, everyone expressed a desire to continue moving towards adler. we will begin to remove things from each carriage, put them in the manner prescribed by law, and directly hand them over to passengers, under the guidance of russian railways specialists, we are working together with them to free everything completely. paths from the cars, well
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, then we’ll have to organize traffic along our double-track track, to promptly inform the victims and their loved ones, the ministry of emergency situations and russian railways have opened help hotlines, passengers will be taken out by a reserve train. evgenia petrukhin, andrey sapegin. news. the center group of troops liberated the village of volchiye in the dpr. the ministry of defense was informed about this. control over this and neighboring settlements makes it possible to develop an offensive against one of...
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eastern ammunition krasnopol hits an american-made abrams tank, the ukrainian armed forces vehicle is destroyed. the artillery group of troops in the center is helping the infantry advance in the donetsk people's republic, with our forces. poytsov, the village of volchye was liberated and this is the fourth village in 3 days. before after this, the center group took control of lazovadskaya, evgenovka and progress. the ukrainian armed forces are withdrawing from the first line of their fortifications in the area of ​​the slavyansk-kramatorsk agglomeration, in the dpr, according to special forces commander akhmat aptial. today our troops have the opportunity to maneuver in different directions, pulling apart the enemy and knocking him out of all positions where he has been sitting for a long time. almost 30 km to the enemy, a fiery hurricane is approaching his position. the uragan rszzo package consists of 16 shells, the crew of the launcher of the group of forces of the north sent them to the temporary point apu deployments in the kharkov region. we hit
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hard, we hit specifically, it won’t be good for the enemy. during the day, in the zone of responsibility of the north grouping of troops, the enemy lost over 220. the tor m2 air defense system rolls out for a combat mission, after a few minutes it is already scanning the airspace, powerful anti-missiles will not let in either aviation, or bypyl, or the winged shtormshadow, or fast-flying hymers shells, anti-aircraft gunners the western troop grouping destroyed the reconnaissance unit.
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without return and sanitary losses, dnepr up to 85 military personnel in the ssu lost their infantry fighting vehicles, howb, self-propelled guns, including american and european production. on mission, our supersonic fighter-bombers send warm greetings to the kharkov airfield. reconnaissance discovered two radar stations at once; the armed forces of ukraine tried to disguise them.
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within 24 hours, fighters from the dnepr group of troops destroyed two american m777 howitzers, a rap station, and two field ammunition depots. four ukrainian brigades came under attack. our military is monitoring the enemy’s movements on the right bank of the dnieper using drones. mikhail saw how this happens andronik. shot! in a dense forest on the banks of the dnieper, artillerymen of the arctic brigade are working, hitting the fury from which militants of the kiev regime are unloading weapons. work effectively from a safe distance; here only long-range weapons, such as a towed geocide, can be used. one more shot and the trailer is on fire. we reach the shore and
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work further inland, there are certain places where they hide, they are in shelters, we destroy these shelters. on this sector of the front. the enemy is moving his guns into the affected area of ​​our artillery he is afraid, he knows that they will be destroyed, he works with kamikaze drones, well, our people here are not far behind him. operators fly out two drones simultaneously, one hits the target, the second finishes it off. transport of militants, radar stations and all kinds of antennas, everything that our operators manage to detect is immediately destroyed. only one of the cases is the reconnaissance brigade, which operates as part of a group of troops. dnepr noticed a suspicious car, which drove up to the coastline at night, when two people got out of it and confidently walked through the enemy's minefields proceeded to the water, the kamikaze drones of the northerners were already at the ready, the swimmers walked through the water towards the left bank at high speed, clearly using technical means, and accordingly
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, the decision was made to immediately hit, since it was unlikely that they were swimming to surrender there 14 km e what specific target they were pursuing is unclear, well, one of them was targeted... the pivedron, the target was hit, as a result, both divers remained in the dnieper. another feature of the fighting in the dnieper delta, due to the large distances, commercial quadcopters are useless here, and drone crews. work in tandem with wing-type drones. training of the sniper pair of the arctic brigade, their tasks here are also very specific, different from the work of snipers in other areas. at the moment, the unit is carrying out tasks to detect the enemy’s ethereal country vehicles, and, if possible, to destroy them - it conducts reconnaissance at the observation posts of the brigade unit, and what an effort.
