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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

7:30 am
and you want to open your eyes and wake up, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, a sensation has occurred, and what a sensation, they have tensed inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch from... this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country. take russian digital solutions to new heights. there are prospects. dasha is more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more. what exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions. what all.
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briefly about the main news of the middle of the hour. russian aviation carried out strikes on camouflaged equipment and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. in the southern donetsk direction, the positions of the nationalists are being destroyed by our geocinths. enemy artillery was disabled. the group's paratroopers are in the northern direction. south destroyed
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the enemy command post. the head of israel's ministry of foreign affairs called for the expulsion of turkey from nato, all after the words of president ricep taip erdogan about the possible introduction of troops into israeli state. tel arif instructed diplomats to immediately contact all members of the bloc and demand the exclusion of istanbul and the western military alliance. the ongoing us budget deficit is a direct threat to the country's national security. this is the conclusion the congressmen made. the defense strategy commission concluded that the us armed forces simply would not be able to withstand a serious adversary in the event of a global military clash. hungary has simplified the conditions for entry into the country for russians and belarusians. budapest included them in so called the national card program. it is issued to those who want to work in the country for more than 2 years. this decision caused concern in brussels. it's already weather today.
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cyclone kirsty will begin to define european russia. let me remind you that the day before this whirlwind brought down a real hurricane on the baltic states. ksenia lvitskaya will tell you what kind of troubles you can expect from him on the territory of our country. cyclone kirsti, the same one that brought down almost a third of the annual rainfall on the baltic states, has reached russia. should we expect equally strong people in our country? rainfall and where the rainfall will be heaviest. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia tv channel. four and center fobas, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello, cyclone kirste is bringing prolonged rains and cooling to the russian plain. even the day before, under the influence of this whirlwind, showers began in the northwest. and, for example, in pskov some streets were flooded after rain. meanwhile, in the kaliningrad region the wind continued to increase dangerously. throughout sunday and monday, it blew up to 19-20 m/s in the region. powerful trees were broken by gusts. due to bad weather
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, the equal crossing to balttiysk was suspended, so about 200 cars were stuck on the kurzh spit. however, the baltic states suffered much more from the elements. the latvian jurmula was hit by a real hurricane yesterday. he caused wind throughout the city. now it’s hard to believe that quite recently, say, there was a picturesque park in this place. the storm also destroyed the jurmala beach and threw a yacht ashore. well, as if one storm wasn’t enough. passage of the cyclone yet. 193 mm of rain, which is almost a third annual precipitation for these places. roscosmos satellites give us the opportunity to view the brushes in detail from earth orbits. it
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is a classic cyclone in the shape of a spiral. the rich white color of the fields of its frontal region indicates serious rain potential. today kirsty will come out as her own. tula will begin to determine the weather throughout the european territory of russia. in this regard, as usual, there are two news: good and bad. the good thing is that this whirlwind still squandered the main reserves of moisture in the baltic states, well, the bad thing is in the next five days, in some places on the russian plain it will fall up to 70%, and in some places even up to 100% of the monthly precipitation norm. according to forecasts, the most powerful downpours will occur this week in the novgorod region, look, old russa 70 mm. in yamal, from half to 2/3 of the july volume of rain is also expected in the north of the central federal district, and, of course, the cyclone will not ignore bashkiria. summer here is generally extremely humid. for example, in ufa the monthly precipitation plan has already been exceeded by 81%. such a protracted nature of misfortune
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is explained by the fact that kirsty, firstly, is very a major cyclone, and secondly, this vortex will constantly be fed by arctic cold. imagine, right now. it pumps air deep into the russian plain from the kara sea, where the first frosts were supposed to hit last night. of course, all this will affect the temperature background in the region. so moscow will receive another 18 mm of precipitation by the end of the working week. the rainiest days will be tuesday and thursday. at the same time , the thermometers in the capital will only show +20-21 , only on saturday it will drop by a couple of degrees warmer. that's all i have. i choose rosselkhozbank, it has everything i need, high cashback, profitable deposits , a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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loyalty program for entrepreneurs. two russians who defrauded shareholders in novosibirsk of more than 200 million rubles were deported to their homeland from cambodia. the kotler couple has been on the international wanted list since 2019. from 2002 to 2009, they concluded fictitious investment agreements for participation in shared construction, took money from shareholders, but no one was going to build houses. they entered into fictitious investment agreements with citizens to participate in shared construction, on the basis of which the victims contributed money as a contribution. in fact, no houses were built. documents for permission. construction was not formalized by the government authorities of the city of novosibirsk. as a result of fraudulent
