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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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news, this is what we have learned by this hour: after an emergency with a train in the volgograd region , a little more than twenty people remain in the hospital, three in serious condition, the rest are being treated on an outpatient basis. the day before, the carriages derailed after the train collided with a truck. the car tried to pass the prohibitory signal. work at the accident site continued throughout the night, and traffic in the area was partially restored. in karia
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, the search for three missing residents of the sigezh district continues. the day before, the dam on the white sea-baltic canal washed away there. one man died, 10 were injured. an airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations is combing the shore and exploring the water area using drone ships. no israeli attack will go unanswered. representatives of the lebanese hezbollah movement stated this and added that beirut will not consider any other proposals. conflict as a border one, to respond in the harshest way to tel aviv’s aggression against lebanon, the iranian authorities threatened this morning. venezuela has been gripped by protests dissatisfied with the election results; streets are being destroyed, tires are being burned, and roads are being blocked. local police are trying to pacify the demonstrators, the crowd is dispersed with concentrated gas. the president of venezuela is in protest, i quote a foreign trace. so,
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in the volgograd region , traffic has been partially restored on the section of the railway where an emergency happened with a passenger train the day before. because of a truck that ended up at a crossing, nine carriages were derailed and dozens of people were injured. alexander kulishenko found out what condition they were in. work to eliminate the consequences of the emergency continues, heavy equipment, recovery trains, dozens of specialists. traffic, as reported by the volga railway, is already. late at night it was partially restored, as for passengers, as we know, there were more than 800 people on the train traveling along the kazan-adler route, all night the data on the victims was clarified, now according to information from the operational headquarters, which was formed on behalf of the governor of the volgograd region andrey bocherov, 52 people were injured as a result of an accident with a train. currently , 21 people receive medical care at the kotelnikovskaya central district hospital, 10 of them children. luckily for the guys who remained under observation at the hospital. volgograd hospital,
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a departmental institution, the provision of medical care to the driver will undergo treatment in the victims was taken under personal control by the minister of health of russia mikhail murashka. of course, it is worth noting the efficiency of all emergency services, rescuers of the russian ministry of emergency situations, doctors, ambulances, arrived at the scene of the passenger train crash within 5 minutes after the emergency, about that. passengers reported that more than thirty medical teams were working on the spot, aviation was involved, neurosurgeons, resuscitators, anesthesiologists were delivered to the site by three helicopters, more than 300 emergency services specialists and more than 100 pieces of equipment worked on site. the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident was coordinated by the governor of the volgograd region andrey bocherov, he also visited the victims in the hospital and wished them a speedy recovery. at the same time, the issue of where to accommodate the passengers was being resolved; specialists organized several temporary temporary accommodation centers and received food in them.
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assistance to more than 400 people, already at 20:45, yesterday 10 cars with passengers of the kazan adler train a total of 311 people departed from the gremyachi station, the rest will proceed to the black sea coast in additional reserve personnel specially arrived from volgograd. returning to the cause of the accident, experts report that the kamaz driver, who collided with the train, drove to the railway crossing with a properly functioning alarm system, the investigative committee opened a criminal case, and created a hotline for issues related to the incident. and now about the situation in the special operation zone in the donetsk direction on infantry fighting vehicles deliver the forward positions of the assault troops. you have to get through the raft under enemy artillery fire and under attacks from ukrainian armed forces drones. dmitry ermakov saw how the task was carried out. the roar of the engine and lumps of donbass black soil on both sides of the car is a test of the fortitude of a brave man. with attack aircraft on armor they go
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towards the enemy. recently, the gods of war have been blessing the brave; the front line in the donetsk or, as they now say, pokrovsk direction is being replaced by the blows of the defenders of russia. step step by step, our fighters manage to uproot the stumps in the form of the enemy’s supporter. bmp-2, aka bkh, aka marusya, how affectionately, the driver-mechanic bourgeois calls it, he says, he wouldn’t change it for a new one, so much time and effort was invested, when they gave it to me, we seemed to immediately understand each other and that is, the car is good, so stable in motion, as if... it has already saved us more than once, there have been cases, dozens of combat trips, injuries, concussion, in general, fire, water and copper pipes have gone through together, echoes of past battles on the armor, iron character , apparently, he switched from the equipment to the crew, we give the guys, we cover, we call ourselves
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to fire, so that from other positions our guys come closer, take the props, armored vehicles, as a visible machine not only attracts attention, but constantly...
