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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction, we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, well, salomati, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will be 2 years soon.
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the european people's party calls for new restrictions on the issuance of schengen visas to russians. specific measures will be discussed at the eu leaders' summit in october. in addition, brussels criticized budapest's recent decision to weaken. visa requirements for citizens of russia and belarus, it, as european parliamentarians say, allegedly undermines the national security of eu countries. let me remind you that hungary included our country in the so-called national card program. it is issued for 2 years to those who want to work or run a business. holders do not undergo special checks at the border and have a number of other advantages, including receiving permanent residence permit. the world's only museum of christianity and...
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russia's first temple-park in sevastopol , the new khersanez museum complex opened to the general public today; in its open spaces you can touch the history of byzantium, crimea and new russia. about the impressions of the first visitors, report by yana shcherbaty. the central square of the new hersanes is filled with people every minute there are more and more visitors here, a grandiose complex, open to everyone. historical photo for a family album, alone from the first. visitors to the opening specially came from moscow, i can’t even find words, an extraordinary city, yes, it’s a city, it’s a city, it’s a city within a city, the beauty, the scale is so impressive that there are no words left, delight from the first seconds, i’m in my life i traveled, i was lucky, i saw a lot of countries, here there is, you know, a zest that is not found anywhere, not found anywhere, believe me, here...
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time for the news that is coming to the news agent feeds at these moments. the body of one of the missing after an emergency was found in kariliya belomor canal. this was reported by the operational services of the republic of kareli. thus, the death toll after the erosion of the temporary bridge between the locks of the belomursko-baltic canal has reached two people, two more are still listed as missing. state policy in the field of higher education today has become one of the main topics of the government hour.
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in the state duma. deputies discuss the implementation of the national project science and universities. the meeting is being held with the participation of the minister of science and higher education valery falkov. and willingly our correspondent, varvara, is working nearby today. let me remind you that the national project is designed to develop human capital in the interests of regions and industries, build up large-scale scientific and technological projects in priority areas, and also provide advanced infrastructure for breakthrough scientific research and personnel training. at the very beginning of his speech, minister folkov stated that one of the key objectives of this national project, namely the accessibility of higher education, had been fully achieved. from 2020 to on the instructions of the president, we have consistently
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increased the number of budget-funded places in universities. the task has now been completed. the availability of higher education in the country has increased significantly. number of budget places in this. year compared to 2020 increased by more than 50,000, about 30,000 more places were allocated by the university to new subjects. as a result, today over 60% of eleventh grade graduates have the opportunity to enter universities, accessibility to higher education is ensured throughout the country, in general, almost 75% of allocated budget places fall specifically on regional budgets. what does it mean? it means that? future specialists are trained in specialties that are in demand by local employers and are more likely to remain working for the benefit of their region upon graduation. and the minister, as part of the report, called for the creation of a guaranteed employment system for those
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who study at universities in budget-funded places. valery folkov also proposed to consolidate the status of a young specialist at the legislative level, this... to study the issue of the legal status of a young specialist, that is, to establish his rights, obligations, additional guarantees, and support measures to consolidate this status at the legislative level. valery folkov spoke about how the admission process for higher educational institutions is going; this year the number
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of applications that applicants have already sent to certain higher educational institutions has exceeded 964 and... the leading universities of our country may close admission to budget places by 3 august, the minister also said that the ministry of education pays special attention infrastructure, not only universities in central russia in our millionniki cities, but special attention to higher educational institutions, universities and institutions of donbass and novorossia as a whole, so by september 1 of this year there will be... 22 objects have already been installed, well, last year , as falkov said, 43 new modern laboratories were opened in 14 universities of donbass and novorossia, and at the end of the parliamentary hour the plenary session of the state duma will begin, here are
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some of the bills that are to come to be considered by deputies, among them is a document that will ban trash streams, such content will be classified as information. are prohibited for distribution, another document bans the sale of energy drinks to minors, but the lower house of parliament also plans today in the second reading to consider a document that regulates the mining activities of digital currencies. daria, varvara, thank you, varvara nevskaya told us about how the government hour is going in the state duma today. the time has come for alfabank, the time has come benefits for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands
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russia this year , overhaul work was carried out in almost 9 thousand residential high-rise buildings. 15 million russians have improved their living conditions. such figures were previously announced by deputy prime minister morad they screwed up. the quality and progress of work on site is checked by specialists from the territorial development fund. improving regional capital repair programs is one of the most important tasks of the territorial development fund. we are participating in the development of regulatory and methodological documents that will help regions increase the efficiency of using contributions for major repairs and speed up the pace of this work. in addition, the frt replicates the best, positive regional practices so that ready-made working solutions can be used by other entities. activities of others in the field major repairs are carried out in the regions of the central, volga and siberian districts. myself.