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state, the presidential order has already appeared on the country's official legal portal. let me remind you that the creation of a common market was discussed in may during vladimir putin’s visit to belarus. it is planned that the unified energy market will begin work on january 1 next year, and in the twenty-seventh year the unified energy market eac will appear. in the dpr, at the beginning of the year , the average salary increased by almost 40%. now about 50 thousand rubles. and it continues to grow, the head of the republic, denis pushilin, reported this to vladimir putin. revenues to
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the regional budget this year may be almost a third more than last year. in my in turn, the president instructed to pay special attention to solving problems with emergency housing and water supply. anastasia efimova, more details about everything. budget revenue is 33 billion. this is only for the first half of the year. this means that by the end of 2024 there is a chance to count on... economic development, because the key task from you is to increase the standard of living
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of our citizens by 2030 to the russian average . today we can say that already in the first half of the year the budget received almost 33 billion. accordingly, this gives there is reason to expect that by the end of the year we will reach figures of more than 70 billion. budget revenues are 30% more than last year, which is decent. growth is good 30%. yes, accordingly, of course, we also record an increase in the average salary in our organizations. the standard of living is directly related to the growth of industry, the potential of which in the region, according to denis pushilin, has not yet been tapped. nevertheless, work is underway. since the beginning of the year, four enterprises have already been launched; by the end of december there should be 15 of them, those up to of the present time were actually idle, and this means the same budget revenues and... jobs. the traditional industry is coal, and here the head of the region also sees certain
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prospects. most recently , the 100 millionth ton was lifted from the donbass at the komsomolets mine. however, the engine of development of the local economy today is construction, with an emphasis on commercial housing. with a preferential mortgage at 2%. its construction turns out to be in great demand. i will say that investors came very quickly even to mariupol, but did not understand. like, but the first results, three houses have already been commissioned, put into operation, 15 houses are planned by the end of the year, but for the sites - in donetsk, makeevka, and yanakiev, but i’ll tell you, a certain kind of excitement, a competition, has already started. we have to choose, look, compare projects, and this just intersects with your decision - about territory planning.
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this is emergency housing, you have already mentioned housing, over 27% of the housing stock in the republic is emergency housing, unfortunately, everything is connected with military operations, and simply with the fact that for many years, for decades, perhaps in the past, they did not pay due attention to this, this is the first and second - this is something that
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you, of course , cannot decide on your own, this is water supply, these are the topics - i ask you to pay attention and always do attention, the government of the russian federation, vkontakte, please, with the federal authorities, please pay special attention to this. they also pay serious attention to the azov water area; they plan to develop both tourism and fisheries. however, the priority, of course, remains solving the security problem, as denis kushilin clarified; he is in constant contact with the president on these issues. anastasia. biden's proposed reform of the us supreme court will upset the balance of power in the country and undermine the american people's faith in the justice system. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson wrote about this on social networks. let me remind you that biden , after announcing his refusal to participate in the election race, proposed changing the constitution, in particular, to deprive former heads
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of state of immunity from trial persecution.
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during the election campaign, the bidens stopped being shy at all; the unlucky hunter used to be at least pushed somewhere into the background, but what difference does it make now, there is no mercy from reporters either. obama took you out of the race. however, the press, which is generally loyal to the democrats, will most likely lose interest even in such juicy issues; the dim party has nothing to regret. biden was a dog in the manger, they haven’t given a penny for him lately, that’s it. haris raised millions and millions in the first week of the company alone dollars, and 66% of transfers were made by those who do it for the first time. vice president kamala haris raised $200 million in her first week as a 2024 presidential candidate, underscoring a surge in enthusiasm among democrats for their new
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presumptive nominee. after biden stepped aside, his ratings also increased. be careful, the ratings themselves in america have also long ago turned into a propaganda tool, but an abc news poll, for example, notes that the approval of haris has increased from 35 to 42%, and the number those dissatisfied with its activities, on the contrary, fell by 4%. vanga of the american elections, professor allen lichtman, who, based on his own method of thirteen keys, has correctly identified the winners of nine presidential races in the united states, has practically decided on the prediction and...
