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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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and the scandal at the olympics, the men's triathlon competition has been postponed, the water is not too dirty, expensive purifiers do not help, will the competition take place? and at the beginning of the release of a message from the ministry of defense: two strategic missile carriers tu-95 ms, long-range aviation of the russian aerospace forces, carried out a planned flight in the airspace over the neutral waters of the sea of ​​japan. they were accompanied by the crews of the s-35s and su-30-sm, and at certain stages of the route by fighters from foreign countries. the flight duration was more than 10 hours. our military department noted that the flight was carried out in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. 12 people injured when train cars derailed near volgograd remain in hospitals. among them are three children. this was reported by the press service of the regional administration. passengers who were in temporary accommodation centers will arrive in adler late this evening.
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they were taken by two reserve personnel. traffic has already been restored after the emergency, now railway workers are doing everything possible to reduce delays of other trains. in addition, today the ministry of internal affairs confirmed that the collision was provoked by the kamaz driver. he entered the crossing at a red light. maxim akhmetov with details. the hard work of railway workers and repair and restoration work at the accident site do not stop for a minute. a tracklayer is currently working on site.
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derailed after a collision with a kamaz truck, according to a preliminary version, the driver decided to skip the crossing in front of the train, now he in serious condition. according to the operational headquarters , 52 people were injured, more than twenty of them were immediately taken to the district hospital, and after first aid was provided, the patients were sent to volgograd hospitals. the condition of the injured two is serious, nine people are in a moderate condition and... luiza efimenko and her grandchildren were traveling in the fifth carriage, which suffered the most, they were saved by a miracle, everything was falling there, you understand how, it began to turn over and...
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all passengers of the ill-fated train departed . from kotelnikov and go towards adler. operational and investigative actions continue. a criminal case has been opened. the transport prosecutor's office began its investigation. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos, dmitry belyansky and svetlana selivanova. news: volgograd region. the number of deaths due to the break of a temporary dam on the white sea-baltic canal. kareli has grown
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to three, today rescuers discovered the bodies of two people, the search for another missing person continues, the aerial group of the ministry of emergency situations and rescuers are involved now they are combing the shore, using drone ships to explore the river. let me remind you that the day before, a temporary dam was washed away in the segesh district, the structure was supposed to protect residential areas during the repair period, a criminal case was opened, the water level between the locks of the white sea canal has decreased, now there is no threat of flooding. after a heavy downpour , the central streets were flooded, cars in some places were almost half in the water. hail also fell in some areas of the city. the mayor's office reported that they are already eliminating the consequences, but the weather is clearly not in favor of the utility workers. perhaps a storm will pass, warn the tatarstan navy. also , strong thunderstorms with squally winds up to 20 m/s are expected there today and tomorrow. now the situation is at the front; during a special operation, russian units took control of the village of leninskoye in donetsk. enemy groups. our air defenses
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shot down seven us-made hymer missiles. the anti-aircraft guided missile zrkriot and 45 drones were also destroyed. in addition, the russian military has improved its position on the way to the liberation of seversk and krasnoarmeyskaya. do it succeeded due to the fact that they took control of ivan dareevka and lazovadskoe in the donetsk people's republic. the head of the dpr reported this. denis pushiliin on air on our tv channel. release of these settlements. improves the position of our units, of course, we see that if we take ivan daryevka, then this is another, say, step on the path to the liberation of seversk, this is the artyomovsky district, if we are talking about
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lazovatsky, then this is, of course, another settlement on the path to the liberation of krasnoarmeyskaya, then there is this this direction, and for us non-important residents...
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to the goal, which is why we raised the key rate to 18%. we raised the rate not to cope with the post-sanction financial shocks, but to prevent too rapid growth in demand from leading to an inflationary spiral, rather than to support expansion of supply. even at a rate of 18%, we are not talking about a decrease in mortgage lending; it will simply continue to grow at a more moderate pace. rates. mortgages should go down as inflation slows. another topic that was touched upon today is how to make cross-border payments less vulnerable to sanctions. one way is through digital currencies. in a month it is planned to expand the pilot project for the digital ruble.
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its mass use should begin in july 1925. in 5-7 years it should become a familiar means of payment for russians. also, by the end of the year, the first experimental settlements in cryptocurrencies in foreign trade should take place. returning to the topic of the key rate, despite its high level, lending in the country has not fallen, this is the main way to raise funds for necessary projects, another is the placement of company shares on the stock exchange, the issue of providing benefits during implementation is now being considered. during the first half of this year, 10 companies with a total capitalization of almost 650 billion rubles have already entered the market. the demand for shares of these companies is high, the focus of banks and the state. at this stage it should be aimed precisely at helping companies that are striving to grow to the point of going public, the so- called pre. continues to attract funds into the long-term savings program for citizens, in total this is already 30 billion rubles, and by the end of the year it is planned to attract another 250 billion.
