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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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in moscow 9:30 and beyond, briefly about the main thing. traffic on a section of the railway in the volgograd region, where a train and a truck collided the day before, has been partially restored. according to the regional ministry of health, more than 50 people were injured, three in serious condition. we delivered them by helicopter to the regional capital. meanwhile, work at the emergency site has been completed.
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a criminal case has been opened. in kareli, the search for three missing residents of the tegezh district continues. the day before, the dam on the white sea-baltic canal washed away there. one man died, 10 were injured. an airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations is combing the shore and exploring the water area using drone ships. hezbollah will strike back in the event of a large-scale attack on lebanon. representatives of the shuid organization. the united states for the first time in history reached 35 trillion dollars, experts, experts suggest that if current trends continue , in 10 years the country’s national debt will exceed 50 trillion and will exceed the gdp of the united states.
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now on to economic news: the population expects price growth to accelerate this year. to this the central bank came to the conclusion. the regulator notes that many now prefer to spend free money rather than save. and this is what accelerates inflation. maria filippova has all the details. mash, good morning. tell us how the conditions for deposits are changing after the recent rate increase. good morning, sasha. in some banks you can already open a deposit at 19-20%. russians' inflation expectations have increased for the year, this follows from the central bank's report for july. but if the annual rate approaches 12.5%, then the long-term rate for 5 years remains slightly higher 10.5. high expectations for price growth are among the pro-inflationary risks; they can cause a stir, as a result of which prices actually go up. if you look at the central bank report in detail, inflation expectations have increased the most. those
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who do not have savings, that is, the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population, respectively , those who, in general, cannot save much , who suffer the most from inflation, respectively, who see inflation stronger, expect the same. waiting it was also influenced by the fact that the dynamics of price growth deviated from the initial forecast of the central bank, these parameters are interrelated, resulting in a tightening of monetary policy and an increase in the key rate to 18%. in june , annual inflation was slightly above 8.5%, but by july 22 it had accelerated to nine. in this regard , the central bank raised its forecast for the year, the figure is expected to range from 6.5 to 7%. however, already in the twenty-fifth, thanks to tight monetary policy, there will be a slowdown to 4, 4.5%. among the main pro-inflationary factors this year is the imbalance between supply and demand. consumption has increased significantly, but production has not kept pace with it. the central bank notes that
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the growth in wages, which is observed in most sectors of the economy, also stimulates buying. according to a survey by the regulator, the share of those who prefer not to save and spend free money has grown to 31.5%. the central bank, in turn, is trying to encourage citizens to save. a high key rate means a high deposit rate. many banks have already announced that they are ready to increase the deposit rate to 18%, and some said that up to ... twenty due to the fact that expectations of a tight monetary policy are being delayed, including until 2025, banks are more willing to provide high deposit rates of this kind for a period longer than six months. domrf bank, for example, increased the yield on one of its deposits to 19%, and on savings accounts to 16.5. despite the fact that
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loans are becoming more expensive along with the key rate in russia, the demand for them is still high. in the second quarter of this year, compared to the first, the volume of issuance almost doubled and exceeded 7.5 trillion rubles. and in annual terms , the indicator is... a story about the inflation expectations of the population thank you masha, it was maria filippova with and monetary policy of the central bank. and
