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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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then continue on our way, this year , already in the twenty-fourth year, we will begin mass production of these import-substituted cars. in addition to civilian equipment, we have made serious progress in import substitution and the creation of new models of special vehicles; for a number of models , imported components were replaced with domestic ones, this also applied to armored steel bodies, bumpers, and bulletproof tanks. days completed the development of a special vehicle for the safe transportation of military personnel called akhmat, it was at one time that you approached us with a request to create, at the request of ramzan kadyrov in turn. to create
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such a car, we made such a car, we donated the first 10 cars to a unit of chechen fighters, and today more than a thousand units have already been produced, they have proven themselves very well today, well, in the twenty- third year completely new developments were presented, this is a special non-russian transport vehicle, this armored truck for transportation.
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well, based on the testing results, we will start with release series. in the machine tool industry, our holding company has developed and began to produce a robotic processing grinding center, this is a multifunctional grinding machine with numerical control, designed for diamond grinding of carbide cutting plates, this is for the manufacture of tools, in addition... that is, a dimensional milling cutter for a surfacing processing center, is able to quickly and economically restore a part of any geometric shape using a combination of direct technologies laser melting and a machine tool with chpo, but as for engine construction, we have already started mass-producing the large gtd-110 thermal turbine for thermal power plants, and the first one, well... we already
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had the first ones working in pilot mode at the ivanovo station, they we’ve already worked there for almost 3 years, well, in general, everything is in order, now we’re already serially installing it at tesudarnoye, this is in the krasnodar region in taman, we will begin construction of this project in the near future, we will already launch this gtd-110 turbine, traditionally always those turbines that were purchased - from the americans, an electrician from the german siemens, this is somewhere around 120-130 mw. that’s why we made this 110, which in general can replace foreign ones. the fourth important sub-topic is the social protection of our employees, members and families. well, rostec is one of the largest employers, we employ 600 more than 60,000 people, in the twenty- third year we hired 70,000 people. in the twenty-fourth
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we need approximately the same number of workers will accept. our average salary increased by 22%. today it was 88,300. in the twenty-third year, the volume of social expenses also increased by 23% and amounted to 18 billion. well, the social package includes this and voluntary medical care, not state pension provision.
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eh, in the near future we will launch three projects, this is in perm, in rybensky and arseniev, primorsky territory, where the helicopter manufacturing enterprise is located, we have 17 facilities. today is in study, the industrial medicine project, in the twenty-third year , a specialized medical program was launched, it is aimed at reducing the level of illness among the corporation’s employees that are associated with professional activities; within the framework of the project , 40 health centers and mini-polyclinics of rostec were opened and modernized in 13 regions of russia. medical services are provided directly on the territory of these enterprises. is personnel training, in total, together with universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, we implement 400 basic and additional general education programs, here with universities we have
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2.7 people studying in specialties that are directly needed by our enterprises, in the twenty-third year, as part of the implementation of a federal project, advanced engineering... we, together with universities and the corporation, jointly participated in the development and creation of fifteen such advanced engineering schools. currently , 36 educational and production clusters have been created, two in twenty-three regions, with the participation of the corporation and for these purposes over the past 2 years, the corporation has been allocated more than 470 million rubles. well, students undergo practice on the premises of our enterprises, we build the training so-called dual on a dual principle, that is, 70% of practice is practice directly, the guys work on machines and 30% theory in industrial training centers
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students receive, each student receives five specialties, then there is such a thing that we immediately get a multifunctional worker who can be used. on various machines, these were footage of the meeting russian president vladimir putin with the head of the rostec state corporation sergei chemizov. in the volgograd region , traffic has been completely restored to sections of the railway where a passenger train and a truck collided the day before. the carriages derailed and dozens of passengers were injured. according to the regional ministry of health, more than 20 people remain in hospitals. three are still in... more than a thousand people were involved in rescue work after the emergency, a criminal case has been opened, and specialists from the investigative committee from rostov-on-don will investigate. the situation has already been commented on by the governor of the volgograd region, andrei bacharov. as a result of the prompt professional
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actions of the train crew of all emergency services, who arrived at the scene of the accident in a matter of minutes, residents who were directly nearby. with the train, directly the passengers of the train themselves, it was possible to avoid the loss of life, thanks to the professional operational work of the repair teams, russian railway rescue services, traffic on the oncoming railway track on the stage of the rattling boilers was restored at 1:27 minutes, train traffic on the second track opened today at 9:25. rescuers found the body of one of those missing after an emergency on the belomor canal. an operational investigation team is on its way to the scene, this was reported by the region's emergency services. this brought the death toll to two. the search for two more people continues. the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations is involved.
