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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the israeli army attacked beirut, according to preliminary data.
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saturday by shelling of the dutch heights. then , again, i led the israeli intelligence services. his target was the commander, who, according to this, let me remind you, as a result of a rocket falling on a football field in the village of machdalyam shams, 12 children and teenagers were killed. and so, as the israeli ministry of defense stated, again, with this act of theirs, it is hazbala, the shaite-lebanese movement, that is blamed for it in israel. crossed the red line and today's blow to beirut is response to the saturday attack on galany, it is known at the moment that the target was a residential building, it is now completely destroyed, but the local hospital, which is directly adjacent to this building, was also damaged, this area is located at a considerable distance from russian equipment, data on the victims no russian citizens were reported during the air attack; we are in close contact with local authorities.
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limited, but still a strike on beirut or its environs, which actually happened this evening, then hezbollah is not will leave this attack without a response and may launch a missile or... missile attack on the northern cities of israel, including haifa. in any case, it is worth waiting for some time and seeing how the event will develop in the future, but i will add that the crisis in relations between hezbollah, lebanon as a matter of fact, tel aviv, which has increased sharply after saturday’s attack, now risks putting the whole the middle east is on the verge of a large-scale conflict that has not been seen here for the past several decades. alexander beligov, dmitry shcherbakov and anna tarasenko, leading your neighbor.
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according to sky sarabia, hezbollah responded by launching several drones to strike israel. nothing is known about the results yet. the head of our middle east bureau, sergei pashkov, told us how far this confrontation can go. the israeli military confirmed an air strike on the southern district of beirut, where the shia community traditionally lives, an area where offices and...
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about the response, it was believed that the response should not provoke a full-scale war in region, but should have been very painful for the hezbollah group, and the whole question was in the choice of target, indeed, if the target was fuad shukar, a high-ranking commander considered the main strategic military adviser to hezbollah's secretary general, sheik hassan nasralah, then the goal could be achieved. uad shukar has been known since 1983, he is considered responsible for the attack on an american military base in beirut, then in october 1983, 245 american troops were killed, the american government awarded 5 million for information about fuad shukar dollars, the question is: was fuad shukar killed or not, some press, the middle east. with
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reference to strategic sources , he claims that the hezbollah commander managed to leave the shelled area in time, but however... rabia reports that fuad shukar died, his body was taken to one of the berus hospitals, now the hospital is cordoned off by hezbollah military units. it is obvious that a strike of this kind cannot remain without consequences; some informed sources are already reporting a retaliatory strike, about drones that lebanese territories were launched into israeli territory. however, this is not news, this kind of drones and rocket attacks are commonplace, since october last year, the sides have been exchanging numerous missile and air strikes every day. the whole question is
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whether today's escalation will develop into a full-scale war; it is obvious that we will only be able to know the answer to this question after some time. it was just a targeted strike, it destroyed the publication, of course, we worry about the people who suffered, but the feeling, you know, it seems to me that both sides are smart enough not to get involved in a big regional war. the russian army repulsed all attacks in the control system,
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liberated the village of leninskaya on the approach to toretsk, zelensky’s formation lost almost 2.0 more soldiers, mercenary officers, a tank and nine others were destroyed. the situation in ukraine is so sad that nato representatives agree to discuss it only on condition of anonymity, the german newspaper welt reports. journalists interviewed eu and military alliance diplomats who they said that it was time for kiev to admit defeat, because... they could prevent the russian army from breaking through its line of defense. the only way out is to start negotiations on a truce as soon as possible. with details, egor grigoriev. nato instructors from poland and norway continue to train ukrainian tank crews. controlling and shooting a german leopard is part of
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the eu mission to provide military assistance to ukraine. what does the leopard do on the battlefield? this is a tank created primarily in the spirit of maneuver warfare. only on the front line are our tank soldiers they see less and less germans, either the ukrainian armed forces are dissatisfied with them, or they are afraid of losing all the delivered vehicles, leopards in the northern military district are short-lived participants in the safari. nato has launched activity in terms of military supplies to its bases in europe, as they report, they are strengthening the eastern flank, replenishing warehouses in the polish train, 87 tanks, 150 infantry vehicles, 18 gunships are going there, in germany, supposedly to protect military bases, ports and more than 100,000 military personnel.