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let's move on to other topics. the new chersonesos museum and park complex has opened its doors in crimea. the facilities include three museums dedicated to christianity, antiquity, byzantium and history. new time. after the restoration, the st. vladimir cathedral was previously opened, and a monument to the baptist of russia, prince vladimir, appeared. the total area is 24 hectares. entrance to the site is free; guests only need to pre-register. the complex is designed for 50,000 visitors at once. it was created on behalf of the president of russia. and then, a block of international news. no israeli attack will go unanswered. representatives stated this. lebanese hezbollah movement and added that beirut will no longer consider this conflict as a border conflict, the scale of retaliation depends on the situation on the battlefield, to respond in the harshest way to tel aviv’s aggression the iranian authorities threatened against lebanon this morning, they also called on the netanyahu cabinet
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to end the war in the gas sector. let me remind you that earlier the israeli army launched strikes on hezbollah military targets, tsahal used surface-to-surface missiles, and the loss. not reported. following nicolás maduro's victory in the presidential elections, protests swept across venezuela. activists burn tires, demolish monuments to former president huga chavis, and smash shop windows. in caracos, rioters set fire to the city hall and plan to block the international airport. local media reports about the armed. clashes with the police, law enforcement officers throw stones, law enforcement officers respond by opening the entrance with sharpening gas. in the capital of venezuela, the sounds of shooting can be heard, some of the streets are blocked by equipment. in his address to the people, nicolas maduro said: they are trying to organize a coup in the country and promised to restore order. but in the meantime, and
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because of the refusal to recognize the election results, caracos has already recalled diplomats from argentina, chile, peru, costa rica, panama, the dominican republic and uruguay. this was reported in the venezuelan midi and stressed that they condemn the actions of those who, under the auspices of the united states, are trying to interfere in the venezuelan elections. in response to such harsh aracos, many countries behaved differently. the foreign political department of peru suddenly ordered all employees of its diplomatic mission in venezuela to urgently leave the territory of this country. but the argentine authorities, after rude statements by their president about not recognizing the choice of the venezuelans , later tried to smooth out the conflict. they clarified that they don’t want to. blow up contacts, no matter what for what. the west promises kiev a new package of military aid worth $200 million, which will include leopard tanks and ammunition. but american financiers have already warned the white house that further sponsorship of ukraine is bringing the united states closer to a technical default.
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maria skorodilka has all the details. sadness, sadness, memories, but there was greatness - all that essentially remained for thousands of workers of this british factory. the last steel foundry concern in the uk is closing, the legendary shipyards in belfast, where they built the very titanic on the verge bankruptcy. what do we want to save our shipyards, 5 years of struggle, workers to stay afloat, but the house, the titanic is sinking. the british authorities are no longer able to help the oldest business in a crisis, and the united kingdom has never experienced such a protracted period of economic hopelessness. 200 years - newspapers write, more and more experts assure that assistance to ukraine is death for europe. russians do not suffer, they do not have political upheavals within the country, and russia is advancing, every day it liberates more and more territory, it is necessary negotiate with moscow, but those who
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now live in europe and the usa are tiny people with tiny brains, but they are very cruel, very malicious and very dangerous. they are bound by debts with the united states and are forced to fulfill. any orders, the german chancellor olaf scholz , in just a couple and a half years, was able to squander the entire level of wealth that everyone who came before him had collected piecemeal. i personally don’t care who started this conflict, but the important thing is that it needs to end, but let’s face it, the eu countries, and most importantly the usa have their own interests in ukraine, it is full of black soil, titanium, lithium, that no one needs these riches, and washington has long owned germany, journalists state, an investigation was shown in which the us military openly admits that american cassette tapes are stored in the german town of miesau ammunition, from where it goes through poland, to ukraine, all this.
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european defense needs financial support, at least 100 thousand billion euros are missing - experts state, speaking about the prospects, residents of latvia honestly confessed in russian, what do you think, if the government doesn’t change, everything will go in the same trend as it is going today, what awaits latvia in 5 years, we will live.
