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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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rub. to this end, a number of measures have already been taken, in particular, the period for co-financing long-term savings has been increased from three to 10 years, but we need to see what else can be done to increase the attractiveness of the program for citizens and to involve even more market participants in it. and even with a rate of 18%, now there is no talk of a slowdown in mortgages. lending, it will simply grow at a more moderate pace, mortgage rates should go down as inflation slows. another topic that was touched upon today is how to make cross-border payments less vulnerable to sanctions. one way is to use digital currencies. the digital ruble is now being actively tested, in a month it is planned to attract more participants to the pilot project, but... from july next year
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the mass use of the digital ruble should begin, and in 5-7 years it is expected that it will become a familiar means of payment for russians, also by the end of the year it is planned to carry out the first experimental cross-border payments in cryptocurrencies, returning to the topic of the key rate, now , despite its high level, lending continues to grow, this is the main way to raise funds for necessary projects, another... way is for companies to place shares on the stock exchange, and the issue of providing benefits for ipos is now being considered. in the first half of this year , 10 companies with a total capitalization of almost 650 billion rubles have already entered the market. demand for shares of these companies is high. the focus of banks and the state at this stage should be aimed at helping companies that are trying to grow.
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going public, so called pre. to implement the projects needed in the country , it is necessary to develop them. such a mechanism as a public-private partnership will make it possible to use not only budget funds, but also to actively attract investment from business, believes igor shuvalov, chairman of the russian federation. it is still necessary to be aware that capital through the budget system is not enough to meet the needs of the economy; it is necessary to include all possible mechanisms, including the purchase of objects in installments, as... should
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simply called without any, that means, without any formalization in the form of constitutional relations, or other mechanisms when private capital, the capital of commercial banks will be connected to the implementation of state economic policy. well, the important conclusion that was voiced at today’s meeting is that russia has managed to create a truly stable financial system, where banks... do not need to be saved from collapse, where banks do not need help from the budget, on the contrary, they themselves can come to the rescue economy, which, by the way, has already grown by 5% in the first 5 months of this year. daria, thank you for the statements made today in the federation council, dmitry morocco said. enjoy rolls from a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in
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a fantastic one. i like to cook. become an auto courier with yandex food and increase your income. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at the tasty spot, new curry sauce in chicken premium and chicken hit carry, try it at the tasty spot, an employee of the czech embassy. in moscow, detained at vnukovo airport, he had discovered a potent poison. to whom did the diplomat transport dangerous cargo? will it be possible to bring the diplomatic mission employee to justice? about this in the exclusive material of anton potkovenko. bartholomew sharman, an employee of the czech embassy in russia,
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flew from prague to moscow in the green customs corridor in vnukovo; during inspection, 12 boxes of a powerful drug containing clazapine were seized from him. the russian federation is. the substance is a highly toxic substance, that is, this means that its uncontrolled spread and use prohibited by law, an ordinary doctor cannot even prescribe such a drug, it is recommended for, well, let’s just say, the main nosology is schizophrenia, with the appropriate dosage of clazapine, accordingly, a person can be put quickly into sleep, bartolomei did not have any supporting documents, names or quantities of the drug , in an explanatory note he wrote that he was flying home...
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the russian foreign ministry has already expressed a strong protest to the charge d'affaires of the czech republic in russia, jan andrzejka. bartholomew sharman is listed at the embassy among administrative and technical staff, but works, it turns out, as a courier. it is necessary to check in detail whether this was an attempt to transfer poisons in order to carry out a terrorist act. western intelligence services are making efforts to intensify the activities of various cells on russian territory. who must carry out terrorist attacks, including against individuals who may also be persecuted. bartholomew works at the embassy, ​​which means he has diplomatic immunity, which the czech side was asked to waive, then it will be possible to bring sharman to criminal liability under the article of smuggling
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of potent toxic substances, a case has already been opened. if the embassy refuses to deprive its employee of immunity, bartholomew sharman will be declared persona nongrata and will have to do so without delay. now personnel from the government coordination center. dear colleagues, we continue a number of our strategic sessions, and today we will discuss key tasks for nature conservation, they will become the basis for the implementation of the national goal declared by the president to achieve environmental well-being. caring for the environment is, of course, first of all caring for people who should breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and the health of... children, and the longevity of older citizens, but a responsible approach to technology to achieve similar
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eco-agenda includes and active application of the results, and also a whole range of measures to encourage people and businesses to contribute to protecting the environment, to protecting nature, including support for energy saving, participation in sorting waste to increase the volume of recycling of goods, activities to protect rare plants and animals, and many other initiatives that are now in demand by citizens. we are rightfully proud of russia’s natural resources, and the work to preserve them, which the government has carried out as part of the national ecology project over the past five-plus years, is very important. starting next year, all these practices and developments, as well as initiatives proposed for the first time, will be included in a new national project, which will raise the level. quality of environmental protection with the participation of all parties interested here, constituent entities
