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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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roads, militants also got involved in the matter, the monument to chavis was demolished. there are casualties among the security forces. why did madura’s victory provoke such a reaction from the opposition, what role does washington play in the protests and how will the situation develop? our tu-95s passed over the neutral waters of the sea of ​​japan. the flight lasted more than 10 hours, all in accordance with international standards. who accompanied the missile carriers. the usa is not capable of a big war. the armed forces are losing to russia, china, iran and north korea. what else is in the analysts’ report, which has already been submitted to congress and what is the pentagon's reaction? and the detention of telephone scammers right in apartments, telecommunications equipment, devices that allow you to activate accounts of social networks, instant messengers and financial wallets. the duty department will tell you how the money was written off. intruders. in
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tatarstan, at the begishevo airport, near the city of nishnikamsk, a tornado swept through. it damaged a hangar with aircraft equipment. four training aircraft and a passenger bus were also reportedly damaged. to work at stikhia airport itself however, there was no impact, all flights are operating as scheduled, but the damage is now being assessed. well, in kazan, about 250 km to the west, snow fell today, there was also heavy rain and hail, here are these shots. it was necessary to change the movement of trams and trolleybuses, it is known that the central streets of the city were flooded, and now eyewitnesses are sharing footage of cars driving halfway and this hail itself. earlier , the ministry of emergency situations of tatarstan warned that a storm was possible, but today and tomorrow strong thunderstorms with squally winds are expected in the region...
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russian units liberated another settlement in the dpr, and units of the center group of troops took control of the village of leninskoye. at the same time, our fighters hit five brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and repelled six counterattacks. the enemy lost more than 300 troops along the route. read more about the idea of ​​the special operation, evgeniy nipot. assault on a ukrainian army commander in the donetsk direction. crews of t-80 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles of the second southern armored group. groupings of troops work on enemy positions, while the infantry dismounts, we fire as long as possible at the place where they must enter, we cease fire, the vehicle rolls away, and the infantry enters the forest belt. those who threaten armored vehicles, namely enemy anti-tank gun crews, are knocked out by artillery , paratroopers, d-20 howitzers, and have now eliminated the enemy’s observation post and firing position. work on the front line,
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this is closer to the crossing, that is, we help our guys so that they move faster, through dugouts, trenches, armored vehicles are unable to hide, this leopard tried to hide in a forest clearing in the direction of urakha, fired, but was covered with return fire from russian fighters, the moment was caught by uav operators, thanks to the work of reconnaissance, accumulation of personnel... the troops and equipment were quickly reached by the artillerymen of the center group. you have to work quickly in hail because of the abundance of enemy birds, strikers and patrols. we work every day, more than once, and we work quite well. we couldn't have done it without scouts and infantry. accordingly, they also sometimes run into problems without us. according to the russian ministry of defense, the war center groups continue to displace ukrainian formations from the territory of the dpr. unit of the military group.