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germany is crying with laughter, hinting without frills. for such people to understand, they have played too much, it’s time to capitulate. i was once at a demonstration and saw a poster. putin, go home, what? he’s already at home, everyone was already in kiev, scholz, macron, johnson, everyone, but not him, putin lives and works in russia, now even the pope will come to ukraine, how is he since he is not enough at the front, he is a pacifist, he walks poorly and looks like a white flag. marya skradilka and marina khachinova, news. let's move on to other topics: protecting residential areas of sochi from flooding, strengthening banks and
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road surfaces, strengthening work to prevent emergency situations. these and other issues were discussed by the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the governor of the krasnodar territory, veniamin kondratyev. together they inspected the infrastructure facilities. at the meeting, the head of the region said: the city receives up to 8 million tourists every year. it is important to provide them security is high. level. in addition, the rescuer thanked the rescuers for their prompt work in extinguishing a natural fire near novorossiysk. almost fifty search volunteers from all over the country gathered in kaliningrad. a joint exercise between the russian ministry of emergency situations and the national center for assistance to missing victims was held there. for 3 days, under the mentorship of professional rescuers, the volunteer mastered the eskers. this is searching for people in the forest and within the city, reading maps, orienteering and providing first aid. such exercises are held regularly. total from the beginning year, the russian ministry of emergency situations trained 500 volunteers
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of the national center. a joint operation by employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb of the voronezh region. there they managed to identify an illegal communication center serving telephone scammers from abroad. members of the criminal group were detained on suspicion of assistance. two defendants are in custody and one is under house arrest. the rest have obligations to appear. pre-installed. that the damage from the actions of the scammers exceeded 10 million rubles. all episodes and accomplices are still being established. the criminal scheme operated from the beginning current year. the attackers, acting on the instructions of anonymous curators, ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of foreign subscribers with russian ones. the scammers presented themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies who got into... they used simboxes and
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gsm gateways. searches were carried out at the residences of the suspects, as well as in office premises in the voronezh and belgorod regions. and now let's talk about the weather. the rains are getting more and more regions of the european part of the country. forecasters had previously warned of progress. weather. for now, it is worth noting that the heaviest precipitation is predicted in siberia. today we almost traveled to work in buses and cars of kazan residents. the rain began early in the morning, by 6:00 am the weather station recorded only 4 mm of precipitation, but the rain continued. it should be noted that flooding was recorded only in some areas
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of the city. the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated in the south of siberia. to krasnoyarsk at night. the second one collapsed during the day there was a heavy downpour, streams of water carried a lot of dirt and small stones onto the roadway. the footage that you just saw is not from the chelyabinsk region and not from the western part of russia, as one might think, but also from the krasnoyarsk territory, from the uzhursky region, so it was drowning after... a village called dry valley, previously under attack the territory of the krasnoyarsk pillars national park was also hit by the elements, wind gusts reached 25 m/sec, the size of hailstones reached 3 m in diameter, dozens of trees were felled, the most frequently visited hiking trails were littered with broken branches of fallen trees. elimination of the consequences, according to the directorate
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, will take more than one day. today they will celebrate again in siberia. quite heavy rains, the most intense precipitation is predicted in the north-west of the krasnoyarsk territory, as well as in the west of the irkutsk region. let me remind you that the western regions of the irkutsk region recently suffered from rain floods, this is what the nizhne-udinsky district looked like a few days ago, road communication with three populated areas, 20 residential buildings and garden plots were flooded. the weather in the european part of the country will continue. cyclone kirsty will be highlighted, the day before it brought up to 47 mm of precipitation to the west of russia, as well as the north of the central federal district, today the rains will not be much weaker, up to 5 mm, precipitation may fall in the black earth region, the kome republic, again in the north of the central federal district in the urals . kirsty
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will continue to influence the weather of the russian plain in the future over the next five days. will drop up to 70, and somewhere even up to 100% monthly precipitation norm? according to forecasts, the most powerful storms will take place this week in the novgorod region on yamal. moscow will receive about 16 mm of precipitation by the end of the working week. the rainiest day will be thursday, which will bring up to 8 mm of celestial moisture; today it is predicted to be about 3 mm, with thermometers in the capital showing. it will only be + 20-21 only on saturday it will become a couple of degrees warmer, these are the forecasts for this minute. thank you anna, it was anna volkova with a story about prolonged heavy rains in siberia rains in the european part of russia. let's take a short break now, and then sports news.