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carry out major renovations next year. auditors of the brix countries met today in ufa. russia is now the chairman of the association, the key topic of the fourth meeting in this format is the audit of sustainable development. the event is organized by the accounts chamber of russia. its chairman boris kovalchuk had already talked with colleagues from brazil and egypt the day before. focus on further development of cooperation, including on issues of increasing accountability public administration.
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then we will combine it into a single document, at our next meeting this document will be presented for a comprehensive discussion, so of course, within the framework of the brix partnership, within the framework of the partnership, within the framework of the audit, we will work, and the further we interact , the deeper our work will be, including perhaps we will reach the phase of conducting joint verification activities.
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now footage from the presidential press service. listen. must participate in solving national problems to strengthen security and the defense capability of our country and the industrial dependence of our state. a few numbers that i would like to show and tell you: first of all, this is the consolidated revenue of the corporation, today it has increased by almost 34%. and today it amounted to 2.840 billion. we hope
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that already this year, in the twenty-fourth year, we...
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if in absolute figures the volume of production of civilian products increased by 5.5%, today it is almost a trillion, more precisely 993 billion. 5.5% compared to what period from in the twenty-second year, yes, well, in principle, in general, in general, how much is now in absolute figures, 993 billion, no, but how much is now from the total output, everything. here is the total revenue of 2 billion, if we take everything as 100%, what is the civilian percentage, unfortunately, in relative figures we have fallen, in the twenty- second year we had 44.5%, this year 35, well, not this year, in the twenty-third year 35%, but i repeat once again, in absolute figures it
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increased, in relative figures it fell, this suggests that, in general, the volume state defense order, that means... passes and so on, and therefore this main part of the investment goes to the modernization and expansion of production capacities, yeah, and the main topic of the report this year is the growth of a reliable support for the country; it is revealed in four subtopics: the first subtopic is protection
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of state sovereignty, like previous years, rostyago traditionally has a high... su-57, su-35, il-76, yag-130, mi-28, k-52 helicopters, t-90m tanks, breakthrough. in general, this is all, both new technology and deeply modernized. and compared to twenty in the second year, the volume of production of overhauls of lightly armored vehicles increased threefold. and tanks 3 s2 times.
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release, shots for tanks and combat. enterprises, technical re-equipment, and a lot of money has been allocated for this, tens of billions, the deputy prime minister, marad khusnulin, is providing us with great help, yes, he was in charge. this construction process, under his control, all this happens, and many thanks to him for this. in addition to the direct production of defense products, our
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company employees are actively involved in repairing equipment that is located in air defense zones, sometimes even directly on the battlefield. today we have 250 brigades involved there numerically. this is about a thousand people, well , traditionally, in the annual report we highlight several key products, among them - both already proven new equipment and deeply modernized models, all of them meet the new challenges that time and military tactics pose before us, well, here i am i want to give a few examples, in the twenty-third year the plant shipped to troops the first batch of 152-mm self-propelled artillery guns... this newest artillery mount is characterized by mobility and can automatically fire all types of ammunition, also
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the cube unmanned aerial vehicle, this is a high-precision strike complex, it is designed to hit remote ground targets, the advantage of this complex is hidden launch, high accuracy, noiselessness, including ease of use, well... in the second we completed the development of this complex in the twenty-third already completely serial production and delivery was underway. we continue to work on adapting standard aviation ammunition, such as the well-known fap 500, they are already produced by us and adapted to the planning and correction module. in the twenty-third year, we restored the production of fab 1500, fap-300. because at one time production was suspended, now we have restored it and, uh , already this year, already in the twenty-fourth year, we adapted it to the planning and
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correction module and already the first bombs, these adapted ones, are already being used today advanced - the supercam uav is also a new modern version, it is used as in reconnaissance, it is produced as in reconnaissance.
