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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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imagine, she will hit her head on a burden, this is pita, everything is in the legal field. rotchenkov surfaced immediately after the session of the international olympic committee, at which the head of the world anti-doping agency, vitald banka, called the united states a huge market for the sale and distribution of doping; he himself could, through the mouth of his vice-president john coates, threaten to deprive the united states of the olympic games in los angeles in the twenty-eighth and saltlake city in '34 and isolate america in the international sports arena. so timely.
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in tatarstan, a tornado swept through the begishevo airport near the city of nizhnekamsk. two people were airport workers and suffered minor bruises. the tornado blew off the roof of an aircraft hangar and damaged four light-engine training aircraft, as well as a private helicopter and a bus for transporting passengers. at the same time , the disaster did not affect the operation of the airport itself, the passenger planes were not damaged, the air harbor did not close, all flights were operated as... write-offs, and
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the damage is now being calculated. major fire in in yekaterinburg, where a chemical production plant caught fire, it has already been extinguished, as reported by the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations, the fire was assigned the third rank of complexity, the fire was extinguished by more than 50 firefighters, there is no threat of poisoning of citizens. power supply in kirch and family villages has been restored, this was reported to crimea-energo. due to an automation failure at a high-voltage substation, more than 53,000 people were left without electricity. it took about half an hour to resolve the accident. the russian army liberated another settlement in the dpr. a unit of the group of troops took the center under the control of the village of leninskoye. at the same time, our fighters hit five brigades in the ssu and repelled six counterattacks. the enemy lost more than 300 military personnel. read more about the progress
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of the special operation, evgeniy nipot. assault on a ukrainian armed forces commander in the donetsk direction. the crews of t-80 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles of the second armored group of the southern group of forces are working on enemy positions. while the infantry is dismounting, we fire for as long as possible at the place where they should enter, we cease fire, the vehicle rolls back and the infantry enters. armored vehicles, it is the enemy crews that knock out the anti-tank guns artillery paratroopers. d-20 howitzers eliminated the enemy's observation post and firing position. now we are working on the front line, this is closer to the crossing, that is, we are helping our guys so that they move faster, through the dugouts, through the cops. the armored vehicles are unable to hide and take refuge in the forest clearing.
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this leopard tried in the direction of urakhovsk, fired, but was covered by return fire from russian fighters, the moment was caught by uav operators, thanks to reconnaissance work, accumulations of personnel and equipment quickly reached the artillery groupings center. you have to work quickly in hail because of the abundance of enemy birds, strikers and patrols. we work every day, and more than once, and we work quite well, we could not have done it without the scouts, without the infantry, and they, accordingly, without us too... sometimes it runs into problems, as the russian ministry of defense reports, the group’s soldiers the center continues to push out ukrainian formations from the territory of the dpr. as a result of active actions, units of the military center group liberated the village of leninskoye and improved tactical position. the head of the donetsk people's republic denis pushilin said on our tv channel that the liberation of two more settlements of the dpr could complicate the situation of the ukrainian armed forces group in seversk, where a large logistics hub is located. poetly small. settlements, but the enemy
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made strong points out of them, the liberation of these settlements improves the positions of our units, of course, we see that... if we take ivanodarevka, then this is another, say, check on the path to the liberation of seversk. if we are talking about lazovatsky, then this is of course, another settlement on the path of liberation krasnoarmeyskaya. aviation helps troops on the ground move forward, eliminating the accumulation of enemy equipment and personnel, clearing the way with factories both at night and during the day. this arrival is in the volchansk area. in the area of ​​responsibility. north groups and helicopter pilots who are actively working on enemy targets. we carried out an anti-missile maneuver with the shooting of heat traps at an extremely low altitude, and flew back with folds in the terrain. the sky is full of enemy missiles and planes drones are protected by air defense crews.
