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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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uh, uh, what started? without deception and without flint. she imprisoned me in the flint. pen, magic self-written ink, you can get it, most importantly, hurry up. so give me the horse. mechanical. yes, beat yourself over the head. do you have a nickname? where i need to go, that’s what they call me, because i’m taking you to the wrong place. you fool want to go where you need to go, i can’t live without travel, flint, the one who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen, soon.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective.
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the osaga policy was removed from the mandatory list of documents that are needed to register a car in the traffic police. from the first of march 2025, you will be able to first register yourself, and then, without rushing, choose the appropriate insurance. what other innovations are there in the adopted amendments on vehicle registration? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. registration without registration is not the only innovation. now, when selling a car, owners can deregister a car immediately after. transactions with one condition, the purchase and sale must be completed electronically, that is , through government services, how it all works, we told in one of the previous issues how the transaction was closed with the help of a letter of credit and whether or not it does not matter to the new owner there will be 10 days to register your purchase, even if the previous owner deregistered it right on the day of sale, but if you miss this deadline, then you will not be able to drive the car to the traffic police in order to ... register it, you will have to bring
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on a tow truck with an electronic purchase and sale agreement, here’s what i think, this is really awesome, because there are a lot of requests from people who say: i sold the car, but the new owner doesn’t want to register it, so i’m getting fines of 5,000, already 10, someone has 30, and you won’t believe it, there are even 100,000 fines, this is also far from the limit, they put a lien on the car, they impose a ban on registration, the old owner cannot deregister it, but the new owner does not want to register it, so that there weren’t these incidents, uh, the previous owner, who sold, at the time of signing the electronic purchase and sale agreement, removes this car. well, one more addition that will work next year: the ability to deregister a car that is wanted, this is necessary so that, for example, you don’t have to prove to the tax authorities that you don’t have a car, you won’t
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pay taxes, why? the car is no longer under my responsibility; i do not drive it. how long can they look for the car? they can search for a year, two, three, but for these 3 years many car owners continue to pay road tax. look, it’s good, our cars are not very fast, the road tax is about 10,000, and those who have 300 horsepower expensive cars, there are taxes of 50,000, so 50,000 multiplied by 3 years. give 150,000 to nothing, i ’m just looking for your car. the amendments also make life easier for residents of new regions. the explanatory note to the law notes that the ukrainian side puts their cars on the international wanted list, without any reason. and gai cannot register them. now there will be a contradiction removed. another addition to the osaga rules, which are already in effect, disabled people for whom vehicles are a medical necessity will be able to return half of the payments.
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there is an entry in the federal register of disabled persons that you need a car, and finally, the insurance company passed on the information to the social fund that you bought a policy. the payment is processed within a maximum of 10 working days after the purchase of osaga; if the deadline has passed and the money has not been returned, then you should write a statement on the state services portal. the form will be prompted by the electronic key assistant according to him, compensation is a saga for the disabled. currently there is a discount of up to 50% on the cost of the osaga insurance policy. which can be returned either to the disabled person or to the legal representative of the disabled person, for this now you just need to leave an application in public services, a recalculation will take place within five working days to the specified details and the insurance premium will be returned. so,
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let's repeat the main thing, from the spring of 25 they will no longer require a saga policy in order to put a car on accounting, but the requirement is to insure the car if you use it. will not go away, the car can be deregistered immediately after you have signed the contract through government services, rather than waiting 10 days. it can also be deregistered if it is stolen. disabled people can already get half the cost of the policy back if they need the car for medical reasons. do you want to know what other changes to laws that affect motorists are being prepared? write to us in telegram, ask your questions, we let's ask experts and tell you in the next issues of the instructions program. conceals so many unknown things, if we hide it, then the story of his life is revealed. among the millions of gold, where two are identical, they are all different, this is a gold room, 2 tons of gold, in monetary terms it is 13 billion
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rubles. gold will remain the metal that the country, the state, the people will always need, it is just an absolutely bare metal from the periodic table, four nines that begin. travels all over the planet, humanity is in dire need of that something is reliable, that something is gold, beer sales in russia are at their highest in the last 8 years, the market has recovered after the introduction of western restrictions, but a lot has changed, supply chains, distribution channels and consumer preferences, how companies adapt to these conditions, we work - just like with chains, with fairly large ones, we work in the same way on our own basis, we are actively developing the directions of our own stores. if we talk specifically about some taste preferences, now, probably, young people, our women,
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dear ones, they prefer lighter flavoring varieties. producers are switching to russian hops rather than... better than foreign ones, science tells us which regions are most attractive for hop production, for growing hops, across the country, we won’t stop at altai or chuvash, the leader in the development of hop growing in russia is the chuvash, how the region supports farmers allows us to fully attract investors, not only from the point of view of providing them with land, but to provide them with everything...
