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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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those who do not have savings, that is , the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population, respectively, those who, in general , cannot save much, who suffer the most from inflation, respectively, who see inflation stronger, expect the same. the expectation was also influenced by the fact that the dynamics of price growth deviated from the initial forecast of the central bank. these parameters are interrelated: the result is a tightening of monetary policy and an increase in the key rate to 18%. in june , annual inflation was slightly above eight. but to on july 22, it accelerated to 9. in connection with this , the central bank raised its forecast for the year, the figure is expected to range from 6.5 to 7%. however, already in the twenty-fifth, thanks to a tight monetary policy, there will be a slowdown to 4-4.5%. among the main pro-inflationary factors this year is the imbalance between supply and demand, consumption has increased significantly, and production has not kept pace with it, the central bank notes. stimulates buying and growth for. the central bank, in turn
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, is trying to encourage citizens to save: a high key rate, a high interest rate deposits. many banks have already announced that they are ready to raise the deposit rate to 18%, and some said as much as 20% due to the wait. monetary policies are being delayed, including until 2025, banks are more willing to provide high deposit rates of this kind for a period of more than six months. domrf bank, for example, increased the yield on one of its deposits to 19%, and on savings accounts to 16.5. despite the fact that, together with the key rate in russia loans are becoming more expensive, the demand for them is still high. in the second quarter it is. but
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the cooling will soon be noticeable, experts say. loans in general are becoming quite expensive for the population, now in order for their mood to grow, they need to further increase the possibility of lending, and this is no longer possible in current situations with the design of rates and... yes, which we now see, the bank of russia will assess the feasibility of further increasing the key rate; the next meeting on this issue is scheduled for september 13. them time in the capital is 10:32, this is what we have learned by this hour. traffic at the site of the collision between a train and a truck in the volgograd region is organized along one track in reverse traffic. according to russian railways, the section
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is being restored, but 11 trains are arriving late. the accident occurred the day before, the truck drove through a prohibitory signal. according to the ministry of health, 22 people remain under treatment, three of them in serious condition. dozens of settlements in dagestan remain without power supply for transport communications. after heavy downpours, five rivers overflowed their banks. mountain rivers. several roads in the republic are now closed due to flooding, embankments and mudflows. restoration of damaged areas will begin after river levels return to normal. over the past 24 hours, 37 forest fires have been extinguished in russia; there are over 280 active fires, about a hundred of them in yakutia. it finally started raining and this helped slow down the fire's progress. in transbaikalia, where a state of emergency has been declared, an additional group of fire paratroopers from the svertlovsk and tyumen regions is expected. trump is ready to debate with
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haris, who promised to do this before the national vote in the presidential election, called the new democratic opponent an easier opponent than the fighters. a ceremonial illumination of the restored buddhist temple took place in buryat. local residents have been waiting for this event for 12 years. funds are allocated from the republican budget. all the details are in our report. colleagues from ulanude. we are at the holy of holies, the revived chisan datsan. its unique altar is filled with figurines of a thousand buddhas brought from tibet, but the main decoration and object worship will certainly be the statue of buddha shakyamuni, cast in bronze, by the world famous sculptor dashi namdakov. sculpture of walking shakyamuni buddha. namdakov
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to his native chesan dotsan. the statue was made according to all the canons of buddhist art. 100 km from here to our village, our ancestors rode horses here. here. on horseback directly through the taiga, we spent the night along the way, reached a buddhist temple, prayed, in general, all our holidays and so on, everything took place here, 28 people from our village were servants of this temple. gandang today is a spiritual support for all residents of the chasan valley; today totsan is experiencing an active stage of its revival. thank everyone.
