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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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latest data on the collision of a train with a kamaz truck: 21 people are still in hospitals, seven of them are children. traffic will be fully restored once passengers reach their destination. rostec has restored the production of large-caliber fap-300 aerial bombs. the supply of ammunition to the troops increased 25 times. working meeting of vladimir putin with the head of the state corporation. what else were discussed? the grandiose complex, the world's only museum of christianity, opened its doors. the central square of new hersanes is filling with people every minute there are more and more visitors here. a huge ancient city, what you can see there and how to sign up for an excursion, our yana shcherbaty will tell you the details. toxic diplomacy:
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an employee of the czech embassy was detained as his grandson; he was illegally carrying 12 boxes of poison, who needs it and what did they say in our foreign ministry? bonfires are being burned in venezuela, the monument to ugachavis was demolished, and the opposition took its supporters into the streets. the security forces use gas, there are victims among them, how far will it go? in the volgograd region, traffic was completely restored after the carriages left the trains kazan-adler. railway workers are now doing everything possible to reduce delays of other trains. passengers who were in temporary accommodation centers will arrive in adler late this evening. they were picked up by two reserve trains. and today the ministry of internal affairs confirmed that the collision was provoked by the driver. he entered the crossing
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at a red light. maxim akhmetov will continue the topic. the hard work of railway workers and repair and restoration work at the accident site do not stop for a minute. a tracklayer is working on site now russian railways specialists are, in fact, re-laying 300 m of railway track. the work is serious and responsible. in the dead of night, it was possible to partially resume train traffic, and during the day. repair the second line. almost a thousand specialists are taking part in the work. freight and passenger trains are already passing through kotelnikov, although with a delay. footage of the terrible accident of the kazan-adler passenger train has spread all over the internet. the train derailed after a collision with a kamaz truck. according to the preliminary version, the driver decided to skip the crossing in front of the composition. now he is in serious condition. according to the operational headquarters, 52
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people were injured, more than twenty of them were immediately taken to the district hospital, and after first aid was provided, the patients were sent to volgograd hospitals. the condition of two victims is serious, nine people are in serious condition or in satisfactory condition. the ministry of emergency situations first bandaged my hand right there, it’s just unusual that they were already passing it from hand to hand. i was very worried about the children. children were never abandoned with me at all; they were in kotelnikovo temporary accommodation centers have been deployed luiza efimenko and her grandchildren were traveling in the fifth carriage, which suffered the most, they were saved by a miracle, everything was falling there, you understand how, it began to turn over and the dishes, which means these shelves are here, so they flew like that , it was something, it was a shock, now thank god, everything is fine, thank god, the meetings, you know, it’s very wonderful here... people greeted me with a bang,
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they immediately started delivering water. nadezhda nikonorova and her daughter were sheltered by a local resident. at the time of our filming, nadezhda i was already at the station, waiting for the vadler train. tatyana, she didn’t even ask for her last name, she’s supposed to come up, she came to us, she flew to us. now we are waiting for tickets, but we still didn’t cancel, we decided to continue anyway. all passengers of the ill-fated train departed from kotelnikov and are traveling towards adler. operational follow-up these actions continue, a criminal case has been opened, and the transport prosecutor’s office has begun its investigation. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos, dmitry belyansky and svetlana selivanova. news: volgograd region. death toll due to the breakdown of a temporary dam on the white sea-baltic canal in kareli increased to three. today, rescuers discovered the bodies of two people. the search for another missing person continues. the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations is involved. rescuers are combing the shore and using drone ships to investigate.
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there is no threat of flooding, now the situation is at the front, during a special operation russian units took control of the village of leninskaya in the donetsk people's republic and improved the tactical situation, this is fresh data from ministry of defense, they reported on the successes of our units. the central group of troops hit the formation of five brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and repelled seven counterattacks of enemy assault groups. our air defenses shot down seven american -made hymer missiles. an anti-aircraft guided missile was destroyed.