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as if brought contribution to our victory, as a representative of the weak female gender , marus will not dare to say that she will appreciate love and care, does not refuse gifts, instead of a dress, a camouflage net, instead of expensive perfumes, smoke grenades. when they came to us, they were naked, then later cumulative protection appeared, gratings were welded on, camouflage nets were installed so that the enemy would not see who was coming, whether the infantry was coming or whether we were just under ammo. rap, according to the unspoken laws of the field, is also in place, closer than 100 m, the birds no longer fly up, as they say, you can only watch, the improvements that the fighters made with their own hands, caring for marusya, more than once saved lives, as well as for the crew itself. as well as the landing force, because the vehicle sometimes approaches the enemy’s support position closer than 100 m, then protection plays an extremely important role. assault missions are constantly carried out on the donetsk front, which is seething, seething and crumbling, including under the pressure of the tracks of the already familiar bmp. dmitry ermakov, roman frolov, lead donetsk. and now
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to the news marked urgently, in continuation of the first topic of this issue: after the derailment of the carriages in the volgograd region , the 11th passenger train was delayed. trains, russian railways reports about this, in addition, there is also a statement from the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko, he says that 22 victims of this incident are in hospital treatment, including and eight children. for now, on to other topics: in karilia they are looking for three missing residents of the sigezh district; the day before , a temporary dam on the white sea-baltic canal was washed away there. one person died, 10 were injured. an airmobile group is involved in the search. emergency rescuers are combing the shore and using drone ships to explore the river. currently, transit navigation along the belomor canal has been stopped until restoration work is completed; in the village of shavan, which was affected by the emergency, volunteers are now delivering everything they need and
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tidy up the area. two dump trucks and an excavator loader are working on site. and again to urgent messages, this is already. now the cabinet of ministers mikhail mishutin is writing about this and has instructed to consider a proposal on conditions for agricultural producers who make payments to foreign buyers in rubles. so, let’s return to the topic that we talked about before, we will talk about rainfalls, so in dagestan, due to rains , road communication with 15 settlements was interrupted at once, and sarkar magomedov’s report. from the tragedy of the village residents dulduk was only a meter away, and during the night the rising river washed him away too. here below me, there is a real emptiness, people have outlined the danger zone with this board, you can’t
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step further, everything can collapse at any moment, and the only connection for the residents of this village with the outside world is an ordinary wooden construction staircase. the rain passed, the river rose, everything began to wash away, those who had time to drive the car to the other side managed to do so, those who did not have time stayed behind. there is a similar situation in three more villages in the ogul region, which were also cut off. on elements, some are crossing on foot, others in an excavator bucket. the commission has already visited, the heads of rural settlements are aware, if necessary, if necessary, well , some additional products , everything necessary for life, will be delivered, they will be provided. several bridges have been destroyed, there are rockfalls and holes in the asphalt literally around every turn; they are marked with cobblestones and road signs for clarity. currently, specialists from the repair maintenance department. perform instrumental calculation of volumes for restoration of the road, in the rutul region
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the most difficult situation was in shinaz, lower katrukh, where rivers washed away not only roads, but also power lines, as well as in the tsakhur valley, it was completely cut off, residents of the affected areas and tourists are asked, if not to refrain from traveling, then at least be more attentive to the weather, but there is no fear on the road, not at all, you know, amazing, not a bit, even you look, rockfalls all around, this mountain river, washed out road, but for this it’s worth driving, how long will it take elimination of the consequences depends on the water level in the rivers and on the weather; if the sun comes out again and gives way to rain, you will have to wait it out, like this small proud tree. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, lead dagestan. and to international topics. the current owner of the white house is planning to limit the immunity of american presidents. joe biden for the last months of his life.