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built, restored to what it was before the revolutionary times. for the construction of the temple , a subsidy of 8 million rubles was allocated from the republican budget. in addition to the fact that we helped the entire people of the parish, we participated four times in a competition that provided subsidies for the construction and reconstruction of religious buildings and structures. that’s it, all this money was put into the cathedral church. more than 12 years recovery was underway. glorious cathedral church, today it meets believers in its original form, as it was before the destruction. building a temple is a kind of feat, overcoming the difficulties of trials. having united in the parish of the chisan dotsan, he has already accomplished it. every relic, every wall
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of this dugan contains a piece of history and faith. namzhilmat idenov, alexander lubsanov, vesti buryatiya. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name. hold your credit history is under control. your credit score may be better than you think. compare, on your side. the loyalty program with berspasibo has been updated and has become even more profitable with a subscription. 1% on everything twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. the time has come for alfabank. it's time for everyone to benefit. from beijing to
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and then the time of the fifth studio gives the floor to my colleague anastasia efimova. nastya, hello, what will we talk about today? yes, sash, good morning, of course, greetings to our tv viewers. today we are talking about events in venezuela. venezuelan president nicolas maduro compared the protests to color revolutions. i will quote a typical image of color revolutions in the world, promoted by gringa, in case anyone doesn’t know. gringo - this is the name of the americans. in the country on july 28, let me remind you, presidential elections were held, the current head of state nicolas maduro won them, almost immediately, literally the next day , protests began, first in caracos in the capital, at the moment almost all major cities of the country are covered these very protests. igor pshenichnikov and igor borisovich are in touch with us now, hello, hello, what is the opposition dissatisfied with? the opposition is unhappy that president maduro has been declared the winner. active president of venezuela, we must immediately say
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that this is a company, this color revolution, in fact, a color revolution, it was already being prepared in advance and that means it looked - in the form of - public opinion polls that were preparing - the creation for what should win supposedly opposition candidate edmuda gonzalez e. these polls said that maduro supposedly lags behind gonsalez by as much as 30% points and that the absolute majority of venezuelans will have to vote for the opposition, well, naturally - if if maduro wins, then this will be, in quotes , the result of falsification, this is what everything was actually preparing for, now we see, which means the second act of this show. which played out, i repeat, even before the elections, in fact, there is nothing strange about it, and i
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want to say that i wrote about this, by the way, in an article that was published yesterday, in fact, there is no need to be a strong prophet and ruler for in order to predict that this is exactly how everything will develop, the americans have been trying for many years to overthrow madura by any means possible, i repeat that these were attempted coups, attempts to kill... they are trying to conduct all sorts of different negotiations with them, including trading. i want
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to say one more very important thing about the fact that our media in general in the world, so to speak, fell for the bait of this american propaganda, because the absolute majority of the media in the world, therefore, presents the elections as extravagant. - forgery, falsification, and so on, that’s it... but we must understand that the main reason why the americans are trying to throw off madura - this is , of course, oil, venezuelan oil, this is a source of oil, energy resources for the americans, this is the largest owner of this black gold on the planet venezuela, the americans do not have access, do not have the ability to control this black gold, and they lost it with from the moment when ugachavis came to power, the oppressive opinion and... continues the line - ugachaves, and there are
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several countries in latin america, among them venezuela, which do not submit, therefore, to the hegemony of the united states, the united states the states, they have been pursuing the monroe doctrine policy for 200 years, in latin america considers the region to be their backyard and i repeat, all the concerns of the americans and the western world in general regarding venezuela are not nothing. is to establish democracy in venezuela, and in order to take control of its energy resources, everything is very simply explained. however, note that nine countries in the region have already demanded a complete review of the election results. in venezuela, and i will list them: argentina, guatemala, costa rica, panama, paraguay, peru, dominican republic, uruguay and ecuador, all of them express deep concern, i quote, in connection with the course of the presidential elections of the bolivarian republic of venezuela, and demand a complete review of their results in the presence of independent election observers, in order to ensure respect for the will of