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then this is another, say, step on the path of liberation, this is the artyomovsky district, if we are talking about lazovatsky, then this is, of course , another settlement on the path of liberation, the red army, that is, this is the direction, and for us unimportant settlements there are no points, especially for those areas where the hottest issues are now. in the donetsk direction, our units are improving the tactical position, infantry fighting vehicles are delivering assault troops to the forward positions, but they have to get there through heavy enemy artillery fire and under attacks from ukrainian armed forces drones. dmitry ermakov saw how our military carried out the task. the clatter, the tracks, the roar of the engine and the lumps
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of donbass black soil on both sides of the car, a test of stamina, courage, steel giants with... stone armor are going to enemy. recently, the gods of war have been favoring the brave; the front line in the donetsk, or as they now say, pokrovsk direction is being crushed under the blows of the defenders of russia. step by step, our fighters manage to uproot the stumps in the form of the enemy’s support. bmp-2, aka bkh, aka marusya, as the bourgeois mechanic-driver affectionately calls her, he says, he wouldn’t change it for a new one, so much time and effort was invested. when they gave it to me, we kind of understood right away. each other and that is, the car is good, so stable in motion no matter how i’ve already saved once, there have been cases, dozens of combat missions, injuries, concussion,
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in general, fire, water and copper pipes went through fire, water and copper pipes together, there are echoes of past battles on the armor, the iron character, apparently, passed from the equipment to the crew, we give the guys, we cover, we call ... fire, so that our guys would come closer from other positions, take the armored personnel carriers, like a visible machine, it not only attracts attention, but constantly fights off annoying pursuers. not so long ago , the crew was barely able to escape, the armor almost became the prey of smaller predators, wolfish and drones, hit the front part, well, i was wounded, i woke up, and i was already carried out with the car into a minefield. i called my crew by line, everyone was alive, everything was fine, and began to take the car out. later, doctors said that they were lucky, several fragments miraculously did not hit important organs, shell-shocked, returning to the car and with one hand driving a multi-ton infantry fighting vehicle to a safe zone would at least deserve a medal for courage,
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which the bourgeoisie deservedly received. and the most important thing is that these medals, the main thing is that he somehow contributed to ours. victory like a representative of the weak female gender will not turn her tongue, to say marus will appreciate love , care, does not refuse gifts , a dress, a camouflage net, instead of expensive perfumes, smoke grenades, when they came to us, they were naked, then later cumulative protection appeared, bars we welded it up, set up camouflage nets so that the enemy wouldn’t see who was coming, the infantry was coming, or we were just bringing in ammunition, rapping according to unspoken field laws. also in place, closer than 100 m, the birds no longer fly up, as they say, you can only look, the modifications that the soldiers made with their own hands, caring for moruse, more than once saved the lives of both the crew itself and the landing party, because the car sometimes drives closer to the enemy supporter closer than 100 m, then protection plays an extremely important role.
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assault missions are constantly carried out on the danets front, which seethes, seethes and collapses, including under the pressure of the tracks of the already familiar bmp. dmitry ermakov, roman frolov, news! rost-techno fulfills 100% state defense orders for equipment models that are especially in demand in the northern military district zone. about results of the work of his enterprises for the year at a meeting with vladimir putin. general director of the state corporation sergei chemizov reported, they discussed, in particular, the expansion of the production of combat drones, ammunition and the modernization of gunpowder factories, and another important topic was the production of civilian products. we have summed up the work of our enterprises for the twenty-third year. traditionally, i would like to present you with our annual report. the main theme of this year's report is... the technical support of the country, it is revealed in four subtopics: the first subtopic is protection
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state sovereignty, as in previous years, rostyakh traditionally has a high percentage of execution of state defense orders - 99.5%. at the same time, for samples that are especially in demand in the vsso zone , the execution is 100%, we have not failed a single contract. the second subtopic of the annual report is health protection, we... as part of the expansion of civilian products , we are actively working on the production of medical equipment. today, more than 150 types of such equipment are produced at our enterprises for various fields medicine. the third section of our report is the topic of technological sovereignty. when we were faced with the task of carrying out a lot of work on import substitution, to be honest, i didn’t really believe that we could do it. well, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. the fourth important sub-topic is the social protection of our
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employees, members and families. well, rostec is one of the largest employers. we employ 600 more than 660 thousand people. in the twenty-third year, the volume of social expenses also increased by 23% and amounted to 18 billion. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin arrived in tehran. on behalf of vladimir putin, he will take part in the ceremony. iranian president-elect masoud pezishkian, who takes office today. guests from more than 80 countries came to the ceremony; pezishkan has already been officially approved by the spiritual leader of the republic, ayatallah ali khameni. let me remind you that after the death of the previous russian president , early elections were held in the islamic republic. the reformer pezishkian won them. he then received more than 53% of the votes. toxic diplomacy. an employee of the czech embassy in moscow. at vnukovo airport, he was found to have a potent poison that can be fatal. to whom the diplomat was carrying
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dangerous cargo, will it be possible to bring the tip mission employee to justice, anton potkovenko found out. bartholomew sharman, an employee of the czech embassy in russia, flew from prague to moscow in the green customs corridor in vnukovo; during inspection, 12 boxes of a powerful drug containing clazapine were seized from him. this substance applies to the russian federation. potent a toxic substance, that is, this means that its uncontrolled distribution, use is prohibited by law, an ordinary doctor cannot even prescribe such a drug, it is recommended for, well, let’s say, the main nosology - this is schizophrenia, with the appropriate dosage of clazapine, accordingly a person can be immersed quickly drowsily, bartolomei did not have any supporting documents about the name and quantity of the drug; in his explanatory note he wrote that he was flying home on vacation and there he was given the pills.