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of the russian federation, and environmental organizations, of course, members of the government, taking into account the instructions of the head of state. moreover, the president has always especially emphasized that the tradition of preserving native nature and caring about improving the environmental situation in russia will certainly be continued. i will briefly highlight some of the most significant achievements. the whole is actively developing. municipal solid waste management industry, more half of them are now being sorted at new infrastructure facilities; over 250 of them have already been created, but of course, this figure must be increased to 100%. a large amount of work is associated with the elimination of the most hazardous waste, including red pine forest. the reclamation of this landfill continues, i know that patrushev has all these issues under control, and there has been noticeable success. achieved in usol sibirsky, where after the territory has been transferred to a safe state, it is necessary, as
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the president said, to restore the damaged eco-environment; there is a proposal to create there a modern production cluster of green chemistry, when waste from one enterprise is used as raw material for others, but in total, in the process of implementing the federal clean country project , work was completed on more than 130 landfills at 80 of the most dangerous sites. another step in this area is the organization of six eco-technoparks in the federal districts, which will contribute to the launch of closed -cycle enterprises, that is, the recycling of industrial and household waste. there are significant results from the federal project general cleaning. just recently in magadan, during a working trip, we saw what was done to clear the bay of abandoned ships; everyone now has completely different impressions. the same measures are being fully implemented in other regions. over 200 similar objects are to be removed from the coastal waters this year. much is being done
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in an experiment to reduce air emissions in twelve major industrial centers. now such steps are being taken in another 29 cities, and we are talking not only about production. public transport is also being updated. we are converting buses to gas engine fuel, modernizing boiler houses, and gasifying private households. there is progress, but of course, we still have a lot to do, we will continue to restore forests, improve water bodies, create conditions for the conservation of biological diversity, in 6 years 23 new specially protected areas have been created, they are very popular among lovers of eco-tourism, in the past national parks visited over 14 million people, here, of course, it is necessary to ensure a balanced approach so that such visits take place without... unnecessary burden on the inhabitants of protected areas. well , dmitry nikolaevich
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patrushev will report in detail on all these issues, and then the head of the ministry of natural resources and ecology, alexander sanovich kozlov. these were shots from the government's coordination center. mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on the national project for environmental well-being. well, now some footage from tehiran, where the head of the state duma arrived on instructions from the russian president. vyacheslav volodin will take part in the inauguration ceremony today. takes office. elected president of the islamic republic masoud pezashkian. among the guests of the ceremony are representatives of eighty countries. let me remind you that early elections were called after the death of the previous president, ibrahim riisi. and now we return to the situation in venezuela. state duma deputy alexey volotskov is in direct contact with the studio. he is in venezuela as part of a team of observers for the presidential elections. alexey anatolyevich, hello, tell me where exactly you are now, and how would you characterize the situation in venezuela? good afternoon, dear
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compatriots, we are part of the observer mission from russia, here in caracas, the capital of venezuela. yesterday evening was difficult for carakkos, for the country, the opposition brought out radical youth, residents clashed with the police, with the military, after the country's president maduro received a mandate from the head of the central election commission, unrest began in the capital, yesterday, together with colleagues, here in the evening they were under the protection of our embassy, ​​russian embassy. venezuela, together with the ambassador, monitored the situation and , of course, were also worried about the further development of the situation, but closer to night the situation, and the aggravation went away, so we were able to move to a hotel, now we are here and are waiting for permission and the necessary safety measures,
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so to speak, corridors in order to leave for the airport now, but because of the situation. now some highways are blocked, some roads inside the city are also blocked now, so the situation is tense, but i think that yesterday’s, so to speak, certain actions, which were on the part of the opposition and supported by the american side, did not produce results, because many radically minded people tried to bring people to an unauthorized rally. to gather people, signaled, went from house to house, so to speak, trying to set people up for such a negative agenda. alexey anatolyevich, during the presidential elections in venezuela, you were part of a group of international observers, and almost immediately after the end of the elections, the announcement first, only preliminary results,
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statements began from the opposition that there were frauds, there were falsifications, that the results were invalid. what can you, as an observer, say about how transparent the election process was and how voting and vote counting were organized? well, my colleagues and i have been working here since friday, watching the preparations for the election campaign and voting day, which took place here on sunday, it is very interesting here, at the same time it is a very systematic work and the very voting, which...