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division, of course, we see that if we take ivanovarevka, then this is another, say, check on the path to the liberation of seversk. if we are talking about lazovatsky, then this is, of course, another settlement on the path to the liberation of krasnoarmeyskoye. aviation helps troops on the ground move forward, eliminating the accumulation of enemy equipment and personnel, clearing the way with factories, both at night and during the day. this. flying in the area
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volchansk, in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the north group and helicopter pilots who are actively working on enemy targets, performed an anti-missile maneuver with... air defense, seven hymer missiles were shot down from production , protected by air defense crews. us assets, us-made anti-aircraft guided missile kriot and 45 unmanned aerial vehicles. the unmanned aviation unit of the airborne forces operates effectively. on the right bank of the dnieper, ammunition depots are being destroyed. rostec corporation contributes to strengthening
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national security, healthcare , ensuring technological sovereignty. rostec general director sergei chemizov spoke about this at a meeting with vladimir putin. my colleague, konstantin, followed the progress of the meeting. chorrikov. rostec corporation is involved in solving the strategic problems of our country. these are the supply of the latest weapons to the troops, developments in the field of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, as well as ensuring technological sovereignty. general director of rostec corporation sergei chemizov spoke about this russian president vladimir putin during his annual report. according to the head of rostec, the corporation's consolidated revenue at the end of the twenty-third year increased by more than a third and amounted to. rub. in the future, it is planned to increase it to 3 trillion. the most important task is to provide the army with the necessary weapons. rostec enterprises produce combat aircraft, helicopters, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other armored vehicles, as well as artillery systems,
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small arms, electronic warfare systems, high-precision and other ammunition. how sergei chemizov emphasized that more than 80% of all weapons are used in the zone with... created at rostec enterprises. the head of the corporation also noted that the necessary weapons were being supplied to the troops on time. for the most popular samples, state defense orders are 100% fulfilled. russia has a high percentage of execution of state defense orders - 99.5%. at the same time, for the samples that are especially in demand in the vsso zone, the execution is one hundred percent. we haven't broken a single contract. 80% are all these. our enterprises. in parallel with military production, rostec continues the equipment that is today involved in a special military operation is produced to implement the most important civilian programs, this applies to the aircraft and automotive industries, the production of machine tools, engines, as well as the healthcare sector and
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other sectors of the economy. with a significant increase in state defense orders, the volume of civilian revenue in the twenty-third year did not decrease; in absolute terms , the composition even increased by 5.5%. the figure has increased, in relative terms it has fallen, this suggests that, in general , the volume of state defense orders has significantly increased has increased, so the percentage ratio of civilian products, special attention during the annual report, the head of rustec paid to the topic
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of healthcare, the corporation is actively involved in the production of medical equipment, medical instrumentation, in general, this is a strategic industry for us, we plan to increase our share in this direction, we annually expand the range of this equipment. and here are a few examples of this technique i can give, this is a device for respiratory support of breathing of newborns, it is called reanimon, produced by our shbabe holding, it allows for respiratory therapy for newborns, as well as short-term ventilation, in intensive care units , as in maternity hospitals. and perinatal centers, we have already received a registration certificate, and are now preparing for mass production. the activities of rostec directly concern the preservation of the health of millions of people in our country. sergei chemizov told vladimir putin about the production of vaccines for
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the national vaccination calendar. at twenty in the third year, we continued to supply vaccines for the centralized national calendar of preventive vaccinations. kazakh holding in total delivered more than 106 million doses of medicines to the regions of russia, the delivery list included 18 vaccines against nine infections, these are... whooping cough, deuterium, hepatitis b, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, paratitis and influenza. to create advanced products, both military and civilian, ross tech is increasing its human resources. last year , jobs at corporation enterprises were received by more than 70,000 people. the total number of employees was 660,000. for effective training of personnel, together with universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, rostec is implementing 400 basic and additional ones. programs, the corporation also participates in the development of one and a half dozen advanced engineering schools, so that the tasks of
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increasing technological sovereignty can be said to be passed on from generation to generation. the corporation pays great attention to the development of human resources, and social protection of employees is another an important area of ​​work, which sergei chemizov also told the president about. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, on behalf of vladimir putin, took part in the ceremony. inauguration of the elected president of iran masoud pezishkian. it took place this afternoon in tehran. let me remind you that masoud pezeshchiano held on to victory in the second round of the presidential election. he received more than 53% of the votes. magnet. pasta makfa 5299. magnet - the price is what you need.