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berlin is open about plans to ensure that 800,000 nato troops can freely use infrastructure in in case of direct confrontation with moscow. germany expects its and other nato troops to use the country's ports, highways and railways to advance east. such statements, as well as an unprecedented amount of manpower, weapons and military equipment, suggest that nato. not only seeks to prepare for war, but plans to start it. the number of such information materials is growing in proportion to the failure of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield. in the new york times, ukrainian military personnel lament the losses of the old may harvest, which are large they fought back with blood in a counterattack. they are losing
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personnel in the ssu at a rapid pace, only one jewelry arrival from our iskander and an entire trainload of equipment and fighters was covered. another iskander missile was destroyed by an american missile defense system. missile attack on a temporary deployment point for mercenary instructors in the kharkov region - 50 people. military watch magazine writes: the russian missile system ends a month of major successes with a critical one. stronger, russia has weapons, they are becoming stronger. about kyiv's defeat on the field
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non-western politicians and journalists are no longer afraid to speak out. the financial times writes about ukrainians’ support for territorial concessions in exchange for peace, that they are making a porcupine out of ukraine, that is, there will be no official obligations to protect kiev, but they will continue to pump it up with weapons. the united states will equip ukrainian f-16s with advanced anti-radar weapons. it seems true that we are nationalists, and unique nationalists at that. the project of
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ukraine as a national anti-russian state, well, it sort of got its reboot in the nineties. textbook on the history of ukraine. the ancient period lasted over 140,000 years. the average young ukrainian can no longer separate myth and reality. but the most offensive thing is that these are all azov people. these were all mariupol residents, those children who had been zombified at school since the age of fourteen. this is a punishment for us, because for the past century we have been engaged in cannibalism and we killed each other, looking for enemies among ourselves. figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction.
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humanity has lived on earth for 8 million years, all this time the world around us is constantly changing, regimes are born and die, states appear and disappear, currencies are introduced and devalued, but there is something that will never change, this is gold. the series is highly liquid, which means that no matter what happens, gold will always be
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expensive. liquid from the latin word flowing liquid. for hundreds and thousands of years, it is gold, the most ductile metal, that flows through the arteries of our world, protecting us from the most various troubles, from the consequences of financial crises, from radiation, even from dangerous diseases and extinction. and at all times there was and is nothing more reliable, the good old one. this was the largest movement of gold in world history in all the thousands of years in
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world history. there is such a cultural code of gold mining, which developed back in soviet times, and of course, this is such a legendary story, very important for us. my name is mark zotkin, i am a private investor, specializing in investments in companies related to a lot of creation, gold is that universal instrument, the production of which cannot be increased too much, that is, its value cannot be depreciated, and this is the historically accumulated factor that all countries mined there and recognized it as a tool, and this is the accumulated factor that the whole world recognizes it
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first. gold in russia, from which peter i made medals for the victory over the swedes, was mined from lead-gold zinc ores in the transbaikal region. here it is written, lev ivanovich brusnitsin, discoverer of placer gold in russia in the city berezovsky, alluvial gold mining in russia began with him, according to which russia now ranks first in the world in alluvial gold mining. victor. tarakanovsky, a gold miner since the late 1950s, a mining engineer by training, in soviet times headed enterprises at large gold deposits. with his participation , innovative mining technologies were introduced, which made it possible to significantly increase productivity, laureate of the government prize in the field of science and technology, chairman of the russian union of prospectors. berezovsky mine opened 275
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years old, he is the one working now. this is , i think, the oldest mine in the world. in the middle of the 19th century, russia was the largest, at one time the largest, gold miner. well, then gold was discovered in australia, in southern africa, klandike there and so on, it was in fourth place, but still, by the beginning of the first world war, russia’s gold reserves were the largest in the world. why was the russian ruble the hardest currency in the world, along with the pound sterling? yes , because at times the amount of gold in the bank of russia exceeded the nominal value.