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than just a battle of political platforms or characters. in a divided country, every year it means much more for america; elections are now an existential choice. under president trump, we had stable prices for all 4 years, the economy grew, and the world peace and stability reigned. under biden and haris, everything went wrong, and with haris, everything will be even worse. kamela haris is a dangerous liberal who makes biden look competent.
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belongs not to tesla, but to general motors and its ceo mary barra, with whom the democrats agreed on the topic of supporting unions. trump is now taking revenge on biden for the mask. those who attended a republican rally in swing minnesota witnessed a stand-up show in which the former president impersonated the current one. when i was here 2 months ago, i parodied biden because he couldn't find the stairs. so many stairs, too many stairs. his speech never lasts
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more than two, maximum 3 minutes. 3 minutes is already a long time for him, then he points to the stairs, and then he leaves. haris also got it naturally; trump called her a marxist prosecutor and made a prediction in case she wins. a kamela harris presidency means 4 more years of extremism, chaos, failure and possibly a third world war, i really think so. in order to go to the people, trump now has jady.
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to become trump's most faithful ally, but the liberal press is looking for more and more reasons to doubt his sincerity. the new york times dug up the history of his correspondence with a certain transgender friend, this is what vance wrote in 2016, when trump won. a morally reprehensible person, i know i could never support trump if it really mattered. never say never, so with vice presidents, as the experience of biden and now trump has shown. need to be more careful that's why haris is still weighing up the casting in full swing, with transport minister pete butedzic among those offering himself. butedzic is
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openly gay, motivates the liberal electorate, but can scare off the undecided; in the most favorable way, voters perceive mark kelly, a former astronaut and current senator from arizona, as haris' companions. according to rumors , obama saw mark kelly as a replacement for biden, but... kiev’s defense will receive missiles for air defense systems, rocket launchers and artillery, as well as anti-tank weapons totaling up to $200 million. washington will also allocate
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about one and a half billion dollars for contracts with its own defense enterprises. they will produce various modifications of missiles, projectiles, firearms and explosives for ukraine. kiev will not be able to receive these arsenals immediately. well , the german government also updated the official list of its own.
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about the possibility of negotiations with moscow. natalya goncharova will continue the topic. do europeans support nato for an article with this title? published in american national interest. according to the authors of the material, the possible return of donald trump to the white house risks becoming a cataclysm for the european union. a republican can take the country out of the bloc and completely change course towards russia. and europe will be left alone with its problems and without washington’s money, it will be difficult to build a defense. former republican senator richard black recalled that it was the americans who always ordered the music from nato. president trump, early in his presidency, made it clear understand that he doesn't think very highly of nato and that the us should just leave it. this caused a huge outcry because the alliance is the means by which the us controls all of europe. we thought that by advancing the war in ukraine, we would do a lot of
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harm to russia, but this...
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they need more manpower, but these stories have nothing to do with reality. lie number one: moscow is a threat to nato countries. this is wrong. no nato country is currently at war with russia. in addition, the alliance is lying about russia starting full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022 . this did not happen. moscow sent forces there at the request of the luhansk and donetsk regions, which ukraine began attacking in
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2014. in american. they wondered who will pay for the restoration of ukraine when the war ends; the publication notes that washington has already spent $175 billion on military aid to kiev; taxpayers, at a time when prices and inflation are only rising, no longer want to lend to ukrainians . natalya goncharova, lead. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. gold contains so many unknowns, if we hide it, the story of its life is revealed, among the millions of pieces of gold , no two are alike, they are all different, this is a golden room, two tons of gold. in monetary
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terms - this is 13 billion rubles. gold will remain the metal that the country, the state will always need, it will be, it is just an absolutely bare metal from the periodic table, four nines that begin to travel throughout the planet, humanity there is an urgent need for something to be reliable, that something is gold. tiksov, i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we come out talking, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, uh, what began, without deception and without...


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