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rescuers are combing the shore and using drone ships to explore the river. let me remind you that the day before in the tigezhsky district the temporary dam. the construction was supposed to ensure the safety of residential areas. repair period, a criminal case was initiated. in the altai republic, the committee on physical education and sports was headed by the finalist of the presidential program time of heroes, alexander surazov. in his telegram channel, the acting head of the region andrei turchak reported that the decree on the appointment has already been signed. captain surazov, a former participant in a special military operation, is twice a holder of the order of courage. in his new job, in particular, he will be involved in the creation of sports infrastructure and...
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now city residents are bringing flowers to the site of the tragedy to honor the memory of the victims. the european commission has asked budapest for clarification after easing visa requirements. for citizens of russia. brussels saw this as a threat to eu security. earlier , members of the european people's party, the same one that includes ursula vonderijn, also called for new restrictions on the issuance of shingen visas to russians. let me remind you that hungary included our country in the so-called national card program. it is issued for 2 years those who want to work or run a business. holders do not undergo special checks at the border and have a number of other advantages, for example, free movement within the eu. and after 3 years with such a document you can obtain a residence permit. mass protests
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swept venezuela after the victory of nicolas maduro in the presidential elections. to disperse the demonstration and suppress the riots , law enforcement officers had to use tear gas. protesters block highways; in the state capital of falcon , opposition supporters demolished a statue of the former the country's president, huga chavitsa. and now in direct contact with us is the editor-in-chief of latin america magazine, victor kheifets, victor. "hello, good afternoon, how expected were such large-scale protests after the presidential elections in venezuela? they were expected, that the opposition was counting only on victory and was not ready to accept another option, representatives of the opposition spoke in advance, that only on their own representatives of the ruling party also said that they were counting on victory, so this spiraling violence, alas, was absolute.” and especially since the election results did not agree with the majority of sociological polls, so some
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mesoviet voters believe that they were deceived, this is what these street protests can ultimately lead to, how big is the factor of external influence here from your point of view? you know, the opposition is supported by a number of external forces represented by the same united states of america, latin american countries, but in itself this is still a venezuelan position, it is quite radical, without any external advice, so it cannot be said that if tomorrow maduro will reach an agreement with the whole world, then the protests will stop, firstly, it will be difficult to reach an agreement, while the maduro government sees that the loyalty of the security forces remains, the army continues to remain on the side of the government, there is not the slightest sign that the army has changed its position, -secondly, so far... the protests have not reached the scale of the eighteenth and nineteenth years, at the same time there is
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a serious point that worries the government: for the first time the government is seeing protests not only in middle class areas, but in the areas where the poor live, who live in barreus on the hills, these hill residents first began to go down to the cities to protest, if the protests continue in these neighborhoods, then this is a very dangerous signal for the government. that edmund gonzalez won, a website was created on which representatives of the opposition posted
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the protocols and continue to do so, according to them, they have orders for 72% of the protocols, but not 100, however, you can continue to check the compliance of the protocol of your site with what was announced , announces election commission, i don’t think that right now the opposition is ready to announce something like 1919. candidate gonzalez as interim president, the fact is that he is very legally different from juan guaido, guaido was the speaker of parliament and a deputy, according to the constitution he could indeed be declared interim president until new elections are held, gonzalez cannot be legally proclaimed interim president, but simply declared himself as a legitimate president, despite the fact that taking office should have been only in january, fraught with a violation of an article of the criminal code, the authorities will of course try to take advantage of this, but i think... that they will try to create parallel structures of power, in fact , this has already been announced by the leader of the opposition, maria
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curina machado, who called for the creation of people's assemblies, according to the essence of the matter is a counterbalance to the regional executive authorities. yes. viktor lazorovich, well, you said that the situation in many ways did not, so to speak, mature from within venezuela, that the mood of the poor segments of the population was laughing, but nevertheless, here during the summing up of the election results in venezuela.