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years, while the three largest companies now occupy only 60% of the market, previously it was 80. the niche that has become free is gradually distributed between domestic, premium brands and craft breweries. one of the companies is located in sergeev passad. the founders of the enterprise approached the opening of the brand gradually, at first they transported craft beer from serbia and belarus, and in 2016 they decided to open their own production. at first, drinks were brewed in a rented building, but later they acquired a modern one. for today on this the production has brewed about 400 different
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types of crust beer, producing 100-150 tons depending on the season. in the first room, employees manually load the malt, which is then... enters the brewhouse, where a brewing apparatus is installed, the process is controlled through a control panel, you can pause, hold and bring up the liquid to a certain temperature, then the beer is pumped to trychan, if harder water is needed, for example, for dark beer, it is saturated with alkalis and salts. each variety has its own characteristics. the whole process technological takes from 26 to 31 days. craft beer is brewed from almost the same ingredients as regular beer: water, malt, hops, yeast. all this is taken as a basis, which is later supplemented with some ingredients. it can be fruits, roots, herbs. an important question is how sanctions affected procurement.
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europe, this is england, germany, belgium, the czech republic, hops, we used chinese hops for a while, but they don’t give such aromatics. there are like european, american, that is, now we use in mostly american ones, some berry stories are russian, that is, if we are talking about domestic berries, that is , raspberries, strawberries, something can be found here, everything else, there are mangoes, morakuya, it is clear that these are imported , this is some kind of india, ecuador, the company produces non- classical varieties, nelly, fruit beer, stouts and others, they recently launched the production of ciders, in the near future they plan to launch a line of lemonades based on... juice. today in russia there are about 250 breweries specializing in the production of craft beer. in 2022
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the market grew by 7%. in 2023, already at 15. another interesting detail, before the pandemic, the main distribution channels were establishments in the restaurant and hotel business segment. now manufacturers are developing sales not only through their stores, but also through hypermarkets, supermarkets and even discounters. roman gushchin and his team have been... managing a chain of craft beer bars for the last 9 years, this is how sales channels have changed, well, we now have a fairly differentiated history, that is, we work as with chains, with fairly large ones, we work in exactly the same way in our own way our own horika, that is, we have five of our own establishments, bars, there is a full service with a kitchen, we are now actively developing the directions of our own stores, we already have 15 branded stores from pilni, and we only want to increase them. and the fourth direction is distributors, we have distributors from kaliningrad to khabarovsk, among the well-known
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large producers the company buket chuvash is invading chubaksary, annually produces up to 5.5 million beer. the plant began operating exactly 50 years ago, and in recent years it has completely modernized. a modern brewery is all about absolute frequency, stainless steel, computers and an almost complete absence of people. the preparation process of even light varieties takes at least 3 weeks, so the taste is fuller. the steaming equipment is german -made, one cooking is 3-3 dal, while the boilers are of an improved design, thanks to them the production process is reduced. we're in the brewhouse, and here it comes. the process of preparing beer wort goes through several stages, that is,
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we take barley malt from another workshop, the malt-elevator shop, and we weigh it, crush it, mix it with water and send it for filtration. during the filtration process, the liquid phase is separated from the solid phase, the liquid phase is... just the same beer wort, then we add hops to the beer wort, brew it and send it to the brazilian lager shop. the company produces solok at its own facilities and purchases barley from its region and neighboring areas. the hops are partly chuvazh, partly from those reserves that were formed in previous years under foreign contracts. if we talk about the sales structure, approximately 40% comes from beer in... around 30% from drinks in glass bottles, the rest is beer in aluminum cans. the cost