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the united states is not capable of waging a major war and is already losing to its rivals' military industry. american analysts came to this conclusion? let's ask our correspondent emil mirsaev for details, he will join the broadcast. emil, so why did the us military, despite all its budgets, find itself in this situation. alexey, i welcome you, experts are talking about a military system in which profit is paramount, not efficiency. now about everything in more detail. the ambitions of the american war machine are at odds with reality, to such a depressing
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for the hawks on capitalist hill , the national defense strategy commission came to the conclusion. how well it is being implemented in the pentagon has been studied by former legislators, military officers and political scientists for just over a year, and the report is already in the hands of congressmen. it follows from it that the us armed forces simply cannot wage a full-scale war, losing in many respects to their rivals, moscow, beijing, tehran and pyongyang. the last time the us was prepared for a large-scale conflict was during the cold war, which ended 35 years ago. back. today washington is not ready to fight. actions: the armed forces lack either the capabilities or the potential to prevail in combat operations. according to the commission, it was cooperation between russia and china that undermined the global position of the us armed forces. the vast geography of competitors, american analysts predict, increases the likelihood of conflict in several theaters of military operations at once. if the united states were to come into direct
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conflict with russia, china, iran, or north korea, each of those countries would will receive. effective, as they want to seem, and as hollywood shows. actually, all the real companies in which the american military participated were not lost, they had to flee from everywhere, their real combat experience was destroyed. in addition, washington did not monitor the growth rate of the defense industry of china and
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russia, analysts say in their report, and now it is quite difficult to catch up with competitors. the american military-industrial complex is very slow and resource-consuming; for many decades the americans have been building so, its industry, that the main goal was profit and the development of budget funds, in fact, everything is structured in such a way that profit is higher than efficiency, more important, and this is reflected in the defense capability of the united states in all industries. the prc's military-industrial complex is growing at an accelerated pace, against the backdrop of the threat from the united states in the south china sea. according to american analysts, we are talking about an amount of $711 billion, and
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annual growth, according to washington, will be 7%, which is comparable to the spending of the united states. this. do american hawk wingless in the asia-pacific region, at least. in a conflict with china, the united states would largely exhaust its ammunition stockpile in just 3-4 weeks, with important items such as anti-ship missiles running out in just a few days. once they are used up, replacing this ammunition will take years. and the states are also expecting large-scale military losses, supply chain disruptions, and critical access deprivation. for the american economy resources, as well as threats to objects in space. thus, political scientists are confident that it will first reach the senate, and then the white house. alliances, even the most formidable ones, like nato, are not a panacea. military blocs are not capable of protecting the country from a powerful military response from those who actually advocate a fair and multipolar world. but the latter are strictly not included in the report by the american legislator. the states
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will continue to engage in hegemony, even despite the military threat. the new national project on environmental well-being will include incentives for contributions to the protection of nature. this was reported by prime minister mikhail mishustin at a strategic session. we are rightfully proud of russia’s natural resources and the work to preserve them that the government has carried out within the framework of the national ecology project over the past five-plus years is very important. starting next year, all these practices and developments, as well. for the first time , the proposed initiatives will be included in a new national project, which will increase the level and quality of environmental protection with the participation of all parties interested here, constituent entities of the russian federation and organizations environmental, of course, members of the government, taking into account the instructions of the head of state, especially since the president has always emphasized that the tradition of preserving
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native nature, caring about improving the environmental situation in russia, will certainly be continued. the walls of the temple where prince vladimir was baptized, the byzantine quarter and the only museum of crimea and novorossiya in russia. the first guests today are received by new khirsanez, a unique museum and temple complex in... field on the black sea coast. simultaneously with its construction in hersanes st. vladimir's cathedral was restored. our correspondent, jaana shcherbataya, spoke with the first visitors. new chersonesus is a truly grandiose complex, which has no analogues anywhere else in the world or in russia. we will now try to give you a short tour of the main objects of new hersanes. so, people's visits begin with this building. a grandiose, magnificent, beautiful building, this is the only one. in the world a museum of christianity, its dome is 31 m, exactly the same as that of the hagia sophia in constantinople, now a city istanbul. further, next to the museum
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of christianity, there is the next unique object, this is where we are now walking, this is the first, and only in russia, unusual temple, not like all the others, the fact is that it is a temple-park. there are no walls here, instead of them there are these light, beautiful, almost weightless structures. it is worth noting that the temple is already operational, the first service here took place on the eve of the day of the baptism of russia and it is understood that services here will take place mainly at night and in the evening, that is, in the open starry sky, it certainly looks incredibly beautiful, a huge number of people are here in khersanes today, many, these are not only sevastopol residents, these are not only kremlin residents, many came here from different parts of our country, and people say that especially today in opening day, they wanted to be one of the first to visit... we are pioneers, everyone is also working, so we brought the children early, it’s not hot, wonderful weather, it’s just something incredible, such power, the scale is amazing,
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true, we haven’t been everywhere yet, but it’s simple, we are of course impressed, very impressed by the scale, well, if you don’t see it, it’s a gigantic scale, a gigantic effort, amazing work, amazing beauty, this is a historical event, a discovery. of such a wonderful complex of our hersenes, we came early, because in order to be the first to see everything, so to speak, to see, the scale is simply amazing, powerful, very beautiful, well, next to the museum of christianity and the temple park, the view opens up to almost the entire new hersenes, on the right on the side of me is a building, a large building, this is the museum of crimea and novorossiya, a museum that tells the history of these lands from the most ancient times, that is, practically from the appearance of the very first...
