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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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12 boxes of powerful poison, such a cargo was seized from a czech diplomat who flew to moscow, where the poison was taken and whether it is possible to bring a diplomatic employee to justice, about this in the exclusive material of our tv channel. landslides and flooding in dagestan, rivers overflowed their banks after heavy rains, bridges and roads were destroyed, thousands of residents were left without electricity, when emergency crews can begin restoration work. clashes with police, the opposition is dissatisfied with the election results in venezuela. should we expect a repeat? the scenario of the nineteenth year, when the leader of the opposition declared himself president, contrary to the official data of the election commission. most of the passengers of the train, which the day before derailed near volgograd, had already left the temporary accommodation centers and continued their journey to adler. they were reserve trains.
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at the time of the collision with the kamaz, according to updated data, there were 956 people on the train. this was reported to the investigative committee. traffic on the section of the railway where the emergency occurred the day before has already been partially restored. however, there is a delay 11 trains. more than twenty people remain in hospitals, three in serious condition, including the kamaz driver, through whose fault the accident allegedly occurred. details from alexander kulishenko. work to eliminate the consequences of the emergency continues; heavy equipment, recovery trains, and dozens of specialists are involved. traffic, as reported by the volga railway , was partially restored late at night. as for the passengers, as we know, on the train traveling along the kazan-adler route there were more than 800 people, all night the data on the victims was clarified, now, according to the information of the operational headquarters, which was formed on behalf of the governor of the volgograd region andrei bocherov, as a result of an accident with... 52
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people were injured, currently 21 people are receiving medical care in the kotelnikovskaya central district hospital , 10 of them are children; fortunately, the children who remained under observation in the hospital had minor injuries. 28 people are observed on an outpatient basis. three people are in serious condition, including the truck driver, two were taken to twenty-fifth hospital in volgograd. the driver will undergo treatment at a departmental facility. russian health minister mikhail murashka took personal control of the provision of medical care to victims. of course, it is worth noting the efficiency of all emergency services, rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations and ambulance doctors arrived at the scene of the passenger train crash within 5 minutes after the emergency, passengers reported this. more than thirty medical teams worked on the spot, and aviation was brought in. three helicopters were delivered to the place neurosurgeons, resuscitators, anesthesiologists, more than 300 emergency services specialists and more than 100 pieces of equipment worked on site. the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident was coordinated by the governor. volgograd
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region andrei bocherov, he also visited the victims in the hospital and wished them a speedy recovery. at the same time, the issue of where to accommodate the passengers was being resolved; specialists organized several temporary temporary accommodation centers, in which more than 400 people received assistance, already at 20:45. yesterday 10 cars with passengers of the kazan adler train departed from gremyachey station, a total of 311 people, the rest will proceed to the black sea coast in additional reserve personnel, specially arrived from volgograd. returning to the cause of the accident, experts report that the driver of the kamaz truck, which collided with the train, drove onto the railway crossing with a properly functioning alarm system, the investigative committee opened a criminal case, and created a hotline for issues related to the incident. employees of the ministry of internal affairs, together with colleagues from the fsb, identified an illegal node communications for servicing telephone scammers from abroad. members of the criminal group were detained, two defendants are in custody, another is under house arrest. the rest have obligations to appear. preliminary.
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it was established that the damage from the actions of the scammers exceeded 10 million rubles. all episodes and accomplices are still being established. the criminal scheme has been operating since the beginning of this year. the attackers, acting on the instructions of anonymous curators, ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of foreign subscribers to russian. the scammers presented themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies. relatives involved in a traffic accident, after which they convinced citizens to transfer their savings to them. simboxes and gsm gateways were used for illegal activities. searches were carried out at the residences of the suspects, as well as in office premises in the voronezh and belgorod regions. during the special operation, the russian military improved their positions on the way to the liberation of seversk and krasnoarmeysk.