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according to the instructions of the president, by the end of this year it is necessary to attract 250 to the program. for this, a number of measures have already been taken to co-finance long-term savings , but in particular, the period has been increased from 3 to 10 years . we need to see what else can be done to increase the attractiveness of the program for citizens and to involve even more market participants in it. to implement the projects necessary for the country, it is necessary to develop such a mechanism such as a public-private partnership, this will help attract more investment from outside. business, says chairman of the russian federation, igor shuvalov. it is still necessary to be aware that capital through the budget system is not enough to meet the needs of the economy. it is necessary to include all possible mechanisms, including the acquisition of objects in installments, as this should simply be called without
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any formalization in the form of constiation relations, or other mechanisms when private capital, capital of commercial banks will be involved in the implementation of state economic policy. an important conclusion that was voiced at today’s meeting: in russia it was possible to create a stable system, where banks do not need to be saved from collapse, they not only manage without support from the budget, but also come to the aid of the economy, which... by the way, for 5 months of this year has already grown by 5%. dmitry morocco, sergey rubanov, gennady korneev, news. message from telegram channels. at least 23 people are missing, hundreds are dead and missing in caused by a flood landslide in kerala state in india. this is the footage that is now being circulated. according to some reports , 73 people have already died. search and rescue operations are currently underway, and special equipment is being sent to the scene.
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the european commission has asked budapest for clarification after easing visa requirements for russian citizens. brussels saw this as a threat to eu security. earlier , members of the european people's party, the same one that includes ursula vonderleen. let me remind you that hungary included our country in the so-called national card program. it is issued for 2 years to those who... wants to work or run a business, holders do not undergo special checks at the border; they generally have a number of other advantages, for example, they can move freely throughout the eu, and after 3 years with such a document they can obtain a residence permit. alfabank is the best bank for business. open a free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback. business card at alfabank - the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. the loyalty program with
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the app and get super cashback up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. in venezuela , the current head of state, nicolas maduro, won the presidential election ; more than 51% of the voters voted for him.
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relatively calm, all the riots ended around midnight yesterday, now the streets are empty, the opposition is planning its rally for 11 o’clock, but when we talk about demonstrations, i would correct them, these are most likely not demonstrations, but simply armed motorcyclists paid by the opposition, they roam the streets, group together, so to speak, cause disturbances.
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in a normal, calm atmosphere, in a transparent atmosphere, our observers were here, they went through the polling stations, the people voted actively, the turnout at the elections was 59%, which in principle is a good indicator. as for the results of these elections, they were quite predictable, the only thing that was a somewhat high result was the support of voters for the opposition candidate, who such... of course he doesn’t use it, it’s just a protest electorate, well, if we count 59% of the total number of voters, then from there we count 44%, we will just see the real protest electorate in venezuela, people are really dissatisfied, among those who voted for the opposition, many residents of poor
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areas, depressed areas, marginal areas, they do not hide it, that ’s why...
