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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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under the influence of scammers. there were landslides and flooding. in dagestan, rivers overflowed their banks after heavy rains, bridges and roads were destroyed, and thousands of residents were left without electricity. when will emergency crews be able to begin restoration work? all passengers of the train, which the day before collided with a truck in the volgograd region, left the temporary accommodation facility. and continued the trip, local authorities reported this. in adler the train is expected today around 11:00 pm. more than 20 people remain under treatment. according to the ministry of health, three of them in serious condition, seven are being prepared for release. for discharge. traffic on the railway section has been completely restored. alexander kulishenko will tell you the details. work to eliminate the consequences of the emergency continues; heavy equipment and recovery trains are being used. dozens of
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specialists. traffic, as reported by the volga railway , was partially restored late at night. as for passengers, as we know, there were more than 800 people on the train traveling along the kazan-adler route. all night data information about the victims was specified. now, according to information from the operational headquarters, which was formed on behalf of the governor of the volgograd region, andrei bocherov. as a result of the train accident, 52 people were injured. currently , 21 people receive medical care at the kotelnikovskaya central district hospital, 10 of them. they have children, fortunately the children who remained under observation in the hospital, the injuries were minor. 28 people are observed on an outpatient basis. three people are in serious condition, including the truck driver. two were taken to the twenty-fifth hospital in volgograd. driver will undergo treatment in a departmental institution. russian health minister mikhail murashka took personal control of the provision of medical care to victims. of course, it is worth noting the efficiency of all emergency services, rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations, ambulance doctors,
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emergency services arrived at the scene and more than 100 units of equipment worked on the spot. the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident was coordinated by the governor of the volgograd region, andrei bocharov, he also visited the victims in the hospital and wished them a speedy recovery. parallel the question of where to place it was decided. to help passengers, specialists organized several temporary emergency rooms, more than 400 people received assistance in them, already at 20:45, yesterday 10 cars with passengers of the kazan-adler train departed from gremyachaya station, a total of 311 people, the rest will proceed to the black sea coast in additional reserve personnel , who specially arrived from volgograd. returning to the cause of the accident, experts report that the kamaz driver, who collided with the train, drove onto the railway crossing when the the current alarm by the investigative committee initiated
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a direction to a similar area for the snipers of the advanced group of the attack aircraft unit of the central military district, as they say, are no strangers to destroying and leaving, they understood everything, the ukrainian military left this village under pressure from russian artillery. snipers choose the most convenient firing line less than a kilometer from the line of combat contact. the target has already been determined,
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there is always a gunner working in the group, as professionals say, the second number is his information, as a rule, guarantees the destruction of an object, vertical 4.4, there is, fire when ready, the combat work of a sniper in a group of troops-center always precedes the actions of assault units. standard rifles of 308 caliber, the task is 9000 further, i observe, corrections, give, correct, derivation, read everything, without silencers everything is visible, fire, no sniper, svd, svdm, now orsis, good rifle, infantrymen went for an assault, and we are like a sniper, we cover the front.
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a continuous passage more than 3 m wide or two ruts, the space between them remains uncleared. the commander of a mine clearance vehicle, created on the basis of the t-90 tank, talks about his impressions after running into several previously unexploded ammunition. to be honest, it’s like you’re sitting in a saucepan, it’s so overwhelming, probably more emotions, as if you don’t run into a landmine, there’s danger, there’s a high probability that there will be some kind of landmine lying around, that it won’t save you, and so the car very reliable, the explosion itself is not strongly felt,
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the sapper crews, of course, change the location and work as the line of combat contact advances. alexey boranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev and natalya afanasyeva. news: lugansk and donetsk people's republics, line of military contact. the water level between the belomor canal locks in karelia has decreased, there is no longer a threat of flooding of populated areas, the republican authorities reported this. the state of emergency remains in effect in the tegesh district. rescuers are searching for three local residents who disappeared after a temporary dam broke. let me remind you that the protective structure collapsed the day before, the water from the canal poured into the village of shavan. one person died, 10 were injured. alexander minyailov will talk about the consequences of the accident. there is no dam,
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it just doesn’t exist. these nearby houses, there were houses there, houses were demolished instead. destroyed country houses, washed out roads and an endless rush of water. all this is the consequences of breaking a temporary bridge on... the houses there were demolished, the first two were already demolished right away, when we were leaving, there was already a third house being torn down, we reached the baltic dacha cooperative, it is located on the direction of water discharge of the tenth and eleventh lock, between which the jumper broke through. we are in the village of shavan at the eleventh lock of the white sea canal,