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usa, in his remaining few months in the white house, biden intends to reform the supreme court and abolish immunity american presidents. there is no question about which president we are talking about; in one of the recent decisions, supreme court judges confirmed the presidential immunity of donald trump, which means that his call in january 21 for supporters to go to the capitol may not be subject to jurisdiction. we don’t need such a court, the democrats thought, and
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they are going to change the constitution with biden’s hands. biden may introduce an amendment under the working title of no one above the law in the near future. most recently, the supreme court set a dangerous precedent in trump v. united states. as you know, they have ruled that the president of the united states is immune from possible crimes. which he could have committed while at his post. immunity. this nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in america. each of us is equal before the law. no one is above the law. and for all practical purposes , the court's decision almost certainly means that the president can violate his oath of office, flout our laws, and face no consequences. other radical measures to pacify judges signed by biden posted by the washington post. the opinion section published a plan for... reforming the supreme court, which implies the approval by congress of a certain
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code of ethics for judges, as well as the abolition of their lifelong tenure in their positions. speaker mike johnson has already stated that the republicans will bury biden's initiative upon arrival; a majority of 2/3 votes of both houses is required to pass any amendment, so the chances of pushing through changes to the constitution before the end of the presidential term are minimal, but 3 months before the elections there is information. refuse immunity, look at all the terrible things he did: 3.5
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million dollars from russia, funds received from china, i'm not talking about the thousands killed on the border, the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan became the most shameful day in the history of our country, all this is a complete disgrace, and he desperately wants to maintain immunity, biden would not give it up so easily, and as it turns out, it is easier to kill a president in america than to imprison him, new facts in the investigation of the assassination attempt on donald trump. they say the police caught the shooter an hour and a half before thomas crooks opened fire. the officers informed each other about this via sms messages. one of them even took a photograph of crooks and... sent his photo to his colleagues an hour before the assassination attempt; police officers are frank about the level of organization of security for the rally in pennsylvania. it turns out that the secret service did not even meet with local security officials on the eve of the event. we were supposed to have one-on-one training with secret service snipers, but that never happened, so i think
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that was the turning point when we we began to realize that something was wrong; we had no contact with the secret service. as the fbi reports on thomas crooks, the police paid attention at least three times that day, including 3 minutes before the shooting began, but no one took any action. now the federal bureau of investigation is interviewing hundreds of eyewitnesses and reviewing thousands of video evidence. according to the fbi, the man who shot trump on the eve of the crime searched on the internet for information about the attempted assassination of slovak prime minister robert fitz. motives for the assassination attempt on trump. the fbi can't name it yet. only 2 weeks after the assassination attempt, the fbi decided to interview the victim in the coming days. donald trump will testify to the investigation. and on capitalist hill, the deputy director of the fbi and the acting head of the secret service are waiting for an explanation. and in congress itself they created their own bipartisan commission to investigate the assassination attempt on
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trump. true, there is no confidence that in the pre-election fever she will be able to come to a consensus even among. and the congressmen themselves. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. you don't decide exactly how you meet your first love. you don't decide where you make lifelong friends. you don't decide which option you get. but only you decide what your future will be. study wherever you want and don’t worry about tuition payments with an educational loan with state support. calculate payments right now the loyalty program has been renewed and has become even more profitable with a subscription to berpriym, plus two top cashback categories. 1% double on everything
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. we continue broadcasting. an employee of the czech embassy in moscow was detained at vnukovo airport. he was found to have a potent poison that can be fatal. who needs diplomats? an employee
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of the czech embassy in russia flew from prague to moscow in the green customs corridor in vnukovo; during inspection, 12 boxes of a powerful drug that contains clasopin. russian federation - this substance is classified as a highly toxic substance, that is, this means that its uncontrolled... bartolomei did not have supporting documents on the name and quantity of the drug, in an explanatory note he wrote that he was flying home on vacation and was given it there pills, why would anyone at the czech embassy need so much clazapine, and even smuggled... with long-term administration of the drug can lead to the development of the syndrome addiction, moments associated very reminiscent of, say, drug addiction,