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these are the areas where the hottest situation is now, in the donetsk direction there are no populated areas, especially when it comes to units improving the tactical situation, infantry fighting vehicles are being delivered to the forward positions of the fighters of the assault detachments,
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they have to get there through dense enemy artillery fire and under attacks from drones of the ukrainian armed forces. dmitry ermakov saw how the task was carried out. the clang of caterpillars, the roar of the engine and the lumps of donbass black soil, along the sides of the car, a test of stamina, courage, steel giants with armored attack aircraft attack the enemy. recently, the gods of war have been favoring the brave; the front line in the donetsk or, as they now say, pokrovsk direction is being replaced under the blows of the defenders of russia. step by step, our fighters manage to uproot the stumps in the form of the enemy’s supporter. bmp-2, aka, bh, aka marusya, as she affectionately calls her. the bourgeois, he says, wouldn’t trade it for a new one, so much time and effort was invested, when they gave it to me, we seemed to immediately understand each other, and that is, the car is good, so stable, in motion, as if more than once
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saved, there were cases, dozens of combat missions, injuries, concussion, in general, we went through thick and thin. the copper pipes on the armor are relics of past battles, the iron character, apparently, has passed from the equipment to the crew, we give the guys cover, we invite fire on ourselves, so that our guys come closer from other positions and take the oporniki. the bmp, like a visible machine, not only attracts attention, but constantly fights off annoying pursuers. not so long ago , the crew was barely able to escape, the armor almost became prey to smaller predators, wolf packs drones. in the front part, well, i was wounded, i woke up, i was already carried out with the car into a minefield, i called my crew using the rodeyka, everyone was alive, everything was fine, i began to take the car out, later the doctors said that i was lucky, several
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fragments miraculously did not hit important organs, shell-shocked, return to the car and with one hand drive a multi-ton armored personnel carrier to a safe zone, worthy of at least a medal for courage, which the bourgeoisie deserved... and the most important thing is that these medals, the main thing is that he somehow contributed to our victory, like representative the weak female gender will not dare to say that marusya will appreciate love, care, does not refuse gifts, places of dresses, camouflage nets, places of expensive perfumes, smoke grenades, when they came to us, they were naked, then later cumulative protection appeared. either they put up a camouflage net so that the enemy wouldn’t see who was coming, the infantry was coming, or we were just bringing in ammunition. rap, according to unspoken field laws, is also in place. birds no longer fly closer than 100 m, as they say, you can only watch the improvements that the soldiers contributed with their own hands, caring for
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marusya, and more than once saved the lives of both the crew itself and the landing force, because the vehicle sometimes drives up to the enemy’s support position closer than 100 m, then protection plays an extremely important role. assault tasks. a czech citizen in russia flew from prague to moscow in the green customs corridor in vnukovye; during inspection, 12 boxes of a powerful drug containing klasopin were seized from him. russian federation - this substance is classified as a highly toxic substance, that is, it means that
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its uncontrolled distribution, its use is prohibited by law, an ordinary doctor cannot even prescribe such a drug, it is recommended for, well, let’s say, the main nosology, this is schizophrenia, if appropriate. on vacation and there he was given pills, why would anyone at the czech embassy need so much clazapine, and even smuggled in, with long-term administration of the drug can lead to the development of an addiction syndrome, the associated moments are very reminiscent of, say, drug addiction, remove from this landing it is very difficult for a person, and the most dangerous thing is probably, but when this drug is not used for medical purposes, it is combined with alcohol, that is, in this case, death is possible. exodus. the russian foreign ministry has already expressed a strong protest to the charge d'affaires of the czech republic in
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russia, jan andrzejka. bartholomew sharman is listed among the administrative and technical staff at the embassy, ​​but it turns out he works as a courier. it is necessary to check in detail whether this was an attempt to transfer poisons in order to carry out terrorist act. western intelligence services are making efforts to intensify the activities of various cells on russian territory. who must carry out terrorist attacks, including against individuals who may also be persecuted. bartholomew works at the embassy, ​​which means he has diplomatic immunity, which the czech side was asked to waive, then it would be possible to bring sharman to criminal charges, under the article of smuggling of potent toxic substances, a case has already been opened. if the embassy refuses, deprive of his immunity officer, bartholomew sharman will be declared persona nongrata and will have to.