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air defense systems shot down seven missiles made in the usa, an anti-aircraft guided missile of the patriot air defense system made in the usa and an unmanned aircraft unit of airborne forces on the right bank of the dnieper are operating effectively, destroying ammunition depots, burning m37 guns supplied by the americans, even the rap station does not protect weapons and equipment, overcoming interference from which the lancets, the dnieper troop groups, are sent to hunt. evgenia nipot kuznetsov and andrey sapegin, news. reconnaissance and attack drones. there, which rostec produces are successfully used in the special operation zone. the head of the state corporation reported this to vladimir putin. sergei chemizov spoke about the results of the work of the rostec enterprise over the past year about current activities, including the execution of state defense orders, ensuring technological sovereignty, and developments in
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the field of medicine. konstantin churikov, more details about everything. rostec corporation is involved in solving the strategic problems of our country. these are the latest deliveries. armament for troops, developments in the field of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, as well as ensuring technological sovereignty. general director of rostec corporation sergei chemizov told russian president vladimir putin about this during his annual report. according to the head of rostec, the corporation’s consolidated revenue at the end of the twenty -third year increased by more than a third and amounted to 2.840 billion rubles. in the future, it is planned to increase it to 3 trillion. the task is to provide the army with what it needs weapons, rostec enterprises produce combat aircraft, helicopters, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other armored vehicles, as well as artillery systems, small arms, electronic warfare systems, high-precision and other ammunition, as sergei
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chemizov emphasized, more than 80% of all weapons are used in the northern military district zone, created at rostec enterprises. the head of the corporation also noted that the necessary weapons are being supplied to the troops. with military production, rostec continues to implement the most important civilian programs, this applies to aviation and automotive industry, production of machine tools, engines, as well as healthcare and other sectors of the economy. with a significant increase in state defense orders, the volume of civilian revenue in the twenty-third year did not decrease,
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in absolute terms, even increased by 5.5% and amounted to 993 billion rubles, that is, almost a trillion. we, of course, do not forget your instructions.
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here are a few examples of this technique i can give, this is a device for respiratory support of breathing of newborns, it is called reanimon, produced by our schwabe holding. it allows for respiratory therapy of newborns, as well as short-term ventilation of the lungs - in intensive care units, both in maternity hospitals and perinatal centers. we have already received a registration certificate, and are now preparing for mass production. the activities of rostec directly concern the preservation of the health of millions of people in our country. sergei chimizov told vladimir putin about the production of vaccines for the national vaccination calendar. in the twenty-third year we continued to supply vaccines for the national calendar of preventive
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vaccinations and, under a centralized government order , the holding delivered a total of more than 106 million doses of medicines to the regions of russia in the supply list of 18 vaccines against nine infections - tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, hepatitis b, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, paratitis and influenza. for creating. advanced products, both military and civilian, rostec is increasing its human resources potential. last year , more than 70,000 people received work at the corporation's enterprises. people, the total number of employees was 660,000. to effectively train personnel, together with universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, rostec is implementing 400 basic and additional programs. the corporation also participates in the development of one and a half dozen advanced engineering schools, so the tasks of... increasing technological sovereignty, one might say, are passed on from generation to generation. the corporation pays
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great attention to the development of human resources, and the social protection of employees is another important area of ​​work, about which sergei chemizov also told the president. ukraine's situation is so dire that nato officials agree to discuss it only on condition of anonymity. an article under these headings was published in the german newspaper welt. journalist. interviewed eu diplomats and military personnel from the alliance, who said that kiev should give up dreams of success. moreover, the ukrainian armed forces will not be able to prevent the russian army from breaking through its line of defense. the only way out is to start negotiations on a truce as soon as possible. the publication predicts that a ceasefire will occur in the next 9 months. with details, egor grigoriev. nato instructors from poland and norway continue to train ukrainian tank crews.
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and this means not only the modernization of büchel as an air base in accordance with
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nato standards, modernization and renewal. between 10 and 20 us nuclear bombs are located in büchel, germany. in germany this is called a means of deterrence, but recent events are increasingly suitable to illustrate the article of the infobrix portal. berlin is open about plans to ensure that 8,000 nato troops could freely use the infrastructure in the event of a direct confrontation with... germany expects its and other nato forces to use the country's ports, highways and railways to advance east. such statements, as well as the unprecedented amount of manpower, weapons and military equipment, suggest that nato is not only seeking to prepare for war, but is planning to start one. the number of such information materials is growing in proportion to the failures of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield. in the new york times, ukrainian military personnel lament the losses of the old may harvest, which are large. repulsed in a counter-attack, they are losing personnel in the ssu at a high rate, only one jewelry
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arrival of our iskander and an entire train with equipment and militants was covered, another iskander missile and the destruction of an american missile system, a missile attack on the temporary deployment point for mercenary instructors in the kharkov region minus 50 people , military watch magazine writes, the russian missile system ends a month of major successes with a critical blow to ukrainian rocket artillery lost hymers and so, the thirty-first brigade is on the verge of imminent destruction, the forty-seventh brigade, these are two of their best brigades, this is what the war in ukraine looks like today.
