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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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work is not under threat, these projects are developing, they continue, no, of course, and the fact that the people of venezuela gave 51% of the votes for their president, this only confirms the relevance of the foreign policy course of nicolas madura and his government , cooperation with russia, with china and other truly independent and sovereign democracies. well, i’ll add, by the way, that the chinese ministry of foreign affairs called for respect for the results of the presidential elections. in venezuela, this message is now on the agency's feeds. so, sergei mikhailovich, thank you, let me remind you that we spoke with the russian ambassador to venezuela, sergei melik bagdasary. i, traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan. oh, so we're going out. what a fairy tale without
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ivan, uh, what began, without deception and without a flint, in the flint of me, dash, imprisoned, a pen, self-written, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing in van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, and yourself hit me on the head, do you have a cell? where i need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to go, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket, soon!
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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servicemen of the 45th guards separate airborne special forces brigade received state awards today: the order of courage, medals for courage, the suvorov medal and medals for bravery of the second degree, presented to the soldiers by defense minister andrei belousov. he also congratulated the military on the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the unit. three decades ago. the history of the forty-fifth brigade began special forces of the airborne forces, personnel who rightfully serve as a model of courage, military valor and professionalism. today , the personnel of the unit effectively carry out the most important tasks in the zone of a special military operation, skillfully act in the most difficult situations, and put their motto into practice: the strongest wins. i'm sure it's a military incident. the fifth brigade
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will henceforth honestly fulfill their military duty and make a significant contribution to strengthening the country’s defense capability. awarded in moscow laureate of the all-russian architecture-diplomacy competition. the ceremony took place at the museum of decorative arts. both professional and beginning artists took part in the competition, and applications came from all over the country, from kaliningrad to vladivostok. it has already united 20 russian regions, in exactly the same way. can expand its domestic russian geography, including international, which is what i sincerely wish as an organizer, let’s work to make the competition truly international. this time the task for the participants was set in the most original way, it seems to me. it was necessary to see the classic features. architecture, and at the same time
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notice in them elements of folk art, folk art. well, now there are new personnel from the government coordination center. dear colleagues, we continue our work, today we will also consider in detail the national personnel project, one of the most important, since it directly or indirectly participates in the achievement of each of the national development goals. qualified specialists are the basis of enterprises. economic sectors, even the most innovative, most technologically advanced, any organization in the social sphere. competent workers are always needed, especially now, when the president has set the task of strengthening industrial, technological, financial, and economic sovereignty. however, against the backdrop of a low
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unemployment rate of less than 3% and dynamic growth in the number of employed citizens in the labor market, there are also imbalances and imbalances. enterprises in the real sector need employees primarily from engineering specialties during trips to the regions, when i communicate with leaders of the company, almost all of them raise personnel issues, and the implementation of four federal projects - labor market management, education for the labor market, active measures to promote employment and working people, which will be included in a new national project designed to seriously increase involvement in the next 6 years our citizens into employment. but to balance the labor market. first of all, it is necessary to create a flexible and, most importantly, effective system for training specialists, focused on the needs of the economy to in order to quickly adapt to changing conditions and to obtain a comprehensive result, you need to clearly understand what kind of
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workers are required in the next 3-5 years. it is necessary to take into account trends, of course, in the field of technology, industry development strategies, as well as national projects, infrastructure programs and on behalf of the head of state, we are now developing a forecast of personnel needs, it should be directly related to the target figures for admission to universities, colleges, in order to calculate preparation parameters based on it professionals, based on the results of national ratings of educational organizations. but first of all from the point of view of employment and salary offer for their graduates. we need to create a route for each person. which will go through school, college, university, employer. the head of state noted that it is necessary to introduce such approaches into the vocational education system so that young people are as ready as possible for starting a working career, so that they have more opportunities to realize themselves in different industries in different regions of our country. this
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very important, since it is quite difficult for graduates to find a job today. in this regard, the national project should include measures to develop targeted training and production. practice, and of course, career guidance programs for youth, such as the best in profession, more than work , the all-russian employment fair, the festival of profession and others, which will become reliable guides that will help you take one of the most difficult steps in life - this is to choose your profession according to your liking, according to your vocation . all of them will be further solid foundations for further formation of staffing levels, as well as a whole block of measures aimed at smoothing out imbalances in the market. support for already working citizens, assistance in changing professions or acquiring new competencies. it is important that here organizations and enterprises have access to labor services that are currently available, thanks to which their employees will be able to acquire additional skills required
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in production. the so-called technical country is also of great importance in these issues, i mean creating conditions for people in search of a suitable vacancy, for organizations that... are ready to accept specialists, it is necessary to build a clear and simple interaction between employers, educational institutions, employment services, and for this, appropriate personnel centers will be created, a single digital platform must operate clearly, work in russia, it contains up-to-date information, but at the same time it is necessary to improve the tools for monitoring and analyzing the labor market in order to provide citizens with high-quality public services. dear colleagues, from effectiveness of implementation of national project activities. personnel, the growth of the economy and the development of our social sphere will largely depend, so it is very important here that all branches of government, the federal executive body, regions, regional authorities, and the business community work together on all the tasks at hand.