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the world i'm looking at, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distractions, the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point. new kari sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry, try it at a delicious point! under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful and... happy moment in the heat of july carried by a silver bullet. the walls of the temple where prince vladimir was baptized, the byzantine quarter and the only museum of crimea and novorossiya. the first guests today are received by
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new khersanez, a unique museum and temple complex in sevastopol on the banks of the black river. sea, simultaneously with its construction , st. vladimir’s cathedral was restored in hersanes. our correspondent yana shcherbate talked to the first visitors. new chersonese is a truly grandiose complex, which has no analogues anywhere else in the world or in russia. we will now try to give you a short tour of the main objects of new hersanes. so, what about the visit? people start with this building. a grandiose, magnificent, beautiful building, it is the only one in the world. museum of christianity, its dome is 31 m, exactly the same as that of hagia sophia in constantinople, now the city of istanbul. further, next to the museum of christianity, there is the next unique object, which is where we are now walking. this is the first and only unusual temple in russia, unlike all the others. the fact is that this is a temple-park. there are no walls here,
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instead of them there are these light, beautiful, almost weightless structures. costs it should be noted that this temple is already operational. the first service here took place on the eve of the day of the baptism of russia and it is understood that services here will be held mainly at night and in the evening, that is, under the open starry sky, it certainly looks incredibly beautiful. a huge number of people are here in khersanes today, many, these are not only sevastopol residents, these are not only kremlin residents, many came here from different parts of our country. people say that specifically, today on the opening day, they wanted to be one of the first, who visited the new complex. we are pioneers, we all work too, so we brought the children early, it’s not hot, wonderful weather, it’s just something incredible, such power, the scale is amazing, although we haven’t been everywhere yet, but it’s easy, we’re certainly impressed, very impressed, here like the scale, if you don’t see it, it’s a gigantic scale, gigantic work, amazing work,
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amazing beauty, this is a historical event, the opening of such a wonderful... complex of our hersenes, come early, because in order to be in time for everything, the first, like so to speak, to see, the scale is simply amazing, powerful, very beautiful, well, after the museum of christianity and the temple park, the view opens up to almost the entire new khersanez, on the right side of me is a building, a large building - this is the museum of crimea and new russia, a museum that tells the history of these lands from the most ancient times, that is, practically from the appearance of the very first peoples on this land. of course, we are talking about the baptism of russia, about how prince vladimir arrived here in ancient khersanez and accepted christianity, followed by all of russia, then the halls tell, of course, about the founding of the black sea fleet as well as the heroic defense of sevastopol, and of course, there are halls dedicated to the modern history of crimea and novorossiya, the history that
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is being written today, our days. opposite the museum of crimea and novorossiya there is an amphitheater, which received its name. a little further on is the reconstruction quarter - these are four buildings that are designed to show visitors to khersanes what the ancient ancient city looked like in the 20th century, when prince vladimir arrived here, following it’s another unique building, by the way, i’ll say that the word unique can be said about everyone here, literally without pretension.
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there is the pearl of the entire complex, this is st. vladimir’s cathedral, which was restored, today it is all covered with mosaics inside, and just like the entire complex is open to tourists and parishioners of today . at the moment, the entire territory of the complex is open, this includes a temple park, a sculpture park, a landscape park, the museum of crimea and novorossiya is operating in test mode, and a large festival is also taking place these days reenactors who... are present throughout the territory of new khersanes and offer our visitors exciting recapitulations, master classes and much, much more. new chersonese is capable of up to 50,000 visitors. take here, everything you need to do in order to get here, to this historical, sacred place for our country, you just need to register on the new khersanes website
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and come here to sevastopol, and visiting the new complex, i note, is completely free, absolutely for everyone. yana cherbaty, andrey terentev, vasily peredkov, lead sevastopol. auditors of the brix countries met today in ufa. russia is now the chairman of the association, the key topic of the fourth meeting of this kind. format audit of sustainable development, event organizer is the accounts chamber of russia. its chairman, boris kovalchuk, had already talked with colleagues from brazil and egypt the day before. the focus is on the further development of cooperation, including on issues of increasing the accountability of public administration, the fight against corruption and the laundering of funds obtained illegally way. we provide timely and high-quality assessment of the effectiveness of measures aimed at implementing the agenda.