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a golden room, two tons of gold, in monetary terms this is 13 billion rubles. gold will remain the metal that the country, the state, the people will always need, it is just an absolutely bare metal from the periodic table, four nines that start. marches across the entire planet, humanity is in dire need of something to be reliable, this something gold. and now let's talk about sports. evgenia chakunova will receive 2 million rubles from the swimming federation. for the fact that the time of the olympic gold medalist happened, and tennis player roman sofiulin will play at the olympics against the main favorite, spaniard carlos al-karaz. my colleague alexander is in the studio now. abramov, sash, greetings, well, let's tell you about the olympic tennis tournament in singles, there are no russians there anymore, this is the situation in the men's category. yes, sash, good
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morning, the situation is better in the men's category, daniil medvedev and roman sofiulin continue to fight for a personal medal at the olympics. so, swimmer evgenia chakunova will receive 2 million rubles from the all-russian swimming federation. for showing a faster time in the russian cup final than the paris olympic champion. we are talking about a distance of 100 m. in yekaterinburg, evgenia chikunova swam this distance in one minute 5 seconds26. this was last friday. chikunova’s time turned out to be two hundredths faster than yur representative tatyana smith, who had won gold the day before in the 100-meter brason in paris. olympic medal. the all-russian swimming federation promised all russian swimmers 2 million rubles. if their results at the russian cup exceed the results of the olympic champions in paris. so there is every chance that history will repeat itself with the two hundred meters. in breaststroke at this distance, chikunova showed the best time of the season in the world over the weekend. sixty-sixth racket in the world. roman sofiulin was the first russian to reach the third round of the olympic
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tennis tournament. the day before, sofiulin, in less than 2 hours, issued a ticket to the next round in the match against the thirty-sixth world ranking argentinean tomas martin echeveria. the russian won a dry opening game. then the second set turned out to be more stubborn and ended with safiulin winning only in a tiebreaker. 6:07 for reaching the quarterfinals of the olympics, roman sofiulin will now compete with the main favorite of the tournament, the third racket of the world, spaniard carls alcaraz. but in the women’s part of the bracket there are no russians left after the second round matches. diana schneider became the last of the russians to fly out olympics singles. she lost to chinese player xiuwan in two sets. 3-6-1-6. diana schneider will now continue to participate in the games in doubles with '.
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shanghai, under the leadership of the russian coach, has already reached 24 matches. the total score of goals scored and conceded is 53:8. the day before, as part of the twentieth round of the chinese championship, they beat wuhan freetown away 2:0. this is the eighth victory in a row for shanghai-shinhua in the championship. in the standings, leonid slutsky’s team takes second place, they are two points behind a team that has also not lost this season is shanghai port. there are two championship leaders. clubs from shanghai will play each other on august 17. the day before, the next episode of the russian football program was released on our channel. the guest of the episode was the former head coach of grozny akhmat miroslav ramashchenko. in khrasnodar there is only one cordoba - from the attack group. accordingly, it is difficult to constantly volunteer, to go to your national team to play here on two fronts, and the national championship, the national cup.
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the team’s tasks are high, so we need help. fedor smolov returned to where he spent his best or part, let’s say, in his career, where everything is familiar to him, and this is also a high-class footballer, this is the first, well , according to yurka gazzinsky, i can say that it’s probably still the same plus or minus the reasons are the depth of the squad, which should be, maybe, maybe, as an option, we don’t know a lot, probably, it’s quite possible that something might move away... uh, the special guys. there is just over a month left before the start of the new season in the continental hockey league. this week, khl clubs training camps begin. right now there is an active stage of transitions. the nizhny novgorod torpedo was strengthened by defender vyacheslav voinov. the olympic champion and gagarin cup winner of the stanley cup moves to nizhny novgorod from kazan. voynov played his last season for akbars. the contract with torpedo is for one season. in the russian career
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of vyacheslav. will become the sixth club after the native chelyabinsk tractor, as well as ska, avant-garde, moscow dynamo and akbars. that's all about sports for now, see you in next issues.
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we continue to broadcast the morning news, here is what we have learned by this hour: after an emergency with a train in the volgograd region , a little more than twenty people remain in the hospital, three are in serious condition, the rest are being treated on an outpatient basis. the day before, the cars collided with the rails after the train collided with a truck. the car tried to pass the prohibitory signal. work at the accident site continued throughout the night, and traffic in the area was partially restored.
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the search for three missing people continues in karia.


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