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actions, damage amounted to over 209 million rubles. caused more than 200 victims. a person involved in another criminal case was also deported from cambodia. according to investigators, he and his accomplices stole more than 90 million rubles. at construction of a high-rise building with underground parking in novosibirsk. the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, and the governor of kuban, venyamin kondrati, during a working trip to sochi, discussed issues of resort safety. every year it receives up to 8 million tourists; it is important to create comfortable conditions for relaxation. now in sochi they are developing a bank protection project so that in the event of worsening weather conditions or flooding, trains and buses will run without interruption. the governor also thanked alexander kurenkov, aviation employees of the ministry of emergency situations russia is for. assistance in eliminating a forest fire near novorossiysk, it was quickly extinguished. and almost fifty
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volunteer searchers from all over the country gathered in kaliningrad, where a joint exercise was held between the russian ministry of emergency situations and the center for assistance to missing and injured children. for 3 days, under the mentorship of professional rescuers, volunteers mastered the basics. this is searching for people in the forest within the city, reading maps, orienting the area. provision of first aid, such exercises are held regularly, just since the beginning of the year, ministry of emergency situations of russia trained 500 volunteers of the national center. now economic news. moriya high-speed highway moscow-st. petersburg is planned to be launched in the second quarter of twenty-eight. this is stated in the government order. what will the passenger flow be? alexandra, about 23 million people by the year 30, and more on that later. design of the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway will take place from 24
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to 28. in the second quarter of the twenty- eighth it is planned to introduce it into exploitation. such deadlines are established by government order. the route should reduce travel time between cities to 2:15. trains will run every 10-15 minutes. by the thirtieth year, the passenger flow is expected to reach 23 million people. and by the sixtieth it will grow to almost 36.5 million. the government has removed metallurgy products from donetsk and lugansk people's republics from exchange rate export duties. we are talking about semi-finished products made of iron and unalloyed steel, ferrosilicon and coke products. the measure will remain in effect until the end of the year. in addition, from september 1, it will also be extended to 80 thousand tons of cast iron and 184 tons of wire rod from donbass. thus, the cabinet of ministers expects to increase export revenues and profitability of local companies. let me remind you that flexible export duties tied to the ruble exchange rate were introduced in october last
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year and can be canceled at the end of the current year, the tariff varies from 4 to 7% of the customs value, and at an exchange rate of 80 rubles per dollar and below, the duty becomes zero. kiev blocking oil supplies from lukoil will not hurt russia, but at the same time it will cause damage to ukraine, slovakia and hungary. this was stated by the prime minister of slovakia robert fica. ukraine, slovakia and hungary and will practically not affect russia. we don't have enough oil. for us, the interests of slovakia and... and its inhabitants come first. the slovak public views the actions of the ukrainian president very negatively. let me remind you that in june kiev imposed sanctions against lukuel and blocked the transit of oil to central europe. supplies went through the druzhba pipeline, part of which is located in ukraine. hungary and slovakia began consultations with the european union, their representatives stated that this is a blow to
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the energy security of the countries. they are ready to defend their interests, including through the courts. the heat will lead to a decrease in the harvest in ukraine. according to the country's ministry of agrarian policy , corn, soybeans and sunflower will be the first to suffer. approximately 15% of these plants will not germinate, and crops such as wheat, rye and peas will experience losses of about 5%. the most noticeable damage is in late varieties. the problem affects all regions of the country, but seedlings in the south were especially affected, where there was a record drought. the ministry did not expect such vagaries of nature; at the beginning of the month they predicted an increase in the harvest. now i have to make plans. germany's domestic public debt broke a record of almost 2.5 trillion euros at the end of last year, which is more than 3 percent more than a year earlier. we are talking about the debt of the state budget to non-state companies. the reason for the increase was the commitments made by the federal government, municipalities and the social security system. that's
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all for me, even more news in the next one hour. and that's it, this summer is with us, maybe a co-season, appetite anywhere, dad, dad, only dad will tame it, help, help, vicerine's appetite, a snack won't hurt, vicerine's appetite, sausages will help, gac m8 is a
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it will be easier to register your car next spring; it can be done without prior preparation.