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so, mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on the national project “personnel”. the rostec corporation contributes to strengthening the country's security, healthcare and technological support. alexei, hello, well, first of all, this is, of course, providing for the army, but there are still many tasks in the civilian sphere. the rostec corporation is involved in solving the strategic tasks of our country, such as the supply of the latest weapons to the troops, developments in the field of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, as well as ensuring technological sovereignty. general director of rostec corporation sergei chemizov told russian president vladimir putin about this during his annual report. according to the head of rostec. consolidated revenue of the corporation based on the results twenty-third year increased by more than a third and amounted to 2.840 billion, in
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the future it is planned to increase it to 3 trillion. the most important task is to provide the army with the necessary weapons. rostec enterprises produce combat aircraft, helicopters, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other armored vehicles, as well as artillery systems, small arms, electronic warfare systems, high-precision and other ammunition. as sergei chemizov emphasized, more than 80% of all weapons used in the north military district zone were created at rostec enterprises. another chapter the corporation noted that the necessary weapons are supplied to the troops on time according to self-demanded samples; the state defense order is 100% fulfilled. rost has a high percentage of execution of state defense orders , amounting to 99, while using samples that are especially in demand in the vsso zone and
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in parallel with military production, rosseh continues to implement the most important civilian programs, this concerns the aircraft and automotive industries, the production of machine tools, engines, as well as the healthcare sector and other sectors of the economy. with significant growth of state defense order. the volume of civilian revenue in the twenty-third year did not decrease, in absolute terms, even increased by 5.5% and amounted to 993 billion rubles, that is, almost a trillion, of course we do not forget your instructions to increase the share of civilian products, if everything is 100% take the percentage of civilian pro, unfortunately, in relative figures we fell, in the twenty-second year we had 44,
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newborns, as well as short-term ventilation, in intensive care units
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, both in maternity hospitals and perinatal centers. we have already received a registration certificate, and are now preparing for mass production. the activities of rostec directly concern the preservation of the health of millions of people in our country. sergei chemizov told vladimir putin about the production of vaccines for the national vaccination calendar. year, we continued to supply vaccines for the national calendar of preventive vaccinations under centralized government orders. in total, the holding delivered more than 106 million doses of medicines in the list to the regions of russia supplies of 18 vaccines against nine infections - tetanus, whooping cough, deuterium, hepatitis b, tuberculosis, measles rubella, paratitis and influenza. for creating. products, both military and civilian, ross tech is increasing its personnel potential. last year
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, more than 70,000 people received work at the corporation's enterprises, the total number of employees was 660,000. to effectively train personnel, together with universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, rostec is implementing 400 basic and additional programs. also the corporation is involved in the development of one and a half dozen advanced engineering schools, so the tasks of... the corporation pays great attention to the development of human resources, and the social protection of employees is another important area of ​​​​work, which... sergei chemizov also told the president. yes, thank you, konstantin. let me remind you that konstantin churikov spoke about vladimir putin’s meeting with the head of rostec. the state duma adopted a package of laws on an experiment to legalize digital currencies in russia. we are talking about mining cryptocurrencies and creating a platform for their use in international payments.