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nomenclature for this technique, here are a few examples of this technique i can give, this is a respiratory support apparatus for the breathing of newborns, it is called reanimon, produced by our shbabe holding, it allows for respiratory therapy of newborns, as well as short-term ventilation in intensive care units both in maternity hospitals and in perinatal centers, we have already received a registration certificate, and are now preparing for mass production. the second example is the evl mobiinvent ooxxi device, the device is designed for the treatment
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of spontaneously breathing patients, adults and children in hospital conditions. certification is currently underway, then we will begin mass production. well, the previous generation of these devices - laventa, they were supplied to a medical institution, they performed especially well during the covid period. more than 15,000 devices were produced used to treat one and a half million patients, well, besides this, it is important to mention that we produce not only medical equipment, but we also have pharmaceutical production, in particular npo microgen, which is part of our holding nacimbio is the only manufacturer of allergens and allergoids in russia, this is a medicine for treatment. allergies the company's portfolio includes 64 therapeutic and diagnostic drugs, 36 of them for allergen- specific immunotherapy, using the subcutaneous
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method, including drugs. for treatment allergies from birch pollen, ragweed, house dust, as well as many unique allergens of wormwood and quinoa, which are in demand in many regions, this method of allergen-specific immunotherapy is used not only to treat e, but also to relieve the severity of an allergic reaction, injected under the skin - the substance that causes an allergy. gradually increasing the dose and thereby teaching the patient’s immune system to respond correctly to these allergens. in the twenty- third year, we continued to supply vaccines for the national preventive calendar vaccinations under centralized government orders , the holding delivered a total of more than 106 million doses of medicines to russian regions . and the supply list includes 18%. vaccines
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against nine infections: tetanus, whooping cough, deuterium, hepatitis b, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, paratitis and influenza. uh, we completed all deliveries in full in 2023, well, this year, we are making deliveries as planned. our natsimbiev holding uses domestic raw materials and its own developments. that is, the work is organized according to technology. full cycle, also in the twenty-third year , microgen received a medical certificate for registration of a drug against hepatitis b, the drug was called antigen neo. clinical studies have confirmed its good tolerability and safety, and the drug has today become the first russian intravenous specific immunoglobulin for the prevention of hepatitis b, both for children and adults. the third section...
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we were faced with the task of carrying out a lot of work on import substitution, to be honest, well i didn’t really believe that we could do this, well, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do the work, throughout the entire contour of rostec we have already imported tens of thousands of components and products, well, a striking example is kamaz, we have replaced thousands of components in kamaz and we are now successfully meeting the needs of cargo, special equipment, passenger
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equipment, and so on. well, here are a few examples, here is the kamas 54901 tractor unit, this is the flagship, the new generation of k5 trucks that we once created together with daimler, well, today, in general, practically since 1923, they began to produce these tractors, already import-substituted, also the kamaz 6595, this is the first dump truck of the k5 line, including work in mountain quarries. already in november of the twenty-third year, we also began mass-producing the imported substituted version, well, the latest new kamaz, kamaz 54902, is a tractor for transporting these large trucks, it is a low-floor cab with one stowage area, that is, there is for one driver who can when you need to rest and then continue on your way, in this...
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already in the twenty-fourth year, we will begin mass production of these import-substituted vehicles; in addition to civilian equipment, we have made serious progress in import substitution and the creation of new models of special vehicles; for a number of models , imported components were replaced with domestic ones, this also applied to armored steel bumper bodies , bulletproof tanks, pisheyshins, as well as armored stacks. our company rimdiesel already in the twenty-third year completed the development within 25 days a special vehicle for the safe transportation of military personnel called akhmat. it was at one time that you approached us with a request to create.


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