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they are making a porcupine, that is , kiev will not have any official obligations to protect it, but they will continue to pump it up with weapons. the united states will equip ukrainian f-16s with advanced weapons, anti-radar missiles, air-to-air and air-to-ground, the biden administration is in a hurry to make a decision, because after during the presidential elections, americans are promised to end the conflict in ukraine. and even ryan russophobe, the president of finland stup, spoke about the need for peace negotiations. true, he believes that zelensky is now in a stronger position, which is an idea that is not being developed, but it seems that it can be given a rather succinct name. egor grigoriev, natalya goncharova, lead. in ukraine, they again decided to fight their own history. this time in odessa, where they are going to rename dozens of streets because they are connected with russia.
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even the names of natives were included in the list of those undesirable to the regime. cities, writers ilf and petrov, babel and many. others. the next wave of the notorious decommunization was assessed by anton podkovenko. they try to erase their own memory, but it turns out to be a mockery of themselves. 84 toponyms, avenues, boulevards, streets of odessa are being renamed in a new way. here is the list. dozens of names, many of them iconic. babel street, for example, will become the street of dmitry ivanov, or... arrested in absentia for the agent of the blogger kamikat zd. ilf and petrov street will now be the street of the gladan family, who died in april '22, this is when, during an attack by our missiles on the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine , an upper stage from the crooked ukrainian air defense hit a residential building. kyiv, of course, does not recognize this. well, zhvanetsky boulevard in odessa will be renamed as
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navy boulevard. the satirist would probably make a joke.
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well, ukrainian odessa is like soft ice cream, poor lawyer, these are absolutely things that exist as a phrase, but there is nothing underneath them, this is such ukrainian odessa, but it is nonetheless forcibly they are instilling, bloodily instilling, they started on may 2 , 1914, with the murder of people protesting, and they end with the destruction of memory, therefore direct repressions are no longer... surprising. the sbu detains writers and historians. apparently, philosopher oleg vusatyuk has been captured. he had been on the fascist website peacemaker for a long time. and at first they wrote that the security forces came to alexei tolochka, a corresponding member of the ukrainian academy of sciences. everyone knows who, uh, in this narrative he opposed this sweeping ukrainian nationalism.
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alexey’s father, pyotr tolochka, is an academician who , unfortunately, recently left us. but he was under house arrest starting from the twenty-second year, therefore, by analogy , many assumed that we were talking about his son, about alexei, especially since he had more than one or two works, also dedicated to a variety of forms and history, retrospectives of interaction little russia and russia, in the sbu message there was a person in charge, this is musatyuk, and he was a supporter of friendly relations with russia, back in june oleg usatyuk wrote on social networks that he had search, what is the phone for... what is he writing from an old computer, he won’t be able to write anymore and asks that they not write to him, this is what anti-russian censorship looks like, in this case we are dealing with. naked repression by the ukrainian gestapo and the sbu. the fact is that this is a blow specifically to people who adhered to
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a point of view different from the ukrainian official propaganda. these repressions, the renaming of odessa streets - this is all from kiev. well, it’s not the residents of the legendary city themselves who erase the names of babel or zhvanetsky from street signs. they do it those with whom it is a shame to walk alone in odessa, or perhaps in ukraine alone. i’m not from the military registration and enlistment office; such notes under the windshield of cars in ukraine have become a mass phenomenon. the reason is the growing anger towards people in uniform and the burning of cars. adding fuel to the carriages is the new law, according to which from the age of 18 they can be sent to the front, that is, everyone is rowed. evgenia petrukhina talks about this. a burning minibus, this is what tetskashnik’s revenge looks like. in one of these kiev high-rise buildings, it seems that one of the employees of the ukrainian territorial centers, although the emergency services vehicle arrived, they were unlikely to be able to save the car. here’s another planned action, also in kiev: a tck car, with a trident drawn,
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they burn it not even at night, but during the day. this is kharkov, footage from a cctv camera. a young man pours gasoline on a car, a bright flash of vsushnik’s suv, what ’s left can now only be sold for scrap. an eighteen-year-old resident of kharkov was detained. those who set fire to military vehicles, those who are dissatisfied with the battalion commander, are almost being called upon to be shot. methods the terrorist azov forces are following the usual pattern, the keysovak vehicle of the third assault brigade has been planted, i, as a battalion commander, give verbal orders and the go-ahead to my fighters on the spot, these traitors must be eliminated, this is a colorado potato beetle that needs to be poisoned, or maybe for the burnt car headphones and tsk so are worried, among other things, because they are afraid that they will soon have to somehow survive without a salary, the head of the budget committee of the verkhovna rada... it was not for nothing that she said that funds for providing for military personnel could run out in september, that is, in month, a hole in the budget of up to 500 billion, a hole in the budget of up to 500 billion hryvnia, the military may