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of production has recently increased, but companies cannot significantly raise prices for products in order to retain consumers. other difficulties include servicing foreign equipment. there is still a supply of components for some items, but the problem is acute. and our task is to still preserve the sales market, the sales market as territory of chuvashia, and beyond its borders. we also cannot raise the price endlessly, and by sacrificing our profitability we are trying to the detriment of the enterprise’s economy. if you make an increase, then this increase occurs, that is, only the cost of excise taxes, vat, and partly compensates for the increased costs of purchasing raw materials, we roughly imagined that such a situation would happen, we made a certain reserve of spare parts in order to protect ourselves, first
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of all, to secure our production processes, the most important thing for... beer hops the need of our brewers is estimated at at least 4,500 tons per year, so far approximately 5% of this volume is grown in russia, but the figure is gradually growing. the chuvash region is a key hop producer in russia. last year, more than 190 tons of hops were harvested in the republic. this year, the area under crops has increased, which means that the harvest figures will be larger. the variety is podvyazny, ideal for traditional beer, starting from 2020, it is harvested here every year. from 18 to 20 centrns of hops. the harvest depends on the weather. ideal conditions for the climate in chuvashia are 200-250 mm precipitation during the growing season. this hop farm is declared as an area of ​​organic farming. farmers use chemical protection products, as well as pesticides. this is one of the hop fields of the chuvashia competence center
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, a hop production center. its area is 1.3 hectares. the garter variety is characterized by a higher content. acids compared to aromatic varieties, approximately 5-6%. hops are grown on trellises 6 to 7 m high, begin to bear fruit in the third year, grow for a total of 20-30 years, the harvest is harvested in mid-august september, by the time of ripening, yellow-green glues and balls (lupulin) are found in the cones; it contains aromatic and specific bitter substances. in the center of the copatecia, chuvasia is the center of hops production, which means there are various nurseries. these are nurseries, which means a collection nursery, a selection nursery, a hybrid nursery, which means there are original plantings, here, we are on the original hop planting, from where we receive planting material for subsequent propagation and for planting new hop fields. in at the beginning of this year , russia’s first laboratory for
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hop research was opened at the competence center; for example, a room was created here to study planting material using pcr. takes up to 9 hours, during which employees isolate the dna of the provided material and compare it with the data of the model plants. scientists are also working on research on improving the health of planting material using invitro technology. this is growing clones in vitro. about a hundred options for nutritional mixtures have already been studied; other important features include the presence test systems. they identify the nine most common viral and bacterial diseases of hops. we have preserved this, as we call it,
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other plants, if suddenly they are mixed up, we need to clean it, then we can already confirm that these are our hops, varieties and it will be easier to sell. in the winter of this year , chuvash breeders completed work on two new varieties of hops: aromatic and suvar, they worked on their selection for 7 years, the new varieties absorbed the best from their predecessors in terms of productivity, yield and alpha acid content. there are special measures to support the industry in the region, with significant subsidies. the cost of planting and caring for perennial plantings, the costs of hop production are partially reimbursed subject to its further sales, farmers are reimbursed up to 50% of the costs of purchasing equipment, thanks to this the payback period for projects is reduced from 15-16 to 7-8 years. today we can already ensure planting of up to
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150-200 hectares per year, and this allows us already... fully attract investors not only from the point of view of providing them with land area, but also provide them with all the necessary accompanying services, let’s use this word with all services, that is, seedlings, consultations, equipment, machinery, technologies, well, everything necessary research in case they are needed, so this work prepared today attracts us from... not only our farmers, who are slowly increasing the corresponding work, but large brewing companies. among the major investors is the baltika company. last year, brewers from st. petersburg entered into an agreement with the chuvash ministry of agriculture. the farmers have already supplied the first batch of hops, which