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6:13 pm
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the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sberm subscription plus two top categories of 1% cashback on everything , twice as many bonuses every month in sber , more profitable with prime. in venezuela, as a result night riots killed one soldier, 23 soldiers and 25 police were injured. this was stated by the country's minister of defense, he accused the opposition of attempting to carry out a coup with the support of the united states. opponents of head of state nicolas maduro do not recognize his victory in sunday's presidential elections and promise to continue protests. with details anna voronina. from peaceful marches with spoons banging on
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pots to road blockades and riots in just a few hours. criminal gangs are getting involved. gang in guarico attacked the police station. militants tore down madura's posters. they threaten pro-government forces with reprisals. spontaneous protests are breaking out in different states, turning into clashes with the police. it comes down to the use of tear gas. the russian embassy in venezuela recommends that citizens who are on the territory of the republic do not go outside for now. minecon. development calls for monitoring information about the situation in venezuela on the official websites of russian foreign agencies in their application assistant for abroad. it is clear that these protests, or rather these violent actions, are ordered, but since today machada, the radical oppositionist who most loudly supports the candidate gonzalez,
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since she called her supporters to a rally at 11 o’clock, let’s see how many people will come, what kind of people they will be , because in... recent weeks the opposition has clearly lost the street to the authorities to supporters of nicolas madura. russian authorities called on political forces inside venezuela to refrain from provocations that could undermine regional stability. we see that the opposition does not want to accept its defeat, although we believe that the opposition should do this, should congratulate the winners of these elections. of course, it is very important that these attempts to shake up the situation inside venezuela are not fueled by third countries.
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western journalists also noticed that the scenario of the color revolution was more familiar; the footage of the demolition of the monument near gočavitsu was too similar to the pictures from iraq. the main reason why americans they are trying to overthrow maduro - this, of course, is oil, venezuelan oil, this is a source of oil and energy resources for...
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there is no question. washington will most likely send new ones to aracas. after nine latin american countries demanded a review of the election results, the venezuelan foreign ministry recalled diplomats from argentina, the dominican republic, costa rica, panama, peru, uruguay and chile. there is no pressure coming out. and of course, a number of latin american countries were prepared in advance for only one result; by the way,
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these countries took an even more decisive position took, like the example of the same americans, who so far have only been diplomatic. asks to publish the protocols, the americans have not yet formulated their final position, and argentina, for example, the agent president directly stated on his twitter that dictator maduro get out, and a number of other americans also not all brazil, for example , are asking to denounce the protocols, brazil’s position is not occupied. analysts are confident that the course of the unrest will be determined by the weekend, while only the unemployed will go to protests, but if they join them on saturday and sunday working class, then riots and rallies may drag on... growing anger towards people in uniform and almost daily cases of arson of their cars, the new law adds fuel to the fire, according to which from the age of 18 they can already be sent to the front if a man
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served in peacetime, studied at a military department, or was declared limited in age, that is, essentially mobilizes almost everyone, with details from evgeny petrukhin. a burning minibus, this is what revenge by a shopping mall looks like. in one of these kyiv high-rise buildings, it seems one of the employees of the ukrainian territorial centers of the co... even though the emergency services vehicle arrived, they were unlikely to be able to save the car. here is another planned action, also kiev, a shopping center car, here is a trident drawn, they burn it not even at night, but during the day. this is kharkov, footage from cctv cameras. a young man pours gasoline on a car, a bright flash of an suv in an esshnik, what is left can now only be sold for scrap. an eighteen-year-old resident of kharkov was detained. those who set fire to military vehicles, dissatisfied battalion commanders of the armed forces of ukraine are almost calling for execution. the methods of the terrorist call follow the usual pattern, the casevac vehicle of the third assault briad has been planted, i, as
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a battalion commander, give a verbal order and the go-ahead to my soldiers to eliminate these traitors on the spot, this is the colorado potato beetle, which needs to be poisoned, or maybe for the burnt car earphones and tsk so are worried, including because they are afraid that they will soon have to somehow survive without a salary, the head of the budget committee of the supreme... no one will ever pay again, always everything is paid, there may be a little bit of back-up, but everything was always paid, listen to this soushnik, so in the trenches of ukrainian formation, well, just a sanatorium, in
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the telethon he is trying with all his might to convince the audience that cruel mobilization is a fiction, everyone ends up on the front line only after training, you have to be afraid, this is now , thank god, this is not 22, no one will immediately send you ahead, you will come here, you will come, you will go through combat blessings. get to know each other, get to know each other, understand who is who. those who were thrown into the tsk car, nothing they don’t teach you, they immediately throw you into the front line cauldron. the sushushniks themselves say that they are tired of working with entire battalions, those who did not take a machine gun in their hands, because well, they bring people from training, and just like they bring people from training, i caught myself thinking that all training is like hogwarts, there is also some kind of hat that distributes positions to people who do not at all correspond to what is there, i don’t understand why they would do this. they put stamps that they passed this, this, this, they say, they showed us in the picture how to disassemble the machine gun, we are so trained we won’t get far, this is a ukrainian prisoner
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telling how he was caught and thrown into a position near kharkov without food or water, they weren’t taught anything, they had to bring shovels to dig, like a position, well, they didn’t bring anything, well, that’s the central committee’s task to complete zelensky’s plan, so more and more, heavily mobilized people are being dragged into the trench. here is another catch right on the highway, the consequences of mormobilization on those who were left without arms and legs, ukrainian users also make vicious jokes, they write that when they couldn’t escape from tck for the first time you train for the second race. but odessa, there are practically only women at the concert. the boys are watching the broadcast from home, otherwise there is every chance of getting to the front while listening to their favorite song. nowadays, perhaps, only the one left with a satisfied ukrainian face is the one left. this is the satisfaction with which he rides the rides in the park.