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for the current president, nicolas madura, so we, together with many more international observers, and a large corps of international observers from more than 100 countries of the world worked here, we believe that this company passed the voting day itself without any comments, and people were able to give their anger
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to one candidate or another without any problems, and it was visible. there were queues at the polling stations on the streets of araqosh. yes. here is another technical question for you, as an election observer: there is a statement with side of one of the participants in the presidential race, who demands the publication of voting results from each polling station for the sake of transparency of elections and peace. as far as it is technically possible to publish the results from each polling station, you said that now every person can go in and check the election results. does this mean that all these statements are about falsification? this is all possible, it is possible to make an unloading, it is possible to do it using technical means, but i think that the opposition does not need this now, the opposition
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we need to now try to get people out , to carry out a seizure of power, probably, this interests them more, as it happened in previous times here also in venezuela, that’s why these are all words, so to speak, that, well, do not find support here. what they need more is with such acute moments, the aggravation of the situation, the radicalization of the situation, to find an opportunity, so to speak, to bring people into the streets and thereby try to seize government buildings, yeah, but can we now rule out the option of a forceful seizure of power in venezuela, here you are in caracas itself in venezuela, how dangerous is it to be on the streets there now, how likely is it. force scenario, scenario, well, i, i think that the president and the government are taking all measures to avoid this scenario,
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there is a large police corps, a large number of military personnel, armored vehicles on the roads, part of the city, as i already said, is blocked, and i think that yesterday’s attempt was not crowned with much success, for sure, for sure, that today... evening it will be a repetition of yesterday’s scenario, but for now now there is a calm situation on the streets of caracos, people are trying to return to their work, to their places of study, etc., that is, life goes on, although i am sure that the second attempt will also continue, perhaps tonight there will be something similar to yesterday evening, we will monitor the development of the situation, thank you, but let me remind you that a state duma deputy who is now in venezuela as part of a group of observers of the presidential elections was in direct contact with us. rostec corporation is actively involved in strengthening the country's security,
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healthcare ensuring technological sovereignty. rostec ceo sergei chemizov spoke about this at a meeting with russian president vladimir putin. my colleague, konstantin churikov, followed the meeting. konstantin, i welcome what tasks rostec sets for itself. daria, hello, well, first of all, this is providing the army with the latest military equipment. many tasks in the civil sphere. rostec corporation is involved in solving the strategic problems of our country. these are deliveries of the latest weapons to the troops, developments in the field medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, as well as ensuring technological sovereignty. the ceo of the rostec corporation, sergei chemizov, told russian president vladimir putin about this during his annual report. according to the head of rostec, the corporation's consolidated revenue at the end of the twenty-third year increased by more than a third and amounted to. 2.840 billion. in the future it is planned to increase it to 3 trillion. the most important task of rostec is to provide the army with the necessary weapons.
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as sergey chemizov said, enterprises rostec produces combat aircraft, helicopters, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other armored vehicles. also artillery systems, small arms, electronic warfare systems, precision and other ammunition. it is worth noting that more than 80% of all weapons are used. in the svo zone was created at rostec enterprises, and as the general director of the corporation noted, the necessary weapons are supplied to the troops on time, according to the most popular standards of execution of state defense orders - one hundred percent. high percentage of state defense order execution is 99.5%. at the same time, for samples that are especially in demand in the vsso zone , the execution is 100%, we have not failed a single contract. 80% of all equipment that is currently involved in a special military operation is produced at our enterprises. along with military production, the corporation
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continues to implement the most important civilian programs, this concerns aircraft manufacturing, engine production, healthcare and other sectors of the economy. of course, we do not forget your instructions to increase civil shares products, if we take everything as 100%, what is the percentage of civil production, unfortunately, in relative figures we fell, in the twenty-second year we had 44.5%, this year 35, well, not this year, in the twenty-third 35%, but i repeat once again, in absolute figures it increased, in relative figures it fell, this suggests that, in general, the volume of state defense orders has increased significantly, therefore.
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i can give you this technique, this is a device for respiratory support of breathing of newborns, it’s called reanimon, produced by our shbaby holding, it allows for respiratory therapy for newborns, as well as short-term ventilation, in intensive care units , both in maternity hospitals and perinatal centers. we have already received a registration certificate, and are now preparing for mass production.
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the activities of rostec directly concern the preservation of the health of millions of people in our country. sergei chemizov told vladimir putin about the production of vaccines for the national vaccination calendar. at twenty in the third year, we continued to supply vaccines for the national calendar of preventive vaccinations under a centralized government order . in total, the holding delivered more than 106 million doses of medicines to the regions of russia . the supply list includes 18 vaccines against nine infections: tetanus, whooping cough, deuterium, hepatitis b, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, paratitis and influenza. rostek also produces aircraft, machine tools, engines, and cars. the corporation has big plans for this year, and there is no choice, they must be implemented.
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update on camas train collision 21 people remain in hospitals, seven of them children. traffic will be fully restored once passengers reach their destination. rostec has restored the production of large-caliber weapons. fab-3000 aerial bombs, supplies of ammunition to the troops increased 25 times. working meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the state corporation, what else was discussed? the grandiose complex, the world's only museum of christianity, opened its doors. the central square of new hersanes is filled with people with every minute there are more and more visitors here. a huge ancient city, what you can see there and how...


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