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also about the heroic defense of sevastopol, and of course there are halls dedicated to modern history of crimea and novorossiya, the history that is being written today, our days. opposite the museum of crimea and novorossiya there is an amphitheater, which... these are the guys who are relaxing at the international children's center artek. a little further is the reconstruction quarter - these are four buildings that are designed to show visitors to hersanes what the ancient ancient city looked like in the 10th century, when prince vladimir arrived here. and behind it is another unique building. by the way, i will say that the word unique here, well, literally without pretension, one can say about... every building, every object of the new hersanes. so, further, this is the museum of antiquity and byzantium, the largest in russia, it is there that the exhibits that were found here
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during excavations will be exhibited. i note that excavations in new hersanes were absolutely unprecedented. 6.5 million finds were found here by archaeologists and almost half a million of them will become exhibits in this museum of antiquity and byzantium. well, then exactly opposite the museum of christianity and exactly... opposite the temple park there is the pearl of the entire complex, this is st. vladimir's cathedral, which was restored, today it is all covered with mosaics inside, just like the entire complex is open to tourists and parishioners of today. at the moment, the entire territory of the complex is open, this is temple park, this is a sculpture park, a landscape park, in test mode - the museum of crimea and novorossiya is operating, and a large re-enactor festival is also taking place these days. which are present throughout the territory of new hersanes and offer our visitors exciting reprises, master classes and much, much more. up to 50 thousand
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visitors. in total, citizens took out 680,000 such loans worth 2,800 billion rubles. this was reported to the dumarf. at the same time, in june the volume of loans for new buildings reached a new maximum. was at its peak also mortgages for individual housing construction and issuance under state programs. however, in the second half of the year , the mortgage market is expected to slow down, due to the end of the massive preferential program and high rates. in russia, according to the results of the first half of the year , a record number of car loans were issued, almost
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800,000, which is twice as much as... last year, reports the national credit history bureau. in monetary terms, the growth is also twofold, up to trillion 150 billion rubles. the company explains this growth as a result of the low base effect of 2023, when there was a shortage of new cars on the market. also the expectation of a rise in rates in the future, which means an increase in the cost of car loans, had an impact. aeroflot earned more than 35 billion rubles in net profit in the first half of the year compared to a large loss a year earlier. this is stated in the report on russian ones. the carrier’s revenue immediately increased one and a half times to 312 billion. this is a historical maximum. the company associates this dynamics with the growth of passenger turnover and the increase in the number of flights. and next year will be more difficult for ukraine than this year due to the uncertainty around the us elections. about this was stated by the country's finance minister sergei marchenko. he recalled that this year kiev waited a long time for the decision of the us congress on assistance
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and hopes for a similar decision in... in the fifth year, ukraine cannot. the minister added that the country must be prepared for any development of events and rely only on its own strength. it was economic news. short.
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unknown, if we hide it, gold is revealed in itself , the story of his life is worth so much, among millions of gold coins there are no two identical, they are all different, this is a golden room, 2 tons of gold, in monetary terms equivalent - this is 13 billion rubles. gold will remain the metal that the country, the state, the people will always need, it’s just
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absolutely bare metal from... mendeleev street, four nines that are starting to travel throughout the planet, humanity is in dire need of something being reliable , that's something, gold. two strategic missile carriers tu-95 ms, long-range aviation of the russian aerospace forces, performed a planned flight in the airspace of...


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