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they used to relaunch one of the beer varieties. we managed to restore the original recipe from 1992. and our actions are secondary in the sense that science tells us which regions are most attractive for hop production. for growing hops, and throughout the country, and such regions - not only the altai region, this is the kursk region, and even krasnodar region, and even north ossetia, this is unexpected for us, that’s why we didn’t stop only in altai or chuvash, we have very close relations with chuvash, we signed an agreement. we purchased a farm, we are already growing it, and scientists from the altai center for biotechnology will help restore another recipe. baltika provided them with
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four varieties of hops, samples of which began to be introduced into the sterile invitro culture. in the future, specialists will select protocols for the propagation of varieties and prepare a batch of planting material for growing in greenhouse conditions. and now we have already managed to introduce them into culture and are selecting conditions. in order to obtain the maximum multiplying effect, the largest possible amount of high-quality planting material, that is, when a plant develops well in a test tube, and we can take cuttings from it, and this can be transplanted onto a new nutrient medium, it turns out that from one sample under favorable conditions you can get up to ten identical plants there for one and a half to two months, after the introduction of sanctions, withdrawal from the foreign market baltika owners... are experiencing an upsurge. in march 2022, the former owner of the carlsberg assets announced that he was stopping new investments and exports of products to russia. they will stop advertising on our market and the factories
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will be run as a separate business. in july 2023, baltika was transferred to the temporary management of the federal property management agency. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. and the founder of the company, taimuras baloev, returned to his native enterprise after almost 20 years. how timely and... timely given a decree was issued that in fact we can safely say that we are saving the company, otherwise we could stagnate further, meaning the baltic, as happened in the previous 15 years, today the indicators are impressive compared to previous periods, the overall growth in volumes - production and sales volumes , the number actually increased by more than
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10%, mainly this recruitment occurred in those in fact in the region of 25% compared to previous periods in areas where those that are necessary for development are sales and, accordingly production, here is the analysis carried out. invests in the purchase of new equipment, research and innovation related to the selection of barley and hops, revives russian beer varieties, using the best raw materials for them. in just a year , the enterprise was restored. its expertise in the field of yeast breeding, built two new laboratories. in addition, the social package for employees has been significantly improved. the company is deepening cooperation with universities and colleges
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and is developing human resources for the future of the industry. yeast is the most a key microbiological aspect for beer production, that is, the only thing without which it is impossible to produce beer in any way is yeast. we had a ban on carrying out pest control work from harsburg. and with the departure of the carsberg company, that is, we were able to begin production of selection, resume selection, and accordingly create two unique strains, that is, based on russian collections of collection material, now we feel extremely calm and safe, among other things, these strains will be used in the future in breeding programs; in the first 4 months of the year, the volume of beer production in russia increased by 10%, sales figures for... items increased, localized and offered analogues of foreign products, not only a large quarter, 640 new producers were registered , but also small breweries. the departure
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of western companies essentially became... a catalyst for development for all our enterprises.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, well, it’s 1:1, it was the case that they recognized you, what a reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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the israeli army struck beirut, according to preliminary data, three people were killed and 17 were injured. including six children. there are no russian citizens among them, this was clarified in embassy. find out more from our correspondent in the region, alexander belibov. the sahal air force carried out an airstrike on the southern suburbs of beirut. it is known that at least four missiles were fired at this part of the lebanese capital by iaf aircraft . the blow hit a densely populated area where houses literally stand close to
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each other.


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