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it is very difficult to remove a person from this placement, and the most dangerous thing is probably, but when this drug is used not for medical purposes, it is a combination with alcohol, that is, in this case, fatalities are possible . the russian foreign ministry has already expressed a strong protest to the charge d'affaires of the czech republic in russia, jan andrzejka. bartholomew sharman is listed among the administrative and technical staff at the embassy, ​​but it turns out he works as a courier. need to check in detail whether this was an attempt to transfer poisons in order to carry out a terrorist act. western intelligence services are making efforts to intensify the activities of various cells on russian territory, which are supposed to carry out terrorist attacks, including against individuals who can also... poison bartholomew works at the embassy, ​​which means he has diplomatic immunity, from which the czech the party was asked to refuse, then it would be possible to prosecute sharman liability under the article smuggling
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of potent toxic substances, a case has already been opened. if the embassy refuses to deprive its employee of immunity, bartholomew sharman will be declared a nongrat person and will have to immediately leave russia. in any case, the story is extremely toxic. anton potkovenko, lead. new railway route in the svetlovsk region. passengers are now transported from yekaterinburg to nizhnyaya tura by the finist electric train. this is the development of a ural enterprise. all components are russian. comfort and quality appreciated by pavel chumakov. the new fenist announces his arrival loudly. such birds have not yet flown to the lower round from yekaterinburg. its steel plumage literally shines. everything inside the cabin is provided to make the travel time fly by for passengers. we drove for a whole week and got to zlatoust, and we all rode on electric trains, that is, starting from the very, very old ones,
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not even wooden, but covered with leather, these are the ones we went there on - from kochkanar, of course we realized that on such , in such a convenient electric train it is comfortable to travel quietly for 4 hours and the children tolerate the trip easily. how it was before and what happened after was also appreciated by other passengers. now it’s just become more comfortable, that is , you can even recharge your phone when you didn’t have time to do it at home, that is, i really like it. the new finist electric train can simultaneously transport 409 passengers. already on the first flight from yekaterinburg to the lower tour, the cabin was more than half full. the railway workers say that this route should have been revived from the ashes long ago; it is too popular a route. from the electric train swallow fenist differs in the most increased comfort. firstly, here... the standing between the seats is increased so that you can stretch your legs, and there are also usb devices under each of them to charge your cell phone. the locomotive
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is a ural development. the enterprise is fully equipped with domestic traction equipment, this is our response to western sanctions; in the future , a whole line of high-speed electric trains of a new generation will be created on this platform. the task is not just to close the direction, but to close it, to strive to ensure that to cover the entire route network with these modern trains, since the production of these trains is here, the consumer is ready to ride these trains here, and we are like a railway. we are ready to provide all this, now 26 such trains fly on the sverdlovsk railway, in december last year the finist began transporting passengers to kamyansk-ural and a little later to kachkanar, bauxite and shawl. pavel chumakov, alexey bogdanov, vesti ural.
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people don't serve in intelligence. even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. maroon takes - sometimes a symbol, sometimes - but i believe that there should be a pattern in everything, people should follow it. it can't be worse, it can be better. this has always been our motto in life. you pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it’s all a dream, and you ’re walking. open your eyes and wake up, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why do you need
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to watch now track? this is america, the program is about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. take russian digital solutions to new heights. there are prospects. even more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more. how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions. and what about production in general? raw materials exported, what is it, our product, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24
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at the end of the year, prices will increase from 6.5 to 7%, this forecast is given by the bank of russia, but the population’s inflation expectations remain at 12.5%. maria filippova will tell you how monetary policy is changing under these conditions. russians' inflation expectations for the year have increased, this follows from the central bank's report for july, but if the annual rate is approaching 12.5%, then the long-term rate for 5 years remains slightly above 10.5. high expectations for price growth are among the pro-inflationary risks; they can cause a stir, as a result of which prices actually go up. if you look in details of the report of the central bank, inflation expectations increased most of all among those
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who do not have savings, that is, among the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population, respectively, those who, in general, are not particularly able to save and who suffer most from inflation, respectively, who sees inflation stronger expects the same. the expectation was also influenced by the fact that the dynamics of price growth deviated from the initial forecasts of the central bank. these parameters are interrelated: the result is a tightening of monetary policy and an increase in the key rate to 18%. in june annual inflation was slightly above 8.5%, but by july 22 it... accelerated to nine. in this regard, the central bank raised its forecast for the year, the figure is expected to range from 6.5 to 7%. however, already in the twenty-fifth, thanks to tight monetary policy, there will be a slowdown to 4, 4.5%. among the main pro-inflationary factors this year is the imbalance between supply and demand. consumption has increased significantly, but production cannot keep up with it, the central bank notes. increased wages also stimulate purchasing.


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