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behind me the collapsed houses of local residents are a stormy stream of water that still continues to destroy everything in its path. now they have closed the dam until 400 cubic meters are discharged. now we are further monitoring, we hope that in the near future we will be able to further reduce the level of water discharge, the white sea-baltic canal connects lake onega with the white sea, length 227 km, consists of 19 locks, if at least one lock is blocked, traffic along the entire canal is suspended, traffic is now blocked on lock number 11 on the vyk river, an expert commission is working on the site, cargo transportation is suspended, 15 people are evacuated, these are residents who... .home vehicles. the settlement will double in size and a temporary disengagement center will be deployed. all work on the hydroelectric complex, where a temporary dam was washed away today, was planned to be completed by the end of the year; before the start of reconstruction, the facility was the only wooden dam, preserved in russia. about 40 million rubles were allocated for the work. the last time the dam was checked was january 17. what exactly
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caused the breakthrough will have to be found out by employees of the ministry of nature and the prosecutor's office of the republic. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. alexander minelov, vladislav potapov, vesti karelia, segizhsky district. dozens of settlements were left without transport links in dagestan. these are the consequences of heavy rains. five mountain rivers overflowed their banks, causing mudflows and landslides . some sections of roads have been destroyed. sarkar magomedov will tell you the details. the residents of the village of dulduk were only a meter away from the tragedy. during the night, the rising river washed him away too. here below me there is a real emptiness. people have outlined the danger zone with this board, you can’t step further, at any moment everything can collapse, the point has passed, the river has risen, everything started to wash away, whoever had time to drive the car to the other side, managed to, those who didn’t have time were left, a similar situation in three more villages of the ogul district, which
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are also cut off by the elements, someone is moving on foot, someone in an excavator bucket. the commission has already visited, the heads of rural settlements are aware, if necessary, if necessary, well... some additional products will be inserted, everything necessary for life will be provided. several bridges have been destroyed, and there are rockfalls and holes in the asphalt literally around every turn. for clarity, they are marked with cobblestones. and road signs, currently specialists from the maintenance department are making instrumental calculations of the volumes needed to restore the road. in rutulsky the most difficult situation in the region was in shinaz, lower kotrukh, where rivers washed away not only roads, but also power lines, and also in the tsakhur valley, where it was completely cut off. residents of the affected areas and tourists are asked, if not to refrain from traveling, then at least to be more attentive to the weather. no fear on the road? not at all, do you understand? it’s amazing, not at all, even you can see the kamnepaddy all around, this
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mountain river, the road is washed out, but it’s worth going for it. how long it will take to eliminate the consequences depends on the water level in rivers and from the weather. if the sun comes out again and gives way to rain, you will have to wait it out, like this small proud tree. sarkar magomedov, salikh salikhov and abdulla magomedov, lead dagestan. 37 forest fires in the area. almost 4.0 hectares were extinguished over the past 24 hours in russian regions; there are more than 280 active outbreaks. in transbaikalia, where a state of emergency has been declared, an additional group of fire paratroopers from the sverdlovsk and tyumen regions are waiting. there are 80 large fires in the region, more than 900 people and almost 100 units of ground equipment are extinguishing the fire. difficult situation in buryatia, irkutsk and amur regions, as well as the krasnoyarsk territory. i finally went to yakutia. rain and this helped slow down the speed of the fire in the forests. now emercom specialists can get closer to hard-to-reach
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outbreaks. there are more than a hundred of them in total. those that rage near populated areas are under special control. about 2.0 people are fighting the fire, including aviation forest security specialists from other regions. aviation is involved. now a short advertisement. afterwards, we will continue the release. enjoy rolls from tasty point, caesar roll with tender chicken in a crispy coating with tomato and cheese, try the caesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or stop by the car for them. okko online cinema, the world i watch. magnet, crackers, kiryeshki, 3699. magnet -
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relaxed sublime. find the verney scent to suit your mood. i like being a courier with yandex food, i manage my income. i choose how to deliver orders and decide when to receive money, even every day, and i even manage this video. become a courier with yandex food. manage your income, with yota your money won’t fly away, you catch up, gigs and minutes remain, we return rubles for them, you can yota.
1:16 pm
it’s even more profitable with a sberm subscription, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything , twice as many bonuses every month, sberm is more profitable with prime, this summer is with us, this summer will sparkle with new colors, buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions, only at a delicious point, this summer is with us, an employee of the czech embassy in moscow was detained at vnukovo airport, he was found to have a potent poison that can be fatal. to whom was the diplomat carrying the dangerous cargo and will it be possible to attract an employee of the diplomatic mission to responsibility, anton potkovenko will tell you.