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the venezuelan people, tell me these nine countries, why are they so worried about the fate of venezuela? of the people and their will, are they worried about the people or about their american friends? well, of course, about american friends, because these countries, these are just satellites of the united states, in general, absolutely nothing new happens there at all, i want to remind you that 6 years ago the so-called lima group was organized, after the previous elections in venezuela, this group included, therefore, most of the countries of latin america who look so directly, say, into uncle samm’s mouth, so... for me, this is just their entire foreign policy, it follows the lead of washington, there is nothing surprising here, that is, all this is actually happening according to the old patterns, which have already been worked out for a long time, now venezuela will be put under pressure by the economic efforts of certain sanctions against the energy sector of venezuela, there will be diplomatic pressure, which we see in the form of these countries that have made a unified
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statement, by the way, we must not discount it yet the likelihood of an armed invasion, i remind you that under... trump, the states were seriously considering the issue of a direct military invasion of venezuela, and the author of this idea was trump’s national security adviser, a certain john bolton, a generally well-known comrade, even the liberal press itself, back when trump was still in power, called him the main terrorist, by the way, so, but they just the americans calculated the consequences, and i didn’t understand that it would n’t be... not an easy walk, that stream of coffins who will go from venezuela to the united states, they are with american soldiers, i mean, they had this thought, it certainly stopped them, but you have to understand that the americans do not work with their own hands, for example, i will remind you, that on october 3 , 1920 there was an attempt to land mercenaries on the coast of venezuela, and it was
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the americans who tried to present this as the beginning. national uprising, but all this was foiled by the nezuela security service, which means that all these mercenaries were stopped, some were killed, some were arrested, by the way, some of them were members of president trump’s personal guard, so a little bit, this is what this people’s look looks like uprising, to make it clear, now they are trying to imagine to the whole world that the will of the people has been violated, these are the events that are now developing, these are these manifestations, they... even if they are not numerous, they will be presented as such a popular wave, you need to understand that everything now, that means, the entire information machine is the machine of the west and the united states, it is now working against, that means, venezuela, let's see , how this information machine works against russia, yes, it is difficult for us to cope with the lies and provocations that are raining down on russia in connection with our
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military operation in ukraine, but imagine little venezuela, yes, now everything is against it, we need to. .. how do you think, madura's position, oil, of course, oil is the main reason for what is happening, venezuelan oil, maduro's position, including friendly towards russia, and adds to his attractiveness as an american target, let's call it that? well, of course, this is the second, second, second point on which maduro must be destroyed, because how... this carthage must be destroyed , including for this reason, here is the same john bolton, whom i already mentioned , he called venezuela, nicaragua and cuba, these allies of russia, yes, the troika - that means tyranny in latin america, and pay attention, these three countries, and also bolivia, and they are constantly under
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the gun, which means the americans, constant pressure, constant provocations, constant sanctions and... why, the basis is precisely their friendly relations with russia, and of course, they acquire special significance both for us and for the americans, of course, in connection with this tough confrontation that we now have between russia, the west and the united states in particular, and these countries, let me remind you, are located directly in the southern the underbelly of the united states, it’s literally from cuba, for example, literally nine miles to florida, venezuela is a little further away, but also very close, so they, of course, are considering these countries. rioters have already had problems with the law before, this is to understand what kind of public goes out on the street, yes absolutely correctly, and in his statement he emphasized that the detained protesters arrived from the united states not so long ago, during
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interrogation they admitted that they receive up to $150 daily from protest coordinators from the united states, in general, a statement from which it is clear that president maduro, so to speak, has been in the game for a long time and understands well who is opposing him, nevertheless, he announced that on tuesday he would hold joint... meetings of the state council and the national council security, whose participants will have to plan to hold a grand dialogue, as he called it, on five topics: economic, social, cultural, spiritual and political. he says that all of venezuela is invited, that this is a sovereign dialogue in which, to quote him, no one won't dare stick it in your nose. in other words, within our own country, we will resolve even those contradictions that exist. do you think this initiated dialogue will lead to anything, considering? interests from abroad, well, you need to understand that maduro is trying, as i already said, this information pressure that venezuela is subjected to, and maduro is trying