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and the role of external forces, indeed one of the main topics that is being discussed now is that external forces are behind this protest, in fact, blinken, quoting him, said that the voting results supposedly do not reflect the will of the people of venezuela, how will the situation develop further, taking into account this factor, will there be new sanctions from the united states against venezuela? well , it’s difficult to talk about new sanctions, because in order to make a decision on sanctions... there must be someone who will take them, but i don’t know if the current administration has such a desire now, it seems to me that it is concerned about other issues, regarding us pressure, we closely followed the information background during the voting on election day, and noticed that the opposition
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literally held back its supporters until the last moment and it was clear that... ordered and obviously not free, everything began, the main thing began after that , as the next armed bandits who operate clearly the day on monday the results were officially announced. as for future relations with the united states, well, they have developed and are developing quite problematically until
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both sides, but the venezuelan government is ready for dialogue, open, president nicolas maduro has stated this more than once, we’ll see how the situation develops, but american pressure will continue now against the backdrop of these elections, i think. some statements will follow from their side, as for the forecast for the development of the situation here, directly in venezuela, it is clear that these protests, or rather these violent actions , are ordered, well, since today machado is a radical oppositionist, who is the loudest supporter of candidate gonzalez as she called her supporters to the rally at 11 o'clock. let's see how many people come, what kind of people they will be, because in recent weeks, the opposition has clearly lost the street to the authorities, supporters of
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nicolas madura. sergei mikhailovich, here is the fact that the venezuelan foreign ministry decided to recall diplomats from latin american countries that did not accept the election results, refused to recognize them, including argentina, chile, peru, for the continent, for the whole of south america, what consequences could this have? you know, the concept of recognizing or not recognizing is something from the colonial past, it seems to me, recognition and non-recognition is an act of interference in the internal affairs of an independent state, this is precisely what caused the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs of venezuela, they absolutely do not no matter who the latin american leaders are, more and more of them are former leaders who ingloriously ended their... career as head of state, several people literally on the eve of the elections tried to break through here, they were sent vostvasi, so the venezuelans and the maduro government do not care about the subjective
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assessments of some leaders, so we are talking primarily about statements of a political nature, which are quite adequately regarded as interference in internal affairs. as for latin america as a whole, we are talking about today about. .. problems of the split, well, probably not too relevant, because the split did not appear today, and if it ends, it will not be tomorrow, we are talking about attempts to revive a long-forgotten thing buried by the latin americans themselves, the so-called lima group is a group of countries that are supported by the united states of america and supported by the organization of american states. at one time i tried to shake up the situation, tried to support in every possible way, such an impostor was, i think many of your viewers remember guaido by his last name,
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and so president maduro, speaking and repeatedly stated in his speeches that the guaido 2.0 project will no longer take place in venezuela, well that's what it's worth noting, that yes , it's worth noting that against the backdrop of pressure from the west, the venezuelan authorities, nevertheless on... a different format, which will be agreed upon by all ten members of today's association. yes,
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thank you, sergei mikhailovich, we talked and discussed the situation in detail with the russian ambassador to venezuela sergei melikbagdasarov. i'm here. almost five times more cargo will be able to be transported through the checkpoint. borders of russia and azerbaijan, all thanks to the reconstruction of automobile border crossings. issues of development of border and cross-border infrastructure became the main topic of the meeting of the state border commission, which was chaired by first deputy prime minister denis manturov. limiting trade and economic cooperation with unfriendly countries leads to a reorientation of trade flows. certain sections of the state border are experiencing increased load. in particular , this concerns the russian-azerbaijani and russian-georgian directions; the issue is particularly acute during the maturation period of the main
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agricultural crops. in azerbaijan, iran, turkey and in order to prevent traffic congestion in designated areas, a set of measures was implemented to reconstruct automobile border crossings, as a result of which capacity on the russian-azerbaijani border has increased almost fivefold. well , we have connections with venezuela, the russian ambassador to this country, sergei mikhailovich melik-bogdasarov, is with us again. connection, we talked to him about brix, about venezuela's interest in brix. sergei mikhailovich, will these processes continue? well, this first of all depends on the desire of the venezuelan side, it exists. venezuelans took part in a number of brix events, brix games, and an expanded meeting of the brix council of foreign ministers. main the dignity of venezuela's candidacy for joining brix is, above all,
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truly sovereign.
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we are waiting for nicolas madura, we know very well that he was planning to visit our country more than once, but every time this happened due to a number of internal political reasons, and above all caused by pressure and overt interference of the united states of america in these internal affairs of venezuela, he had to postpone the visit, that’s what concerns the immediate future, let’s
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wait until the situation calms down. in any in this case, as local and high-ranking officials told me, one of the first places where nicolas maduro intends to visit after his re-election is russia, so we will wait, this year we have a meeting of a high- level commission scheduled, which should, in order of priority, be held in caracos, and a number of other cultural events. orientation and not only cultural and economic orientation, here we recently donated from our russian venezuelan bank, evrofinansmasbank ambulance and on the other hand, russian insulins are supplied here under a signed contract, there are many different events, both economic and political, so let’s wait until the passions calm down and continue our cooperation.
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the main thing is that this work is not under threat, these projects continue to develop, no, of course, and the fact that the people of venezuela gave 51% of the votes for their president, this only confirms the relevance of the foreign policy course of nicolas maduro and his government’s cooperation with russia, with china and other truly independent and sovereign democracies. well, i’ll add, by the way, the chinese ministry of defense called on you. the results of the presidential elections in venezuela, this message is now on the agency’s feeds. so, sergei mikhailovich, thank you, let me remind you that we spoke with the russian ambassador to venezuela, sergei melikbagdasarov. teksov, i am a traveler.


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