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in the program there is an instruction: registration without osaga is not the only innovation; now , when selling, owners can deregister a car immediately after the transaction, with one condition, the purchase and sale must be completed electronically, that is , through government services, how it all works, we told in one of the previous issues how the deal was closed using a letter of credit or without it does not play a role, the new owner will have 10 days to register his purchase, even... if the previous owner deregistered it right on the day of sale, but if you miss this deadline, then you will not be able to drive the car in traffic police, in order to register it, you will have to bring it on
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a tow truck, with an electronic purchase and sale agreement here, that’s what i think, this is really awesome, because there are a lot of requests from people who say: i sold the car, but the new owner does not want to install for registration, now i receive five fines, already 10, someone has 30, and you won’t believe it, sometimes the fine is even 100,000, this is also far from the limit, they put a lien on the car, they impose a ban on registration actions, the old owner cannot remove it from registration, but doesn’t want to install a new one, so to avoid these incidents, the previous owner, who sold at the time of signing the electronic purchase and sale agreement, deregisters this car , and another addition that will work next year, perhaps... deregister a car that is located wanted, this is necessary in order, for example, not to prove to the tax authorities that you don’t have a car, you won’t pay
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taxes, why, the car is out of my responsibility, i don’t drive it, they can search for the car as much as they can a year, two, three, over these 3 years, many car owners continue to pay road tax, look, this is good, you and i have cars that are not very responsive, the road tax is somewhere in... and those with 300 horsepower are expensive cars, there are taxes of 5000, so 50,000 multiplied by 3 years, give 15,000 to nowhere, i he's just looking for your car. the amendments also make life easier for residents of new regions, the explanatory note to the law notes that the ukrainian side puts their cars on the international wanted list, without any reason, and traffic police cannot register them, now the contradiction will be removed, more... addition to osaga rules, which are already in force, disabled people for whom vehicles are medically necessary will be able to return half of the amount paid for the insurance policy.
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compensation will be calculated automatically if the system already has all the necessary information, that is, firstly, a valid card is linked to your personal government services account. secondly, there is an entry in the federal register of persons with disabilities that you need a car. and finally, the insurance company provided the social fund with information that you... bought a policy. payment is processed within a maximum of 10 working days after the purchase of osaga. if the deadline has passed and the money has not been returned, then you should write a statement on the state services portal. the form will be prompted by the electronic keyword assistant. compensation saga for invalids. at the moment there is a discount of up to 50% of the cost of the osaga insurance policy, which can be returned either to the disabled person or to the legal representative of the disabled person. for this purpose now for now. at the moment, you just need to leave applications in government services, recalculation will take place within five working days to the specified details and the insurance premium will be refunded. so, let's repeat
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the main thing, starting from the spring of 25, they will no longer require a saga policy in order to register a car, but the requirement be sure to insure your car if you use it, there is no escape. the car can be deregistered immediately after you have signed the contract through government services, rather than waiting 10 days. it can also be removed from. in case of theft, disabled people can already get back half the cost of the policy, if they need the car for medical reasons, if you want to know about what other changes in laws are being prepared that affect motorists, write to us on telegram, ask your questions, we will ask experts and tell you in the next releases of the program there will be instructions.
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gold in itself is worth so many unknown things, if we hide it, the story of its life is revealed, among millions of pieces of gold
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no two are identical, they are all different. this is a gold room, 2 tons of gold, in monetary terms it is 13 billion. gold will remain the metal that the country, state, and people will always need. this is just absolutely bare metal from the periodic table, four nines, which begins to travel throughout the planet. humanity is in dire need of something. sure, it's something gold.
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to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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8:00 am
rescue work at the site of the kazan-adler train derailment has been completed, what is known about the condition of the injured passengers? our attack aircraft are advancing in the donetsk direction. new footage from the front line from our war correspondent. pro-western stance in venezuela fuels unrest. let's talk about the situation in caracas after the presidential elections.


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