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and a number of other american ones are also not all brazil, for example, they are asking to publish the protocol and brazil did not take a position, mexico said that they are waiting for the summing up of 100 results, 100% of the vote to make a decision, they are not going to the decision of the election commission, some countries supported it as expected madura, cuba, nicaragua, bolivia, handuras, some countries are expected, said that they would not support him, like, say, ecuador or peru, but for...
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they refused to recognize the election results, and that does this mean such a demonstrative gesture against cooperation with nicolas maduro? well, firstly, some of them, in principle , have not considered him a legitimate leader since 1918, 1919, some countries did not later reconcile like argentina, but in argentina a change of political power has sprouted, right-wing forces are in power, more radical right-wing forces, in principle, they are not going to agree on anything, left-wing forces are in power in chile, but... and president gabriel borich, from the very moment he came to power, very seriously criticized both cuba and venezuela and nicaragua, accusing their government of human rights violations, and most importantly, many of these countries, they were confident in advance that madura could not help but lose, so they automatically perceived any other result as fraud. yes. from the united states, what can you expect in this
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situation? you already said that they reacted very restrainedly at first, but blinken has reacted with restraint so far, but... i think that in the end the americans will reach the stage of strengthening sanctions, and no matter who in november wins the us presidential election, both democrats and republicans will probably introduce new sanctions against the venezuelan authorities, perhaps the democrats will combine sanctions with some kind of negotiations, if trump wins, he will simply impose sanctions without any negotiations. uh-huh, how long can these protests last? during the last presidential campaign they lasted for just 2018-2019 months, now and how long can they continue, it seems to me that everything will be decided over the next couple of months, if over the course of a month or two, the protest will demonstrate an increase in dynamics, then the protesters will have a chance, if they demonstrate that
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people are protesting on the street, but nothing happens, the government feels confident, then the protests will decline, even before the elections many... opposition supporters said, well, if maduro wins again, then i ’ll just emigrate, every fifth person said so, this means that many of them are not ready to play the long game, in the eighteenth and nineteenth they were still ready, now many lievists want a quick victory, if it doesn’t work out, uh , here time is playing on the government’s side, yeah, based on the way the protests are taking place, from your point of view, are these spontaneous protests or organized ones, are there spontaneous ones? protest districts, the opposition does not hide the fact that it is coordinating protests, there is both, but if you compare it with 2018-2019, to what extent is there a tendency here that these are more organized protests? the protests have not yet reached the strength of 18-19, but geographical
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the protests are wider than in the eighteenth and nineteenth years, therefore... the main task of the government is to avoid the geographical scope being complemented by the force of the protest of the eighteenth and nineteenth years. yes. for now the government is monitoring the situation. victor lazarevich, thank you very much for the interview, let me remind you that we discussed the situation in venezuela live with the editor-in-chief of latin america magazine, victor kheifits. victor lazarych, thank you. again. we have a short advertisement, and then on to economic news. let's rejoice together new opportunities, honor of the russian lotto anniversary, draws twice a week, which means...