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footage from rostov-on-don, the northwestern areas of the city are covered in black smoke, polycarbonate warehouses are now burning in the city, the fire has already engulfed about 200.50 km, which was the official reason, what was the reason for there are no official statements yet, but eyewitnesses report that it all started due to the electrical panel, the equipment could not stand it
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and exploded, after which a fire started, according to locals, the smoke can be seen several kilometers. the current owner of the white house is planning to limit the immunity of american presidents. in the last month of his reign, joe biden intends to carry out a reform of the supreme commander. into battle against the us constitution. in his remaining few months in the white house, biden intends to reform the supreme court and end the immunity of american
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presidents. there are no questions about which president we are talking about. in a recent decision, supreme court justices upheld donald trump's presidential immunity. a this means that his call in january of twenty -one to supporters to march on the capitol may not be subject to jurisdiction. we don’t need such a court, the democrats thought, and they are going to change the constitution with biden’s hands. biden may introduce an amendment under the working title, no one is above the law, in the near future. most recently, the supreme court set a dangerous precedent in trump v. united states. as you know, they ruled that the president of the united states is immune from possible crimes that he might commit while in office. on your own post, immunity: this nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in america, each of us is equal before the law, no one is above the law, and for all practical purposes
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, a court decision almost certainly means that the president can violate his oath of office, disregard our laws and not face consequences. other radical measures to pacify judges signed by biden were published by the washington post; a plan to reform the supreme court was published in the opinion section. which implies congressional approval of some ethical code of judges, as well as the abolition of their lifelong tenure in their positions. speaker mike johnson has already stated that the republicans will bury biden's initiative upon arrival; a majority of 2/3 votes of both houses is required to pass any amendment, so the chances of pushing through changes to the constitution before the end of the presidential term are minimal, but 3 months before the elections there is a lot of information noise more important than anyone. speaker johnson said your project will be dead on arrival. this is true. as it is? he himself is dead on arrival. about that the idea of ​​depriving the president of immunity
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is doomed to failure. the one whom the democrats are digging for argues calmly. without presidential immunity, biden himself could go to trial, trump is sure, although he is clearly taking some of the charges out of thin air. typical biden scam, he doesn't want to give up immunity. look at all the terrible things he 's done: $3.5 million from russia, funds from china. i'm not talking about the thousands killed on the border. the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan was the most shameful. in history desperately wants to maintain immunity. biden is not our country. this is all a complete disgrace, and he would just give it up so easily. and, as it turns out, it is easier to kill a president in america than to imprison him. new facts in the investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump say that police spotted the shooter an hour and a half before thomas crooks opened fire. the officers informed each other about this via sms correspondence. one of them even took a photo of crooks and sent it to his
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colleagues. an hour before the assassination attempt, about the level of organization of security at a rally in pennsylvania the police are frank, it turns out that the secret service did not even meet with local security forces on the eve of the event. we were supposed to have a one-on-one briefing with the secret service snipers, but that never happened, so i think that was the turning point when we started to realize that something was wrong, we had no connection with the secret service. , as the fbi reports on... the police paid attention to crooks that day at least three times, including 3 minutes before the shooting began, but no one took any action undertook. now the federal bureau of investigation is interviewing hundreds of eyewitnesses and reviewing thousands of video evidence. according to the fbi, the man who shot trump on the eve of the crime searched on the internet for information about the attempted assassination of slovak prime minister robert fitz.
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the fbi has yet to name the motives for the assassination attempt on trump. only 2 weeks after the assassination attempt, the fbi decided to interview the victim. in the coming days, donald trump will testify to the investigation; the acting deputy director of the fbi is expected on capitalist hill for an explanation. the head of the secret service, congress itself created its own bipartisan commission to investigate the assassination attempt on trump, although there is no confidence that in the election fever it will be able to come to a consensus even among the congressmen themselves. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. who are you? i, traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan. oh, so we're going to go out and talk. what a fairy tale without ivan. eh, eh! yes, what started?
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without deception and without flint. i was quickly imprisoned in flints. pen, handwritten, ink magical, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, then i’ll have a horse. mechanical. oh, hit yourself over the head, do you have a cage? where i need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where? yes, i can’t live without travel, flint, he who doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket, soon!
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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