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another topic of the plenary session was the implementation of the national project science and universities . so, varvara, greetings, well, as far as i understand, they talked a lot about currencies, digitalization, education, what are the main results? alexey, good afternoon, everything is right , as always, however, an extremely busy agenda, the work of the state duma began today with the government hour, where the minister of science and higher education, valery folkov, summed up the results of the national project science and universities. let me remind you that its implementation should be completed at the end of this year on december 31. let me remind you that this national project is designed to develop human capital in the interests of regions and industries, as well as to build up large-scale scientific and technological projects in priority areas. and, as
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valery folkov stated, the key task, namely the accessibility of education within the framework of the project, has already been completed. starting in 2020, on instructions from the president, we have consistently increased the number of budget places in universities, the task set for today has been resolved, the availability of higher education in the country has increased significantly, the number of budget places this year, compared to 2020, has increased by more than 5,000, about 3,000 more places have been allocated by the university to new subjects, as a result, today over 60% of graduates... as part of the discussion with parliamentarians, valery folkov called for the creation of a guaranteed employment system for those who study at universities on budget places, and also proposed to consolidate the status of a young specialist at the legislative level, as for the plenary meeting, it is still ongoing,
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many extremely important, socially significant... acute bills have already been considered, so in the second reading and third final reading, the duma adopted a law on tightening the rules for issuing sim cards by foreign citizens, as the authors of the bill stated, uncontrolled circulation sim cards are an exceptional environment for cybercrime and telephone fraud, this is especially true for those sim cards used by foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons, for foreign citizen. the opportunity is only offline with personal presence, he submits and confirms his biometrics in an authorized body, this can be a bank, mfc, authorized government agency, then after submitting the biometrics he comes to the telecom operator with a passport, looks at a special ebs terminal, then this information is double-checked quickly promptly with the appropriate resources, ise, information system of the telecom operator, ebs, it is confirmed that yes,
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this is indeed such a citizen, after which the contract is signed and activation takes place. the new bill allows a foreign citizen to apply for up to ten sim cards, but a russian can apply for twice as many sim cards. one of the most important amendments to this bill essentially introduces de-anonymization of public channels in instant messengers, in particular in telegram. obliging bloggers whose reach exceeds 10,000 subscribers to report themselves to roskomnadzor. if this requirement is not met, such authors will simply lose their advertising income. in the second and third readings, the state duma today adopted a bill that prohibits trash streams introduces liability for the distribution of such content. trash streams will be information that offends
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human dignity and public morality, expressing clear disrespect for society. containing images of actions with signs of illegality, including violence, here is the key thing, colleagues, thing, distributed from hooligan selfish or other unchanging motives. the administrative fine for distributing trash content for individuals will be from 50 to 100,000 rub. but for legal entities it can reach one million rubles. amendments have also been made to the criminal code, according to which the so-called. trash streams will become aggravating circumstances when committing crimes. another important bill that has been asking for adoption for a long time, it will limit the possibility. purchase of energy drinks by minors. the experience of 65 regions was also taken into account in terms of additional powers not
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only to ban the sale of these drinks to children, but also various restrictions, such as law subjects of the russian federation, this is also taken into account in the text of the bill in the current amendments, and the main thing is supervision, control, supervision, there have been the most... great discussions on it, the most important bill has been legalizing cryptocurrency mining in our country since november. the document stipulates that the requirements for the activities of individuals and legal entities that actually carry out the very same mining of digital currency will be established by the government of our country in agreement with the bank of russia; compliance with these requirements will be monitored will be directly from the ministry of digital development. another adopted bill allows within the framework.
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this bill will allow the relevant activities to be carried out legally, while establishing order where there are appropriate technological and power capabilities, this will be allowed, while where there is... a shortage of electricity consumption, electricity production, then accordingly, the government will be able to set restrictions on running this type of business. today parliamentarians plan to consider all bills for the second reading. let me remind you that today is the penultimate day of work of the state duma as part of the spring session, and tomorrow, july 31 , the final meeting will take place. within the framework of which speeches by representatives of all duma factions are expected. alexei. yes, varvara, thank you. varvara nevskaya about the main topics
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so, 13 people who were injured when train cars derailed near volgograd remain in hospitals, including three children. this was reported by the press service of the regional administration. the state of emergency has already been restored , now the railway workers are doing everything possible to reduce delays of other trains. in addition, today the ministry of internal affairs confirmed that the collision was provoked by the kamaz driver; he entered the crossing at a red light. maxim akhmetov with details. the hard work of railway workers and repair and restoration
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work at the accident site do not stop. after a collision with a kamaz, according to a preliminary version, the driver decided to skip the crossing in front of the train; now he is in serious condition. according to the operational headquarters , 52 people were injured, more than twenty of them were immediately taken to the district hospital, after first aid was provided, the patients were sent to volgograd.


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