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from petrograd, because petrograd stood, well , it is clear that on the shores of the baltic sea, if petrograd is captured, the gold reserves are also captured, a significant part of the gold was taken there, the main one, in fact, in the end in the spring of the eighteenth year there were two main gold pockets of russia, this the nizhny novgorod pocket, where gold was stored for 552 million gold rubles, and the kazan pocket, gold reserves for 645 million gold rubles, even while
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blood is literally shed, the gold remains. some only guaranteed a tool for purchasing goods and services, yes, and also an object of increased attention and interest, the russian empire was gone, the soviet union had not yet arrived, in this even the most acute period of the country’s life, gold was such a currency that the whole world spoke, let ’s just say, and you could order any service from any country. there are an incredible number of myths associated with it. during the civil war , gold changed hands many times. a significant part of it was at the disposal of admiral kolchak, who commanded white troops in the east of the country. some were stolen. there are still legends about the disappeared kolchak gold. although
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today historians know almost everything about the fate of the royal reserves. but the largest among them was said to be 6 million worth of gold evacuated by the bolsheviks, another 40 million rubles went to otaman semyonov, which means kolchak had the trans-baikal man semyonov under his formal subordination, a completely bloody personality, and part of it was actually spent by kolchak, somehow you need to arm yourself, you need to dress his... army, as far as i remember, he spends in around 160 million rubles, and of these 160 million he will not receive 60 million of value.
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lenin sent five commissars there to indicate that the gold reserves were still to be withdrawn, they loaded 100 boxes of gold onto trucks and took them away, to this day this gold is unknown where, well, there’s about 6 million rubles there, it’s unknown, they took it all away, it’s all gone, there are no commissars there caught, shot, in general, well , the gold disappeared, they searched for it, searched intensively in the twenties, and at the end of the twenties the french financed a gpu expedition to search for this gold in the vicinity kazan was never found, and where they hid it, god knows, to this day... the soviet union is faced with the problem of existence, the problem of security, civil war, the accompanying policy
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of military communism, brought the economy, well , the state, to put it mildly , deplorable, and it was necessary to stir her up. on july 13, 1920, the council of people's commissars issued a decree on the seizure of precious metals, money and various... people's commissariat of finance, in the capital on time according to the inventory act to the nearest cash register of the state repository of valuables. on hands the population, at the time of the october coup, had 336 tons of gold, this is gold... all other organs were constantly confiscated, confiscated, confiscated, they came to people’s homes, hid everything, confiscated everything, allowed them to leave one earring there, then a second, that means , one wedding ring
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could have been left there, or even that isimal, that is , widespread, not only of the propertied classes of russia, but in general of all, the confiscation of gold began in december of the seventeenth year and was stopped on april 5, 1922, the bolsheviks received 852.5 tons of gold, pure gold, emphasis. it was necessary to create an industrial base, this industrial base had to start with mechanical engineering, and a significant
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part of the gold that was spent was spent on the purchase of machine tools, on the purchase of excavators, on the purchase of machines, that is, what was required to build mechanical engineering, well, plus the purchase of those... in the end we came to industrialization with a meager gold reserve, well, well, i took a poor mandarin to try and the price of this mandarin was 3
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kopecks. they immediately whistle like a nightingale in the forest in the spring. this is the so-called torxin system. the idea was that trade would be carried out with foreigners staying on the territory of the soviet union, and those currency , including gold, would have to be exchanged for goods. the concept has changed to some extent, yes, because the soviet union became. a more isolated state and the turksins, they refocused on the population , products and things that were difficult to get, and the time was such that there was not much variety, but there it still turns out very it was expensive, and there was a black market, but these so-called torksin rubles, that is, if the official exchange rate was 1:6 rubles 60.
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if in america gold is associated with the word klandike, in our country, probably, with the word kolyma. but what is also important is psychology, probably culture, a cultural code of gold mining that developed back in soviet times, and of course, this is such a legendary story, very important for us. the soviet union still did not have enough gold, the situation was radically changed by kolyma. gold deposits on northeast of the country.
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coupling deposits made the cost of gold very low. by the end of the 1930s, kolyma became one of the world's largest gold mining leaders. in addition, roads, villages and even cities are being built here, for example, magadan. however, the other side of kolyma gold is also known to everyone. the most difficult working conditions. prisoners died here by the thousands. mortality reached 15 thousand people. those who lived to see freedom most often remained to live there in kolyma, and many continued to mine gold, already free people, this is our geology, at least to develop your deposit, you need to build a town, which will then begin to build there, at least houses for workers, conditionally, to build an entire factory to mine a quarry, yes, but in general now
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our gold is on the rise. .. all our gold miners are also super socially responsible, due to the fact that they are in their jammed circuit, they all build gyms and children’s schools in their towns, because they do, well, not just closed communities, but in order to they need to attract workers create this social infrastructure.


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