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bartholomew sharman, an employee of the czech embassy in russia, flew from prague to moscow in the green customs corridor in vnukovo, with him. during the preliminary inspection, 12 boxes of a powerful drug containing clazapine were seized. russian federation - this substance is classified as a highly toxic substance, that is, this means that its uncontrolled distribution and use is prohibited by law, an ordinary doctor cannot even prescribe such a drug, it is recommended for, well, let’s say, the main the nosology is schizophrenia; with an appropriate dosage of clazapine, a person can be quickly put to sleep. bartolomei did not have any supporting documents about the name and quantity of the drug; in his explanatory note he wrote that he was flying home on vacation and there he was given pills. why would anyone at the czech embassy need so much clazapine, and even smuggled one? long-term administration of the drug can lead to the development of addiction syndrome, the associated moments are very reminiscent of, say,
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drug addiction, it is very difficult to remove a person from this imprisonment, and most... the services are making efforts to intensify the activities of various cells on russian territory, which should carry out terrorist attacks, including against individuals who can also be poisoned. bartholomew works at the embassy, ​​which means he has diplomatic immunity, which the czech side was asked to waive, then
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it would be possible to prosecute sharman under the article “smuggling of potent toxic substances.” it's already excited. if the embassy refuses to deprive its employee of immunity, bartholomew sharman will be declared a nongrat person and will have to leave russia immediately. in any case, the story is extremely toxic. anton potkovenko, lead. and now to urgent messages from the russian ministry of defense. as a result of active actions, a subdivision of the group of troops-center liberated the village of leninskoye in the donetsk people's republic and improved the tactical situation. details. we'll tell you soon. it's on in the uk investigation into an attack on a children's dance club near liverpool. the attack the day before left two children dead and six children and two adults remaining in critical condition. doctors are fighting for their lives. according to media reports , children were attacked by a seventeen-year-old
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young man during a dance master class. he was detained on the spot; the motive for the attack is still unknown. officially. have not yet been presented. now city residents are bringing flowers to the site of the incident to honor the memory of the victims. no israeli attack will go unanswered, they said representatives of lebanese hezbollah and added that beirut will no longer consider this conflict as a border conflict. the scale of retaliatory strikes depends on the situation on the battlefield. they threatened to respond in the harshest way to tel aviv's aggression against lebanon this morning. iran, they also called on netanyahu's cabinet to end the war in the gas sector. let me remind you that earlier the israeli army attacked hezbollah’s military targets. the idf used surface-to-surface missiles.
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so that these attempts to shake up the situation inside venezuela are not fueled by third parties countries, third parties and that venezuela be free from external interference. following nicolas maduro's victory in the presidential elections , mass protests took place in venezuela. riots swept across most of the country, with activists burning tires and smashing shop windows. the monument to former president ugachavis was demolished. the town hall in caracas caught fire. local media write from thirty injured security forces. they used tear gas. in the capital of this
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case, shots are heard on the streets of armored vehicles. in an address to the nation, nicolas maduro said, that an externally planned coup attempt is taking place. the gringos are behind this plan. this is the case of chile, peru, costa rica, panama, the dominican republic and uruguay. all these countries refused to recognize the election results. responding to such a gesture from caracas, mit peru called on all employees of its diplomatic mission in venezuela to urgently leave the territory of this country, here are the argentine the authorities, after rude statements by their president about not recognizing the choice of the venezuelans,
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later tried to smooth out the conflict and clarified that they did not want to break diplomatic contacts. now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. enjoy rolls from tasty point. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading and tomato cheese. try the caesar roll and other tasty rolls. or pick them up in your car. tired of looking for a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare. develops a dream that online cinema okko, the world that i watch, can co-seson,
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tender chicken. for burgers at the delicious point new curry sauce at chicken premium and chicken hit carry try at the delicious point favorite always choose free delivery by clicking on the megamarket, this is your personal pick-up point and you don’t have to cancel your summer plans, you don’t have to go anywhere, stand in line for order or juggle purchases on the way home, delivery by click works like this: the order is clicked, it goes to the nearest dark store and the order is stored in darkstore. 5 days click and in 15-30 minutes order at your home for free delivery by click is your personal pick-up point, catch the moments of summer with the megamarket, the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sber prime subscription, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything , twice as many bonuses every month, it’s more profitable in sber with prime. now it's time
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for economic news. the largest russian banks reduced the issuance of mortgages by 16% in the first half of the year. in total, citizens took out 680,000 such loans worth 2,800 billion rubles. this was reported to the rf house. at the same time, in june the volume loans for new buildings updated the maximum. mortgages for individual housing construction and issuance under state programs were also at peak values. however, the mortgage market is expected to slow down in the second half of the year. the completion of the mass will have an impact. preferential program and high rates. in russia , demand for far eastern hectares has increased sharply. in the first half of the year, the number of applications under the program increased by a third to 16,500, rbc writes about this. liquid lands around large cities are gradually being put into circulation; plots that were not registered for long-term lease or own. the demand is also affected by the possibility of building a house on the site using a far eastern or arctic mortgage.
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aeroflot earned more than 35 billion rubles in the first half of the year. net profit against a large loss a year earlier, this is stated in the report according to russian standards: the carrier’s revenue increased immediately by one and a half times to 312 billion. this is a historical maximum. the company associates this dynamics with the growth of passenger turnover and the increase in the number of flights. and next year will be more difficult for ukraine than this year because uncertainty surrounding the us elections. the minister of finance stated this. countries sergey marchenko. he recalled that this year kiev waited a long time for the decision of the us congress on assistance ; ukraine cannot hope for similar decisions in 2025. the minister added that the country must be prepared for any development of events and rely only on its own strength. it was economic news. short.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we all here are the same, we do the same work, the same tasks, get the deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, well, salamati, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? come on, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.


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