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the ambitions of the american military machine are at odds with reality, the commission on national defense strategy came to such a depressing conclusion for the hawks on the capitalist hill. how well does it perform in the pentagon was studied by former legislators, military officers and political scientists for just over a year. the report is already in the hands of congressmen. it follows from it that the us armed forces simply cannot wage a full-scale war, losing in many respects to their rivals moscow, beijing, tehran and pyongyang. last time usa. were prepared for large-scale conflict during the cold war, which ended 35 years ago. today washington is not ready to conduct military operations. the armed forces lack both
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capabilities. no potential for dominance in combat operations, according to the commission, it was the cooperation between russia and china that undermined the global position of the us armed forces. the vast geography of competitors, american analysts predict, increases the likelihood of conflict in several theaters of military operations at once. if the united states were to come into direct conflict with russia, china, iran, or north korea, each of these countries would receive economic and military assistance from the others. this partnership increases the likelihood. conflict on several fronts. in this case, washington will not be able to effectively resist on the battlefield, domestic experts agree with this and partly it is due to poor training of personnel. during the vietnam war, americans were accustomed to fighting with someone else's hands, and in a real clash with a real enemy, they were not as effective as they want to seem and as hollywood shows. actually, all real companies
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in which american companies participated. in addition, washington did not follow the growth rate of the defense industry of china and russia, analysts say in their report, but now it is catching up competitors is quite difficult. the american military-industrial complex is very slow and wasteful of resources. for many decades , americans have built their industry in such a way that... the main goal was to make money and absorb budget funds; in fact, everything is structured in such a way that profit is higher than efficiency, and more important, and this is reflected in the defense capability of the united states in all sectors. the prc's military-industrial complex is growing at an accelerated pace amid the threat from the united states in the south china sea. estimated
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american analysts, we are talking about an amount of 700.11 billion dollars, and the annual growth, according to washington, will be 7%, which is comparable to the spending of the united states, and this tendency is to make the american hawk wingless in the asia-pacific region, at a minimum. in a conflict with china, the united states would largely exhaust its ammunition stockpile in just 3-4 weeks, with important ones such as anti-ship missiles running out of replacement ammunition just a few days after they were used up. will take years. and the states are also facing large-scale military losses, supply chain disruptions, deprivation of access to resources critical to the american economy, as well as threats from an object in space. thus, political scientists are sure that it will reach the senate first, and then the white house. alliances, even the most formidable ones, like nato, are not a panacea. military blocs are not capable of protecting the country from a powerful military response from those who actually advocate a fair and multipolar world. but naturally, the last lines
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are not included in the report by the american legislator. states and further. will engage in hegemony, even despite the military threat; people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the maroon beret is a symbol, something he wears, i believe that there should be an example in everything. must stretch, it can’t be worse, it can be better, we’ve always had this motto in life, i pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up, if everything
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looks like the wild west... then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now we need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. to bring russian digital solutions to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what exactly does digital help with, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like?


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