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everyone who blinked, it’s done, place an order online and pick it up in 15 minutes in envideo or eldorado, you need money, tired of looking for a loan that will be approved, compare simplifies . task: we checked the offers and collected them in one place, just select an mfo and send an application, the money will come directly to the card. take a loan on the website or in the mobile
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application. compare. more than forty villages in dagestan were left without transport links after heavy rains, five mountain rivers overflowed their banks, several roads. the republics are now closed due to flooding, landslides and mudflows. some sections of the roadway have been destroyed. the mud flow washed away everything in its path, even bridges could not stand it. according to the regional ministry of emergency situations , emergency power outages occurred in four regions due to bad weather. part of kaspiysk was also left without electricity. energy workers are already restoring damaged power lines. restoration of roads will begin after the water level in the rivers returns to normal. 37 forest fires covering an area of ​​almost 4,000 hectares extinguished over the past 24 hours in russian regions. there are over 280 active outbreaks. in
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transbaikalia, where a state of emergency has been declared, an additional group of fire paratroopers from the sverdlovsk and tyumen regions are expected. there are 80 large fires in the region; more than 900 people and almost 100 units of ground equipment are extinguishing the fire. the situation is difficult in buryatia, the irkutsk and amur regions, as well as the krasnoyarsk territory. and in yakutia, it finally rained and this helped slow down the speed of the fire in the forests. now emercom specialists can get closer to hard-to-reach outbreaks. total there are more than a hundred of them. those that rage near populated areas are under special control. about 2.0 people are fighting the fire, including aviation forestry specialists from other regions. aviation is involved. in russia this year , overhaul work was carried out in almost 9 residential buildings. improved their living conditions. such figures were previously announced by deputy prime minister marat khusnulin. the quality and progress of work on site is checked by
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specialists from the territorial development fund. improving regional capital repair programs is one of the most important tasks of the development fund territories. we are participating in the development of regulatory and methodological documents that will help regions increase the efficiency of using contributions for major repairs and speed up the pace of this work. in addition, frt replicates better. design documentation for carrying out repairs, we were one of the first in russia to receive a certificate from a self-regulatory organization, and this gives us the opportunity to annually
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develop about one and a half thousand projects on our own in order to carry out major repairs next year. auditors met today in ufa country brix. russia is now the chairman of the association. the key topic of the fourth meeting in this format is the audit of sustainable development. the organizer of the event is the accounts chamber of russia. its chairman boris kovalchuk had already talked with colleagues from brazil and egypt the day before. the focus is on the further development of cooperation, including on issues of increasing the accountability of public administration, combating corruption and the laundering of illegally obtained funds . audit is a rather individual thing, so each country carries out its own work, taking into account, among other things, the specifics that exist, but today we agreed that we... will carry out work and make a joint report related to the audit of the sustainable development goal, so each country will carry out a lot of
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work over the next two years. then we will combine it into a single document, at our next meeting this document will be presented for a comprehensive discussion, so, of course, within the framework of the brix partnership, within the framework of the partnership, within the framework of the audit, we will work, and the further we will interact, the deeper our work will be, including perhaps we will reach the phase of conducting joint verification activities. wears, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should follow it, it’s impossible to do worse, it’s possible to do better, we’ve always had such a pattern
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in life. pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and money, a sensation, and what a sensation, tense inside america, for her outside, what is the remaining intrigue, why now we need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal.
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how exactly does the number help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia . russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. a prolonged period of high rates cannot be avoided; it is necessary to reduce inflation.
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this is what the chapter is about.
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co-financing of long-term savings, but we need to see what else can be done to increase the attractiveness of the program for citizens, to involve even more market participants in it, even at a rate of 18%, now we are not talking about slowing down mortgage lending, it will simply grow at a more moderate pace , mortgage rates should go. down as inflation slows. more one topic that was raised today is how to make cross-border payments less vulnerable to sanctions. one way is to use digital currencies. the digital ruble is currently being actively tested, it is planned to attract more participants to the pilot project in a month, but...


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