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be left without salaries soon, god forbid, if this happens, what will be the reaction of the military, some kind of constant heating, we are experiencing an escalation of emotions, you know , constantly, then with us, i think that i think this will never happen, we always have delays before the new year, they always say, everything is already... get to know each other, get to know each other, you will understand who is who. those who were thrown into the tsk car are not taught anything, they are immediately thrown into advanced boiler. the sushushniks themselves say
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that they are tired of working with entire battalions, those who did not take a machine gun in their hands, because well , they bring people from training, and just like they bring people from training, i caught myself thinking that all training is like hogwarts, there is also some kind of hat that distributes positions to people who do not at all correspond to what is there, i don’t understand how to do this. they put stamps that they passed this, this, this, they say, they showed us in the picture how to disassemble the machine gun, we are so trained we won’t go far, this is a ukrainian prisoner telling how he was caught and thrown into a position near kharkov without food or water, they didn’t teach anything, they had to bring shovels to dig like a position, well , they didn’t bring anything, but ttsk has a task to complete zelensky’s plan, so that more and more heavily mobilized people are being dragged into the trench... another catch right on the highway, the consequences of ukrobilization on those who were left without arms and legs, ukrainian users also make vicious jokes, they write that when they couldn’t escape
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from tck for the first time you train for the second race. but odessa, there are practically only women at the concert. the boys are watching the broadcast from home, otherwise there is every chance of getting to the front while listening to their favorite song. with a satisfied ukrainian face, now, perhaps, the only one left is the one from the country. this is the satisfaction with which he rides the rides in the park. peppa in london, it’s immediately clear that he doesn’t miss ukraine; he’s clearly more comfortable on british attractions than in ukrainian dugouts. evgenia petrukhina, natalya uvarova, news. well now to the latest messages from the middle east, the israeli army announced that it had struck beirut. we will learn more from our correspondent in the region, alexander belibov. he joins us live . alexander, hello, what do you know about this? yes, i welcome you, but indeed, just a few minutes ago, idf aircraft struck. a targeted
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strike, according to the press service of the israel defense forces, on the southern suburbs of beirut. his goal, according to the israeli defense department, was a house in which, according to developed data, at that moment there was one of commanders of the sheyskolevan hezbollah movement, the very person who commanded the artillery battery, that is, was responsible for the shelling of the dutch heights last saturday as a result of an attack on the village of majdal al shams in holland. heights, let me remind you that 12 children and teenagers died the day before on saturday. israel immediately blamed hezbollah for this incident and promised that a targeted, but painful response would be given to this shelling. and apparently what happened a few minutes ago in beirut is israel’s very response for saturday's attack on the dutch heights. based on the reports that are now coming from the scene of the incident in the southern suburbs of beirut,
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it is known that it was not only the house that was targeted by the israel defense forces that was destroyed, but the entire block, the neighboring building, those videos, a few , which are still emerging from the scene, indicates that it is almost certain that this strike will result in deaths and injuries, as hazbalah leader sheikh hassan nasrola said the day before, if israel will still strike at lebanon, and even more so at beirut, which... perhaps its target will be cities in the north of the country like haifa, and other settlements on the same golan occupied by israel several decades ago, now it’s difficult to talk about about the scale of destruction
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that exists now. at the moment in beirut, and in general it’s difficult to predict how the situation will further develop in the middle east, because the crisis in relations between israel and hazbal, especially recently, has become sharply heated, and it could lead the entire region to a conflict on an unprecedented scale. studio, yes alexander, thank you, we will monitor how the situation develops. our correspondent in the middle east, alexander bilibov, was in direct contact. in other news , the roof of a supermarket collapsed in the small town of ratseburg in northern germany, firefighters say it is a quote incident with many injured. it is not yet clear how many people were inside the building; there are many firefighters at the scene; the cause of the incident is still unknown. alexander lukashenko pardoned german citizen rick krieger, who was previously sentenced to
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death in belarus.
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