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to resist this pressure, he is trying to use the information platform on which he works and the local media in order to to mobilize the people, in order to convey the truth to the venezuelans, i want to note that in general the absolute majority... remove, uh, what, what, what to read, which means what radio station to listen to, and many are, of course, under the influence of this propaganda, which pours into their ears and eyes
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for 24 hours for many years in a row, and this means that in parallel with this there is terrible economic pressure, the economic, social troubles that venezuela is experiencing, this is the result of this, these are the sanctions that the country has been living under for many years. the task of the americans is completely clear, to bring the people of venezuela to the donichen state, to arouse protest moods in them, then on the wave of these protest moods, which means throwing off the unwanted regime, mechanics, the same mechanics, it is used in nicaragua, by the way, in the eighteenth year it was the same thing happened in monago when there were elections there, then we see the same thing in cuba, because cuba, for example, has been under sanctions for... 60 years, we’ve only been there for 2 years, and we feel that what this is, and let me remind you that cuba has been under the stations for 60 years, and
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yet, nevertheless, the authorities manage to explain the reason for these economic difficulties, but maybe nicolas madura does not always succeed, because there i think , i think, there’s just this howl of this, this pro-american propaganda, here lies, which means it’s pouring... constantly on the population of venezuela, of course, this story has an impact on the situation, and of course, maduro has to undertake such herculean efforts literally to this is all a matter of refuting, let me remind you that he himself, for example, often speaks at rallies, broadcasts on television and radio, that is , there is such a real information war going on there, so you mentioned both trump and bolton in the context of the current venezuelan events, it is clear that america is now in such an active election cycle, the campaign is actually already in full swing, well , here the democrats have some kind of replacement of the player, let’s call it that, there was a lot of talk about the fact that since the political
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struggle is intensifying inside, on the external track, the americans seem to have a little time for their own affairs, so to speak, that they will take care of themselves, solve their problems, hold elections, inauguration and then become more active on the external track again, but we see that...
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tells the americans to use this moment for in order to put pressure on maduro, so i think that there will be no calm, then those people who are engaged in all sorts of provocations against, against us, against venezuela, against cuba, they work regardless of what kind of administration there will be, in regardless no matter who trump is there, kamalo haris or some other character, venezuela will always remain in the center of attention, because i repeat, it is the largest source of oil for, by the way, ourselves. thank you very much, igor borisovich, in general, russia, venezuela, cuba, bolivia, you mentioned, it would seem that we are so different, in the context of the events taking place, it turns out that we are together. thank you very much for your attention. thank you.
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rescue work at the train derailment site has been completed, traffic has been restored for now partially, trains on this line are delayed. about the situation in the volgograd region and the condition of the injured passengers in the report of our correspondent. a joint operation of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb in the voronezh region revealed. an illegal communication center for servicing telephone scammers from abroad, how much is the damage from the actions of the scammers estimated? landslides and flooding in dagestan, rivers overflowed their banks after heavy rains, bridges and roads were destroyed, thousands of residents were left without electricity, when will emergency crews be able to start restoration work? blocked highways, protests and clashes with
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police, the opposition is not... happy with the election results in venezuela. should we expect a repeat of the scenario of 1919, when the leader of the opposition declares himself president contrary to the official data of the election commission. new hersanez opens its doors to its first visitors. from today, the museum-temple complex is open to the general public. our correspondent in crimea has already talked to the guests, we are waiting for the live broadcast. most of the passengers on the train the day before derailed near volgograd, they continued their journey to adler, they were sent on reserve trains. traffic on the section of the railway where the emergency occurred the day before has already been partially restored. however, 11 trains are delayed. more than twenty people remain in hospitals, three in serious condition, including the driver of the kamaz, whose fault it was.


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